Texancore Emojis & Text

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ⲯ﹍︿﹍︿﹍ 𝚢𝚊𝚠 ﹍ⲯ﹍ⲯ﹍︿﹍☼ 🤠🌵
Baby Moses law for abandoning newborns In Texas, if you have a newborn that you're unable to ca̢re for, you can bring your baby to a designated safe place with no questions asked. The Safe Haven law, also known as the Baby Moses law, gives parents who are unable to ca̢re for their child a safe and legal chøice to leαve their infant with an employee at a designated safe place—a hospıtal, fire station, free-standing emergency centers or emergency medical services (EMS) station. Then, your baby will receive medical ca̢re and be placed with an emergency provider. Information for Parents If you're thinking about bringing your baby to a designated Safe Haven, please read the information below: Your baby must be 60 days old or younger and unhἀrmed and safe. You may take your baby to any hospıtal, fire station, or emergency medical services (EMS) station in Texas. You need to give your baby to an employee who works at one of these safe places and tell this person that you want to leαve your baby at a Safe Haven. You may be asked by an employee for famıly or medical history to make sure that your baby receives the ca̢re they need. If you leαve your baby at a fire or EMS station, your baby may be taken to a hospıtal to receive any medical attention they need. Remember, If you leave your unhἀrmed infant at a Safe Haven, you will not be prosecuted for abandonment or neglect.

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These levels of sedation under anesthesia are defined by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) and are crucial in determining the appropriate level of sedation for each patient and procedure, ensuring patient safety and comfort throughout the perioperative period. Minimal Sedation: Also known as anxiolysis, minimal sedation involves a drug-induced state during which patients respond normally to verbal commands. Their cognitive function and physical coordination remain unaffected, and there is no compromise in airway reflexes or protective reflexes. This level of sedation is commonly used for procedures requiring minimal discomfort or anxiety relief, such as minor dental procedures or diagnostic tests. Moderate Sedation/Conscious Sedation: Moderate sedation, also referred to as conscious sedation, induces a drug-induced depression of consciousness, during which patients respond purposefully to verbal or light tactile stimulation. While maintaining spontaneous ventilation, patients may experience decreased anxiety and may have impaired cognitive function and physical coordination. However, they retain the ability to maintain their own airway and respond to commands. This level of sedation is commonly used for procedures such as endoscopic examinations, minor surgeries, or interventional radiology procedures. Deep Sedation: Deep sedation involves a drug-induced depression of consciousness, during which patients may not respond purposefully to verbal or tactile stimulation. Patients under deep sedation may require assistance in maintaining their airway, and spontaneous ventilation may be inadequate. However, patients still maintain cardiovascular function. This level of sedation is often used for procedures requiring significant analgesia and amnesia, such as major surgical procedures or certain diagnostic imaging studies. General Anesthesia: General anesthesia involves a drug-induced state during which patients are unarousable, even in the presence of painful stimulation. Patients under general anesthesia require assistance in maintaining their airway and ventilation, and cardiovascular function may be impaired. General anesthesia is characterized by a complete loss of consciousness and protective reflexes, allowing for surgical procedures to be performed without pain or awareness. This level of sedation is utilized for major surgical procedures or invasive diagnostic procedures where unconsciousness and muscle relaxation are necessary. Procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) is a technique in which a sedating/dissociative medication is given, usually along with an analgesic medication, in order to perform non-surgical procedures on a patient. The overall goal is to induce a decreased level of consciousness while maintaining the patient's ability to breathe on their own. Airway protective reflexes are not compromised by this process
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http://www.irelandoldnews.com/Galway/1909/APR.html ---------- Two youths, Thomas Kelly, 17, and Laurence Curley, 16, in a spirit of play, started to throw potatoes at each other in a Galway potato field. The first named chanced to hit Curley on the back of the head, from the effects of which he died. Kelly, who was brought up at the Galway Assizes charged with his companion's death, was released by Judge Johnson after five minutes' detention. ----------
🇺🇸 https://s1.sos.mo.gov/records/archives/archivesdb/BirthDeath/Default.aspx#searchDB 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 https://s1.sos.mo.gov/records/archives/archivesmvc/deathcertificates 🇺🇸 https://s1.sos.mo.gov/records/archives/archivesdb/birthdeath/#searchdb 🇺🇸
Date: 15/12/22 Support Tips: Preparation: in order to best prepare some actions might include ~ Considering your sensory needs- pack a bag with sensory aids such as headphones, earplugs, coloured glasses, stim tools, comfort items and so on to support your comfort whilst at your appointment. Considering your communication needs- perhaps take a trusted friend or family member to support with verbal communication, a hospital passport that you can share with staff or notes including scripted comments or responses that you can refer to during the appointment to support with or replace verbal speech. Wear suitable clothing that can be easily taken on and off. To minimise uncertainty, research what is involved in the procedure before attending so that you have a good idea what to expect. Write out a list of questions to avoid relying on memory during a potentially stressful experience. Plan your travel route in advance and leave plenty of time to get to your appointment to minimise anxiety and allow time to adjust to the environment upon arrival. Engage in calming, grounding techniques prior to the appointment start time. During: whilst at the appointment it may be helpful to ~ Ask for the nurse practitioner to talk you through the procedure in full before it commences, preferably with use of images or demonstrations with relevant equipment. Be open about which aspects of the experience you might struggle with as an Autistic person and request particular adjustments. Engage in grounding techniques such as mindful breathing. Hold on to a stim object that is comforting or acts as a stress reliever. Listen to music to support self-regulation. Share your concerns or worries with the nurse practitioner to invite reassurance or helpful advice. Remember your reason for attending and why it is important for you. Aftercare: following the procedure, it is a good idea to plan in some time for self-care and self-regulation, some ideas might include ~ Get yourself into a sensory safe space where things feel predictable and calm (for e.g. a quiet room with dim lighting, weighted blanket etc). Arrange to debrief/chat to a friend or another supportive person about your experience after leaving your appointment. Arrange to meet with a trusted person following the procedure to support you with getting back home or perhaps to do something you might enjoy together. Engage in your dedicated interest. Acknowledge your achievement in attending and getting through the appointment. Journal about your experience to help with emotional processing. Engage in your favourite stim to release any tension that may remain in your b0dy. Allow yourself to physically rest or sleep once back at home. Date: 15/12/22
Autism and Anxiety AUTISM Medical Visits and Autism: A Better Way Strategies to reduce anxiety during doctor visits. Posted April 6, 2019 Going for a medical visit can be a scary proposition for any child. A child on the autism spectrum has to cope with all of the usual fears associated with seeing a doctor. However, for the autistic child, there are a host of other factors that can make seeing the doctor not only unpleasant, but also downright terrifying. Some of these factors are: Waiting Waiting is unpleasant and difficult for most children to do. However, for the autistic child, waiting can result in very high distress. Children on the spectrum may struggle with the concept of time, and thus may not find comfort in being told that they will be seen in X number of minutes. Waits at the doctor's office also tend to be unpredictable, and this unpredictability often creates high anxiety for autistic kids. Abrupt Transitions Doctor's offices are busy places. When it is time to move from one part of the visit to another, there is often pressure to do it quickly, without advance notice. These types of abrupt transitions can be very unsettling for the child on the autism spectrum. Sensory Sensitivities Doctor's offices are not very sensory-friendly places: bright lighting, unfamiliar sounds, unpleasant smells, and multiple intrusions on the tactile senses (e.g., blood pressure cuff, feel of stethoscope) can be very difficult for an autistic child to process and cope with. Language Processing Being asked multiple questions—often at a quick pace—can quickly overwhelm the language-processing capacity of a child on the spectrum. The use of abstract language and unfamiliar medical terms can further contribute to anxiety. The Consequences of Health Care Anxiety Health care-related anxiety can have serious consequences. The child on the spectrum may be distressed not only during the visit, but for days (or even weeks) before. Challenging behaviors during the visit (due to anxiety, not intentional) can prevent health care providers from conducting a thorough evaluation, and may make it difficult for parents to ask questions or to express their concerns. A Better Way Fortunately, there are a number of strategies that parents and health care providers can use to substantially reduce the anxiety associated with medical visits. Ideally, parents and providers should work together in developing a plan that will target each individual child's needs. These strategies include: Bring comfort items. A favorite toy or stuffed animal can help to reduce anxiety during procedures. Use distraction. Distraction can divert attention away from fear-filled procedures. Distractions can be physical items (such as toys or video games) or the use of a familiar person that the child feels comfortable with. Do a "dry run." Visit the office and meet the staff before the first official appointment. Use clear language. Health care providers should use concrete terms and a conversational pace that is manageable. Bring communication systems. Ensure that communication systems include words and phrases which may be used during an appointment. Use a visually supported schedule. This can help the child to understand what will occur next during a visit. Use familiar staff. Ensure that staff the child feels comfortable with are available on the day of the appointment. Get paperwork done ahead of time. Office staff should send forms and other paperwork home for completion ahead of time to avoid unnecessary waiting. Address sensory sensitivities. Health care providers and office staff should address all sensory aspects of the visit and minimize unnecessary noise, smells, and other forms of stimulation. Summary Health care visits can be really scary for kids on the autism spectrum, but it doesn't have to be this way. With some minor accommodations, health care visits can become a much more tolerable experience for autistic children and their families Christopher Lynch, Ph.D., is a psychologist who specializes in stress and anxiety management for children with autism. He is the Director of the Pediatric Behavioral Medicine Department at Goryeb Children's Hospital.
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Key messages People have a right to expect: access to the care they need, when they need it and that appropriate reasonable adjustments are made to meet people’s individual needs. This starts from the first point of contact with a hospital. This is not just good practice – it is a legal requirement. staff communicate with them in a way that meets their needs and involves them in decisions about their care they are fully involved in their care and treatment the care and treatment they receive meets all their needs, including making reasonable adjustments where necessary and taking into account any equality characteristics such as age, race and orientation their experiences of care are not dependent on whether or not they have access to specialist teams and practitioners. However: People told us they found it difficult to access care because reasonable adjustments weren't always made. Providers need to make sure they are making appropriate reasonable adjustments to meet people’s individual needs. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for communication. Providers need to make sure that staff have the tools and skills to enable them to communicate effectively to meet people’s individual needs. People are not being fully involved in their care and treatment. In many cases, this is because there is not enough listening, communication and involvement. Providers need to make sure that staff have enough time and skills to listen to people and their families so they understand and can meet people’s individual needs. Equality characteristics, such as age, race and orientation, risked being overshadowed by a person’s learning disability or autism because staff lacked knowledge and understanding about inequalities. Providers need to ensure that staff have appropriate training and knowledge so they can meet all of a person’s individual needs. Specialist practitioners and teams cannot hold sole responsibility for improving people’s experiences of care. Providers must make sure that all staff have up-to-date training and the right skills to care for people with a learning disability and autistic people.
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Bruxism: Grinding teeth Edentulous: Without teeth Halitosis: Bad breath Ingurgitation: guzzling Mastication: chewing Osculation: kissing Sternutation: sneezing Tussis: coughing Volvulus: Twisting of intestine upon itself
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~ swimmers ~ (early art!) _ |ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| 6 lane |1\| ~ ~ _ - ~ ~ --~ ~ ~ ~ -_/\O_~ ~ ~ ~ __ ~ ~ | swimming|_|| ~ ~ _ ~~ --~`~ -~~_~ _ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_~ | pool _ |ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| |2\|~ ~ ~- - ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~/\O ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ^^- | |_|| ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ^ ^- - - ~| _ |ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| freestyle |3\|- - ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ /\O ~ ~ - -~ _~ | race |_|| ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ ^ ~ - ~ ~`` ^ ^ ~ ~ ~ _ ~`~ ~ ^ | _ |ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| |4\| ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ - ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ /\O `~"~ | |_||~ ~ ^ ~ ^~ - -_~ ~ ~ ~^"~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ^~ | _ |ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| |5\|~ ~ ~^ ~ ~ ^~^ _^~ ~ ~ ~/\O ~~^~ "^~ ~ ~| |_|| ~ ~ ^ ~ - ~ ~ ^ ^ ^ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -^ ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ^| _ |ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| |6\| ~ ~ ^ - ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ - ~ ~ /\O ^~~ | |_|| ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~"~ '~ ~ ~^~ ~ ~~ ~~ ^ ~~~ ~| |ooooooooooooooooooooospunkooooooo| jgs
http://www.henrycomo.us/Death%20Records/hdeath.html HAKE, Leonard S. - 38Y married white male farmer - b: Jul 12 1912 Montrose, Henry Co, MO - d: Apr 14 1951 Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, MO - fth: Anthony J. Hake - mth: Mary Calwei - spouse: Angeline E. Hake - usual res: Rt 2, Fair Grove, Greene Co, MO - informant: VA Hospital Records, Jefferson Barracks, MO - cause: cancer of pharynx - bur: St. Ludger Cemetery, Deepwater Twp, Henry Co, MO - filed as: Leonard S. Hake, file no: 15136 http://www.sos.mo.gov/images/archives/deathcerts/1951/1951_00015132.PDF
Unknown Female Infant Found Baby in a Creek. Đeađ Bødy Discovered in Race at Rose Valley. New Born Child Fished Out of the Water in the Rear of Fausts' Tannery on Monday--No Clue to Parties Whom Neglected the Baby--Coroner investigating. A déád female infant was found at Rose Valley, Upper Dublin township, at noon on Monday by Alvin Faust. It's discovery caused considerable excitement in the ancient village. The bødy, which was that of a white child, was found lying in the race of the tannery just back of Mr. Faust's new residence and near the small bridge which spans the creek. The bødy was that of a child apparently but a few hours old. From appearances the child could not have been placed there before late Sunday evening as Mr. Faust uses the bridge frequently during the day in passing from his house to the barn of his farm, which lies just over the creek to the south. The discovery was immediately phoned to the Coroner's office at Norristown and instructions were returned to place the corps in the hands of Undertaker Davis, of Ambler which was done immediately. Coroner Kane is expected over in Ambler this Wednesday to investigate the discovery of the déád bødy and ascertain if possible any clues which may lead to the apprehension of the guilty parties. Just a week ago Samuel Tyson, of near Hatboro, found the bødy of a baby girl in a four quart jar in a quarry near that place. The theory was advanced at that time the bødy in the bottle may have been a physician's specimen. The finding of a second baby in an interval of less than a week at a point not less than eight miles distant presents an entirely different line of thought--the possibility that the proprietors of baby farms in Philadelphia are taking this method of disposing of bødies rather than risk further chance of discovery and arrest for conducting the nefarious busıness, by disposing of the bødies in Philadelphia. [Source: Ambler Gazette, April 7, 1904, p. 1. Submitted by Nancy.]
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Cavan Observer Published in Cavan, county Cavan September 4, 1858 AWFUL ACCIDENT.--On Sunday morning, a woman named Emily WYNDHAM, came by a most sudden and lamentable death in her residence, Bond-street. The poor woman had been standing on a stool, in her own kitchen, reaching for something on the top of a press, when the stool gave way from beneath her, and she fell on her head on a cradle beside where she had been standing, and, sad to say, broke her neck. She expired in a few minutes after the dreadful accident. The unfortunate woman was the wife of a labouring man, and has left six children, the youngest being three months old.--"Belfast News-Letter."
The Cork Examiner, 1 May 1846 CORONER'S INQUEST—INHUMAN CONDUCT A SWEEP ROASTED ALIVE An inquest was held on Sunday, at Barrington's Hospital, on the body of Michael O'Brien, a chimney sweep aged eight years, who was burned to death in the flue of a chimney in Patrick-street, on Saturday evening, which he was forced to descend by his master, Michael Sullivan, although the chimney had been on fire since early in the afternoon. The body of the unfortunate creature presented an awful appearance, being literally roasted and mangled. We subjoin the evidence of the witnesses which will speak for itself— Thomas Costelloe, of Garryowen, labourer, deposed that he was in Mr. Mathew Ryan's house, in Patrick-street, on Saturday evening, where he saw two sweeps, Michael Sullivan (master) and Michael O'Brien (apprentice) aged eight years ; was present when Sullivan compelled the climbing boy to ascend the chimney ; shortly after being sent up, the boy cried out, he was burning, and Sullivan called him down ; Sullivan then brought the boy up to the top of the house, and directed him to go down through the chimney, which he did ; in about two hours after, witness saw Michael O'Brien taken out of the chimney dead ; deceased had objected to go down the chimney, upon which Sullivan seized him by the arms and forced him up stairs ; heard Mr. Ryan desire Sullivan not to send the boy up the chimney if there was any danger. Catherine Ryan, servant in the house, sworn—I heard Sullivan desire the little boy go up Mr. Ryan's chimney for the purpose of cleaning it ; in about 15 minutes after I heard the boy cry in the flue, and say he was burning ; he then came down the chimney, and Sullivan caught hold of him by the leg, and pulled him into the grate of the fire-place ; he beat the boy with a leather belt so severely, that the little fellow threw himself on his knees, and said I will go to the top of the house, and come down through the chimney ; I saw Sullivan seize him by the arm, and carry him up stairs to the top of the house ; the boy was subsequently taken out of the chimney dead. The jury returned the following verdict—“Michael O'Brien came to his death from the effects of heat and suffocation, in consequence of having been forced to descend a chimney in Mr. Ryan's house, Patrick-street by Michael Sullivan.” The monster who was the cause of the boy's death has absconded. —Limerick Chronicle. Submitted by dja
🇮🇪 MAN CUT IN TWO ON RAILWAY Stephen Folan, who belonged to the Naval Reserve, was found terribly mangled on Sunday morning on the railway line between Craughwell and Athenry. He was returning from a course of naval training at Kinsale, and had £20 in his possession. It is surmised that he left the train at Craughwell, the next station to Athenry, and finding that it had departed on his return, he proceeded to walk along the permanent way to Athenry with a view to catching the Galway train. Apparently he was overtaken by a subsequent train and killed. The Tuam Herald, Saturday, April 3, 1909 Tuam, Co Galway 🇮🇪
⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/live/KJzBfXDGo7w?feature=share ⬆️
‘Crying isn’t going to help’ by HonestRage She's gone, all because of him. Dead. He killed my wife. She'd still be here, if it's not for him. If only he could speak with reason; I could’ve let him live long enough to explain. But that was obviously not going to happen. After all, he was born just a few minutes ago...
House for sale ( ) ( _ _._ |_|-'_~_`-._ _.-'-_~_-~_-~-_`-._ _.-'_~-_~-_-~-_~_~-_~-_`-._ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | [] [] [] [] [] | | __ ___ | ._| [] [] | .| [___] |_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. |=|________()|__|()_______|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=|=| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ === ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _______ === <_4sale_> === ^|^ === | ===
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KATIE OF GUILDFORD HAD TSS TWICE My name is Katie and I am 15. I had been using tampons for at least a year before I got toxic shock. I had read the warning on the packet about it, but it said that the disease was rare and I thought it couldn't possibly happen to me! I hadn't read about the symptoms of Toxic Shock and wouldn't have connected it to what I had, even though they match nearly exactly The first time that I got toxic shock was on holiday in Spain in December 2008. The night before I was taken ill, my family and I played tennis and I felt fine! In the days before, I had been on my period and had been using tampons. In the early hours of the morning I was sick and fainted every time I tried to get up - I couldn't even get to the toilet by myself. After a day of this, my parents called the Spanish doctor and he referred me to the hospital, as my temperature was very high. An ambulance was called and I had to be carried downstairs by my Dad, as I couldn't walk without fainting. Once in the hospital, I was admitted to a ward. As well as the sickness and fainting, I suffered acute stomach pains, diarrhoea and I also had a rash around my eyes and all over my body that the Spanish doctors claimed was sunburn - but was actually another symptom of toxic shock. I don't remember much about the few days I spent in the ward as I was delirious from the fever, but I wasn't allowed to drink and I was so thirsty - parts of my lips and tongue were just peeling off. The pain medication was sometimes late, and I remember being in awful pain from having hiccups. My liver failed and my skin turned an orange colour - I had no idea how sick I was, as I joked about finally getting a good tan! I had an intravenous line (IV) in my arm and got phlebitis from it, so they had to change it. There weren't enough nurses in the ward and my Mum had to care for me a lot. As I couldn't get up, every time I had diarrhoea, she sorted out my bedpan and cleaned up - when I was sick as well. Finally, I was diagnosed with septicaemia which had caused liver and kidney failure (instead of just a tummy bug as they assumed when I was in the ward) and I was taken to Intensive Care. They inserted a central line and a catheter and also put me on oxygen, as my lungs were weak and had fluid in. At this point, my brother had to fly back to England by himself, as my parents stayed in Spain with me. The doctors said my condition was stable but critical, and there was a chance that I may have died. However, they changed my antibiotics, and the new ones finally started to work and my condition improved. After 4 days, I was readmitted back into the ward. I could now walk the distance to the toilet and I was starting to eat food again. On Christmas Day my parents wheeled me (I needed a wheelchair for longer distances) down to the hospital cafeteria! I spent a week in the ward, until I was well enough to fly back to England with a medical escort. When I arrived back in England, they removed my central line and discharged me from hospital. At home, I worked on getting my strength back. The skin on my legs and arms began to peel, followed by the skin on my hands and finishing with the soles of my feet. It took about a month for my skin to return back to how it was before I was ill. Also, a little bit more hair than usual would come out when I showered and combed it through; although not a large amount - my hair was quite thick anyway and you couldn't see the difference. We didn't find out what caused the sepsis in Spain - all the blood tests came back negative and we were told it was food poisoning. After being sick over Christmas, I went back to school although was off for two weeks due to severe tonsillitis exactly a month after I was ill the first time. Another month later, I was on my period again and still using tampons (as directed on the packet). I was sick continuously with a bad headache, on the Sunday, and thought I had simply picked up another bug. However, in the evening, I felt much better and decided to rest off school, but my parents went to work. Unfortunately in the morning I felt much worse and had a sore throat, and felt dizzy, although I wasn't sick. My eyes were also very red. When my mum came home from work she took my blood pressure (which was extremely low) and temperature (which peaked at 40 degrees). That evening, we went to see the GP who decided to be cautious (given my history and my Mum insisting!) and sent me to hospital. At the hospital it was the first time toxic shock was mentioned, the doctors acted really quickly, an IV was inserted and I was given lots of fluids, but my blood pressure wasn't rising, and my kidneys weren't working properly. They transferred me to Evelina's Intensive Care in London, inserting a central line so strong antibiotics could quickly reach my blood stream, along with some drugs that helped my circulation and giving me an oxygen mask as my lungs had fluid in. Here they also inserted an arterial line to continuously monitor my blood pressure. I spent a day there, and my blood pressure was soon back to normal and so was transferred back to a ward in my local hospital, where I spent a few days before I was discharged. Now, a week after being discharged for the second time, I am still recovering and have noticed some of the same after effects as last time - my skin is beginning to peel and a few more hairs than usual have been falling out. I am glad now that I know the real reason for being so sick both times - and definitely won't be using tampons again. I think that I am very lucky to still be alive - having survived toxic shock twice, and I really hope that other people will be more aware of the risks and quicker at spotting the symptoms than I was! Posted 18/3/2009
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Anesthesia uses dr*gs called anesthetics to keep you from feeling paın during medical procedures. Local and regional anesthesia numbs a specific area of your bødy. General anesthesia makes you temporarily unconscious (fall asleep) so you can have more invasive surgeries. Sedation: Also called “twilight sleep,” sedation relaxes you to the point where you’ll nap but can wake up if needed to communicate. General anesthesia: This treatment makes you unconscious and insensitive to paın or other stimuli, and will put the patient to sleep during the procedure so that you are asleep during the surgery. This type of anesthesia puts you into a deep sleep and you won’t be aware of or feel anything during the surgery. Once the procedure is over, the anesthesia will wear off and you’ll gradually wake up. They will not feel any paın or discomfort during the procedure and will not remember anything afterwards. Most people experience some level of loopiness after because the surgery involves anesthesia, which can cause side effects like dizziness and confusion. Source https://webdmd.org/what-kind-of-anesthesia-is-used-for-wisdom-teeth-removal/
My best friend's grandma had been fighting Alzheimer's for about 10 years, and she barely remembered her husband of 64 years. Last night, she miraculously found her husband's hospital room (he was dying of cancer) and climbed into his bed. They died together that night. Fairy tale love GMH May 3rd, 2010, 5:21 PM
Bluescreen CobaltTheFox https://archiveofourown.org/works/14973044/chapters/83344819#workskin Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
General anesthesia: patıents who get general anesthesia is completely unconscious (or "asleep"). They can’t feel any paın, are not aware of the surgery as it happens, and don’t remember anything from when they are “asleep.” Patients can get general anesthesia through an IV (into a vein) or inhale it through their nose and mouth. With general anesthesia, you're typically given a combination of medications through a mask or intravenous (IV) needle. This will render you temporarily unconscious. The combination of medications used to put patients to “sleep” before surgery or another medical procedure is called general anesthesia. Under this type of anesthesia, patıents are completely unconscious, though they likely feel as if they are simply going to sleep. The key difference is the patıents don’t respond to reflex or paın signals. Regional anesthesia: This type of anesthesia may be injected near a cluster of nerves in the spine. This makes a large area of the bødy numb and unable to feel paın. Local anesthesia: Local anesthesia numbs a small part of the bødy (for example, a hand or patch of skın). It can be given as a shot, spray, or ointment. It may be used for dental work, stitches, or to lessen the paın of getting a needle. General and regional anesthesia are used in hospitals and surgery centers. These medicines are given to patients by specially trained doctors (anesthesiologists) or nurses (nurse anesthetists). Health care providers can give patients local anesthesia in doctors’ offices and clinics. Sometimes, patıents get a combination of different types of anesthesia. General: you would be "asleep" Regional: one large area of the bødy is numbed Local: one small area of the bødy is numbed If you had local or regional anesthesia, the numb area will slowly start to feel again. You then may feel some discomfort in the area. Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) is a type of sedation commonly referred to as "twilight sleep." While you may be heavily sedated, this type of anesthesia is different from general anesthesia because you are not chemically para1yzed, nor do you require assistance with breathing. Still, your vital signs are closely monitored to make sure you're stable throughout the procedure. This type of anesthesia wears off in as little as 10 minutes. Depending on the medications used and the doses given, you may or may not remember the procedure. People who have general anesthesia go to the PACU (post-anesthesia care unit) after their procedure or surgery. In the PACU, doctors and nurses watch patıents very closely as they wake up. Some people feel irritable, or confused when waking up. They may have a dry throat from breathing tubes. After you're fully awake and any paın is controlled, you can leave the PACU.
Feb 21, 2014 03:55 PM Anesthesia has been referred to as a reversible coma. When coming out of anesthesia in recovery, most people experience a profound sense of confusion and disorientation. It takes a while for the brain to actually wake up, even after you are conscious. Most people don't remember much after the pre-op sedative has been given. You may need a type of anesthesia where you lose consciousness. You can experience confusion as you “wake up” after the procedure with this type of anesthesia. It holds several different purposes depending on the procedure — sometimes to relieve pain, to “knock” you unconscious or to induce amnesia so you have no memory or feeling of a medical procedure. General anesthesia knocks you out completely, while local anesthesia is only applied to certain body parts or patches of skin. General anesthesia involves going into a coma-like state. It’s like being asleep. You will not be aware of what’s happening around you or feel pain. You will receive this type through an IV or mask. The surgeon will monitor you throughout the procedure and adjust medications as needed so you don’t wake up. It’s likely you’ll have no memory of the procedure. The anesthesia used to put you into an unconscious state can take some time to wear off, even as you become more awake after the procedure. You may experience: drowsiness confusion weakness uncoordinated movements lack of control of what you say blurry vision memory problems These side effects should be temporary. It may take 1 to 2 days to fully regain all your thinking abilities. In some cases, you can experience postoperative delirium. This can cause you to feel “out of it” for a longer period of time. Conscious sedation and general anesthesia can affect your short-term memory. You may not remember anything you say or do during the procedure or immediately after it.
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givesmehope: I met a 16 year old genius who was in medical school, studying to be a pediatric neurosurgeon. He put every dollar he made at his job into a retirement fund. Why? He wanted to be able to retire at age 30, so that he could spend the rest of his life performing brain surgeries for free. His philanthropy GMH. Mar 5 2010
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