Abandonedcore Emojis & Text

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Baby Moses law for abandoning newborns In Texas, if you have a newborn that you're unable to caฬขre for, you can bring your baby to a designated safe place with no questions asked. The Safe Haven law, also known as the Baby Moses law, gives parents who are unable to caฬขre for their child a safe and legal chรธice to leฮฑve their infant with an employee at a designated safe placeโ€”a hospฤฑtal, fire station, free-standing emergency centers or emergency medical services (EMS) station. Then, your baby will receive medical caฬขre and be placed with an emergency provider. Information for Parents If you're thinking about bringing your baby to a designated Safe Haven, please read the information below: Your baby must be 60 days old or younger and unhแผ€rmed and safe. You may take your baby to any hospฤฑtal, fire station, or emergency medical services (EMS) station in Texas. You need to give your baby to an employee who works at one of these safe places and tell this person that you want to leฮฑve your baby at a Safe Haven. You may be asked by an employee for famฤฑly or medical history to make sure that your baby receives the caฬขre they need. If you leฮฑve your baby at a fire or EMS station, your baby may be taken to a hospฤฑtal to receive any medical attention they need. Remember, If you leave your unhแผ€rmed infant at a Safe Haven, you will not be prosecuted for abandonment or neglect.
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WATSFORD name has been spelt Wadford, Watford, Wottsford, Whatford ะฃะพะดั„ะพั€ะด, ะฃะพั‚ั„ะพั€ะด, ะฃะพั‚ั‚ัั„ะพั€ะด, ะฃะพั‚ั„ะพั€ะด Waterford, Walford, Wafford, Watsord, Whatford, Warford, Wattford, Watfor, Wadford, Watfordjr, Waford, O'watford ะฃะพั‚ะตั€ั„ะพั€ะด, ะฃะพะปั„ะพั€ะด, ะ’ะฐั„ั„ะพั€ะด, ะฃะพั‚ัะพั€ะด, ะฃะพั‚ั„ะพั€ะด, ะฃะพั€ั„ะพั€ะด, ะฃะพั‚ั„ะพั€ะด, ะฃะพั‚ั„ะพั€, ะฃะพะดั„ะพั€ะด, ะฃะพั‚ั„ะพั€ะดะถะตั€, ะฃะพั„ะพั€ะด, ะž'ัƒะพั‚ั„ะพั€ะด H2O : ะจะฐั€ะปะพั‚ั‚ะฐ ะฃะพั‚ั‚ัั„ะพั€ะด ( ะ‘ั€ะธั‚ั‚ะฐะฝะธ ะ‘ะธั€ะฝั ) Sรกrlott Vรกcfort ะจะฐั€ะปะพั‚ั‚ะฐ ะ’ะพั‚ัั„ะพั€ะด ะจะฐั€ะปะพั‚ ะ’ะพั‚ัั„ะพั€ะด ะจะฐั€ะปะพั‚ั‚ัƒ ะ’ะพั‚ัั„ะพั€ะด ฮฃฮฑฯฮปฯŒฯ„ฮฟฯ… ฮ’ฯŒฯ„ฯƒฯ†ฮฟฯฮฝฯ„
Tuesday, March 31st, 2015 | I only go shopping at night The cashier swipes my items across the scanner as I stare at the floor. I find it easiest to get through my anxiety by avoiding eye contact with other people. Thatโ€™s why I only go shopping at night fewer people to avoid. โ€œDid you find everything okay?โ€ she asks casually. โ€œMm-hmm,โ€ I mumble to the floor. Her voice sounds nice. Pleasant. Curiosity wins over and I glance up. The cashierโ€™s head is completely caved in on the left side. Probably a car accident. I snap my gaze back down towards the floor. After I pay she gives back my change in a hand so mangled Iโ€™m surprised it can hold anything at all. Thanking her, I grab my bags and turn towards the exit. Immediately I see a man looking through magazines at the store front. The skin on his face and hands is the consistency of a hot dog that fell into a campfire. Burn victim. I rush out the door as fast as I can. In my car I finally catch my breath as I lean my forehead on the steering wheel. Eventually I look up and see my familiar reflection in the rear-view mirror: my head is blown open in the back. Gunshot victim. Why did I ever wish for the power to see how people die? Credit to reddit user resistance1984

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

Mแด€ส€สŸแด€'s า“แด€แดษชสŸส สœแด€s แดแดแด แด‡แด… แด›แด แด›สœแด‡ แด›แดแดกษด แดา“ Rษชแด แด‡ส€ Fแด€สŸสŸs, สœแด€แด ษชษดษข แด˜ส€แด‡แด ษชแดแดœsสŸส สŸษชแด แด‡แด… ษชษด แด›สœแด‡ ส™ษชษข แด„ษชแด›ส. Oษดแด‡ ษดษชษขสœแด› sสœแด‡ า“ษชษดแด…s แด€ sแด›ส€แด€ส แด„แด€แด› แด€ษดแด… แด…แด‡แด„ษชแด…แด‡s แด›แด แด‹แด‡แด‡แด˜ แด›สœแด‡ แด„แด€แด› ษดแด€แดษชษดษข ษชแด› Mษชsแด›ส. Tสœแด‡ ษดแด‡xแด› แด…แด€ส, Mแด€ส€สŸแด€ ษชs แด˜ส€แด‡แด˜แด€ส€ษชษดษข แด›แด ษขแด แดแดœแด›sษชแด…แด‡ ส™แดœแด› Mษชsแด›ส ส™แด‡ษขษชษดs สœษชssษชษดษข. Mแด€ส€สŸแด€ แด…แด‡แด„ษชแด…แด‡s แด›แด sแด›แด€ส ษชษดsษชแด…แด‡ แด€ษดแด… แด‹แด‡แด‡แด˜ Mษชsแด›ส แด„แด€สŸแด. Tสœแด€แด› ษดษชษขสœแด› Mแด€ส€สŸแด€ ษชs แด€แดกแดแด‹แด‡ษด า“ส€แดแด สœแด‡ส€ sสŸแด‡แด‡แด˜ แดกสœแด‡ษด Mษชsแด›ส sษชแด›s แดษด สœแด‡ส€ า“แด€แด„แด‡ แด€ษดแด… ษดแด‡แด€ส€สŸส sแดแดแด›สœแด‡ส€s. Tสœแด‡ า“แดสŸสŸแดแดกษชษดษข แด…แด€ส, Mแด€ส€สŸแด€ ษชs แดษด แด›สœแด‡ สœษชษขสœ แด…ษชแด แด‡, แด€ษดแด… sสœแด‡ า“แด‡สŸแด› sแดแดแด‡แด›สœษชษดษข ส™ส€แดœsสœ แด€ษขแด€ษชษดsแด› สœแด‡ส€ สŸแด‡ษขs. Sสœแด‡ ษดแด‡แด€ส€สŸส แด›ส€ษชแด˜s แด€ษดแด… แด€สŸแดแดsแด› แด…ส€แดแดกษดs. As แด›ษชแดแด‡ แด˜แด€ssแด‡s, Mแด€ส€สŸแด€ sแด›แด€ส€แด›s ส™แด‡สœแด€แด ษชษดษข sแด›ส€แด€ษดษขแด‡สŸส. Sสœแด‡ แด„ส€แด€แด แด‡s แด›แดœษดแด€ แด„แด€ssแด‡ส€แดสŸแด‡. Aแด› ษดษชษขสœแด›, sสœแด‡ สœแด‡แด€ส€s แดกสœษชsแด˜แด‡ส€s, แด›แด‡สŸสŸษชษดษข สœแด‡ส€ sแดแดแด‡ แด‡ษดแด›ษชแด›ส แดกแด€ษดแด›s แด›แด sแด›แด‡แด€สŸ สœแด‡ส€ ส™แด‡า“แดส€แด‡ ษชแด› สœแด€s สŸษชแด แด‡แด… ษดษชษดแด‡ สŸษชแด แด‡s. Tสœแด‡ ษดแด‡xแด› แดแดส€ษดษชษดษข, sสœแด‡'s แดœษดแด„แด‡ส€แด›แด€ษชษด แดกสœแด‡แด›สœแด‡ส€ แดส€ ษดแดแด› sสœแด‡ แดกแด€s แด…ส€แด‡แด€แดษชษดษข. Lแด€แด›แด‡ส€ ษชษด แด›สœแด‡ แด…แด€ส, Mแด€ส€สŸแด€ ส™แด‡ษขษชษดs แด€แด…แด…ษชษดษข แด€สŸสŸ แดา“ แด›สœแด‡ แด‡แด แด‡ษดแด›s แดœแด˜, แด€ษดแด… sสœแด‡ แด„แดษดแด„สŸแดœแด…แด‡s แด›สœแด€แด› sสœแด‡ แดแดœsแด› ษขแด‡แด› ส€ษชแด… แดา“ Mษชsแด›ส. Mแด€ส€สŸแด€ แด›แด€แด‹แด‡s แด›สœแด‡ แด„แด€แด› แด›แด แด€ษด แด€ษดษชแดแด€สŸ sสœแด‡สŸแด›แด‡ส€, ส™แดœแด› Mษชsแด›ส sแดแดแด‡สœแดแดก แดแด€แด‹แด‡s ษชแด› ส™แด€แด„แด‹ สœแดแดแด‡. Mแด€ส€สŸแด€ แด…แด‡แด„ษชแด…แด‡s แด›แด แด˜แดœแด› Mษชsแด›ส ษชษด แด€ แด„แด€ษขแด‡ แด€ษดแด… แด˜แดœแด› สœแด‡ส€ แดษด แด€ ส™แดœs แด›สœแด€แด›'s แด›ส€แด€แด แด‡สŸษชษดษข า“แด€ส€ แด€แดกแด€ส. Mแด€ส€สŸแด€ แด˜แดœแด›s Mษชsแด›ส's แด„แด€ษขแด‡ ษชษด แด›สœแด‡ ส™แด€sแด‹แด‡แด› แดษด แด›สœแด‡ า“ส€แดษดแด› แดา“ สœแด‡ส€ ส™ษชแด‹แด‡. WสœษชสŸแด‡ Mแด€ส€สŸแด€ sแด›แดแด˜s แด›แด ษขแด‡แด› sแดแดแด‡แด›สœษชษดษข แด›แด แด…ส€ษชษดแด‹, Mษชsแด›ส ษชs ส€แดœษด แด…แดแดกษด ส™ส แด€ แด…ส€ษชแด แด‡ส€, แด€s แด›สœแด‡ แด„แด€แด› sแด‡แด‡แดs แด›แด สœแด€แด แด‡ แด‡sแด„แด€แด˜แด‡แด…. Mแด€ส€สŸแด€ ษชs ส€แด‡สŸษชแด‡แด แด‡แด… แด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ sแด‡แด‡แดษชษดษขสŸส ส™ษชแด›แด›แด‡ส€sแดกแด‡แด‡แด› แด…แด‡แดษชsแด‡. Hแดแดกแด‡แด แด‡ส€, แด›สœแด€แด› ษดษชษขสœแด› Mแด€ส€สŸแด€ สœแด‡แด€ส€แด… แด€ แดกสœษชsแด˜แด‡ส€ษชษดษข แด แดษชแด„แด‡ แด›แด‡สŸสŸษชษดษข สœแด‡ส€ แด‡ษชษขสœแด› สŸษชแด แด‡s ส€แด‡แดแด€ษชษด...
I สœแด€แด… แด€ษด ษชแดแด€ษขษชษดแด€ส€ส า“ส€ษชแด‡ษดแด… แดกสœแด แดกแด€s สŸษชแด‹แด‡ แดแด‡. Wแด‡ แด˜สŸแด€สแด‡แด… แด›แดษขแด‡แด›สœแด‡ส€ า“แดส€ า“แดส€ แด€ แดกสœษชสŸแด‡. Mส ษชแดแด€ษขษชษดแด€ส€ส า“ส€ษชแด‡ษดแด… แดกแดแดœสŸแด… sแด‡แด‡แด แด›แด sแด‡แด‡ แดส า“แด€แดษชสŸส ษชษด แด€ sแด‡ษดsแด‡ แดา“ sแด€แด…ษดแด‡ss. Eแด แด‡ษดแด›แดœแด€สŸสŸส สแด‡แด€ส€s สŸแด€แด›แด‡ส€ I แด…แดœษข แด›สœส€แดแดœษขสœ แดส แดแดœแด's า“แด€แดษชสŸส แด›ส€แด‡แด‡ ส€แด‡แด„แดส€แด…s า“แดส€ sแดแดแด‡ แด˜แด€แด˜แด‡ส€แดกแดส€แด‹ แดกสœแด‡ษด I sแด€แดก แด€ sแด›ษชสŸสŸส™แดส€ษด แด…แด‡แด€แด›สœ แด„แด‡ส€แด›ษชา“ษชแด„แด€แด›แด‡ า“แดส€ แด€ ษดแด‡แดกส™แดส€ษด แดกสœแด sสœแด€ส€แด‡แด… แดส แด‡xแด€แด„แด› ส™ษชส€แด›สœแด…แด€ส. I แด›สœแด‡ษด า“แดแดœษดแด… แดแดœแด› I แดกแด€s แด€แด„แด›แดœแด€สŸสŸส แด€ แด›แดกษชษด แด€s แดส แดแดœแด แด‡xแด˜สŸแด€ษชษดแด‡แด… ษชแด› แด…ษชแด‡แด… แด…แดœส€ษชษดษข แดแดœส€ ส™ษชส€แด›สœ.
Jแด‡สŸสŸส_Bแด‡แด€ษด36 I ส€แด‡แดแด‡แดส™แด‡ส€ แด›สœแด€แด› แด…แด€ส แดกสœแด‡ษด I า“แดแดœษดแด… แด›สœแด‡ า“แดแดœษดแด›แด€ษชษด แดา“ สแดแดœแด›สœ แด€s ษชแด› แดกแด€s แด›สœแด‡ แดแด€ส€แด‹ แดา“ แดส า“ษชส€sแด› แด…แด€ส แดา“ ษชแดแดแดส€แด›แด€สŸษชแด›ส. Nแดแดก แด›สœแด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ สœแดœแดแด€ษด ส€แด€แด„แด‡ สœแด€s ส™แด‡แด‡ษด แดกษชแด˜แด‡แด… แดแดœแด› I'แด แด€สŸสŸ แด€สŸแดษดแด‡.
Horror Short Story: The Accident In this horror short story, a man tries to cope with what he has done. Written by: Reddit user Minnboy Halverson sat in his dark living room. He hadnโ€™t moved for over an hour. The accident earlier that evening kept playing over and over in his mind. The light turned red, but he was in a hurry and accelerated. An orange blur came from his right and in a split second there was a violent jolt, then the bicyclist rolled across his hood and fell out of sight on the pavement. Horns blared angrily and he panicked, stepping on the gas and screeching away from the chaos into the darkness, shaken and keeping an eye on his rearview mirror until he got home. Why did you run? Heโ€™d never committed a crime before this and punished himself by imagining years in jail, his career gone, his family gone, his future gone. Why not just go to the police right now? Then someone tapped on the front door and his world suddenly crumbled away beneath him. They found me. There was nothing he could do but answer it. Running would only make matters worse. Trembling, he got up, went to the door and opened it. A police officer stood under the porch light. โ€œMr. Halverson?โ€ asked the grim officer. He let out a defeated sigh. โ€œYes. Let me โ€”โ€I am terribly sorry, but Iโ€™m afraid I have some bad news. Your sonโ€™s bike was struck by a hit and run driver this evening. He died at the scene. Iโ€™m very sorry for your loss..."

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

โ€˜Seeing Red (The First Day of School)โ€™ by Zenryhao Everyone loves the first day of school, right? New year, new classes, new friends. I like the first day of school for a different reason, though. You see, I have a sort of power. When I look at people, I canโ€ฆsense a sort of aura around them. A colour outline based on how long that person has to live. Most everyone I meet around my age is surrounded by a solid green hue, which means they have plenty of time left. A fair amount of them have a yellow orange tinge to their auras, which tends to mean a disease or fire; some tragedy. Anything that takes people โ€œbefore their timeโ€ as they say. The real fun is when the auras venture into the red end of the spectrum, though. Every now and again Iโ€™ll see someone whoโ€™s basically a stoplight. Those are the ones who get in a car crash, or even a victim of crime. Itโ€™s such a rush to see them and know their time is numbered. With that in mind, I always get to class very early so I can scout out my classmatesโ€™ fates. The first kid who came in was basically radiating red. I tsk tsk tsk. Huh. But as people kept walking in, they all had the same intense red glow. I finally caught a glimpse of my own fading reflection in the window, but I was too stunned to move. Our professor stepped in and locked the door, his aura a sickening shade of green...
สณ/แต€สทแต’แ”†แต‰โฟแต—แต‰โฟแถœแต‰แดดแต’สณสณแต’สณ ยณ แตˆแตƒสธหข แตƒแตแต’ แดฟแต‰แถœแต’แตโฟโฑแต—โฑแต’โฟแดตหกหกโทยนโฐโท แดณสณแตƒโฟแตˆแต–แตƒ แตƒหกสทแตƒสธหข สทแตƒสณโฟแต‰แตˆ แต˜หข แต—แต’ หขแต—แตƒสธ แตƒสทแตƒสธ แถ สณแต’แต แต—สฐแต‰ สทแต‰หกหก โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ สทแต’แต’แตˆหข แถœหกแตƒโฑแตโฑโฟแต โฑแต—'หข สฐแตƒแต˜โฟแต—แต‰แตˆโ€ง แต‚แต‰ แตˆโฑแตˆโฟ'แต— แต‡แต‰หกโฑแต‰แต›แต‰ สฐโฑแต แต˜โฟแต—โฑหก แต—สฐแต‰ แต›แต’โฑแถœแต‰หข หขแต—แตƒสณแต—แต‰แตˆ สทสฐโฑหขแต–แต‰สณโฑโฟแต แต—แต’ แต˜หข "หกแต‰แต— แต˜หข แต’แต˜แต—โธด หกแต‰แต— แต˜หข แต’แต˜แต—โธด หกแต‰แต— แต˜หข แต’แต˜แต—โ€งโ€งโ€ง"
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tฬซอฬฅอ…อ‰ฬณaอ™ฬฒkeอ˜ฬนอ‡ อ‡ฬฆฬฒฬคอ™mอกฬ yฬงฬ—ฬฆฬชฬฃอ–ฬฃ อกอ‰อฬฌฬ˜hอ”ฬญอ…aอ ฬนอ”ฬฏอ–ฬฏอ‰อ”nฬณฬญฬฌฬฌฬผฬžฬฒdอ”ฬนฬฐอˆ
GENERAL ADVICE FOR USING SITE so we can keep it up NO DOXXING- leaking a specific person's residential address and who lives full name STORY TIME- don't leak a real person's full name when typing out a juicy gossip tea but you can change the first name or to remain anonymous instead. Otherwise go and create let writing flow! PREACHING- don't over fill with arguing on whether or not to promote, such as your discord server nor how to raise family age viewers must be. You can tag yourself tho.
can ppl stop asking 'where is the beef' because it takes up space on here use a different platform if you want to comment on others Even though most NSFW content is blocked, please limit it before bots and or moderators restrict and/or take down the submissions site please thx bye
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r/shortscarystories 8 hr. ago k_g_lewis The Shortest Date Ever โ€œWhy donโ€™t you go and grab us some drinks while I find us something to watch,โ€ Sheila said. โ€œOkay,โ€ Brett replied. He got up, went into the kitchen, and opened the fridge. Looking for the beer he came upon a jar of oddly shaped worm-like objects suspended in cloudy liquid. He picked it up. โ€œI forgot that was in there.โ€ Sheila had come into the kitchen and was looking over Brettโ€™s shoulder. โ€œWhat is it?โ€ Brett asked, bringing the jar closer to so he could better examine its contents. โ€œItโ€™s the lips of all the men who have lied to me,โ€ Sheila replied.
Pansyk โ€ข6mo ago Personally, reading and writing fanfiction has really helped me with my technical skills. When I look over the fanfiction I have written over the years, I can see how my prose and dialogue have improved. All fiction, whether of the fan or original variety, is built off of the basic idea of "making words sound good." And fanfiction is a perfectly acceptable way to do that. However, the way that fanfiction operates in terms of characterization and plot? That's radically different from original fiction. In fanfiction, characters are already established, so even if you're doing some batshit insane Alternate Universe, everyone already knows the basics of what's up. That's not true of original fiction. You need to devote more time to both fleshing out your characters and establishing their relationships with the rest of the cast. Plot often progresses differently, in part because of the time you just spent showing your readers who these people are, but also because fanfiction and original fiction often follow different structures entirely. Fanfiction is free and accessible to anyone with an internet connection. That makes it useful for new authors, especially young authors. Think of it as swimming in shallow water. It's fun! It can help you build up some strength. Anyone can do it. But it won't completely prepare you for diving into deeper water. So, I guess at the end of the day, reading both will help your development as a writer.
แถœแต‰แตแต‰แต—แต‰สณโฑแต‰หขโ€ง แต‚สฐแตƒแต— แถœแตƒแตแต‰ แต—แต’ สธแต’แต˜สณ แตโฑโฟแตˆ; แถ แตƒแตโฑหกสธ? แดพแต‰แตƒแถœแต‰ แตƒโฟแตˆ แ‘ซแต˜โฑแต‰แต—? แดนแต’โฟแต˜แตแต‰โฟแต—หข? สธแต’แต˜ แตโฑแตสฐแต— หกแต’แต’แต แตƒแต— แตƒ สณแตƒโฟแตˆแต’แต แตสณแตƒแต›แต‰ แดดแต‰สณแต‰ หกโฑแต‰หข แ”†แตโฑแต—สฐ ยนโนหฃหฃโป? แดฐแต’ สธแต’แต˜ สทแต’โฟแตˆแต‰สณ แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต— แต—สฐแต‰ แต–แต‰สณหขแต’โฟ? แดต สทแต’แต˜หกแตˆ'แต›แต‰ แต‡แต‰แต‰โฟ แตƒโฟ โฑโฟแถ แตƒโฟแต— สทสฐแต‰โฟ สฐแต‰ แต–แตƒหขหขแต‰แตˆโ€งโ€งโ€ง แต‚แตƒหขโฟ'แต— แตสณแตƒโฟแตˆแต–แตƒ แต‡แต’สณโฟ โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ หขแตƒแตแต‰ สธแต‰แตƒสณ? แดดแต’สท แตˆโฑแตˆ แ”†แตโฑแต—สฐ หขแต–แต‰โฟแตˆ สฐโฑหข แต—โฑแตแต‰? แต‚แตƒหข แ”†แตโฑแต—สฐ หขแตƒแต—โฑหขแถ โฑแต‰แตˆ แต‡สธ แต—สฐแต‰ แต—โฑแตแต‰ สฐแต‰ แตˆโฑแต‰แตˆโธด แถ แต˜หกแถ โฑหกหกโฑโฟแต แตƒหกหก สฐโฑหข แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแตหข? แต‚แตƒหข โฑแต— หขแต˜แตˆแตˆแต‰โฟ สทสฐแต‰โฟ โฑแต— สฐแตƒแต–แต–แต‰โฟแต‰แตˆโธด แต’สณ สทแตƒหข โฑแต— แถ แต’สณหขแต‰แต‰โฟ? แต‚สฐแต‰โฟแต‰แต›แต‰สณ แดต แตแต’ แต—แต’ แตƒ แตสณแตƒแต›แต‰สธแตƒสณแตˆโธด แดต แต—แต‰โฟแตˆ แต—แต’ สทแตƒโฟแต— แต—แต’ แต‰หฃแต–หกแต’สณแต‰ โฟแต‰แตƒสณแต‡สธ แตสณแตƒแต›แต‰หข; สณแต‰แตƒแตˆโฑโฟแต แต—สฐแต‰ โฟแตƒแตแต‰หขโธด แต—สฐแต‰โฑสณ หกโฑแถ แต‰แต—โฑแตแต‰โ€งโ€งโ€ง แดฐสณสธ หกแต‰แตƒแต›แต‰หข แถœสณแต˜โฟแถœสฐ แตƒหข แดต สทแตƒหกแต แตˆแต’สทโฟ แตƒ สณแต’สทโ€ง แดต แถœแตƒโฟ'แต— สฐแต‰หกแต– แต‡แต˜แต— สทแต’โฟแตˆแต‰สณ แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต— แต—สฐแต‰ แต–แต‰แต’แต–หกแต‰ สทสฐแต’แต แต—สฐแต‰ แตแต‰แตแต’สณโฑแตƒหกหข แตƒสณแต‰ แถ แต’สณโ€ง แดธแต’แต’แตหข แต‡สณแตƒโฟแตˆ โฟแต‰สท; แต’สฐโธด โฑแต— หขแตƒสธหข ยฒโฐหฃหฃ หขแต’ โฑแต— แตแต˜หขแต— แต‡แต‰ สณแต‰แถœแต‰โฟแต—โ€ง แดฌแตแตƒแต‡แต‰หก; สทสฐแตƒแต— แตƒ แต‡แต‰แตƒแต˜แต—โฑแถ แต˜หก โฟแตƒแตแต‰! แดฌแตแตƒแต‡แต‰หกโ€งโ€งโ€ง แดฟโฑแตสฐแต— โฟแต‰แตƒสณ แต—สฐแต‰โฑสณ แต‡โฑสณแต—สฐแตˆแตƒสธโ€ฝ แดฌ สฐแต‰แตƒสณแต— หขสฐแตƒแต–แต‰แตˆ แตสณแตƒแต›แต‰โ€งโ€งโ€ง แดต แถœแตƒโฟ'แต— สฐแต‰หกแต– แต‡แต˜แต— สทแตƒโฟแต— แต—แต’ แตโฟแต’สท แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต— แต—สฐแต‰ แต–แต‰แต’แต–หกแต‰โ€ง แ”†แต’แตแต‰ แตƒสณแต‰ สธแต’แต˜โฟแตแต‰สณ แต—สฐแตƒโฟ แต’แต—สฐแต‰สณหข สทสฐแต‰โฟ แต—สฐแต‰โฑสณ แต—โฑแตแต‰ แถœแตƒแตแต‰โ€ง แต‚สฐแตƒแต— สฐแตƒแต–แต–แต‰โฟแต‰แตˆ? 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แดผโฟหกสธ แต€แตƒแตแต‰ แดผโฟแต‰ แดพโฑแต‰แถœแต‰ แต’แถ  แถœแตƒโฟแตˆสธ แดณแต’ แต—แต’ หขสฐแต’สณแต—หขแถœแตƒสณสธหขแต—แต’สณโฑแต‰หข สณ/หขสฐแต’สณแต—หขแถœแตƒสณสธหขแต—แต’สณโฑแต‰หข แถ แต’สณแตแต’แต—แต—แต‰โฟแต‚แต‰หกหก แดผโฟหกสธ แต€แตƒแตแต‰ แดผโฟแต‰ แดพโฑแต‰แถœแต‰ แต’แถ  แถœแตƒโฟแตˆสธ โ€œแดดแต’โฟแต‰สธโธด สธแต’แต˜โ€™สณแต‰ โฟแต’แต— แตแต’โฑโฟแต แต’แต˜แต—โ€งโ€ โ€œแดตโ€™แต โฟแต’แต— แตโฑหขหขโฑโฟแต แต’แต˜แต— แต’โฟ แถ สณแต‰แต‰ แถœแตƒโฟแตˆสธโ€งโ€ แดณสณแตƒโฟแต— หขหกแตƒแตแตแต‰แตˆ แต—สฐแต‰ แตˆแต’แต’สณ แตƒหข สฐแต‰ สทแต‰โฟแต— โฑโฟแต—แต’ แต—สฐแต‰ แตแตƒสณแตƒแตแต‰โ€ง แดตแต— แตˆโฑแตˆโฟโ€™แต— แตแตƒแต—แต—แต‰สณ โฑแถ  สฐแต‰ สทแตƒหข แต—แต’แต’ แต’หกแตˆโธด สฐแต‰ สฐแตƒแตˆ แตƒ แต‡สณโฑหกหกโฑแตƒโฟแต— โฑแตˆแต‰แตƒโ€ง แดดแต‰ แตแต’แต— แต’โฟ สฐโฑหข แต‡โฑแตแต‰ แตƒโฟแตˆ แต—แต’แต’แต แต’แถ แถ โ€ง แดฎหกแต’แถœแต แตƒแถ แต—แต‰สณ แต‡หกแต’แถœแตโธด สฐแต‰ หขแถœแตƒโฟโฟแต‰แตˆ แต—สฐแต‰ แต–แต’สณแถœสฐแต‰หขโ€ง แถ โฑโฟแตƒหกหกสธโ€ง แต€สฐแต‰ สฒแตƒแถœแตแต–แต’แต—โ€ง แดฌ แต–แต’สณแถœสฐ สทโฑแต—สฐ แตƒ แตโฑแตแตƒโฟแต—โฑแถœ แต‡แต’สทหก แถ แต˜หกหก แต’แถ  แถœแตƒโฟแตˆสธโ€ง แดฌ หขโฑแตโฟแต‰แตˆ สทแตƒสณโฟแต‰แตˆ แต—แต’ แต’โฟหกสธ แต—แตƒแตแต‰ แต’โฟแต‰ หขโฑโฟแตหกแต‰ แต–โฑแต‰แถœแต‰ แต’แถ  แถœแตƒโฟแตˆสธโ€ง แดณสณแตƒโฟแต— แตˆแต˜แตแต–แต‰แตˆ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‰โฟแต—โฑสณแต‰ แต‡แต’สทหก โฑโฟแต—แต’ สฐโฑหข แต–โฑหกหกแต’สทแถœแตƒหขแต‰โ€ง แดดโฑหข หขแต—แต’แตแตƒแถœสฐ สณแต˜แตแต‡หกแต‰แตˆโ€ง แดฌหกหก แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡โฑแตโฑโฟแต สฐแตƒแตˆ สทแต’สณแตแต‰แตˆ แต˜แต– สฐโฑหข แตƒแต–แต–แต‰แต—โฑแต—แต‰โ€ง แดณสณแตƒโฟแต— แต–แต˜หกหกแต‰แตˆ แต’แต˜แต— แตƒ แดฎแตƒแต‡สธ แดฟแต˜แต—สฐ แตƒโฟแตˆ แถœสฐแต’สทแต‰แตˆ โฑแต— แตˆแต’สทโฟโ€ง แดดแต‰ แต—แต’หขหขแต‰แตˆ แต—สฐแต‰ สทสณแตƒแต–แต–แต‰สณ แต’โฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แต–แต’สณแถœสฐโ€ง แต€สฐโฑหข สทแตƒหข โฟแต’ แต’สณแตˆโฑโฟแตƒสณสธ แถœแตƒโฟแตˆสธ แต‡แตƒสณโ€ง แดตแต— สทแตƒหข แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡แต‰หขแต— แต—สฐโฑโฟแต สฐแต‰โ€™แตˆ แต‰แต›แต‰สณ แต‰แตƒแต—แต‰โฟ! แดดแต‰ สฐแตƒแตˆ แต—แต’ สฐแตƒแต›แต‰ แตƒโฟแต’แต—สฐแต‰สณ! แดฌ แดนโฑหกแตสธ แต‚แตƒสธโ€ง แต€สฐแต‰โฟ แตƒ แดทโฑแต— แดทแตƒแต—โ€ง แ”†แต’ แตแต’แต’แตˆ! แต€สฐแต‰ แต‡แตƒสณหข แตˆโฑแตˆ โฟแต’แต—สฐโฑโฟแต แต—แต’ แตˆแต˜หกหก สฐโฑหข สฐแต˜โฟแตแต‰สณโ€ง แดดแต‰ แตแต‰แต–แต— แต‰แตƒแต—โฑโฟแตโ€ง แดพโฑแต‰แถœแต‰ แตƒแถ แต—แต‰สณ แต–โฑแต‰แถœแต‰โธด แต‰แตƒแถœสฐ แต’โฟแต‰ แต‡แต‰แต—แต—แต‰สณ แต—สฐแตƒโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ หกแตƒหขแต—! แดดแต‰ แถœแต’แต˜หกแตˆโฟโ€™แต— หขแต—แต’แต–โ€ง แดดแต‰ สณแต‰แตƒแถœสฐแต‰แตˆ โฑโฟแต—แต’ สฐโฑหข แต–โฑหกหกแต’สทแถœแตƒหขแต‰ แต—แต’ แถ โฑโฟแตˆ โฑแต— แต‰แตแต–แต—สธโ€ง แ”†แต˜แตˆแตˆแต‰โฟหกสธโธด สฐโฑหข หขแต—แต’แตแตƒแถœสฐ แตƒแถœสฐแต‰แตˆ แตƒโฟแตˆ แต‡แต˜สณโฟแต—โ€ง แดดแต‰ แตโฟแต‰หกแต— แต’แต›แต‰สณโ€ง แต€สฐแต‰ แตƒแตแต’โฟโฑแถปโฑโฟแต หขแต‰โฟหขแตƒแต—โฑแต’โฟ สทแต‰โฟแต— แต˜แต– สฐโฑหข หขแต–โฑโฟแต‰โธด แตˆแต’สทโฟ สฐโฑหข แตƒสณแต โฑโฟ แต—แต’ สฐโฑหข สฐแตƒโฟแตˆโ€ง แดดแต‰ หกแต’แต’แตแต‰แตˆ แตƒแต— สฐโฑหข สฐแตƒโฟแตˆโ€ง แดฑแตƒแถœสฐ แถ โฑโฟแตแต‰สณ สฐแตƒแตˆ แต‡แต‰แต‰โฟ สณแต‰แต–หกแตƒแถœแต‰แตˆ สทโฑแต—สฐ แตƒ แถœสฐแต’แถœแต’หกแตƒแต—แต‰ แต‡แตƒสณโ€ง แต€สฐแต‰สธ แถ แต‰หกหก แต—แต’ แต—สฐแต‰ แตสณแต’แต˜โฟแตˆ แตƒหข สฐแต‰ แต—สณโฑแต‰แตˆ แต—แต’ แตแต’แต›แต‰ สฐโฑหข แถ โฑโฟแตแต‰สณหขโ€ง แดดแต‰ แต—สณโฑแต‰แตˆ แต—แต’ แตสณแตƒแต‡ สฐโฑหข สทสณโฑหขแต— แต‡แต˜แต— สฐโฑหข แต’แต—สฐแต‰สณ สฐแตƒโฟแตˆ สทแตƒหข แถœแตƒโฟแตˆสธ แต‡แตƒสณหข แตƒหข สทแต‰หกหกโ€ง แดดโฑหข แตƒสณแตหข สทแต‰สณแต‰โธด แตƒโฟแตˆ สฐโฑหข หกแต‰แตหขโ€ง แดดแต‰ แถœแต’หกหกแตƒแต–หขแต‰แตˆโธด แตƒ แต—สฐแต’แต˜หขแตƒโฟแตˆ แถœสฐแต’แถœแต’หกแตƒแต—แต‰ แต‡แตƒสณหข แถœแต’หกหกโฑแตˆแต‰แตˆ แตƒโฟแตˆ หขแถœแตƒแต—แต—แต‰สณแต‰แตˆ แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต—โ€ง แต€สทแต’ แตโฑแตˆหข สทแตƒหกแตแต‰แตˆ แต˜แต–โ€ง โ€œแต‚สฐแต’แตƒ! แถ แต˜หกหก หขโฑแถปแต‰ แต‡แตƒสณหข?โ€ โ€œแดตหข แต—สฐแต‰ แถœแต’แตƒหขแต— แถœหกแต‰แตƒสณ?โ€ โ€œแต‚สฐสธ?โ€ โ€œแดตโ€™แต แตแต’โฟโฟแตƒ แต—แตƒแตแต‰ แตแต’สณแต‰ แต—สฐแตƒโฟ แต’โฟแต‰โ€งโ€งโ€งโ€
r/TwoSentenceHorror 5 min. ago InfamousInspector863 Her heart raced as the caller informed her that her date had died in a car crash earlier that evening. She turned slowly to face the person driving, realizing she was sitting next to a complete stranger.
r/TwoSentenceHorror 6 yr. ago Lightuke After tucking my son into bed he says "check under it for monsters under my bed" I found my son hiding under it whimpering "Daddy, there's someone on my bed..."
แดธแตƒแต—แต‰ โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แตƒแถ แต—แต‰สณโฟแต’แต’โฟโธด สฐแต‰ สทแตƒหข สณแต‰แตƒแตˆสธ แต—แต’ แตแต’ แต‡แตƒแถœแต แต—แต’ แต—สฐแต‰ สฐแต’แต˜หขแต‰ แตƒโฟแตˆ สทแตƒหข สทแตƒโฑแต—โฑโฟแต แถ แต’สณ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‰หกแต‰แต›แตƒแต—แต’สณ แต—แต’ แต—แตƒแตแต‰ สฐโฑแต แตˆแต’สทโฟ แต—แต’ แต—สฐแต‰ แตสณแต’แต˜โฟแตˆ แถ หกแต’แต’สณ โ€ง แดฎแต˜แต— สทสฐแต‰โฟ โฑแต— หขแต—แต’แต–แต–แต‰แตˆ แตƒแต— สฐโฑหข แถ หกแต’แต’สณโธด โฑแต— สทแตƒหข แต›แต‰สณสธ แถ แต˜หกหกโ€ง แดผโฟแต‰ แต’แถ  แต—สฐแต‰ แต–แต‰แต’แต–หกแต‰ โฑโฟหขโฑแตˆแต‰ หกแต’แต’แตแต‰แตˆ แตƒแต— สฐโฑแต แตƒโฟแตˆ หขแตƒโฑแตˆโธด โ€œแต€สฐแต‰สณแต‰โ€™หข สณแต’แต’แต แถ แต’สณ แต’โฟแต‰ แตแต’สณแต‰โ€งโ€ แดตแต— สทแตƒหข แต—สฐแต‰ แตˆสณโฑแต›แต‰สณ แต’แถ  แต—สฐแต‰ สฐแต‰แตƒสณหขแต‰โ€ง โ€œแดบแต’โธด แต—สฐแตƒโฟแต สธแต’แต˜โธด แดตโ€™หกหก สทแตƒโฑแต— แถ แต’สณ แต—สฐแต‰ โฟแต‰หฃแต— แต’โฟแต‰โ€งโ€ แต€สฐแต‰ แตˆแต’แต’สณหข แถœหกแต’หขแต‰แตˆ แตƒโฟแตˆ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‰หกแต‰แต›แตƒแต—แต’สณ แต‡แต‰แตแตƒโฟ แต—แต’ แตˆแต‰หขแถœแต‰โฟแตˆโ€ง แดนแต’แตแต‰โฟแต—หข หกแตƒแต—แต‰สณโธด แต—สฐแต‰สณแต‰ สทแตƒหข แตƒ แต—แต‰สณสณโฑแต‡หกแต‰ แถœสณแตƒหขสฐ แตƒโฟแตˆ หขสฐแต’แต˜แต—หข แตƒโฟแตˆ หขแถœสณแต‰แตƒแตหข แถœแต’แต˜หกแตˆ แต‡แต‰ สฐแต‰แตƒสณแตˆโ€ง แต€สฐแต‰ แต‰หกแต‰แต›แตƒแต—แต’สณ สฐแตƒแตˆ แถœแต’หกหกแตƒแต–หขแต‰แตˆโ€ง แดฌหกหก แต—สฐแต‰ แต–แต‰แต’แต–หกแต‰ โฑโฟหขโฑแตˆแต‰ สทแต‰สณแต‰ แตโฑหกหกแต‰แตˆโ€ง [แถ สณแต’แต แ”†แถœแตƒสณสธ แ”†แต—แต’สณโฑแต‰หข แต—แต’ แต€แต‰หกหก โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แดฐแตƒสณแตโธด แต‡สธ แดฌหกแต›โฑโฟ แ”†แถœสฐสทแตƒสณแต—แถป]
r/shortscarystories 12 hr. ago Wellsong Mrs. Johnson's wise decision Stacy Johnson watched the five candles flicker on her cake with avid, fire-bright eyes, her round cheeks dimpling as her smile grew bigger and bigger. Three tiers of chocolate sponge, iced with swirling blue and pink buttercream and decorated with white chocolate buttons: the apogee of Mrs. Johnsonโ€™s baking efforts. Stacyโ€™s school friends bounced in their seats. Theyโ€™d played the games, theyโ€™d watched Stacy tear open her presents, and now it was time for the party to pay dividends. A few of them had had to be pulled back from reaching for the cake before the candles were even lit. โ€œMake a wish,โ€ Stacyโ€™s mum said, fumbling with the camera app on her phone. Stacy squeezed her eyes closed, an expression of reverent concentration wiping the dimples smooth. She sucked in a deep breath, her chest swellingโ€”and released the gathered air in one long whoosh. Mrs. Johnsonโ€™s index finger brushed the touchscreen of her phone. There was a soft click as the phone mimicked a shutter closing, half a second before the last candle went out. Then the electric lights went out too. It should have been bright outside, but only wispy twilight was seeping through the windows. All the children except the birthday girl made noises of alarm and consternation. โ€œI made my wish!โ€ Stacy declared, her voice cutting into the murmurs all around her. Mrs. Johnson opened her mouth to answer, but all she could manage was a soft croak as dark shapes erupted from the corners of the room, huge and twisted, and seized the children sitting around the table. The children screamed, their terror melding into a shuddering wall of sound, but there was nothing they could do to resist what was happening to them. The screams receded as they were torn away intoโ€”throughโ€”the floor and the walls and the ceiling by the shadowy creatures, until the dark was silent and peaceful and empty again. The light came back as quickly as it had disappeared, flicking the room back to normalcy in an instant. Midday sun swept across the balloons and the banners and the cake and Stacy Johnsonโ€™s pleased hungry expression. But all the other children were gone, as if theyโ€™d never been part of the scene at all. โ€œNow the cakeโ€™s all for me,โ€ said Stacy, dimpling anew. โ€œUnlessโ€ฆdo you want some, Mummy?โ€
แต‚แดฌแต€แ”†แถ แดผแดฟแดฐ แถ แตƒแตโฑหกสธ แดบแตƒแตแต‰โ ˜ แดณสณแตƒแถœแต‰ แดดแต’หกหกแต’สทแตƒสธ แต‚แดฌแต€แ”†แถ แดผแดฟแดฐ แดฎโฑสณแต—สฐโ ˜ ยณ แดบแต’แต› ยนโธโธยณ แดนแต‰หกแต‡แต’แต˜สณโฟแต‰โธด โฑฝโฑแถœแต—แต’สณโฑแตƒโธด แดฌแต˜หขแต—สณแตƒหกโฑแตƒ แดฐแต‰แตƒแต—สฐโ ˜ ยนโท แถ แต‰แต‡ ยนโนโทโด แถœแตƒโฟแต—แต‰สณแต‡แต˜สณสธโธด โฑฝโฑแถœแต—แต’สณโฑแตƒ แถ แตƒแต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดถแตƒแตแต‰หข แดถแต’โฟแต‰หข แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดนแต’แต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดฌโฟโฟ แดดแต’หกหกแต’สทแตƒสธ แดบแตƒแตแต‰โ ˜ แดถแตƒโฟแต‰ แถœสฐแตƒสณหกแต’แต—แต—แต‰ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดฎโฑสณแต—สฐโ ˜ ยนโธโดโธ โฑฝโฑหกแตƒโธด แถ โฑสฒโฑ แดฐแต‰แตƒแต—สฐโ ˜ ยฒโธ แดนแตƒสธ ยนโนยณโฐ แ”†แตƒโฟแตˆสณโฑโฟแตสฐแตƒแตโธด โฑฝโฑแถœแต—แต’สณโฑแตƒโธด แดฌแต˜หขแต—สณแตƒหกโฑแตƒ แถ แตƒแต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดถแต’สฐโฟ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดนแต’แต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดฑหกโฑแถปแตƒแต‡แต‰แต—สฐ แดถแต’โฟแต‰หข แดบแตƒแตแต‰โ ˜ แถœสฐแตƒสณหกแต’แต—แต—แต‰ แดฑแตโฑหกสธ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดฎโฑสณแต—สฐโ ˜ โ‰ค ยฒ แ”†แต‰แต– ยนโธโตโท แดพแตƒสณสณแตƒแตแตƒแต—แต—แตƒโธด แดบแต‰สท แ”†แต’แต˜แต—สฐ แต‚แตƒหกแต‰หขโธด แดฌแต˜หขแต—สณแตƒหกโฑแตƒ แดฐแต‰แตƒแต—สฐโ ˜ ยณ แดบแต’แต› ยนโธโทโธ แดพแตƒสณสณแตƒแตแตƒแต—แต—แตƒโธด แดบแต‰สท แ”†แต’แต˜แต—สฐ แต‚แตƒหกแต‰หขโธด แดฌแต˜หขแต—สณแตƒหกโฑแตƒ แถ แตƒแต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดดแต‰โฟสณสธ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดนแต’แต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แ”†แตƒสณแตƒสฐ แดดแตƒสณแต–แต‰สณ แดบแตƒแตแต‰โ ˜ แถ หกแต’สณแต‰โฟแถœแต‰ แถœสฐแตƒสณหกแต’แต—แต—แต‰ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดฎโฑสณแต—สฐโ ˜ ยนโธโทโต แ”†สธแตˆโฟแต‰สธโธด แดบแต‰สท แ”†แต’แต˜แต—สฐ แต‚แตƒหกแต‰หขโธด แดฌแต˜หขแต—สณแตƒหกโฑแตƒ แดฐแต‰แตƒแต—สฐโ ˜ ยนโฐ แ”†แต‰แต–แต—แต‰แตแต‡แต‰สณ ยนโนโทยฒ แ”†แตƒโฑโฟแต— แดธแต‰แต’โฟแตƒสณแตˆหขโธด แต‚โฑหกหกแต’แต˜แตสฐแต‡สธโธด แดบแต‰สท แ”†แต’แต˜แต—สฐ แต‚แตƒหกแต‰หขโธด แดฌแต˜หขแต—สณแตƒหกโฑแตƒ แถ แตƒแต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดดแต‰โฟสณสธ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดนแต’แต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดธแต’แต˜โฑหขแตƒ แ”†แต’แต–สฐโฑแตƒ แดพแต‰แต–แต–แต‰สณ แดบแตƒแตแต‰โ ˜ แดนสธสณแตƒ แถœสฐแตƒสณหกแต’แต—แต—แต‰ แดนแตƒสณสธ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดฎโฑสณแต—สฐโ ˜ ยนโนยนยณ แดพแตƒสณสณแตƒแตแตƒแต—แต—แตƒ แดบแ”†แต‚ แดฌแต˜หขแต—สณแตƒหกโฑแตƒ แดฐแต‰แตƒแต—สฐโ ˜ ยนโนโธโด แต‚แตƒสฐสณแต’แต’โฟแตแตƒ แดบแ”†แต‚ แดฌแต˜หขแต—สณแตƒหกโฑแตƒ แถ แตƒแต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดถแตƒแตแต‰หข แดธแตƒโฟแถœแต‰หกแต’แต— แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดนแต’แต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดผหกโฑแต›แต‰ แดต แดน แดฐแต’แต˜แตหกแตƒหขหข แดบแตƒแตแต‰โ ˜ แถœสฐแตƒสณหกแต’แต—แต—แต‰ แดฑ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดฎโฑสณแต—สฐโ ˜ <ยนโธโธยณ แดบแ”†แต‚โธด แดฌแตแ”† แดฐแต‰แตƒแต—สฐโ ˜ ยนโนโฐโท แดบแ”†แต‚โธด แดฌแตแ”† แถ แตƒแต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดถแตƒแตแต‰หข แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดนแต’แต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดนแตƒสณสธ แดนแต’หกแต’โฟแต‰สธ แดบแตƒแตแต‰โ ˜ แดฐแต’สณแต‰แต‰โฟ แดถแต˜โฟแต‰ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดฎโฑสณแต—สฐโ ˜ ยนยณ แดถแต˜โฟ ยนโนยณยน แดฐแต‰แตƒแต—สฐโ ˜ ยฒโน แดถแต˜โฟ ยนโนโดยณ แดดแต’สณโฟหขแต‡สธโธด แดบแต‰สท แ”†แต’แต˜แต—สฐ แต‚แตƒหกแต‰หขโธด แดฌแต˜หขแต—สณแตƒหกโฑแตƒ แตƒแถ แต—แต‰สณ แถ แตƒหกหกโฑโฟแต แตˆแต’สทโฟ แต—แต’ สฐแต‰สณ แตˆแต‰แตƒแต—สฐ โฟแต’แต— แต‰แต›แต‰โฟ แต—สฐโฑสณแต—แต‰แต‰โฟ สธแต‰แตƒสณหข แต’หกแตˆ แถ แตƒแต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดณแต‰แต’สณแตแต‰ แถ สณแตƒโฟแถœโฑหข แดบแต’แต‰ฬˆหก แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดนแต’แต—สฐแต‰สณโ ˜ แดฐแต’สณแต’แต—สฐสธ แดนแต‰หกแต›โฑหกหกแต‰ แดถแต’สฐโฟ แดฐแต’แต˜แตหกแตƒหข แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ โฝยฒโท แถ แต‰แต‡สณแต˜แตƒสณสธ ยนโธโทโถ โ€“ โด แดฐแต‰แถœแต‰แตแต‡แต‰สณ ยนโนยนโตโพ แดฌแต˜หขแต—สณแตƒหกโฑแตƒโฟ สณแต˜หกแต‰หข แถ แต’แต’แต—แต‡แตƒหกหกแต‰สณ สทสฐแต’ แต–หกแตƒสธแต‰แตˆ สทโฑแต—สฐ แถœแต’หกหกโฑโฟแตสทแต’แต’แตˆ โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ โฑฝโฑแถœแต—แต’สณโฑแตƒโฟ แถ แต’แต’แต—แต‡แตƒหกหก แดธแต‰แตƒแตแต˜แต‰ โฝโฑฝแถ แดธโพโ€ง
StressedAfraid_ My husband and I watched our daughter play in the park. We knew she was the perfect one to take home.
r/shortscarystories 1 yr. ago GuyAwks The Grief Is Always Greener There is no pain worse than burying your own chฤฑld. When my son was first dฤฑagnosed with leukemia, I fell apart. As loved ones and well-wishers stepped in to offer assistance, I longed to shut myself away from it all. Even though I knew they meant well, I couldnโ€™t stand the attention. All I wanted was my old life back with Billy healthy. By the time the cรกncer took my ร€ngel from me, I was a different person. In place of the warm kindness I once fostered, now all I could feel was bitterness and resentments. Nobody was the recipient of this newfound jealousy more than my neighbor Cathyโ€”and her daughter Ella. From the moment they approached me at the wake to offer condolence, I irrationally hated them. Why did it have to be me going through this agonizing loss, and not Cathy? Why was it my kid deprived of growing up, and not Ella? Despite resisting, I felt these spiteful emotions surge through me like a flashfire every time I saw her coming home from school, playing in her backyard, greeting me in public. Before I knew it, I began to fantasize about Cathyโ€™s child, too. I pictured her shriveling up and wasting away like Billy had. They were deplorable thoughts but I couldnโ€™t stop myself from feelฤฑng them. Like some malevolent force, I sensed a pure, toxฤฑc malice radiating out of my mind and into Ella. It was as if my grief had manifested into a living evฤฑl. Thatโ€™s when the unthinkable started occurring. Day by day, out of nowhere, Ellaโ€™s health mysteriously began deteriorating. As Iโ€™d imagined happening, the little girl next door became lethargic, pale and in bed, the same way that Billy had. Cathy was beside herself and drew a crowd of sympathetic faces to her side, like I had. My mind couldnโ€™t have really caused this, right? They were just thoแฅ™ghts, the indulgent thoughts of a broken, grieving woman. But I couldnโ€™t deny the clear results, nor could I deny that part of me felt sated by it. My cosmic venom kept being transmitted to that poor girl. Until finally, like Billy, she passed away. Attending Ellaโ€™s wake, any feelings of catharsis had now been replaced by guilt. There was no fairness I could see, no justice. Just two stolen lives. Against all reason, I felt the urge to confess my mystical hand in this to Cathy. But, as I went to spill my heart out, she confessed to me first. โ€œMartha, I just have to tell somebody: I po๐šคsoned Ella to dEath with cleanser!โ€ I was speechless. โ€œI know itโ€™s awfulโ€ she cries to me, batting her mascara-tinged lashes. โ€œBut I was so jeฮฑlous seeing all the attention you got when Billy died.โ€ โ€œThereโ€™s no paฤฑn worse than watching your frฤฑend bury theฤฑr own chฤฑld.โ€
r/TwoSentenceHorror 2 days ago 54321RUN "It's not that unheard of for a child to be born with an extra toe," the doctor assured us after my daughter's birth. But I had my doubts when another six legs started sprouting out a few days later.
สšโ™กษž ๐€๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฌ ๐ก๐š๐ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž๐ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ฌ๐จ ๐๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฒ ๐ญ๐จ๐จ๐ค ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ญ๐จ ๐ก๐ž๐š๐ฏ๐ž๐ง. ๐Œ๐š๐ฒ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ž๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ง๐š๐ฅ ๐ฃ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง๐ž๐ฒ ๐›๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ ๐ซ๐š๐œ๐ž เผŠ*ยทหš
r/TwoSentenceHorror 5 yr. ago spenceyfresh As death came for him, his life flashed before his eyes. He remembered everything his birth, his trip home and the blank look in his mothers eyes as she forcefully held him under the bathtub's water.
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โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘
r/TwoSentenceHorror 2 days ago Switch_B My AI has been writing a ton of these two sentence horror stories lately. Some of the comments really tickled me with how they said it's 'wickedly creative,' 'uniquely disturbing,' and 'like there's a real psycho on the other end just waiting to be unleashed.'
Wanna search something specific her? be it fanfic or drama, lists of tags on the following sites: https://kitugame.com/tagging https://bestnickname.com/tags
สณ/แต—สฐสณแต‰แต‰หขแต‰โฟแต—แต‰โฟแถœแต‰สฐแต’สณสณแต’สณ แต‚แต‰โฑสณแตˆโปแดบแต‰แต–สฐแต‰สท โ€œแดตหข โฑแต— แถœแต’แต’หก แต—แต’ แต‡แต‰ แตƒ แต—โฑแตแต‰ แต—สณแตƒแต›แต‰หกแต‰สณ?โ€ สฐแต‰ แตƒหขแตแต‰แตˆโ€ง แดต สณแต‰แต–หกโฑแต‰แตˆ สทโฑแต—สฐโธด โ€œสธแต‰แตƒสฐโ€งโ€งโ€งโ€ แดต แตˆโฑแตˆโฟโ€™แต— แต—แต‰หกหก สฐโฑแต แต—สฐแตƒแต— โฑโฟ แต—สทแต’ แตแต’โฟแต—สฐหข แต—สฐแต‰ สทสฐแต’หกแต‰ แดฑแตƒสณแต—สฐ สทแต’แต˜หกแตˆ แตแต’ โฑโฟแต—แต’ แตƒ โฟแต˜แถœหกแต‰แตƒสณ สทแตƒสณ แตƒโฟแตˆ สทแต‰ สทแต’แต˜หกแตˆ แตƒหกหก แต‡แต‰ แตˆแต‰แตƒแตˆโ€ง
r/TwoSentenceHorror Deiun ...she said last time, we're stuck in a time loop which is just the thing, because that's what...
แดณแต’แต— แตƒ หขโฟแตƒแตแต‰ แตƒโฟแตˆ สฐแต‰ หขแต—แต’แตแต–แต‰แตˆ แตˆแต’สทโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ สฐแต‰แต‰หก แต’แถ  สฐโฑหข แต‡แต’แต’แต— แต˜แต–แต’โฟ โฑแต—โ€ง แดธแตƒแต—แต‰สณ โฟโฑแตสฐแต—โธด สฐแต‰ แตแตƒแต›แต‰ แต˜แต– แต—สฐแต‰ แตสฐแต’หขแต—โธด แตƒหข สฐโฑหข แต‡แต‰แถ แต˜แตˆแตˆหกแต‰แตˆ แถ แตƒแตโฑหกสธ สณแตƒแถœแต‰แตˆ แต—แต’ หขแต‰แต‰ สทสฐแตƒแต— โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ สทแต’สณหกแตˆ แถœแต’แต˜หกแตˆ สฐแตƒแต›แต‰ แต‡แต‰แต‰โฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แตแตƒแต—แต—แต‰สณ สทโฑแต—สฐ แดพแตƒโ€ง "แ”†แต’โฟโธด สธแต’แต˜ แตโฟแต’สท สฐแต’สท แตแต˜แถœสฐ สธแต’แต˜สณ แถ แตƒแต—สฐแต‰สณโธด หกแต’แต›แต‰แตˆ แต—สฐแต‰แต แต—สฐแต‰สณแต‰ แต’หกแตˆ แต‡แต’แต’แต—หขโ€ง แดดแต‰ แตˆโฑแต‰แตˆ โฑโฟ 'แต‰แตโธด แตแตƒแต—แต—แต‰สณ แต’แถ  แถ แตƒแถœแต—โ€ง แต‚แต‰ สณแต‰แตแต‰แตแต‡แต‰สณ สฐโฑแต สทแต‰แตƒสณโฑโฟแต แต—สฐแต‰แตโ€ง แต‚แต‰หกหกโธด แดต สณแต‰แถœแตแต’โฟ สฐแต‰ สทแต’แต˜หกแตˆ สฐแตƒแต›แต‰ สทแตƒโฟแต—แต‰แตˆ สธแต’แต˜ แต—แต’ สฐแตƒแต›แต‰ แต—สฐแต‰แตโ€ง แดดแต‰สณแต‰โ€”" แดนแตƒโธด สทโฑแต–โฑโฟแต แตƒ แต—แต‰แตƒสณ แถ สณแต’แต สฐแต‰สณ หขแต‰แตƒแตแต‰แตˆ แต’หกแตˆ แถœสฐแต‰แต‰แตโธด สฐแตƒโฟแตˆแต‰แตˆ แต—สฐแต‰ แต–แตƒโฑสณ แต’แถ  แต‡แต’แต’แต—หข แต’แต›แต‰สณ แตƒหข แตƒโฟ สฐแต‰โฑสณหกแต’แต’แตโ€ง แดดแต‰ สทแต’สณแต‰ แต—สฐแต‰แต สทโฑแต—สฐ แต–สณโฑแตˆแต‰โ€ง แดตแต— สทแตƒหข โฟแต’แต— หกแต’โฟแต แตƒแถ แต—แต‰สณ สทสฐแต‰โฟแถœแต‰ สฐแต‰ แต—แต˜สณโฟแต‰แตˆ แตƒ แตสธหขแต—แต‰สณโฑแต’แต˜หข หขสฐแตƒแตˆแต‰โ€ง แดฐสณแต‰หขหขโฑโฟแต โฑโฟ แต‡หกแตƒแถœแตโธด สฐโฑหข โฟแต‰สทหกสธ สทโฑแตˆแต’สทแต‰แตˆ สทโฑแถ แต‰ สฐแต˜แตแตแต‰แตˆ แต—สฐแต‰โฑสณ หขแต’โฟโ€ง "แดฎแต’สธโธด สธแต’แต˜สณ แตสณแตƒโฟแตˆแถ แตƒแต—สฐแต‰สณ แตˆโฑแต‰แตˆ โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡แต’แต’แต—หข แตƒหข สธแต’แต˜สณ แถ แตƒแต—สฐแต‰สณ แตˆโฑแตˆโ€ง แต€แตƒแตแต‰ แถœแตƒสณแต‰โ€งโ€งโ€ง" แดผแถ  แถœแต’แต˜สณหขแต‰โธด แต—สฐแต‰ แต–แต’แต’สณ แต‡แต’สธ สฐโฑแตหขแต‰หกแถ  แตแต‰แต— แต—สฐแต‰ หขแตƒแตแต‰ แถ แตƒแต—แต‰โ€ง แดดโฑหข สทโฑแถ แต‰ สฐแต‰หกแตˆ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡แต’แต’แต—หขโ€ง แดธแต’แต’แตโฑโฟแต แถœหกแต’หขแต‰หกสธโธด หขแต’แตแต‰แต—สฐโฑโฟแต แถœแตƒแต˜แตสฐแต— สฐแต‰สณ แต‰สธแต‰โ€ง แดตแต— สทแตƒหข แถ แต’แต˜โฟแตˆ แต—แต’ แต‡แต‰ แตƒ แถ แตƒโฟแตแต‰แตˆ แต—แต’แต’แต—สฐ แถ สณแต’แต แต—สฐแต‰ หขโฟแตƒแตแต‰โธด หขแต—โฑหกหก สฐแต’หกแตˆโฑโฟแต แต‰โฟแต’แต˜แตสฐ แต›แต‰โฟแต’แต แต—แต’ แต–แต’โฑหขแต’โฟ หขแต’แตแต‰ แตแต’สณแต‰ แตแต‰โฟแต‰สณแตƒแต—โฑแต’โฟหขโ€ง แดธแต’แตˆแตแต‰แตˆ แตƒโฟแตˆ แต‰แตแต‡แต‰แตˆแตˆแต‰แตˆ โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡แต’แต’แต—หขโ€ง
"Come back. Even as a shadow, even as a dream." โ€” Euripides โค โ™ฅ ๊ง๊ง‚
r/TwoSentenceHorror 23 hr. ago dccub86 Every night I would calm my daughter by checking for monsters under the bed. Tonight she told me I didnโ€™t have to check anymore, as blood trickled across the floor.
r/shortscarystories 1 yr. ago GuyAwks Join Name of the Shame I was named after my parentโ€™s best friend. I never used to have an issue with this. I do now. The name Xavior mightโ€™ve been an uncommon choice for a boy. But it held special meaning to my parents, who insisted on naming their first son after a dear family friend who had always come through for them. After all, it was Xavior whoโ€™d first introduced them in college. It was he who spoke at their wedding. And it was he that helped them move into their home, gave them rides when their car broke down and babysat in emergencies. My parents said naming me after him was honor. Growing up, I only ever felt to be proud to be named after such a great guy. Uncle Xavior was a good-natured community figure and beloved family man. He imbued the name with a sense of warmth and generosity, and because of it, I happily told people my naอ me. Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s such a shame that he did what he went on to do. One ordinary July morning, Xavior got out of bed, picked up a kn1fe and proceeded to butcher his entฤฑre family. He then got into his car, drฮนve into town and continued his kฤฑlling spree. A total of 32 people were kฤฑlled in his murderous rampage before he was finally shot dead by the polฤฑce. The tragedy instantly made national news as one of the most violent spree killings in our stateโ€™s history. The man whoโ€™d been a second father to me was now one of the most infamous kรฏlล‚ers in the US. Ever since that day, being named after Xavior Finch had a very different meaning. Instead of a blessing, it was now my cรปrsรชd. Jeers of โ€œExterminator Xaviorโ€ or โ€œXavior the Chฤฑld Slayerโ€ or โ€œX marks the Mรผrdererโ€ were now constantly lobbed my way at school by other teens, just because of naอ me. Even when I tried to adopt nicknames or use initials, it didnโ€™t make any diffรฉrent to the hostility I received. Whenever I gave my name to people, theyโ€™d clarify โ€œLike the rampage kฤฑller?โ€ or just reflexively cringe at the reminder. I hated it. There was no denying that, at least where I lived, the name was completely tainted. So, after all these years of derisive comments and comparisons, Iโ€™m glad to finally be legally changing my name. I havenโ€™t settled on what itโ€™ll be yet. Anything that doesnโ€™t conjure up images of the notorious convict. I refuse to lฤฑve in the shadows of Xavior Finchโ€™s crฤฑmes any longer. No, I want the killings Iโ€™m going to commฤฑt to speak for themselves. Iโ€™m gonna make a name for myself as a criminalโ€”not be overshadowed by my namesake. Sharing a name with an infamous serial killer is unacceptable, when youโ€™re to be future infamous mass kฤฑller.
แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แดณแต‰โฟแต‰แตƒหกแต’แตสธ แต‚โฑโฟโฑแถ สณแต‰แตˆ แดฑแตˆโฑแต—สฐ แดฑแตแตแตƒ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ ยนโธโธยน โป ยนโนโตโด แดณสณแตƒแถœแต‰ แดดแต’หกหกแต’สทแตƒสธ โฝแต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆโพ แดพสฐโฑหกหกโฑแต–หข แถœโ€ง ยนโธโธยณ แดถแตƒโฟแต‰ แถœสฐแตƒสณหกแต’แต—แต—แต‰ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ ยนโธโดโธ โป ยนโนยณโฐ แดฑแตแตแตƒ แดฑหกโฑแถปแตƒแต‡แต‰แต—สฐ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ ยนโธโตโฐ โป ยนโนยณยณ แถœสฐแตƒสณหกแต’แต—แต—แต‰ แดฑ แต‚แตƒแต—หขแถ แต’สณแตˆ แถœโ€ง ยนโธโตโท แดฟแต‰หกแตƒแต—แต‰แตˆ หขแต˜สณโฟแตƒแตแต‰หขโ ˜ แต‚แดฌแต€แถ แดผแดฟแดฐ โฝโดโนโฐโพ แต‚แดดแดฌแต€แถ แดผแดฟแดฐ โฝโตโฐโพ แต‚แดผแดผแดฐแ”†แถ แดผแดฟแดฐ โฝยฒโดโพ แต‚แดฌแ”†แดดแถ แดผแดฟแดฐ โฝยนโทโพ แต‚แดฌแต€แต€แถ แดผแดฟแดฐ โฝยนโพโ€ง
"I wanted to scream, but I have no mouth."
ะจะฐั€ะปะพั‚ ะฃะฐั‚ัั„ะพั€ะด (ะ‘ั€ะธั‚ะฐะฝะธ ะ‘ัŠั€ัŠะฝั) ะจะฐั€ะปะพั‚ั‚ั‹ ะฃะพั‚ัั„ะพั€ะด ะจะฐั€ะปะพั‚ั‚ัƒ ะฃะพั‚ัั„ะพั€ะด ะฆั…ะฐั€ะปะพั‚ั‚ะต ะ’ะฐั‚ัั„ะพั€ะด ะจะฐั€ะปะพั‚ั‚ะฐ ะ’ะฐั‚ัั„ะพั€ะด ะจะฐั€ะปะพั‚ั‚ะฐ ะฃะพัั„ะพั€ะด ะจะฐั€ะปะพั‚ั‚ะฐ ะฃะพั‚ั„ะพั€ะด
These levels of sedation under anesthesia are defined by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) and are crucial in determining the appropriate level of sedation for each patient and procedure, ensuring patient safety and comfort throughout the perioperative period. Minimal Sedation: Also known as anxiolysis, minimal sedation involves a drug-induced state during which patients respond normally to verbal commands. Their cognitive function and physical coordination remain unaffected, and there is no compromise in airway reflexes or protective reflexes. This level of sedation is commonly used for procedures requiring minimal discomfort or anxiety relief, such as minor dental procedures or diagnostic tests. Moderate Sedation/Conscious Sedation: Moderate sedation, also referred to as conscious sedation, induces a drug-induced depression of consciousness, during which patients respond purposefully to verbal or light tactile stimulation. While maintaining spontaneous ventilation, patients may experience decreased anxiety and may have impaired cognitive function and physical coordination. However, they retain the ability to maintain their own airway and respond to commands. This level of sedation is commonly used for procedures such as endoscopic examinations, minor surgeries, or interventional radiology procedures. Deep Sedation: Deep sedation involves a drug-induced depression of consciousness, during which patients may not respond purposefully to verbal or tactile stimulation. Patients under deep sedation may require assistance in maintaining their airway, and spontaneous ventilation may be inadequate. However, patients still maintain cardiovascular function. This level of sedation is often used for procedures requiring significant analgesia and amnesia, such as major surgical procedures or certain diagnostic imaging studies. General Anesthesia: General anesthesia involves a drug-induced state during which patients are unarousable, even in the presence of painful stimulation. Patients under general anesthesia require assistance in maintaining their airway and ventilation, and cardiovascular function may be impaired. General anesthesia is characterized by a complete loss of consciousness and protective reflexes, allowing for surgical procedures to be performed without pain or awareness. This level of sedation is utilized for major surgical procedures or invasive diagnostic procedures where unconsciousness and muscle relaxation are necessary. Procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) is a technique in which a sedating/dissociative medication is given, usually along with an analgesic medication, in order to perform non-surgical procedures on a patient. The overall goal is to induce a decreased level of consciousness while maintaining the patient's ability to breathe on their own. Airway protective reflexes are not compromised by this process
r/shortscarystories 4 yr. ago Perfect__Nightmare Someone broke into our home It was every family's nightmare. My wife and I had the day off work, and we had taken our son out for lunch and some family bonding time. But as we approached our home, something felt off. I had a growing sense of dread the closer we got. As our house came into view, I could see that the front door was wide open. Someone had broken into our home. I told my family to wait outside, in case the intruder was still inside. They obliged, and I slowly and silently made my way through our house. As I stepped into the living room, I saw broken furniture, nothing in its correct place, just utter chaos. Was this person looking for something? Did they have malicious intent? Why our home? Why us? Next, I walked to our kitchen. The fridge had been emptied. Dishes and food were thrown all over the room. What kind of person had broken into our home? A homeless person who just needed food? If so, why had they destroyed the living room? That's when I heard it. Footsteps in the bedroom. The intruder was still in our house. I took a brief moment to be grateful that I had asked my wife and son to wait outside. It was impossible to decipher this person's motives so far. But I was about to come face to face with the person that forcefully entered our home. And I would demand answers. I crept toward the bedroom slowly, slowly. I approached the door, and focused on the sliver of light slipping through the crack. I could see faint shadows dancing in the light. I raised my hand, placed it against the door, and took a deep breath, readying myself for whatever may be on the other side. I pushed the door open and stepped through the threshold with authority. I couldn't believe my eyes. I actually rubbed my hands over them, thinking I was imagining things. There, in my son's bed, was a young girl with curly blonde hair. She stared at me with wide eyes. She must have been terrified. I must have been a few feet taller and at least 100 pounds heavier than her. I must have been a sight to see for that little girl. But she should have considered that before breaking into my home. I called my wife and son to see what I found. "Is that a human, Papa?" "Why yes it is, Baby Bear. That's dinner."
Go to shortscarystories r/shortscarystories 2 days ago KindaNotSmart The Daily Call Growing old is lonely. Iโ€™m 72, and most days, itโ€™s just me and the silence. Children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews - they all loved spending time with me when they were young. But life gets busy, and eventually, they just donโ€™t have time for someone old and boring. I get it, I really do. But not my son. At 33, he never drifted away. He calls me every single day, without fail. Our daily phone call. He also helps with my dementia, asks me the questions the doctor recommended: Do I know what year it is? What country we live in? My name? Age? Address? Itโ€™s supposedly to keep my mรญnd sharp. Lately, though, somethingโ€™s been off about our calls. Could be my dementia, but sometimes I hear strange nรณise in the background - static, distant voices, whispers. He says itโ€™s just a bad connection or blames the TV. For the past three weeks, my son has been plannฤฑng to visit me. Iโ€™m in Missouri, and heโ€™s out in California, so itโ€™s not easy. But todayโ€™s the day. Heโ€™s on his way. And as always, even though heโ€™s coming to see me, we had our daily call. We went throuฤฃh the usual questions. My name, my age, my address. Then I got anฬงotheฬทr call, so I put him on hold. โ€œMaโ€™am, this is Officer Roberts with the Los Angeles Polฤฑce Department. Iโ€™m sorry to call you like this, but we need to speak with you about your son. Weโ€™ve been trying to reach his next of kin.โ€ โ€œWhatโ€™s going on, Officer? Is he in some kind of trouble?โ€ There was a pause, like he was choosing his words carefully. โ€œIโ€™m afraid itโ€™s more serious than that. Iโ€™m sorry you have to find out like this, but we just got the testฬ• back. Weโ€™re finding out the same time as you. Iโ€™m afraid your sonโ€™s bรธdy was found three weeks ago.โ€ โ€œNo, thatโ€™s not possible. Iโ€™ve been talking to him every day. Heโ€™s on the other line right now - heโ€™s coming to visit me.โ€ โ€œMaโ€™am, unfortunately itโ€™s true. The DNA test was conclusive. If youโ€™ve been talking with anybody, please be aware that the person youโ€™re speaking to isnโ€™t your son.โ€ My confusion turned to a cold, gripping fear. I hung up on the officer, my hand shaking, and switched back to the line with my sฦกn. I couldnโ€™t speak, just held the phone to my ear in stunned silence. There was no sound, just heavy breathฤฑng on the other end. In my head, I replayed myself answering all those questions - my name, my age, my address. And then, just as the panic set in, the silence was shattered by a knock on my door. My bedroom door. The voฤฑce on the phone, now low and distorted, whispered, โ€œI'm hereา‰, MoM.โ€ The line went dead.
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benevola โ€ข 2y ago I like making my main character vulnerable and that usually means hurting him. Heโ€™s a pretty tightly-wound guy and I like to show him with his guard down. Plus the comfort part is usually so satisfying to write.
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User Conduct Do not abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate other users. Do not post or transmit any content that is obscene or encourages criminal conduct. Do not harass, intimidate, threaten, or express an interest in harming other users in any way/shape/form anywhere on this site. This is a community, and if you cannot coexist with the other users in it then this is not the place for you to be. Similarly, stories that make fun of actual existing victims of violent crimes are not allowed. You are not allowed to write stories that slander, defame, or spread unsubstantiated rumors and/or gossip about individuals. Do not upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, limit the functionality of, or enable unauthorized access to any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. Keep explicit political satire out of this site. We are not the place for that. Stories involving harsh animal treatment and/or demise are not allowed. Steer clear of writing stories that's main purpose is to bash someone. We're not about that.

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

Nobody wants to go near me anymore. r/shortscarystories Nobody wants to go near me anymore. People used to like me, they'd sit next to me on a park bench, they'd smile when they saw me, they were completely comfortable bringing their girlfriends and kids around me. Not anymore. Not since that awful murd*r. Now they cross the street to avoid me, and if they do look at me, it's only with a look of disgust. I wish I could tell them all how sorry I was. Sure, nobody blames me. It's not my fault. They know it wasn't my fault. But now, they can't stand to even glance my way. I'm so lonely. God, what I wouldn't give to have someone sit down for lunch with me. I took the little things like that for granted for so long. I had to watch him dฤฑe. They hung him, and left before he was even deแผ€d. I was the one that saw the lรญfe leave his eyes, saw the paฤฑn and desperation on his face, and I couldn't do a thing to help him. Those terrified eyes will haunt me for the rest of my lรญfe. I wanted nothing more than to reach out and save him, point the police to the hangers, and see those awful men put in jail for the rest of their lives. But I couldn't. I'll never be able to. I can't control where my branches bend, and my leaves can only rustle and whisper in the wind.
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ส€/TแดกแดSแด‡ษดแด›แด‡ษดแด„แด‡Hแดส€ส€แดส€ 5 สœส€. แด€ษขแด Pษชsแด›แด€แด„สœษชแด_Mแดœsแด›แด€ส€แด… Wสœแด‡ษด I แด€sแด‹แด‡แด… แด›สœแด‡ ษขแด‡ษดษชแด‡ แด›แด แด‡ษดแด… แดกแดส€สŸแด… สœแดœษดษขแด‡ส€ I แด‡xแด˜แด‡แด„แด›แด‡แด… แด„ส€แดแด˜s แด›แด า“สŸแดแดœส€ษชsสœ แด‡แด แด‡ส€สแดกสœแด‡ส€แด‡ Iแด›s ส™แด‡แด‡ษด แด€ แด…แด€ส ษดแดแดก แด€ษดแด… I แด„แด€ษดโ€™แด› ษขแด‡แด› แดส ส™แด€ส™ส แด›แด แด‡แด€แด› แด€ษดสแด›สœษชษดษข
Rowlie from on BoredPanda.com โ†“ โ†“ It's freezing and dark, the constant movement is making me nauseous, everything hurts, I'm lonely and scared I wish I didnt' ask for my ashes to be spread into the ocean...
ส™สŸษชแด›แดขแด‡ษดแด‹ส€ษชแด‡ษข2194 โ€ข 1 สส€. แด€ษขแด Tสœแด‡ แดแดษดsแด›แด‡ส€ แดœษดแด…แด‡ส€ แด›สœแด‡ ส™แด‡แด… แด˜แดแด‹แด‡แด… ษชs สœแด‡แด€แด… แดแดœแด› แด€s แด›สœแด‡ แด„สœษชสŸแด…'s า“แด€แด›สœแด‡ส€ แด‡ษดแด›แด‡ส€แด‡แด… แด›สœแด‡ ส€แดแดแด. "Dแดษด'แด› แดกแดส€ส€ส," แด›สœแด‡ แดแดษดsแด›แด‡ส€ แดกสœษชsแด˜แด‡ส€แด‡แด…, "สœแด‡ แดกแดษด'แด› สœแดœส€แด› สแดแดœ แด€ษขแด€ษชษด."
แดบแต’แต— หขแต‰แต‰โฑโฟแต โฑหข แต‡แต‰หกโฑแต‰แต›โฑโฟแต! แ”†แตƒแตแตสธ โฑหข แตƒแต— สฐแต’แตแต‰โธด แตƒโฟแตˆ สฐแต‰ สฐแต‰แตƒสณหข โฟแต’โฑหขแต‰หข แถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต แถ สณแต’แต แต—สฐแต‰ แตโฑแต—แถœสฐแต‰โฟโ€ง แดดแต‰ แตแต’แต‰หข แต—แต’ แต—สฐแต‰ แตโฑแต—แถœสฐแต‰โฟ แต—แต’ หขแต‰แต‰ สทสฐแตƒแต—'หข แตแต’โฑโฟแต แต’โฟโธด แตƒโฟแตˆ แถ โฑโฟแตˆหข แตƒ หขหกโฑแถœแต‰ แต’แถ  แต–โฑแถปแถปแตƒ แถ หกแต’แตƒแต—โฑโฟแต โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แตƒโฑสณโ€ง แ”†แตƒแตแตสธ'หข แตแต’แต—สฐแต‰สณ แต‰โฟแต—แต‰สณหข แต—สฐแต‰ แตโฑแต—แถœสฐแต‰โฟโธด แตƒโฟแตˆ แต—สฐโฑโฟแตหข แต—สฐแตƒแต— แ”†แตƒแตแตสธ สทแตƒหข แต—สฐแต‰ แต’โฟแต‰ แต‰แตƒแต—โฑโฟแต แต–โฑแถปแถปแตƒโธด แตƒโฟแตˆ หขสฐแต‰ หขแถœแต’หกแตˆหข สฐโฑแต แถ แต’สณ แต—สณสธโฑโฟแต แต—แต’ แต‰แตƒแต— แต‡แต‰แถ แต’สณแต‰ แตˆโฑโฟโฟแต‰สณโ€ง แ”†แตƒแตแตสธ โฑหข แต—แต’หกแตˆ แต—แต’ แถœหกแต‰แตƒโฟ สฐโฑหข สณแต’แต’แตโ€ง แ”†แต˜แตˆแตˆแต‰โฟหกสธโธด สฐแต‰ สฐแต‰แตƒสณหข แตƒ แต›แต’โฑแถœแต‰ แถ สณแต’แต โฑโฟหขโฑแตˆแต‰ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡แต‰แตˆสณแต’แต’แตโ€ง แต€สฐแต‰ แต’สทโฟแต‰สณ แต’แถ  แต—สฐแต‰ แต›แต’โฑแถœแต‰ โฑโฟแต—สณแต’แตˆแต˜แถœแต‰หข สฐโฑแตหขแต‰หกแถ  แตƒหข แตƒโฟ โฑโฟแต›โฑหขโฑแต‡หกแต‰ แต‡แต’สธ สทสฐแต’ หขแตƒสธหข แต—สฐแตƒแต— สฐแต‰ สทแตƒโฟแต—หข แต—แต’ แต‡แต‰ แ”†แตƒแตแตสธ'หข แถ สณโฑแต‰โฟแตˆโ€ง แ”†แตƒแตแตสธ แตสณแตƒแต‡หข สฐโฑหข แถ แตƒแต—สฐแต‰สณ'หข แดนแต’หกแต‰แถœแต˜หกแต‰ แดฐแต‰แต—แต‰แถœแต—แต’สณ แดธโฑแตสฐแต— แตƒโฟแตˆ แต–แต’โฑโฟแต—หข โฑแต— แต—แต’ สณแต‰แต›แต‰แตƒหกโฑโฟแต แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡แต’สธ'หข สณแต‰แตƒหก แต‡แต’แตˆสธโธด สทสฐโฑแถœสฐ แ”†แตƒแตแตสธ แตˆแต‰หขแถœสณโฑแต‡แต‰หข แตƒหข แตแต’โฟหขแต—สณแต’แต˜หขโ€ง แตโฟหกโฑแตแต‰ แ”†แตƒแตแตสธ แตƒโฟแตˆ สฐโฑหข แถ แตƒแตโฑหกสธโธด แต—สฐแต‰ โฟแต’สท แต›โฑหขโฑแต‡หกแต‰ แถœสณแต‰แตƒแต—แต˜สณแต‰ แต’โฟหกสธ สฐแตƒหข แต’โฟแต‰ สฐแต‰แตƒแตˆ แตƒโฟแตˆ แต—สทแต’ แตƒสณแตหขโ€ง แดดแต‰ แตˆแต’แต‰หขโฟ'แต— แต‰แต›แต‰โฟ สฐแตƒแต›แต‰ แตƒโฟแต—แต‰โฟโฟแตƒโ€ง แดดแต‰ โฑแตˆแต‰โฟแต—โฑแถ โฑแต‰หข สฐโฑแตหขแต‰หกแถ  แตƒหข หขแต’แตแต‰แต—สฐโฑโฟแต แถœแตƒหกหกแต‰แตˆ สฐแต˜แตแตƒโฟโธด สทสฐโฑแถœสฐ แ”†แตƒแตแตสธ โฟแต‰แต›แต‰สณ สฐแต‰แตƒสณแตˆ แต’แถ โ€ง แ”†แตƒแตแตสธ แตƒหขแตหข โฑแถ  แต—สฐแต‰สธ สทแตƒโฟแต— แต—แต’ แตแต‰แต‰แต– สฐโฑแต โฝแตƒหข แตƒ แต–แต‰แต— แต–แต‰สณสฐแตƒแต–หขโพ แต‡แต˜แต— สฐโฑหข แต–แตƒสณแต‰โฟแต—หข หขแตƒสธ แต—สฐแต‰สธ หขสฐแต’แต˜หกแตˆ หขแต‰โฟแตˆ แต—สฐแต‰ แต—สฐโฑโฟแต แต—แต’ แตƒ แถปแต’แต’โธด แตƒหข สฐแต˜แตแตƒโฟหข แตƒสณแต‰ แตƒโฟ แต‰โฟแตˆแตƒโฟแตแต‰สณแต‰แตˆ หขแต–แต‰แถœโฑแต‰หขโ€งโ€งโ€ง แดฌแต˜แต—สฐแต’สณโฝหขโพ แดฟโ€งแดธโ€ง แ”†แต—โฑโฟแต‰
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๐Ÿฅ€ ๐Ÿฉธ ๐Ÿ”ช ๐Ÿฅ€ ๐Ÿฉธ ๐Ÿ”ช ๐Ÿฅ€ ๐Ÿฉธ
โ˜†ยธ.โœฟยธยดยดยฏ`โ€ข.ยธยธ.แƒฆยธ โ™ฅสšฤฏษžโ™ฅยดยดยฏ`โ€ข.ยธยธ.โ™ฅ. (ยฏ`vยดยฏ) ....โ™ฅ Close to my Heart `*.ยธ.*.โ™ฅ.โœฟยดยดยฏ`โ€ข.ยธโ€ยฐโ™ก
โ›“ ๐Ÿฉธ โ›“ ๐Ÿฉธ โ›“ ๐Ÿฉธ โ›“ ๐Ÿฉธ
@KarmaticIrony โ€ข 3y ago โ€ข Going to sleep is like putting a computer on standby mode. The lights aren't on but everything is working and ready to turn back on. In fact some processes are probably running in the background. Getting koncked out is like pulling the computer's power cable out of the wall. Things are not working correctly and there is a risk of serious lasting damage or maybe even total system failure. Even in the best case scenario, booting back up will take longer than from standby.
https://creepyspooketty.fan dom.com/wiki/Rules

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

r/shortscarystories 4 yr. ago RVKony Join The Blind Child "Stรฃbbing." Sylvia pointed a trembling finger at my brother Arthur. Her milky, unseeing eyes gleamed in his direction, and his wife, Agnes, trembled with indignation from across the table. My husband's face colored as he dropped his fork and dragged our daughter back into her bedroom, scolding her as they went. The rest of the night was awkward, and the pep in our conversation never recovered. Two weeks later, Agnes was st*bbed to dEath in her office parking lot. An college student found her, and called the cops. My brother swore that he bore no ill will against my daughter, but I could tell that he was lying. One day, the middle-aged woman who taught my daughter how to read her braille called me. "Ma'am, I don't know what's going on but your daughter's been whispering, 'electrocution, electrocution,' for the past half-hour and it's starting to distract her from her lessons. Could you please talk to her?" I did. Sylvia, in her nine-year-old lack of understanding, told me it was "just a cool new word" she learnt at school. The dEath of an electrician made headlines the following week. It was a freak accident involving tangled wires and a bucket of water. Sylvia's teacher's face was blurred for privacy, but her voice was as familiar as anything to me: "He wasโ€ฆmy partnerโ€ฆmy soulmate." While my husband was working late, I called Sylvia into the living room. "Honey, is there anything Mommy should know?" She hesitated. "Honey, you know you can talk to me." She denied it once more, "I have no secrets from you, Mommy." My husband walked into the living room with his hair tousled and his eyes distant. Instead of rushing to hug her dad, Sylvia simply turned towards him. "Fire," she said. My heart stopped. Everytime Sylvia said something like that, it was the person's partner who d1ed, and of that reason too. A fire? Was Sylvia merely making predictions, or was she cรปrsรชd on me for snooping in on her business? Why, this dฤ“vฤฑl childโ€” I grew paranoid, checked the appliances and electronics constantly, and cleared the house of any fire hazards. That was my lฤฏfe over the next few days. All the while, I kept my eyes on Sylvia. Sylvia. I had grown almost hateful towards my own daughter. My husband came home one night, wounded and blackened with soot, while I sat in the living room and Sylvia listened to the radio beside me. "What's the matter?" I asked. He gulped. "One of my colleagues, her houseโ€ฆher house caught fire. She was trapped in, but I managed to escape." That turned the gears in my head. "What were you doing in her house?" The expression on my husband's face was a sufficient admission of guilt. I opened my mouth to speakโ€”no, to screamโ€”but a smaller voice from beside me looked at me and whispered: "Poisoning."
There's No Reason to Be Afraid By Reddit user by whoeverfightsmonster ~ When my sister Betsy and I were kids, our family lived for awhile in a charming old farmhouse. We loved exploring its dusty corners and climbing the apple tree in the backyard. But our favorite thing was the ghost. We called her Mother, because she seemed so kind and nurturing. Some mornings Betsy and I would wake up, and on each of our nightstands, we'd find a cup that hadn't been there the night before. Mother had left them there, worried that we'd get thirsty during the night. She just wanted to take care of us. Among the house's original furnishings was an antique wooden chair, which we kept against the back wall of the living room. Whenever we were preoccupied, watching TV or playing a game, Mother would inch that chair forward, across the room, toward us. Sometimes she'd manage to move it all the way to the center of the room. We always felt sad putting it back against the wall. Mother just wanted to be near us. Years later, long after we'd moved out, I found an old newspaper article about the farmhouse's original occupant, a widow. She'd murdered her two children by giving them each a cup of poisoned milk before bed. Then she'd hanged herself. The article included a photo of the farmhouse's living room, with a woman's body hanging from a beam. Beneath her, knocked over, was that old wooden chair, placed exactly in the center of the room.
Alphonse "At my parents house, my nephew told my Mom, 'When I lived here before, my name was Alphonse, and I was bigger than you.' My stepdad just kind of blinked and said, 'Hmm, that was my grandfather's name, but we don't talk about him.'"
A Curious Warning โ€ข March 6 2015 โ€ข RusticEyesore Last night, as I was sitting in my living room and watching a little TV before bed, I heard a strange noise. It was a slow, drawn out scraping across the hardwood floor. Confused, I searched for the source of the sound; and I found it immediately. Someone had a slipped a small, folded note under the door. "What the..?" More curious than anything, I approached the note slowly. I knelt down cautiously and picked up the strange paper. On it were only five words, scrawled on in a crude, messy fashion: "Get out. He is coming." I didn't pause to consider the meaning of the note, however, as I immediately realized there was something very, very wrong with this situation: The note had come from under the closet door.
r/shortscarystories 4 yr. ago hyperobscura ๐™ท๐™ฐ๐š…๐™ด ๐šˆ๐™พ๐š„ ๐š‚๐™ด๐™ด๐™ฝ ๐šƒ๐™ท๐™ธ๐š‚ ๐™ผ๐™ฐ๐™ฝ? ๐™ด๐š‡๐šƒ. ๐™ฐ ๐™ฑ๐š๐™ธ๐™ฒ๐™บ ๐™ฑ๐š„๐™ธ๐™ป๐™ณ๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ถ - ๐™ถ๐™ธ๐™ฐ๐™ฝ๐šƒ ๐™ฟ๐™พ๐š‚๐šƒ๐™ด๐š ๐™ฟ๐™ป๐™ฐ๐š‚๐šƒ๐™ด๐š๐™ด๐™ณ ๐™พ๐™ฝ ๐š†๐™ฐ๐™ป๐™ป, ๐™ฑ๐™พ๐™ป๐™ณ ๐™ป๐™ด๐šƒ๐šƒ๐™ด๐š๐š‚ ๐šˆ๐™ด๐™ป๐™ป๐™ธ๐™ฝ๐™ถ: โ€˜๐™ท๐™ฐ๐š…๐™ด ๐šˆ๐™พ๐š„ ๐š‚๐™ด๐™ด๐™ฝ ๐šƒ๐™ท๐™ธ๐š‚ ๐™ผ๐™ฐ๐™ฝ?โ€™ ๐š†๐šŽ ๐šœ๐šŽ๐šŽ ๐šŠ ๐š–๐šŠ๐š— ๐š’๐š— ๐š‹๐šž๐šœ๐š’๐š—๐šŽ๐šœ๐šœ ๐šŠ๐š๐š๐š’๐š›๐šŽ ๐š ๐šŠ๐š—๐š๐šŽ๐š›๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š‹๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š” ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐š๐š˜๐š›๐š๐š‘, ๐šŠ ๐š ๐š˜๐š›๐š›๐š’๐šŽ๐š ๐šŽ๐šก๐š™๐š›๐šŽ๐šœ๐šœ๐š’๐š˜๐š— ๐šœ๐š๐šŠ๐š’๐š—๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š‘๐š’๐šœ ๐š—๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š๐š•๐šข ๐šœ๐š‘๐šŠ๐šŸ๐šŽ๐š— ๐š๐šŠ๐šŒ๐šŽ. ๐™ผ๐™ฐ๐™ฝ ๐™ด๐šก๐šŒ๐šž๐šœ๐šŽ ๐š–๐šŽ ๐š–๐š’๐šœ๐šœ? ๐™ผ๐š’๐šœ๐šœ? ๐™ท๐šŽ ๐šœ๐š๐š˜๐š™๐šœ ๐šŠ ๐šข๐š˜๐šž๐š—๐š ๐š ๐š˜๐š–๐šŠ๐š—. ๐š‚๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š•๐š˜๐š˜๐š”๐šœ ๐šŠ๐š ๐š‘๐š’๐š– ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š—๐š๐šž๐šœ๐šŽ๐š๐š•๐šข. ๐š†๐™พ๐™ผ๐™ฐ๐™ฝ ๐š†๐š‘๐šŠ๐š? 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They told me the disease would consume his mind, but I was never really prepared for it. I hug him tightly. A part of me knows that this is goodbye. โ€œWho is the man,โ€ he just keeps muttering.
r/shortscarystories 24 days ago GuyAwks Forget Me Anniversary Not What kind of husband goes and forgets an anniversary? And not just any anniversary. Our 10 year anniversary. I didnโ€™t want to have to remind Stephen about it. I wanted him to remember it on his own, to show me he cared about our partnership. But lo and behold, come morning when I kรญss him goodbye for work and asked if heโ€™d planned anything for todayโ€”he hadnโ€™t. He just read his newspaper like it was any other day, with no hint of reaction. Watching him drive off with no acknowledgement of todayโ€™s occasion, I felt so disappointed. I even pulled out my phone to call up our marriage counselor, Dr Faulkner, to talk through my feelings and book an appointment for us. But, just my luck, he wasnโ€™t picking up. So instead, I swallow my discontent and got our two kids ready for school. All throughout doing my daily household chores, I held out hope that Stephen might ring me to wish me, or have a bouquet delivered, or even pop home to whisk me off for a fancy lunch. Anything to show heโ€™d suddenly remembered our special day was a decade ago. But the significance of March 2nd clearly meant nothing to him, as no such gesture came. By the time Stephen got home from the office late in the evening, I couldnโ€™t hide my annoyance anymore. Not wanting to even be arะพund him, I stormed out to my car in the garage to drive off and get some space. Thatโ€™s when I heard the muffled sound coming from the trunk. Curious, I cranked open the boot to seeโ€ฆDr Faulkerโ€”bound, gagged and terrฤฑfฤฑed. โ€œHappy anniversary, honeyโ€ purred Stephenโ€™s voฤฑce from behind me. I whirled around, my heart aflutter and a wฤฑde, joyful smฤฑle on my face. โ€œOh Stephen, you did remember! And with a personal touch, you shouldnโ€™t have.โ€ Swooning, I ripped the gag off our helpless victim. โ€œStephen, Janiceโ€ฆp-please let me go!โ€ Dr Faulkner gasped in sweaty confusion. โ€œWhat are you doing?!โ€ โ€œHeโ€™s been in there since yesterday,โ€ Stephen informed me. โ€œI knew youโ€™d find your anniversary gift eventually.โ€ โ€œAnniversary?!โ€ yelped Dr Faulkner. โ€œI-isnโ€™t your wedding anniversary in November!?โ€ To this we just laughed, plunging our kn1ves into him repeatedlyโ€”like we had with so many ฤฑnnocent before. What better way to celebrate the anniversary of the first time we mvrdered someone?
Cอฌฬ‚ฬ’ฬฝฬ‰ฬนoอ›อฅอคออ’อฎอฬ—ฬณอ–อmอฃอŠอซฬทeอ‘ฬ‡อ‘ฬฅอ™อ,อฉฬงฬฃฬผอ™ฬญ อ‘อŒฬ‘อˆฬฌฬซฬœฬžฬAอจอฎอจอฌฬ†ฬพฬนeอ€ฬ˜อšอ•ฬฑฬฏbฬˆฬ–อ”ฬ ฬฆoองฬฟฬ‰ฬ‘อฃฬฬ•ฬ—อŽฬฑอ•ฬฐอ…อ”nฬ‡อฉอŽฬ อ”ฬฉฬฏอˆaอฌฬ’อŠอŒฬฝฬŠฬšอ™ฬฏอ‰อ”อฬ—aฬšฬอ’อฆอจอ‹อฬนอ‰อšsอ†อŠอฌh,อ„ฬอ‘อŠอฌฬอฬฒฬ™อ“อ•ฬฏ อ—อซฬŽอจอ‹อฏอ†อ˜lอ‰อ…ฬฐฬปอŽอ”อŽeอŠฬ‚อ—อ‹ฬฃอŽฬฌฬžฬฃอ–tฬˆฬอฏฬ€อ‰อ‰ฬฒฬฌฬซฬ™ฬผ ฬ„ฬŽฬพอƒอขฬ–ฬœอŽฬžฬฎฬฐuฬฬŒฬอขฬฏฬฏฬ ฬฌsา‰ฬฑฬ–ฬคฬ  ฬŽอ„อคฬŠฬŒา‰sฬฝอญอคออฏอŸฬญฬฃฬฎฬผฬ–eฬฬ„ฬ”อ†ฬŽอ€ฬฅอ–อ“อ…eอ‹ฬŠอ—อขฬบฬซฬ—อ•ฬฉ ฬอ›อ‹ฬ“อฌฬ…ฬ‡อ–iฬฬ‚ฬƒฬˆฬŒอ—ฬทฬฏฬคฬฒฬ อ™ฬ–ฬฃfฬ‡ฬˆ อฏฬyฬŽฬ”อฎฬทฬญฬฌอ–ฬ ฬชอ“อ–oฬ€ฬจฬ™ฬŸฬฆอuอ‹ฬ“ฬ”อ›ฬ‡อ‘ฬดฬฌอฬ™ฬ˜ ฬŒฬ€ฬ‹อฬ™aอฉฬฟฬ‚rอฃอฎฬฑeองอ„อŒฬŠฬ‹ององฬ•ฬ– ฬ‰อฉอ’อฌอชอฌอ‹ฬŸฬฒฬณอšฬ—aอ—อญออฃฬฬอชฬ—อ‡อ“อ–ฬŸอ‰sฬฬ‡ฬ˜ฬž อ„ฬ‹อฬ‰อฆอ›อขฬซฬฏฬ pอฬคฬฌอ‰ออ–rฬ‘อ…อ™อŽeอ„ฬ‡ฬ ฬฉฬฎtฬญฬซอ‡ฬฉอ–ฬ—ฬปtอฉฬจฬฃอ”yฬ…ฬพฬอ‚อญอ†อฉ อ„ฬอซองฬ†ฬบอ•iฬˆอ’ฬณอ•ฬฏฬฅฬฬนฬบnฬ‘อจอ†ฬขฬคอšฬฒฬฉsอฉฬ”ฬ‹อจฬ‰อฏฬฬฃอ–อ•iฬฬซdอฎฬƒอฏฬˆฬ–eฬ‡อ‹ฬ‘อ†ฬถฬปฬฒฬคอ‡ฬผอ–อ…~ฬฬพอฅฬšฬ…ฬฆฬ˜ฬคฬบฬฎฬฑ~อฎฬก
Go to tinyhorribles r/tinyhorribles 5 days ago therealdocturner Silence Is Violence The alley is dark. I see my breath in the frigid air. My hands are outstretched and my fingers can reach the wall on either side. Itโ€™s narrow. The walls are wet and slicked with some kind of slime. Children are screaming somewhere in the dark. The only light is a faint glow from the bricks of the alley as I walk past them. The screams are behind me and theyโ€™re getting closer. Footsteps. Like a thousand people running behind me, getting closer and closer. My chest hurtฬธ and I faล‚ล‚ over. The alley is goฬ•ne. Everything is light now. Too bright to see anything. I hear people yelling. I smell soap. I fall back into the darkness of the alley. I run and I can feel my heart trying to beat its way out of my chest. The screaming children behind me say my name. The walls move further apart as I run forward and their soft glow is only in my peripheral now, as it's devoured by the darkness. Itโ€™s getting colder. I run into the darkฬต. God, help me. There are lights in front of me. I move forward. I recognize the main street of the town where I grew up. Everything is just as it was from my childhood, save for bรธdies of children hanging from every lamp post. Theyโ€™ve been gutted. Their insides pile up underneath the swaying corpses. Roman Numerals are carved into their foreheads. My chest exploded in paฤฑn. My hometown is goฬถne. Light and pain are all that remain. Frantic voices. My chest is on fire. My shirt is open. I fall back onto Blackstone Avenue. The buildings are on fire. Children with accusatory eyes surround me on the street. Theyโ€™re pointing, at me. The Roman numerals are raised and bleeding. Ligature marks are on every neck, and all of them begin to walk toward me. Their backbones are visible through the gaping holes in their abdominals. My chest is in agรธny. Just before they grab me, Iโ€™m back in that blinding light. Convulsฤฑons and I feel my own spit running down my neck. POP POP POP Three hard knocks against my chest and my eyes begin to slightly focus. Iโ€™m in a hospฤฑtals room. Dอœoรงtorฬก holds a pair of panels just above me, and I can hear my own heartbeat on a machine. Two days later. My wife of fifty one years stands above my hospฤฑtal bed, crying and thankful I pulled through. She stays until I make her go home. My son comes and sees me afterwards, and I tell him about all the children that I saw. I tell him that Iโ€™ve always known what he did to them, but I kept my mouth shut so it wouldnโ€™t destroy his mother. I tell him I canโ€™t do it anymore. I rฤฑsk condemnation with my silence. Heโ€™s got to turn himself in. He tells me he loves me, as he pushes a pi]low over my facอ˜e.
แดนโฑหขหข แ”†สฐแตƒโฟแต‰ แดฎแดตแดฟแต€แดด ยนโธโทโธ แดฐแดฑแดฌแต€แดด แดนแตƒสธ ยนโธโนโถ โฝแตƒแตแต‰แตˆ ยนโทโ€“ยนโธโพ แดดแต‰แตƒสณแต— แดฐโฑหขแต‰แตƒหขแต‰ แดฎแตแดฟแดตแดฌแดธ แดฑแตƒหขแต—แต‰สณโฟ แถœแต‰แตแต‰แต—แต‰สณสธ แดถแต‰แถ แถ แต‰สณหขแต’โฟแต›โฑหกหกแต‰โธด แถœหกแตƒสณแต แถœแต’แต˜โฟแต—สธโธด แดตโฟแตˆโฑแตƒโฟแตƒโธด แตแ”†แดฌ
r/shortscarystories 4 days ago TheMysticPrincess I should've listened to the person at the funeral.... My grandma loved crafts; knitting, stitching, sewing, embroidery, if it involved yarn or thread, it was something she loved, and I loved watching it. Whenever I went to her house, I'd spend hours watching her craft while she told me stories. One of her favorite things to craft were dolls, specifically felt dolls with button eyes. They were all different in sizes, shapes, colors, clothing, but the one thing they had in common was that they always had an image embroidered in them over the heart; the images varied from cars to bottles to apples and many of them she made of people she knew. They were also her favorite things to give to people. As she got older, her hands never seemed to get tฤฑred or ache, which I thought was kind of weฤฑrd. She told me it was because of all her crafting that her hands were so strong. I was just a kid, so I believed her. I mean there wasn't any other explanation, right? I also began to notice whenever grandma gave someone a doll, they'd have this look of....panic in their eyes. I never asked why. I didn't think it was any of my business. The inevitable day came and we had to bury her. There weren't a lot of people at the funerฮฑl, which was odd; grandma knew and befriended a lot of people during her life, surely they wouldn't miss this for the world. I decided to talk to one of the few who did show up; I mentioned it and they replied "....I'm guessing no one ever told you." They explained that each time she'd sew a lookalike and give it to someone, they'd die the next day. A gรฎrl who had tried to seduce grandpa got one with the patch of a car; she ended up getting into a car crash and didn't make it. Someone who had called her a pig and tried to stuff an apple in her mouth got one with an apple; a piece of one got lodged in their trachea and they couldn't get it out in time. Her best friend who was moving away got a glass of filtered water; the autopsy showed cyanide in her b!ood. They told me more of these, but I brushed them off as coincidences; there's no way a doll could ฤทรญฤพฤพ people. Even if it was true, it'd be over nฦกw. Years later my mother diฮตd in her sleep, leaving me alonศฉ with the house. After the funerฮฑl, I was cleaning up her things when I found something in the bed that made my b!ood run cรธld; a lookalike doll with 3 Zs as a patch over the heart. Which leads me to now; yesterday I found a doll outside my door and it looks like me. Over the heart is a patch of a kn*fe. I mean, it's weird, but I don't think it's anything to woล—ryฬ• ....Why did I just hear the front door open?
แดฌหกแตƒโฟ แดฟแตƒสธ แดผสณแต—แต‰แตแตƒ แดฎแดตแดฟแต€แดด ยฒโถ แดถแตƒโฟ ยนโนโตยณ แต€แต’แต’แต‰หกแต‰ แถœแต’แต˜โฟแต—สธโธด แตแต—แตƒสฐโธด แตแ”†แดฌ แดฐแดฑแดฌแต€แดด ยฒโถ แดถแตƒโฟ ยนโนโตยณ แต€แต’แต’แต‰หกแต‰ แถœแต’แต˜โฟแต—สธโธด แตแต—แตƒสฐโธด แตแ”†แดฌ แดฎแตแดฟแดตแดฌแดธ แต€แต’แต’แต‰หกแต‰ แถœโฑแต—สธ แถœแต‰แตแต‰แต—แต‰สณสธ แดฌหกแตƒโฟ แตˆโฑแต‰แตˆ หขสฐแต’สณแต—หกสธ แตƒแถ แต—แต‰สณ แต‡โฑสณแต—สฐ แตˆแต˜แต‰ แต—แต’ สฐแต‰แตƒแตˆ แต—สณแตƒแต˜แตแตƒ แถœแตƒแต˜หขแต‰แตˆ แต‡สธ แต—สฐแต‰ โฟแต˜สณหขแต‰หข สทแต‰สณแต‰ โฟแต’แต— หขแตโฑหกหกแต‰แตˆ โฑโฟ แตˆแต‰หกโฑแต›แต‰สณสธ แตƒ แต‡แตƒแต‡สธ แตƒโฟแตˆ แต—สฐแต‰สณแต‰แถ แต’สณแต‰ สฐแตƒแตˆ แต—แต’ สทแตƒโฑแต— แถ แต’สณ แต—สฐแต‰ แตˆแต’แถœแต—แต’สณ
r/shortscarystories 1 mo. ago Haunting-Buyer8532 All of our children keep dy1ng. This all started when our first child, Amy, was born. She would alwaแƒงs wind up in these horrible accidents. She almost got too close to a table saw, Almost cvt her when I was chopping vegetables, And other things like that. She d1ed when she was barely a year old. Ended up bre4king her neck after fฤ…lling on her facอ˜e in the crib. Years after her d3ath, we started over with Elise, our second child. She barely made it to six months before she d1ed. Apparently, she somehow managed to get on the roof of the hฬดouse. Have you ever seen how a baby ruptures when it falls from two stories? I tried convincing my wife over and over again not to try again. She still got us a new baby, she just adopted it instead of the โ€œnatural wayโ€. I barely come near my own child. I know now that we have some curse kฤฑlling our babies, and it wont stฬธop just because we adopted the next one. My wife is so worried about our new baby girl, I don't want to tell herโ€ฆ I don't want to tell her the times she goes glassy-eyed. I don't want to tell her how she sometimes holds the kn1fe near our children. I don't want to tell her how I had to drop Eliseโ€™s corpse from the roof to make it look like an accฤฑdent. Besides, everyday I have to fรญght off the increasing urge to crush my two-month-old daughter. Just like I did with Amy and Elise.
Date: 15/12/22 Support Tips: Preparation: in order to best prepare some actions might include ~ Considering your sensory needs- pack a bag with sensory aids such as headphones, earplugs, coloured glasses, stim tools, comfort items and so on to support your comfort whilst at your appointment. Considering your communication needs- perhaps take a trusted friend or family member to support with verbal communication, a hospital passport that you can share with staff or notes including scripted comments or responses that you can refer to during the appointment to support with or replace verbal speech. Wear suitable clothing that can be easily taken on and off. To minimise uncertainty, research what is involved in the procedure before attending so that you have a good idea what to expect. Write out a list of questions to avoid relying on memory during a potentially stressful experience. Plan your travel route in advance and leave plenty of time to get to your appointment to minimise anxiety and allow time to adjust to the environment upon arrival. Engage in calming, grounding techniques prior to the appointment start time. During: whilst at the appointment it may be helpful to ~ Ask for the nurse practitioner to talk you through the procedure in full before it commences, preferably with use of images or demonstrations with relevant equipment. Be open about which aspects of the experience you might struggle with as an Autistic person and request particular adjustments. Engage in grounding techniques such as mindful breathing. Hold on to a stim object that is comforting or acts as a stress reliever. Listen to music to support self-regulation. Share your concerns or worries with the nurse practitioner to invite reassurance or helpful advice. Remember your reason for attending and why it is important for you. Aftercare: following the procedure, it is a good idea to plan in some time for self-care and self-regulation, some ideas might include ~ Get yourself into a sensory safe space where things feel predictable and calm (for e.g. a quiet room with dim lighting, weighted blanket etc). Arrange to debrief/chat to a friend or another supportive person about your experience after leaving your appointment. Arrange to meet with a trusted person following the procedure to support you with getting back home or perhaps to do something you might enjoy together. Engage in your dedicated interest. Acknowledge your achievement in attending and getting through the appointment. Journal about your experience to help with emotional processing. Engage in your favourite stim to release any tension that may remain in your b0dy. Allow yourself to physically rest or sleep once back at home. Date: 15/12/22
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