(𝖡𝗒 𝖭𝖾𝗎𝗋𝗈𝖥𝖺𝖻𝗎𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗌) Pt. 17
Chip feels helpless,
his hands trembling
as he tries to
think of something,
anything, to make
it better. "What
do we do?" He asks,
his voice shaky.
Karen's voice
is steady. "Just
wait it out," she
instructs him.
"It'll pass."
The seizure
seems to last
forever, but in reality
it's only minutes.
Chip watches, his
heart in his throat,
his mind racing.
He's seen this
before, but it never
gets easier. The
way Plankton's
body contorts, the
fear in his eye
right before it
rolls back, the
helplessness of it all.
As the convulsions
start to slow,
Plankton's antennae
finally still. His
body relaxes, but
his mind is still
far away, lost in the
nonsensical state that
follows a seizure.
"Chip, get our stuff
and we'll help your
dad to the car." Karen
says, ready to head
back home.
Chip nods, his
hands shaking as he
quickly gathers their
belongings. His mind
is racing with
concern for his dad,
his heart aching at
the sight of him
still and silent on
the bed. The science
fair feels like a
distant memory.
He carefully picks up
his trophy, his ribbon
crinkling under his
fingertips. The pride
he once felt for his
accomplishment now
seemed so trivial
compared to the
overwhelming love and
fear that filled him
for Plankton, who
finally opened his eye.
Plankton's pupil
was wide, unfocused,
his antennae still.
Chip's heart
pounds in his chest,
his mind racing. What
has he done? "Dad?"
Plankton doesn't
react. Karen helps
him up to his feet.
"Hey there, Planky-Poo;
let's get ourselves home!"
Karen says to him. He
simply blinks.
"Wok?" Plankton's voice
is slurred, his usual
sharpness blunted by
the postictal phase.
He looks around the
hotel room with
confusion. "Wok,"
he repeats, as if
trying to convince
his own brain.
Chip and Karen
exchange a look
full of their silent
understanding as
Karen leads them
to the car, buckling
Plankton in. After
Chip puts everything
in the trunk, he sits
by his dad as Karen
starts the engine.
Plankton's eye is
glassy, his antennae
barely moving. He's
in his own world.
"We're all going
home," Chip says,
his voice calm.
But Plankton's
attention is
elsewhere, his
brain still reeling
from the seizure.
"Gwed?" He says.
Karen nods. "Yes,
we're going home,"
she answers, her
voice soothing.
"Everything's ok."
Plankton's head
lolls against
the window, his
antennas drooping.
The world outside
the car is a blur
of colors and
shapes, not yet
making sense. "Yeh
was’at?" Plankton
Chip looks at him.
"You had a seizure,"
he says softly. "It's
okay. We're going
But Plankton
interrupts, his voice
slurred and distant.
"Wh-wha' 'bout
science fair?" He
slurs. "Did I... did
I win?" His antennae
twitch slightly,
trying to remember.
Karen sighs, her
hands on the
stearing wheel. "It's
like he's drunk," she
explains to Chip.
"But it's his
brain trying to
Chip nods,
his eyes never
leaving his dad's
face. "You were
so proud, Dad," he
says, hopeful. But
Plankton just blinks,
his gaze unfocused.
"S'not fair,"
Plankton says, his
voice still slurred.
"I wan' be
proud too." He's
clearly trying to
piece together the
shattered bits of
his memory.
Karen looks at
Plankton in the
rearview mirror,
her eyes filled
with love and
concern. "You
were proud, hon,"
she says.
But Plankton's
brain isn't cooperating.
"I wan' to be a
thor," he slurs,
his words jumbled.
Chip looks at him,
his heart heavy with
sympathy. "You're my
hero, Dad," he says,
his voice earnest. "You
always will be."
Karen's eyes
brim with tears as
she hears Chip.
"That's right," she
says, her voice
shaky. "You're our
big strong hero." She
swipes at her eyes,
fighting the emotion
that threatens to
spill over.
Plankton's head
bobs slightly, his
eye still unfocused.
"Thas... that's
nice," he says.
The car's motion
lulls him closer
to sleep, but he
fights to stay awake.
"Wanna see me
win," he mumbles,
his words slurred.
Chip nods, his
throat tight. "I know,
Dad," he says. "You'll
see it when you're
feeling better."
Plankton's antennae
twitch again, his
eye blinking slowly.
"Win," he repeats,
his voice softer.
He blinks, his mind
trying to grasp the
concept. "W-w-win,"
he stammers. His
body feels so heavy.
The car ride
continues, the
hum of the tires
against the road
lulling Plankton
closer to sleep.
His head nods
slightly with each
bump in the
road, his antennae
drooping more
with every mile.
Chip watches him
carefully, his heart
breaking at his
father's vulnerable
state, for Plankton's
mouth was now
slightly open, his
head leaning on
the car door window.
"Dad?" Chip says,
his voice quiet. Plankton
doesn't respond,
his breathing
evening out. "Dad?"
He tries again,
but there's no
reaction. He looks
at Karen.
Her eyes are
on the road, but
she nods. "He's
asleep, Chip," she
whispers. "It's his
brain's way of
"Dad?" Chip
says softly. No
response. "Dad,
are you okay?"
Plankton's antennae
twitch slightly,
his eye still
closed. His breaths
are deep and
even, his body
completely relaxed
against the car seat.
"Dad, wake up,"
Chip whispers. "Wake
up, Dad," Chip
says again, his
hand gently shaking
his father's
But Plankton's
snores are the
only response,
his antennae
quivering with
each inhale and
exhale. The car's
soft rocking and
the steady
hum of the engine
have lulled him
into a deep, much-
needed sleep.
Chip's hand
lingers on his
dad's shoulder,
his eyes scanning
his father's
peaceful face. He
can't help but feel
a twinge of sadness,
his mind replaying the
confusion and fear
from the seizure. But
he also feels relief,
knowing that Plankton
is safe, that they're
going home.