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๐Ÿ‘ https://www.nyp.org/news/alternative-to-pap-smear-could-reduce-cervical-cancer-deaths ๐Ÿ‘
๐Ÿ‘ https://research2reality.com/health-medicine/cancer/hpv-test-pap-smear-alternative-cervical-cancer/ ๐Ÿ‘
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แดฌโฟแตƒหขแต—แตƒหขโฑแตƒ แดผสณแต—แต‰แตแตƒ แดฎแดตแดฟแต€แดด แดฌแต–สณ ยนโนยนโถ แดฐแดฑแดฌแต€แดด ยฒโฐ แดถแต˜โฟ ยนโนยฒโด โฝแตƒแตแต‰แตˆ โธโพ แต€แตƒแต’หขโธด แต€แตƒแต’หข แถœแต’แต˜โฟแต—สธโธด แดบแต‰สท แดนแต‰หฃโฑแถœแต’โธด แตแ”†แดฌ แดฎแตแดฟแดตแดฌแดธ แดบแต˜แต‰หขแต—สณแตƒ แ”†แต‰โฟฬƒแต’สณแตƒ แตˆแต‰ แดฐแต’หกแต’สณแต‰หข แถœแต‰แตแต‰แต—แต‰สณสธ แถœแตƒโฟแต’โฟโธด แต€แตƒแต’หข แถœแต’แต˜โฟแต—สธโธด แดบแต‰สท แดนแต‰หฃโฑแถœแต’โธด แตแ”†แดฌ แดพแตƒสณแต‰โฟแต—หขโ ˜ แถ สณแตƒโฟแต แดผสณแต—แต‰แตแตƒ แตƒโฟแตˆ แดฐแต‰หกโฑแตƒ แ”†แตƒโฟแต—โฑหขแต—แต‰แต›แตƒโฟ แถœแตƒแต˜หขแต‰ แต’แถ  แตˆแต‰แตƒแต—สฐโ ˜ แดฎสณแตƒโฑโฟ แต€แต˜แตแต’สณ แดณสณแตƒแต›แต‰หขโฑแต—แต‰ แดฐแต‰แต—แตƒโฑหกหข แถ แต˜โฟแต‰สณแตƒหก สฐแต’แตแต‰ แตแตƒสณแตแต‰สณ โป โฟแต’แต— แถœแต’แตแต–หกแต‰แต—แต‰ โฑโฟแถ แต’สณแตแตƒแต—โฑแต’โฟ
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Surgeon Robert Liston In 1847, a doctor performed an amputation in 25 seconds, operating so quickly that he accidentally amputated his assistant's fingers as well. Both later died of sepsis, and a spectator reportedly died of shock, resulting in the only known procedure with a 300% mortality rate.
OLIGOMELIA: Limb deficiency, such as (congenital) amputation. OLIGOMELIC: describing having less than average limbs "Oligo-" "less than" & "-mely" "limbed"
Whatโ€™s disabilities? Being disabled can have various meanings. Physical disabilities are usually more visible. Even so, it might not be readily apparent. One individual can have more than one disability. But itโ€™s not by choice, even in an elective amputation, mental disorders, ptsd vรญa warfare, etc. Some disabilities are more invisible, if internal or having to do with mentality. No matter what disability, itโ€™s important to not have unreachable standards whilst at the same time not be patronising. Some disabilities are from congenital, meaning they were born with it or had their whole life. Some disabilities are acquired later in life such as an external injury they got.
๐Ÿ’™ https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/colon-cancer-home-test ๐Ÿ’™
๐Ÿ‘ https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/pap-smear/about/pac-20394841 ๐Ÿ‘
๐Ÿ‘ https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/cervical-biopsy ๐Ÿ‘
๐น๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ ๐‘๐‘’๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘ ๐‘ข๐‘›๐‘ ๐‘’๐‘ก, ๐‘๐‘ข๐‘ก ๐‘›๐‘’๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘Ÿ ๐‘“๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ ๐‘“๐‘Ÿ๐‘œ๐‘š ๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ ๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘ฃ๐‘’ แฅซแญก.
๐Ÿ’™ https://neurodivergentinsights.com/misdiagnosis-monday/ptsd-and-autism ๐Ÿ’™
โ‚Š โŠน ๐‘– ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘™๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘’ ๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘™ ๐‘’๐‘š๐‘œ๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘Ž๐‘™ ๐‘๐‘™๐‘œ๐‘๐‘˜๐‘  ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘ก ๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘œ๐‘ ๐‘š๐‘’ ๐‘“๐‘Ÿ๐‘œ๐‘š ๐‘’๐‘›๐‘—๐‘œ๐‘ฆ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘” ๐‘๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘’ ๐‘œ๐‘“ ๐‘š๐‘–๐‘›๐‘‘ โ™กโ‚Š โŠน
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2020 ACS 2012 ACS 2018 USPSTF Age 21โ€’24 No screening Pap test every 3 years Pap test every 3 years Age 25โ€’29 HPV test every 5 years (preferred) , HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years (acceptable) or Pap test every 3 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years Pap test every 3 years Age 30โ€’65 HPV test every 5 years (preferred) or HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years (acceptable) or HPV/Pap cotest every 3 years (preferred) Pap test every 3 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years, HPV test every 5 years, or HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years Age 65 and older No screening if a series of prior tests were normal No screening if a series of prior tests were normal No screening if a series of prior tests were normal and not at high risk for cancer
2020 Update 2012 old 2018 former rec. Ages <25 No screening Pap test every 3 years Pap test every 3 years Age 25โ€’29 HPV test every 5 years (preferred) , HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years (acceptable) or Pap test every 3 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years Pap test every 3 years Age 30โ€’65 HPV test every 5 years (preferred) or HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years (acceptable) or HPV/Pap cotest every 3 years (preferred) or Pap test every 3 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years, HPV test every 5 years, or HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years Age 65 + No screening if a series of prior tests were normal No screening if a series of prior tests were normal No screening if a series of prior tests were normal and not at high risk for cancer
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โœจ๏ธ แดฎแต‰ แต—สฐแต‰ แถœสฐแตƒโฟแตแต‰ สธแต’แต˜ สทโฑหขสฐ แต—แต’ หขแต‰แต‰ โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ สทแต’สณหกแตˆโœจ๏ธ.
๐Ÿ‘ https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/cancer-currents-blog/2020/cervical-cancer-screening-hpv-test-guideline ๐Ÿ‘
"disabilities aren't aesthetic" Yes, but you don't need to say this under the posts of disabled people showing off cute mobility aids, decorated med organisers, a cute bed set up, the art piece that represents their disabilities, etc. Whether theyre your fellow disabled folk or especially so if you're able-bodied/neurotypical, allow disabled people freedom of expression and the little joys they can. People cope with their disabilites in diverse ways, and sometimes that means you will see a disabled person romanticizing their life, or making their aids aesthetic. Someone existing and expressing themselves, making their lives more comfortable and enjoyable, should not be seen as โ€glorifyingโ€ anything. Iโ€™m not telling anyone to go make themselves disabled, nobody should take their health for granted.
GAS or APPENDICITIS? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-does-appendicitis-feel-like Most people recover well if they receive a diagnosis and treatment early enough. Most people with temporary mild-to- moderate abdominal pain have gas or symptoms of indigestion. If the pain is mild to moderate, improves over time, and feels as if it is moving through the intestines, it could instead be signs of gas. Typically, appendicitis will start with pain that may come and go in the middle of the tummy. Within hours, the pain will travel to the lower right side of the abdomen and become constant and severe. However, the risk of rupture is relatively rare after 36 hours. If a person has severe pain in the lower right of their abdomen, pain that worsens when moving or touching the abdomen, as well as other symptoms such as fever and nausea, it could indicate appendicitis. Risk factors for appendicitis include: Age: Most people get appendicitis at 10โ€“20 years of age. Sex: Evidence notes that those assigned male at birth (AMAB) are slightly more likelyTrusted Source to develop appendicitis than those assigned female at birth (AFAB). Low fiber diet: A low fiber diet can potentially cause fats, undigested fiber, and inorganic salts to build up in the appendix and cause inflammation or obstruction. Genes: Some studies suggest that genetics can play a role in appendicitis. A 2018 population study notes that individuals with a family history of appendicitis have a higher risk of appendicitis. A surgeon will usually perform appendectomy using one of two procedures: open surgery or laparoscopic surgery. To address complications, healthcare professionals may also use other treatments, such as: antibiotics removing infected abdominal tissue draining pus from the abscess or infection site blood transfusions intravenous electrolyte or fluid therapy Some individuals with appendicitis may haveTrusted Source an inability to pass gas, which is the source of discomfort when a person has gas. With gas, people may have the sensation that gas is moving through the intestines, they may feel mild-to-moderate pain anywhere in the abdomen, and discomfort will usually resolve quickly after passing gas. However, with appendicitis, pain typically starts in the middle of the abdomen, then travels to the lower right-hand side of the abdomen, where it becomes severe and constant. Warning signs typically progress in the following order: sudden pain that begins near the belly button pain that intensifies over time and moves to the lower right of the abdomen lack of energy and loss of appetite worsening symptoms, which can include nausea, constipation, inability to pass gas, and diarrhea fever The most common symptom of appendicitis is abdominal pain. Other possible symptoms of appendicitis can includeTrusted Source: loss of appetite nausea and vomiting diarrhea constipation unexplained exhaustion excessive gas or inability to pass gas swelling in the abdomen fever increased urinary frequency and urgency pain while extending the right leg or the right hip https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-does-appendicitis-feel-like
For Employers w/ disabled workers If a person who has a disability wants to work they might have difficulty getting jobs. There are different types of disabilities to varying degrees. First, inform them the expectations of the job. Make sure they know how to do the job as you train. Give warnings (and explain why behind the warning) before resorting to termination, as some people might not under stand what they did wrong. Even if the disability is confidential, explain to coworkers not to give the employee a hard time, without divulging. Donโ€™t touch the employee or their belongings (including any mobility aids) without asking them first. Allow the employee extra time if necessary so as to not overwhelm them. Monitor the surroundings to make sure no harassment takes place, possible barriers to accessibility, etc. Try not to get frustrated if they do something differently than what others might do, such as note reminders, etc.

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

Shared decision-making Shared decision-making ensures that individuals are supported to make decisions that are right for them. It is a collaborative process through which a clinician supports a patient to reach a decision about their treatment. The conversation brings together: the clinicianโ€™s expertise, such as treatment options, evidence, risks and benefits what the patient knows best: their preferences, personal circumstances, goals, values and beliefs.
A soldier called his parents from San Francisco. "Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to ask. I have a friend I'd like to bring home." "Sure," they replied, "we'd love to meet him." "There's something you should know" the son continued, "he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us." "I'm sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live." "No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us." "Son," said the father, "you don't know what you're asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can't let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He'll find a way to live on his own." At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building they were told. The police believed it was suicide. The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identily the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn't know, their son had only one arm and one leg.
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Tips ๐Ÿ˜ท Depending on the procedure, meet the one treating you to see if they are a good fit for you. If they seem nice and willing, find something where you can both agree to make it better for the both of you. If you can notify them ahead of time, mention your needs. โ€œI have autism which might contribute to my discomfort. What can I bring to the clinic? Can I leave my pants on, or can I wear a skirt instead of having to undress? Can you prepare smaller medical tools? Do you have sedatives? Are numbing agents readily available? Do you have a room with an adjustable seat? Whatโ€™s the best treatment for me? Are there other options to make it easier to get care?โ€ Look up pictures of the place, visit it, read any rule policies and see if they can accommodate to getting special permission for certain aspects. Get a personalized treatment plan. Use telemedicine, an appointment over video, phone call or text chat, when available and appropriate. Ask about at home tests you can send. Tell your doctor about your worries. They might be able to help you address them.
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โฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโ ƒโฃธโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโ €โฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃงโ ˆโขฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโก‡โขธโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃงโ ˆโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃ‡โฃ€โฃฝโฃ†โ ˜โขฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโ €โขฟโฃฟ โฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโกŸโข€โฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโ €โฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃงโกˆโ ›โฃฟโกฟโ ฟโ Ÿโขฟโก‡โขธโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฆโกˆโ ปโขฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโกฟโ †โ ˜โขฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโก†โขธโฃฟ โฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโ ƒโฃธโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโ €โฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃทโฃ„โ ™โ €โ €โข„โ €โ โ ˜โฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃถโฃคโฃคโฃคโฃคโฃคโฃคโก„โขฒโก†โ ˆโ ›โ ฟโขฟโฃทโ €โขป โฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโกฟโ ƒโฃฐโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโ €โฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโก†โ ธโก†โ €โขนโฃทโฃถโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโ ‰โ ปโ ‡โขธโฃฟโ €โขถโฃถโฃคโฃคโฃคโฃผ โฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโ ฟโ ‹โข€โฃผโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโ ‡โขฐโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃ„โก‰โ ‰โข˜โฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโ Ÿโ ฟโ ›โ ›โ ›โ ›โ ถโ –โ šโ ปโ ‡โขธโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟโฃฟ 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๐Ÿ˜ท If itโ€™s a same day appointment without any preparation beforehand, still let them know any needs. Even if itโ€™s not worth it to spend nearly an hour on preparing something especially for you, still let them know what might work best for you. If they need to use a speculum, ask for a small one! Even if they canโ€™t use all their time convincing you of how convenient something might be, still tell them if you cannot do certain methods while feeling safe. Is there something on hand to relieve even a little pain? Can it be self administered at home? Can you sit in a different chair? If you cannot possibly resolve something as much as youโ€™d like, ask for them to at least tell you whatโ€™s going on and ask how they might cope with similar sensations. Can an X-ray be done instead of a biopsy? If not, ask for them to take your concerns into account and go from there, such as a less invasive tool designed for the same purpose. Wear a long skirt or a dress so you can just pull it up rather than take your clothes off. You can also bring a jacket or different pants to change into. Take headphones and listen to music, explain you're nervous and would not like to hear much about what's going on but just to be told when they've started and when they've finished. Focus in on what you're listening to. Say if itโ€™s your first time doing a certain procedure and mention your concerns. Acknowledge you understand people donโ€™t necessarily enjoy it for fun. Knowing can make you less anxious. Itโ€™s definitely worth asking something like โ€˜I do find this procedure extremely painful, could you try with a X?โ€™ The procedure is easier for them to perform if youโ€™re not squirming around in pain so thereโ€™s no reason for them not to at least try. Pamper yourself. Count as you breathe. Breathe in 1-2-3-4. Breathe out 1-2-3-4. If the doctor's good, they'll keep you talking and talk to you for further distraction, and walk you through each step they take. Most of the time, certain tests don't take much longer than 30 seconds and afterwards they'll leave you alone so you can recover if you need it. Talk to them beforehand so they know you're anxious, and see what they can do to help you get through it. Knowing options are always open to you if you need it can help put you at ease. Knowing what certain tests feel like can make it go smoother and easier to manage. Mentally walk yourself through the procedure before it happens while doing slow breathing exercises - breath in for five counts and out for five (or longer) while walking yourself through what to expect with your eyes closed. If at any point you get nervous, keep breathing and open your eyes. Once comfortable, continue through the procedure and just keep breathing. Donโ€™t dismiss true concerns so you can decide what might be best for you. Gather all available facts to make informed decisions with the medics. Discuss the procedure with the medic and what they will do and when it happens. While the procedure happens, ask them to explain what which thing it is theyโ€™re doing next and how it might feel. Tell them if at any point you express discomfort, they check in with you and do not proceed until you give them the green light. Make sure nothing is put in you if you have not consented to or understand the purpose of. Itโ€™ll help you stay in some control if you are allowed to say if you wanted to stop at any given time to get through it. Anyone could find any experience distressing, but oneโ€™s distress can be magnified by the facts of how they are autistic, traumatized, etc. Just like with any other condition, doctors should have to take into account a particular person in their office and adjust what theyโ€™re doing to meet the needs of said patient. Jot down in advance everything you want to discuss to know exactly why, when and how something is to be. Ask for details and mention anything. Think about the muscles in your legs as you close your eyes. Imagine youโ€™re at home, or think of a show. Anything to make it seem less intimidating. Give them notes youโ€™ve taken. Ask if you can pace. Even if you arenโ€™t a child, you still may need the catering even if you understand what medics are for. Make kits. Ask them to listen to you and to take time with you to make it more comforting. Advocate as feedback. ๐Ÿ˜ท
๐Ÿ˜ท https://lifehacker.com/what-your-pediatrician-should-and-shouldnt-do-during-a-1822524179 ๐Ÿ˜ท
๐Ÿ‘ https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/pelvic-exam/about/pac-20385135 ๐Ÿ‘
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I was diagnosed with breast cancer and wasn't expected to survive the night. The night I was expected to pass, my whole team surprised me at the hospital. They took shifts, and made sure I always had someone to talk to. 3 years later, they still GMH. Dec 31, 2014 at 11:00pm by spittinmoose
LOVEGIVESMEHOPE TEXT POST Me and my โ€œsoul mateโ€ have known each other since second grade. A few years ago, he told me he has cancer and was going to dฤฑe in a year. He also said that he loved me and wanted to spend that year with me. 3 years later, heโ€™s cancer free and still mine. 13 YEARS AGO ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2010 AT 6:40 PM
Tumblr @theconcealedweapon Do you have a disabled neighbor who receives benefits because they can't work but you see them playing a sport with their child, doing yardwork, or doing other physical activity? That doesn't mean they're faking their disability. If someone can do physical exercise for an hour on a good day, that doesn't mean they can do it on command for eight hours straight then do it again the next day and the next and the next and the next. Disabled people should not have to perform their disability to your standards.
My best friend has the most beautiful hair. People always comment on it. This year, when my mom was diagnosed with cancer, she was the first person I told. A week later she came into school with all of it gone. Mar 19, 2011 at 5:00pm by Rebecca, California
I saw a teenage girl with cancer at a theme park. Her whole life, she wanted to go on a big rollercoaster, but she wasn't tall enough. One by one, people got out of line and waited behind her & they said, "We're not getting on until she does." Citizens who fight for our children GMH Mar 25, 2011 at 9:00am by Lauren, CA
http://www.sos.mo.gov/images/archives/deathcerts/1954/1954_00037183.PDF HANSON, Darrell Anthony - 14Y white male school boy - b: Dec 15 1939 Corder, Lafayette Co, MO - d: Dec 7 1954 Henry Co, MO - fth: James Hanson - mth: Thelma Hammond - usual res: Rt 4, Clinton, Henry Co, MO - informant: Mrs. Thelma Church, Clinton, MO - cause: bladder cancer - bur: Dec 9 1954 Englewood Cemetery (H), Clinton, Henry Co, MO - filed as: Darrell A. Hanson, file no: 37185 http://www.henrycomo.us/Death%20Records/hdeath.html
Craft and Curiosity: A Dedication to Laura Bridgman - November 18, 2021 By Claire Penketh Histories of art education reflect and reproduce normative assumptions that making and appreciating art is dependent on sight. Such beliefs are founded on ocularnormativity, defined as an ableist predisposition towards the visual that renders us incapable of imagining or valuing a world without vision. In essence, ocularnormativity is an epistemological position that delimits the parameters of human value and worth (Bolt 2014: 14). This key concept has been employed to support my reading of histories of art, craft and design in the nineteenth century, alongside two texts: Pioneers and Perseverance, Michael Roydenโ€™s history of the Royal School for the Blind (1991) and Perkins School for the Blind by Kimberley French (2004). This short piece centres of the creation of a craft response to some of the themes emerging from this work. Craft from the earlier form โ€˜crรฆftโ€™ suggests a form of power and skill (McDonald 1970: 306) present perhaps in its resistance to ocularnormativity in early institutions such as the Royal School for the Blind in Liverpool and Perkins School. However, whilst histories of institutions chart the role of non-disabled teachers and pioneers there is little acknowledgement of the role disabled people may have played in teaching craft in early institutions. For example, John Pringle, a teacher who was blind, was employed to teach crafts at Perkins School in 1832, yet there is little information available regarding his life, role or teaching methods. Similarly, the so-called โ€˜Perkins miracleโ€™ Laura Bridgman is reported to have assisted with teaching knitting and sewing at the school, yet it is her achievements as a student and her ability to learn to read, write and use language that are emphasised. Craft and Curiosity The work has taken me to an exploration of the collection available at Perkins School and more particularly the Laura Bridgman Archive. As the first deaf-blind pupil to learn to read and write, Bridgman came to exemplify the successful methods of Samuel Gridley Howe, the first director of the school. Much has been written about Bridgman, although there are contrasting perspectives on the extent of the value Perkins School brought to her life (see Gitter, 2001 as an example). She became a celebrated example of the schoolโ€™s success. In a history of Perkins School, author Kimberly French describes Bridgman at seven years of age, incapable of communication and unable to learn. She appears as an isolated and tragic child prior to her experiences of the benefits of Howeโ€™s methods. Less well explored is the example of her early lacework, evidence that Bridgman entered the school already able to knit and sew; crafts most likely learned from her mother. Although there is significant attention given to Howeโ€™s contributions to her literacy development there is a distinct lack of curiosity in the familial learning that had already taken place. As the trophy of Perkins, Bridgman became a shining example of the schoolโ€™s worth, not as a result of her fine craft work but because of her ability to read, write and communicate through sign. The narrative of Bridgman as isolated and ignorant and the dismissal of material forms of learning are central to the construction of Howeโ€™s reputation as saviour and pioneer. The fact of Bridgmanโ€™s prior learning is only made present through the inclusion of a photograph of some of her lacework, with little underpinning narrative, yet early examples of her craft contradict the assertion that she was isolated and uneducable. These artefacts clearly evidence Bridgmanโ€™s educability and signify a form of pedagogic relationship with her mother who must have employed a range of approaches to demonstrate and model craft techniques to her daughter. The mother/teacher and daughter/learner are too easily dismissed, reinforcing the low status of craft and female, familial learning. Whilst Bridgmanโ€™s lacework creates an aesthetically pleasing illustration for the book, there is a distinct lack of curiosity in its making. The Perkinsโ€™ digital archive offers a significant number of examples of Bridgmanโ€™s craft including tatting, crocheting and needlework. What is disconcerting, however, is the inclusion of two images of a cast made of her brain after her death in 1889. These are included in a range of images including lacework collars and dolls clothes and seem incongruous and macabre additions. An extensive report, Anatomical Observations on the Brain and Several Sense-Organs of the Blind Deaf-Mute Laura Dewey Bridgman (Donaldson, 1890) describes the dimensions of Bridgmanโ€™s brain in an attempt to discern any distinctiveness caused by her impairments. The contemporary preoccupation with phrenology had driven a very particular kind of interest in reporting scientific investigation of Bridgmanโ€™s brain, described in the report as โ€˜the materialโ€™. This preoccupation extends to a note in the biographical details in the report which noted that her father had a small head and that her mothersโ€™ head โ€˜was not largeโ€™ (ibid.: 2). My initial shock at stumbling across the images of the brain cast turned to sadness and incomprehension but also wonder at the levels of curiosity that her literacy had generated. I continue to reflect on the contrast between the interest in her ability to read, write and communicate via signing and her ability as a maker. The need to know and observe Bridgman from the inside out seems a macabre reminder of the dominance of observation in the scientific method and the occlusion of the arts by literacy. Donaldsonโ€™s extensive report reflects the clinical gaze in all its glory. Curiosity (I, II and III) Reading about Bridgman and reflecting on the occlusion of craft from representations of learning and teaching brought me back to arts practice to explore the sensation of making. I canโ€™t help but think that such limited curiosity in her ability to sew, knit and crochet would have left her safe from medical intrusion.
disability and autism are not your aesthetics. just stop. ๐Ÿคจ
Potential causes of abnormal or unclear Pap smear results: HPV, which is the most common cause an infection, such as a yeast infection a benign, or noncancerous, growth hormone changes, such as during pregnancy immune system issues This doesnโ€™t necessarily mean that you have cancer. But it does mean that your doctor will probably want to do more testing.
Pap smear checks the cells and is sensitive to any abnormalities or inflammation It does not screen for all cancer or any other gynecologic cancer. It does not automatically mean you have cancer. There may not even be anything wrong. ~
My Brenda was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and given 6 months to live. A year later she was still fighting when my grandma was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Brenda spent every second of her last days on Earth caring for her mum. Her selflessness GMH. Jan 1, 2015 at 11:00am by Abigail, Carmel, Indiana
A boy was dying of cancer and needed an expensive brain surgery, but his family, broke and desperate, couldn't afford it. His 8 year old sister Tess took her piggy bank savings to a pharmacist in order to buy a 'miracle'. It just so happens that the right man witnessed the little girl's tears at the pharmacy counter: a neurosurgeon. He performed the surgery for free. Jun 18, 2009
r/TwoSentenceHorror 2 hr. ago PandorazPokemon ฯŸ ั•crฯƒll dฯƒwn ฮฑll thั” wฮฑั‡ The young doctor frowned as he finished telling me the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. "That's alright," I said, as I eyed him up and down; "it's about time for a new body anyway."
I saw a teenage girl with cancer at a theme park. Her whole life, she wanted to go on a big rollercoaster, but she wasn't tall enough. One by one, people got out of line and waited behind her & they said, "We're not getting on until she does." Citizens who fight for our children GMH Mar 25, 2011 at 9:00am by Lauren, CA
r/TwoSentenceSadness 3 yr. ago PistachioPug People say I'm not disabled, I'm neurodivergent. Somehow the fancy label doesn't make me feel any better about all the things I wish I were able to do.
A little girl was dying of cancer and her younger brother had a match for the bone marrow she needed. The doctors told him it was a matter of life and death. After he had the surgery, he asked the doctors how long he had to live. He thought if he gave his bone marrow to let his sister live he would die - but he did it anyway. May 20, 2010 at 1:00am by Anonymous
I lost my hair from chemotherapy and became very self-conscious.A few days ago I caught a boy about my age staring at me. I had a rant at him about how he shouldn't stare at people because they look different.He looked down at his feet and said 'I wasn't staring because you're bald, I was staring because you're beautiful. His tolerance GMH Mar 23, 2011 at 12:00pm by Leeds, England
http://www.henrycomo.us/Death%20Records/hdeath.html HAKE, Leonard S. - 38Y married white male farmer - b: Jul 12 1912 Montrose, Henry Co, MO - d: Apr 14 1951 Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, MO - fth: Anthony J. Hake - mth: Mary Calwei - spouse: Angeline E. Hake - usual res: Rt 2, Fair Grove, Greene Co, MO - informant: VA Hospital Records, Jefferson Barracks, MO - cause: cancer of pharynx - bur: St. Ludger Cemetery, Deepwater Twp, Henry Co, MO - filed as: Leonard S. Hake, file no: 15136 http://www.sos.mo.gov/images/archives/deathcerts/1951/1951_00015132.PDF
2020 ACS 2012 ACS 2018 USPSTF Age 21โ€’24 No screening Pap test every 3 years Pap test every 3 years Age 25โ€’29 HPV test every 5 years (preferred) HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years Pap test every 3 years Age 30โ€’65 HPV test every 5 years (preferred) HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years (acceptable) HPV/Pap cotest every 3 years (preferred) Pap test every 3 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years, HPV test every 5 years, or HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years Age 65 and older No screening if a series of prior tests were normal No screening if a series of prior tests were normal No screening if a series of prior tests were normal and not at high risk
Autism is a spectrum. This means everybody with autism is different. Some autistic people need little or no support. Others may need helpโ€ฆ What is autism? Review: 7 September 2025 autism can affect everyday life and how you can help support and understand autistic people. What is autism? Autistic people may act in a different way to other people Autistic people may: *find it hard to communicate and interact with other people *find it hard to understand how other people think or feel *find things like bright lights or loud noises overwhelming, stressful or uncomfortable *get anxious or upset about unfamiliar situations and social events *take longer to understand information *do or think the same things over and over Signs of autism might be noticed when you're very young, or not until you're older. If you're autistic, you're autistic your whole life. But some people need support to help them with certain things. Autistic people can live a full life Being autistic does not have to stop you having a good life. Like everyone, autistic people have things they're good at as well as things they struggle with. Being autistic does not mean you can never make friends, have relationships or get a job. But you might need extra help with these things. Autism is different for everyone Autism is a spectrum. This means everybody with autism is different. Some autistic people need little or no support. Others may need help from a parent or carer every day. Some people use other names for autism There are other names for autism used by some people, such as: autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the medical name for autism Asperger's (or Asperger syndrome) Autistic people can have any level of intelligence Some autistic people have average or above average intelligence. Some autistic people have a learning disability. This means they may find it hard to look after themselves and need help with daily life. Autistic people may have other conditions Autistic people often have other conditions, such as: *attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) *dyslexia *anxiety *depression *epilepsy
See both the person and the disability. On one hand, not seeing the person may lead you to introduce them as "my autistic friend," stereotype them, or treat them like a child. On the other, refusing to acknowledge the disability and not accommodating their needs is also unhelpful. Strike a balance by treating their differences as natural, and overall unremarkable. Be clear about how you feel and what you want. Autistic people may not pick up hints or cues, so it's best to directly state your feelings. This helps eliminate confusion on both ends, and that way if the autistic person has upset you, they have the opportunity to make amends and learn from it. Warning: In most cases, people with autism are unable to cope when under pressure, so don't pressure them. Ask questions about how you can be accommodating and helpful. Get insight on how to relate to this person by talking with them about what it is like for them in particular to live as an autistic person. You may find that they want to share and can tell you lots of useful information that will help you to relate to them better. When applying this information, be sure to consider your autistic loved one as an individual, and remember that each step won't always apply to each person.
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Weekly Affirmations โ™ก Iโ€™m confident that there is a bright future ahead of me. โ™ก I have everything I need to succeed. โ™ก I am capable of reaching my goals. โ™ก I will let go of the things that are not serving me. โ™ก I am deserving of happiness. โ™ก I attract success and prosperity with all my ideas. โ™ก Wealth is pouring into my life. โ™ก my possibilities are endless. โ™ก My future ahead is bright and I am ready to grow.
Key messages People have a right to expect: access to the care they need, when they need it and that appropriate reasonable adjustments are made to meet peopleโ€™s individual needs. This starts from the first point of contact with a hospital. This is not just good practice โ€“ it is a legal requirement. staff communicate with them in a way that meets their needs and involves them in decisions about their care they are fully involved in their care and treatment the care and treatment they receive meets all their needs, including making reasonable adjustments where necessary and taking into account any equality characteristics such as age, race and orientation their experiences of care are not dependent on whether or not they have access to specialist teams and practitioners. However: People told us they found it difficult to access care because reasonable adjustments weren't always made. Providers need to make sure they are making appropriate reasonable adjustments to meet peopleโ€™s individual needs. There is no โ€˜one-size-fits-allโ€™ solution for communication. Providers need to make sure that staff have the tools and skills to enable them to communicate effectively to meet peopleโ€™s individual needs. People are not being fully involved in their care and treatment. In many cases, this is because there is not enough listening, communication and involvement. Providers need to make sure that staff have enough time and skills to listen to people and their families so they understand and can meet peopleโ€™s individual needs. Equality characteristics, such as age, race and orientation, risked being overshadowed by a personโ€™s learning disability or autism because staff lacked knowledge and understanding about inequalities. Providers need to ensure that staff have appropriate training and knowledge so they can meet all of a personโ€™s individual needs. Specialist practitioners and teams cannot hold sole responsibility for improving peopleโ€™s experiences of care. Providers must make sure that all staff have up-to-date training and the right skills to care for people with a learning disability and autistic people.
chthonic-pain if you work at an inaccessible venue and a dฤฑsabled person calls up to ask if there is wheelchair access, you are doing them a favour and being a good ally by saying the truth and warning that person about inaccessibility. if you want to help dฤฑsabled people, you need to make an effort not to put obstacles in our way, and that means informing us of access issues so that we can plan around them and avoid getting stuck or hurtฬธ. if you lie about or try to minimise access issues, you are instead putting us in danger. we will learn about the inaccessibility one way or another: either by you telling us, or by going there and finding out for ourselves when we hit a roadblock. don't let it be the second one.. Mar 28th, 2024
compassionatereminders "But why do you let your disability stop you?" Because that's.... what disabilities... do. That's... literally the basic definition... of being disabled... A disability impairs your ability to function. That's what the term means. That's the main thing Feb 17th, 2024
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: เบผเบธโƒโกณ ๐Ÿ แชถโƒ‘
โœž "When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us." โ€” Helen Keller
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A boy was dying of cancer and needed an expensive brain surgery, but his family, broke and desperate, couldn't afford it. His 8 year old sister took her piggy bank savings to a pharmacist in order to buy a 'miracle'. It just so happens that the right man witnessed the little girl's tears at the pharmacy counter: a neurosurgeon. He performed the surgery for free. t irnyALSP posted on Jun 18,2009 g7.00pm
DOCTORs APPOINTMENTs Before a procedure, get to meet the physician and acknowledge their authority before you mention your sensitivities. Find a way to make a compromise. Even request more time for an appointment if you want to have topical numbing agents wait to work, to discuss alternatives, etc. Before a procedure, look up the physician and/or the clinic website. Find pictures of the inner building and search for FAQ, policies, procedures, reviews, etc. Before a procedure, bring a fully charged phone and any sensory necessities such as plastic cups for water, ice pack, self testing kits, written notes and copies, etc.
COMMON ACCOMMODATIONS FOR KIDS WITH AUTISM ELIGIBILITY: OMeS. SPEECHIEPO Sensory/movement breaks Advanced notice of changes in routine Visual Schedules Allow for wait time Provide written instructions Chunking of work Clear, concise directions Access to calming area Give choices when possible Directly teach self advocacy skills
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