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GivesMeHope A few months ago, my dad and I were visiting New York. We saw a homeless mother with 3 young kids sitting by a doorway of a store. While the children were bundled up warm, the mother had only a thin flimsy jacket. Seeing this, my dad handed her a $100 bill, telling her to buy herself a coat. She cried from happiness. My dad’s generosity GMH. Mar 3rd, 2010
22 years ago, a 16 year old girl was pregnant with a baby. Understanding the circumstances, her parents told her to abort or be disowned. Her best friend - her 18 year old neighbour - although he was not the father, stepped into the father figures shoes. They got married 2 years later. Mom and Dad, your love for me, and for each other, GMH. Dec 1st, 2014
I hate my appearance. I was working at McDonalds the other day and while a lady was paying, her 3 year old daughter tugged on her mother's skirt, pointed at me and said, "look mommy, a princess!" The mom said, "why do u say that?" Then the girl replied, "She's BEAUTIFUL! Her innocent LGMH Jul 15, 2013 at 10:30pm by Anonymous
I hate my appearance. I was working at McDonalds the other day and while a lady was paying, her 3 year old daughter tugged on her mother's skirt, pointed at me and said, "look mommy, a princess!" The mom said, "why do u say that?" Then the girl replied, “She's BEAUTIFUL!” Her innocent LGMH Jul 15, 2013 at 10:30pm by Anonymous
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In Subway, a homeless man was trying to open the door in his wheelchair. A teenage girl younger than me, stood up with a grin and opened it for him. His eye sparkled and he couldn't say "thank you" fast enough. Random Acts Of Kindness GMH Aug 14, 2013 at 6:00pm by Taylor, Hawaii/Us
I was visiting my 90 yr old grandparents, when my grandmother mentioned they’d just celebrated 65 years of marriage last month. I said, “That’s a lot of years!” My grandfather replied, “Not nearly enough!” Loving each other from WWII til today GMH. Dec 1st, 2014
One day, I sat across from an old couple on the train. When we arrived, the driver announced over the loudspeaker to make sure we had all our valuables with us when we stepped off. The old man took his wife’s arm and said, “I got it all!” Men who are still sweet to their wives after so long GMH. 20 JANUARY 2015
My best friend has the most beautiful hair. People always comment on it. This year, when my mom was diagnosed with cancer, she was the first person I told. A week later she came into school with all of it gone. Mar 19, 2011 at 5:00pm by Rebecca, California
I saw a teenage girl with cancer at a theme park. Her whole life, she wanted to go on a big rollercoaster, but she wasn't tall enough. One by one, people got out of line and waited behind her & they said, "We're not getting on until she does." Citizens who fight for our children GMH Mar 25, 2011 at 9:00am by Lauren, CA
The other day, I went to my church for youth group. We were making PBJ sandwiches for the homeless people.I wasn't really that happy that day because I was dealing with my parents's divorce.A random man came up and said "Smile more.You're beautiful."And walked away. He made my day.He GMH Aug 7, 2013 at 9:30pm by Anonymous
LOVEGIVESMEHOPE TEXT POST Me and my “soul mate” have known each other since second grade. A few years ago, he told me he has cancer and was going to dıe in a year. He also said that he loved me and wanted to spend that year with me. 3 years later, he’s cancer free and still mine. 13 YEARS AGO ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2010 AT 6:40 PM
I never told anyone. Today, I told my fiance. Instead of being angry or upset, he held me close to him and whispered, “Baby, I love you so much. You will never go through anything like that ever again.” His Love Gives Me Hope. LGMH by foreveravcc June 27, 2010
One day the guys were picking teams for their soccer teams. One of the popular guys chose a whole team of kids who were always chosen last and never got to play. His team ended up winning every game. Guys who have the courage to benefit others GMH Aug 12, 2013 at 6:00pm by Anonymous
In 1989 a woman gave birth to a girl who had down syndrome, and a hole in her heart and stomach. She died 3 years later. Her next child was miscarried. She got pregnant again and was told to have an abortion that refused even though she knew the risks were high for her and the baby. Here I am 14 years later, perfectly healthy. Mom, your LGMH Dec 1st, 2014
I got my first boyfriend at age 16, and soon after I was diagnosed w/ multiple sclerosis. Soon after, I developed a bad limp and have trouble walking. But, he's stayed with me for 5 years. He still takes care of me and tells me I'm beautiful everyday. Now, we're engaged. GMH - 2009-06-08 by (012)
They told me I wanted attention. Brett, the class clown who is known for being a jerk, looked at my wrist and gently ran his fingers over the cut. He asked me if I wanted to go into the hallway to talk about it. The fact that the guy I barely knew cared more about me than my friends GMH Mar 20, 2011 at 7:00pm by Erin, Pennsylvania/USA
I went to the plastic surgeon for a consultation . The doctor looked at me and said , " Don't do this . You're too beautiful just the way , you are . Don't change . " That doctor gmh . 2011.
Today, my school played music at lunch. All of the special education kids got up and started dancing. Some people started laughing at them, but one of the "cool" kids got up and started dancing with them. His respect for those kids GMH Aug 12, 2013 at 4:00pm by Sarah R, Newbury Park, CA
Mon May 17th, 2010 at 6:18pm My dad saw a homeless man digging through the trash. He offered to buy the man food. Once he had the food he thanked my dad and turned to leave. Dad said to eat with him. He almost cried. They ate & talked, and he tried to give my dad the only thing he had: a Beatles record. My dad and that man GMH
My friend was talking to a guy on the internet who started threatening that he would come to her house and hurt her. She has 3 little brothers, all of whom slept on her floor and outside her door for a week with nerf guns and water guns to make their big sister feel safe. Kids like this GMH Sunday, Oct 31 2010 •
My little sister's boyfriend dumped her the week of their senior prom. When my boyfriend heard of this, he drove 7 hours from where we go to college so he could take her to the dance. Everyone there was jealous...especially her ex. His love for me and my family GMH. September 8th, 2010, 9:53 AM
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