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============================================================================== BURDSELL. BURDSELL, J. D.; d Sunday, train accident; WB 1927 Dec 27; =============================================================================
• Carnahan Glenn William b. 1891 d. 1902 Killed by the train at age 11 •
🇮🇪 MAN CUT IN TWO ON RAILWAY Stephen Folan, who belonged to the Naval Reserve, was found terribly mangled on Sunday morning on the railway line between Craughwell and Athenry. He was returning from a course of naval training at Kinsale, and had £20 in his possession. It is surmised that he left the train at Craughwell, the next station to Athenry, and finding that it had departed on his return, he proceeded to walk along the permanent way to Athenry with a view to catching the Galway train. Apparently he was overtaken by a subsequent train and killed. The Tuam Herald, Saturday, April 3, 1909 Tuam, Co Galway 🇮🇪
One day, I sat across from an old couple on the train. When we arrived, the driver announced over the loudspeaker to make sure we had all our valuables with us when we stepped off. The old man took his wife’s arm and said, “I got it all!” Men who are still sweet to their wives after so long GMH. 20 JANUARY 2015
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BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 25, 1849 🇮🇪 HORRIBLE- A CHILD PARTIALLY EATEN BY PIGS- On Monday an inquest was held by T. Izod, Esq., coroner, in the churchyard of Clonamery, near Innistioge, on the body of a child four months old, belonging to a farmer named Richard Mylott, of Coolnamuck, which met its death on Thursday evening, under the following circumstances. It appeared in evidence that Mrs. Mylott put the child to sleep in a cradle in the kitchen, and leaving to mind it another child aged nine years, went out to assist her husband who was engaged in trenching potatoes. In a few minutes she heard the eldest child scream in great alarm, and on running to the house she found that two pigs had got into the kitchen, taken the infant out of the cradle, and were then dragging its body each from the other, and tearing it with the utmost ferocity, the voracious brutes being stained up to the eyes with blood. Life was not at the time quite extinct, but the unfortunate infant was soon after released from its sufferings.-- Kilkenny Moderator. 🇮🇪 BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 25, 1849
BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 18, 1849 🇮🇪 DEATH BY DROWNING- Last week Patrick Fitzgerald, a private of the 39th Regiment, while bathing in the Moy, near Foxford, where a detachment of that regiment is stationed at present, was seized with cramps and was drowned before some of his comrades, who were looking on, could render him any assistance. 🇮🇪 BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 18, 1849 ---------- Two youths, Thomas Kelly, 17, and Laurence Curley, 16, in a spirit of play, started to throw potatoes at each other in a Galway potato field. The first named chanced to hit Curley on the back of the head, from the effects of which he died. Kelly, who was brought up at the Galway Assizes charged with his companion's death, was released by Judge Johnson after five minutes' detention. ----------
🇮🇪 ---------- Two youths, Thomas Kelly, 17, and Laurence Curley, 16, in a spirit of play, started to throw potatoes at each other in a Galway potato field. The first named chanced to hit Curley on the back of the head, from the effects of which he died. Kelly, who was brought up at the Galway Assizes charged with his companion's death, was released by Judge Johnson after five minutes' detention. ---------- The Tuam Herald, Saturday, April 3, 1909 Tuam, Co Galway
BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 25, 1849 🇮🇪 AWFUL DEATH- A respectable farmer named Stapleton, who resided at Ballyanny, within a mile of this town, came by his death under the following melancholy circumstances:- On the afternoon of Saturday, while returning from Nenagh, he went to look at his cows which were grazing in a field convenient to his residence, whereupon his bull, whose ferocious nature was aroused by the annoyance of flies and intense heat of the day, rushed fiercely at the ill-fated man, knocking him down, gored his body in a frightful manner and killed him on the spot. When he had not arrived at home on Saturday evening, his wife and family became uneasy, an they caused messengers to go look for him to this town, thinking that he might have delayed with a friend. But they could find no tidings of him. On Sunday morning, as the deceased's wife was going to early mass, she observed the bull coming towards the house, and having blood on his horns, at which sight she was struck with horror. She then faced towards the field, where she found her husband's mutilated body, which was deeply pierced in several parts by the savage animal's horns. On Monday the unfortunate man's remains were followed to their final resting place by an immense number of friends and neighbours.--Nenagh Guardian. 🇮🇪 BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 25, 1849
🇮🇪 Cavan Weekly News Published in Cavan, county Cavan SUDDEN DEATH. On Saturday night last, a man named John FAULKNER, residing at Aghaloora, near Kinaleck, was choked by a piece of meat sticking in his throat. This accident is becoming frequent in this neighbourhood, a man named DOWDAL having lost his life the other day at Finea from a similar case. This ought to teach people that good digestion depends very much on proper mastication of our food. December 6, 1878 🇮🇪
Cavan Observer Published in Cavan, county Cavan September 4, 1858 AWFUL ACCIDENT.--On Sunday morning, a woman named Emily WYNDHAM, came by a most sudden and lamentable death in her residence, Bond-street. The poor woman had been standing on a stool, in her own kitchen, reaching for something on the top of a press, when the stool gave way from beneath her, and she fell on her head on a cradle beside where she had been standing, and, sad to say, broke her neck. She expired in a few minutes after the dreadful accident. The unfortunate woman was the wife of a labouring man, and has left six children, the youngest being three months old.--"Belfast News-Letter."
THE CONNAUGHT JOURNAL Galway, Thursday, June 24, 1824 LONGEVITY.- Died, last Saturday, at the Countess's Bush, county Kilkenny, Mary Costello, aged 102. Her mother, Matilda Pickman, died precisely at the same age. Her grandmother's age is not exactly known, but it exceeded 123 years, and long before her death she had to be rocked in a cradle like an infant. Mary Costello's brother lived beyond 100 years; at the age of ninety he worked regularly, and could cut down half an acre of heavy grass in one day.
The Cork Examiner, 1 May 1846 CORONER'S INQUEST—INHUMAN CONDUCT A SWEEP ROASTED ALIVE An inquest was held on Sunday, at Barrington's Hospital, on the body of Michael O'Brien, a chimney sweep aged eight years, who was burned to death in the flue of a chimney in Patrick-street, on Saturday evening, which he was forced to descend by his master, Michael Sullivan, although the chimney had been on fire since early in the afternoon. The body of the unfortunate creature presented an awful appearance, being literally roasted and mangled. We subjoin the evidence of the witnesses which will speak for itself— Thomas Costelloe, of Garryowen, labourer, deposed that he was in Mr. Mathew Ryan's house, in Patrick-street, on Saturday evening, where he saw two sweeps, Michael Sullivan (master) and Michael O'Brien (apprentice) aged eight years ; was present when Sullivan compelled the climbing boy to ascend the chimney ; shortly after being sent up, the boy cried out, he was burning, and Sullivan called him down ; Sullivan then brought the boy up to the top of the house, and directed him to go down through the chimney, which he did ; in about two hours after, witness saw Michael O'Brien taken out of the chimney dead ; deceased had objected to go down the chimney, upon which Sullivan seized him by the arms and forced him up stairs ; heard Mr. Ryan desire Sullivan not to send the boy up the chimney if there was any danger. Catherine Ryan, servant in the house, sworn—I heard Sullivan desire the little boy go up Mr. Ryan's chimney for the purpose of cleaning it ; in about 15 minutes after I heard the boy cry in the flue, and say he was burning ; he then came down the chimney, and Sullivan caught hold of him by the leg, and pulled him into the grate of the fire-place ; he beat the boy with a leather belt so severely, that the little fellow threw himself on his knees, and said I will go to the top of the house, and come down through the chimney ; I saw Sullivan seize him by the arm, and carry him up stairs to the top of the house ; the boy was subsequently taken out of the chimney dead. The jury returned the following verdict—“Michael O'Brien came to his death from the effects of heat and suffocation, in consequence of having been forced to descend a chimney in Mr. Ryan's house, Patrick-street by Michael Sullivan.” The monster who was the cause of the boy's death has absconded. —Limerick Chronicle. Submitted by dja
BUEHLER, George d 1959 Jul 20, drown; IR 1959 Jul 30
BURROWS, Gurney Edwin, b 1912 Jan 31 Scottsbluff Co NE; IR 1971 Jul 1; .....d 1971 Jun 26, tractor accident, Dundy Co NE; Benkelman cem; IR 1971 Jul 1 pg 12 p: BURROWS, Oliver; m McDONALD, Gertrude m 1946 Sep 8 Paris France
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROWN, Arthur; froze to death in last snowstorm; WB 1897 May 13; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
=========================================================================== BUKE. BUKER. BUKER, Della d Monday, farm accident; IR 1959 FEb 26 pg 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUKER, Guy d Monday, farm accident; IR 1959 Feb 26 pg 8 ================================================================================
Mar 7 1917 Lewis S. Puterbaugh Mar 5 1917 6y, 8m, 19d From injurries doing acrobatic stunts on an iron bar at Meade St. playground. Survived by parents Mr. & Mrs. Peter Puterbaugh of Bethel St; 5 brothers, one being his twin.
--On Saturday last, Francis, the only son of Mr. MALLON, of Mullyards, came by his death under the following circumstances: Fastened to a beam in his father's house, the boy, who was just ten years old, had a swing, in which he used to seat himself by standing on a form. It appears that on this occasion there happened to be a halter thrown over the same beam. When the boy was about to adjust himself in the swing, the form on which he was standing upset, and in falling to the ground the headstall of the halter became entangled round his neck. There was no person in the house at the time; and the poor boy, unable to extricate himself, was almost immediately strangled. An inquest was held on the following day by Arthur R. KAY, Esq., coroner, and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the facts.--"Armagh Guardian."
September 4, 1858 Mr. Wm. BENSON, painter, Main-street, Cavan, having gone home in a state of inebriety, fell down stairs, and, being unable to rise, was carried to bed in an unconscious state. He fell out of the bed, however, and a pillow was placed under his head, while on the floor, by his wife, as he could not be got into bed again. His wife and one or two of his children watched by the bedside for some time; but, not imagining that there was any danger, Mrs. BENSON, after a while, left the room, leaving one of the children for the purpose of calling her, should any accident occur. Up to this time the unfortunate man had breathed very heavily; but a few minutes afterwards, the little girl was alarmed by not hearing her father breathe. She immediately screamed for assistance, but it was too late--he was quite dead. An inquest was held on the body, on Thursday, by W. POLLOCK, Esq., coroner, and a verdict in accordance with the above facts was returned. What adds to the melancholy nature of the case is that deceased (who was an intelligent man, and a clever artisan) has left a numerous family--a wife and eight young children--totally unprovided for, to lament his untimely death.
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=========================================================================== BUDI. BUDIG. BUDIG, Ray G.; d 1936 Aug, auto accident, Omaha NE; bur McCook; (I88) ===========================================================================
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROWNING, Alford; d 1915 Mar 17, a4mo; mthc C29-E4; FR; .....d at home of BURTIS, George, Canby Pct, pneumonia; IR 1915 Mar 19; ifa24-5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Limerick Chronicle, 2 August 1779 A few days ago, as Benjamin Nixon, of Coolakenny, in the county Carlow; Esq. whilst drawing a charge out of a gun, the piece unfortunately went off and killed him on the spot. Submitted by dja
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROWN, Otie (Ota), Miss; d 1896 Apr 29, exposure; RF; ifa4-5; Cct 1906 Apr 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Cork Constitution, 22 November 1886 DEATH FROM ACCIDENTAL POISONING. ————— On Saturday Mr. Coroner Blake and a jury held an inquest at 4, York road, Blackpool, on a child named Timothy Donovan, aged 6½ years (the son of a cattle dealer), who had been accidentally poisoned. . . .
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROWN, Clarence; r: Grant NE C. BROWN, Lyle; b ca1925; r: Grant NE .....d 1945 Jun, Sunk in Japanesse prison ship; POW; IR 1945 Jul 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROWN, E. R.; r: Palisade C. BROWN, Opal, b ca1921; .......badly injured, auto accident, N of Palisade; 1938; (I130) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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BRUNK, Christian F., b 1874 May 19; r: Grant NE .....d 1928 Jul 29, appendicitis; Grant NE Cem; CCDR (G123) ifc59 m
GivesMeHope A few months ago, my dad and I were visiting New York. We saw a homeless mother with 3 young kids sitting by a doorway of a store. While the children were bundled up warm, the mother had only a thin flimsy jacket. Seeing this, my dad handed her a $100 bill, telling her to buy herself a coat. She cried from happiness. My dad’s generosity GMH. Mar 3rd, 2010
22 years ago, a 16 year old girl was pregnant with a baby. Understanding the circumstances, her parents told her to abort or be disowned. Her best friend - her 18 year old neighbour - although he was not the father, stepped into the father figures shoes. They got married 2 years later. Mom and Dad, your love for me, and for each other, GMH. Dec 1st, 2014
I hate my appearance. I was working at McDonalds the other day and while a lady was paying, her 3 year old daughter tugged on her mother's skirt, pointed at me and said, "look mommy, a princess!" The mom said, "why do u say that?" Then the girl replied, "She's BEAUTIFUL! Her innocent LGMH Jul 15, 2013 at 10:30pm by Anonymous
I hate my appearance. I was working at McDonalds the other day and while a lady was paying, her 3 year old daughter tugged on her mother's skirt, pointed at me and said, "look mommy, a princess!" The mom said, "why do u say that?" Then the girl replied, “She's BEAUTIFUL!” Her innocent LGMH Jul 15, 2013 at 10:30pm by Anonymous
In Subway, a homeless man was trying to open the door in his wheelchair. A teenage girl younger than me, stood up with a grin and opened it for him. His eye sparkled and he couldn't say "thank you" fast enough. Random Acts Of Kindness GMH Aug 14, 2013 at 6:00pm by Taylor, Hawaii/Us
I was visiting my 90 yr old grandparents, when my grandmother mentioned they’d just celebrated 65 years of marriage last month. I said, “That’s a lot of years!” My grandfather replied, “Not nearly enough!” Loving each other from WWII til today GMH. Dec 1st, 2014
My best friend has the most beautiful hair. People always comment on it. This year, when my mom was diagnosed with cancer, she was the first person I told. A week later she came into school with all of it gone. Mar 19, 2011 at 5:00pm by Rebecca, California
I saw a teenage girl with cancer at a theme park. Her whole life, she wanted to go on a big rollercoaster, but she wasn't tall enough. One by one, people got out of line and waited behind her & they said, "We're not getting on until she does." Citizens who fight for our children GMH Mar 25, 2011 at 9:00am by Lauren, CA
The other day, I went to my church for youth group. We were making PBJ sandwiches for the homeless people.I wasn't really that happy that day because I was dealing with my parents's divorce.A random man came up and said "Smile more.You're beautiful."And walked away. He made my day.He GMH Aug 7, 2013 at 9:30pm by Anonymous
LOVEGIVESMEHOPE TEXT POST Me and my “soul mate” have known each other since second grade. A few years ago, he told me he has cancer and was going to dıe in a year. He also said that he loved me and wanted to spend that year with me. 3 years later, he’s cancer free and still mine. 13 YEARS AGO ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2010 AT 6:40 PM
I never told anyone. Today, I told my fiance. Instead of being angry or upset, he held me close to him and whispered, “Baby, I love you so much. You will never go through anything like that ever again.” His Love Gives Me Hope. LGMH by foreveravcc June 27, 2010
One day the guys were picking teams for their soccer teams. One of the popular guys chose a whole team of kids who were always chosen last and never got to play. His team ended up winning every game. Guys who have the courage to benefit others GMH Aug 12, 2013 at 6:00pm by Anonymous
In 1989 a woman gave birth to a girl who had down syndrome, and a hole in her heart and stomach. She died 3 years later. Her next child was miscarried. She got pregnant again and was told to have an abortion that refused even though she knew the risks were high for her and the baby. Here I am 14 years later, perfectly healthy. Mom, your LGMH Dec 1st, 2014
I got my first boyfriend at age 16, and soon after I was diagnosed w/ multiple sclerosis. Soon after, I developed a bad limp and have trouble walking. But, he's stayed with me for 5 years. He still takes care of me and tells me I'm beautiful everyday. Now, we're engaged. GMH - 2009-06-08 by (012)
They told me I wanted attention. Brett, the class clown who is known for being a jerk, looked at my wrist and gently ran his fingers over the cut. He asked me if I wanted to go into the hallway to talk about it. The fact that the guy I barely knew cared more about me than my friends GMH Mar 20, 2011 at 7:00pm by Erin, Pennsylvania/USA
I went to the plastic surgeon for a consultation . The doctor looked at me and said , " Don't do this . You're too beautiful just the way , you are . Don't change . " That doctor gmh . 2011.
Today, my school played music at lunch. All of the special education kids got up and started dancing. Some people started laughing at them, but one of the "cool" kids got up and started dancing with them. His respect for those kids GMH Aug 12, 2013 at 4:00pm by Sarah R, Newbury Park, CA
When my sister was younger she came home from school one day and demanded I take her to the library so she could get books on sign language. I asked why? She told me there was a new kid at school who was deaf and she wanted to befriend him. Today I stood beside her at their wedding watching her sign “I DO”. GMH Feb 1st, 2010
I was on the bus on my way to the mall, when a homeless man sat next to me. He saw that I was looking at the bouquet of flowers he held, and told me that they were for his wife because today is her birthday. As he got off the bus, he walked into the cemetery and placed the flowers on his wife’s grave. A love that never dies GMH. Apr 6th, 2010
Mon May 17th, 2010 at 6:18pm My dad saw a homeless man digging through the trash. He offered to buy the man food. Once he had the food he thanked my dad and turned to leave. Dad said to eat with him. He almost cried. They ate & talked, and he tried to give my dad the only thing he had: a Beatles record. My dad and that man GMH
My friend was talking to a guy on the internet who started threatening that he would come to her house and hurt her. She has 3 little brothers, all of whom slept on her floor and outside her door for a week with nerf guns and water guns to make their big sister feel safe. Kids like this GMH Sunday, Oct 31 2010 •
My boyfriend, Justin, lost his wallet one day. I texted him good morning at 6 AM, getting a reply saying he was at my school where we were the night before, a good 20 blocks away, looking for it. I wondered what was in it that made him so eager to find it… I found it at my house. No money, no change. Just the first letter I had ever written him. May 2nd, 2010
My boyfriend was eager to meet my Mom, despite my various protests. I pulled into the parking lot of the cemetery where she’s buried, expecting him to completely freak out. When we approached her grave, he sat down, said hello, and talked for an hour about how lucky he was to have me. LGMH POSTED 13 YEARS AGO
3 days ago, my best friend died. 2 days ago, I found that she was an organ donor. 1 day ago, I heard that a nine year old boy now had her heart. Today, I met that nine year old boy. He told me that because he had my best friend’s heart, he’d be my best friend now. My best friend and him GMH. POSTED 13 YEARS AGO
20 OCTOBER 2010 VIA LoveGivesMeHope lovegivesmehope: givesmehope: My best friend died in a car accident on his way to deliver me soup for my cold. Found in the car was also a bouquet of flowers and a card that read: “We’ve been best friends for the last 5 years. Now, let’s be lovers for the next 50.” Unforgettable LGMH
Today I fell and slipped into my community pool, a man jumped into the pool and grabbed me out and started to perform CPR. I was totally fine, I noticed these groups of jocks were laughing at me. Who saved me? The captain of the football team, also known as my crush. His care for people GMH Aug 9, 2013 at 9:30pm by Charlie Jean, Santa Barbara, CA
LOVEGIVESMEHOPE TEXT POST I was crying one night and my 10-year-old sister was listening to me at the door. She must’ve overheard me saying that all I needed in my life was just one hug a day. Now, every night before my little sister goes to bed, she looks for me just to tell me she loves me and then she’ll hug me. Emily, your LGMH. 13 YEARS AGO ON AUGUST 13, 2010 AT 10:52 AM
April 16th, 2013, 4:17 AM I was having lunch with my boyfriend and was telling him how I was scared to loose him He then smiled, got down on one knee and said “How about this, if you promise to grow old with me I promise to never break your heart” We’re now married and happier than ever. His LGMH.
My little sister's boyfriend dumped her the week of their senior prom. When my boyfriend heard of this, he drove 7 hours from where we go to college so he could take her to the dance. Everyone there was jealous...especially her ex. His love for me and my family GMH. September 8th, 2010, 9:53 AM
Today was my birthday. My daughter came running into my room and said she had a surprise for me. As I stepped out of my room, I started to cry and she screamed "Do you like it?" It was my husband, home from Iraq - just for my birthday. Dan and Julia, your gift and love for me GMH. June 21st, 2010, 3:30 PM
September 2nd, 2010, 12:59 PM I went to Africa to help build an Orphan school when I saw a kid sitting on his own. I walked up and gave him half of my sandwich, and he ran away. Secretly following him around the corner, I saw him break it into small pieces and share it with his whole class of 20. Sharing the little he had GMH.
I'm 17 and recently lost my mom in a car accident. As I was rambling on and crying about how she wouldn't be there for my wedding or the birth of my children, my fiance lifted up my head and simply said, "Baby, don't worry. She'll have the perfect view." Sam, you GMH. June 24th, 2010, 12:29 AM
Jun 8, 2010 I was driving past a retirement home today and two old people were laughing and playing like little kids. Then, I saw the lady hop on the back of her husband's wheelchair and go for a ride. They GMH.
One day my best friend and I were talking on the webcam and I had to go to the bathroom for a second. When I came back and he still couldn't see me. I could hear him practising how to say "I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you." His LGMH. by PwreddiieThicck June 27, 2010
When my mother died - my best friend was there to help me through the hardship... His LGMH. by YourLuvGivesUsHope August 16, 2011
September 9th, 2010, 3:50 AM My mother is a single mom who works 12-hour shifts, six days a week in order to put food on the table. I'm living with my financially stable dad who has chosen not to support me in college. My mom called and told me she would do whatever it took to get me into the school of my dreams. Mom, your support and love for my future gives me hope.
My boyfriend is probably the hardest guy around school. One day, we got into an argument, and I had walked away. I came back to see if he was okay, only to find him staring at the floor, hands over his head, tears slowly streaming down. He hadn't cried in years. His LGMH. September 9th, 2010, 3:50 AM
I was diagnosed with breast cancer and wasn't expected to survive the night. The night I was expected to pass, my whole team surprised me at the hospital. They took shifts, and made sure I always had someone to talk to. 3 years later, they still GMH. Dec 31, 2014 at 11:00pm by spittinmoose
When we were 12, he asked me to marry him. I said no. He asked me to marry him several times after that, even after we attended different colleges. Each time I said no. After 14 years, I finally asked him. We're getting married today. KGMH Jan 7, 2015 at 9:30pm by Anonymous
Today my school had a fire drill. I was standing outside with one of the most popular football players, when a Down Syndrome girl came up to him and wanted to hold his hand because she was scared. Happily, he held her hand in front of all his friends back to class. His soft side in front of his boys GMH May 16, 2010 at 12:00pm by Rachel, Griffith IN
My Brenda was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and given 6 months to live. A year later she was still fighting when my grandma was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Brenda spent every second of her last days on Earth caring for her mum. Her selflessness GMH. Jan 1, 2015 at 11:00am by Abigail, Carmel, Indiana
I was reading about a little kid whose mom told him the key to life was happiness When he was in school the teacher asked them to write down what they wanted to be when they grew up. He said happy. They said he didn't understand the assignment. He said they didn't understand life. My generation GMH Sep 4, 2010 @ 7:00 am by kaaadeceBAM
My best friend's grandma had been fighting Alzheimer's for about 10 years, and she barely remembered her husband of 64 years. Last night, she miraculously found her husband's hospital room (he was dying of cancer) and climbed into his bed. They died together that night. Fairy tale love GMH May 3rd, 2010, 5:21 PM
I've been bulimic for 3 years. I was crying as I went to go purge, when my little brother grabbed my hand and asked if he could read me a story. One hour later, I found myself asleep in his bed; he was laying on the ground praying for God to "make me happy and healthy again." Joshie, your LGMH. May 4th, 2010, 2:12 PM
March 27th, 2010, 4:37 PM A few years ago, I was with my parents grocery shopping. My mom told my dad to “go and pick up anything he wants”. Without a word, he picked up my mom. Their LGMH.
April 30th, 2010, 8:14 PM Today, my mom had a baby girl. Girl, no boy will ever hurt you, 'cause if they do, you have 9 older brothers who will ruin the chances of that kid ever reproducing. Love, your eldest brother. LGMH
A girl in my class is Autistic We were playing volleyball in P.E one day and she wanted to serve. Everyone cheered for her even though the ball barely rose above her head My classmates' kindness GMH. Jan 4, 2015 at 11:00am by Anonymous
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