An Alphabetical List of Phobias
Achluophobia: Fear of darkness
Acousticophobiaz: Fear of noise
Acrophobia: Fear of heights
Aerophobia: Fear of aircraft or flying
Agoraphobia: Fear of open places
Agyrophobia: Fear of crossing streets
Aichmophobia: Fear of sharp or pointed objects
Ailurophobia: Fear of cats
Algophobia: Fear of pain
Amaxophobia: Fear of riding in a car
Ancraophobia: Fear of wind or drafts
Androphobia: Fear of adult men
Anginophobia: Fear of angina or choking
Anthophobia: Fear of flowers
Anthropophobia: Fear of people or the company of people
Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched
Aquaphobia: Fear of water.
Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning
Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness
Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection
Autophobia: Fear of isolation
Bacteriophobia: Fear of bacteria
Barophobia: Fear of gravity
Bathmophobia: Fear of stairs
Batrachophobia: Fear of amphibians
Belonephobia: Fear of needles or pins
Bibliophobia: Fear of books
Botanophobia: Fear of plans
Cacophobia: Fear of ugliness
Catagelophobia: Fear of being ridiculed
Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
Carcinophobia: Fear of cancer
Chemophobia: Fear of chemicals
Cherophobia: Fear of happiness
Chionophobia: Fear of snow
Chiroptophobia: Fear of bats
Chromophobia, chromatophobia: Fear of colors
Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks
Chronophobia: Fear of time and time moving forward
Cibophobia, sitophobia: Fear of food
Claustrophobia: Fear of being trapped with no escape
Coimetrophobia: Fear of cemeteries
Colorphobia: Chromophobia
Coprophobia: Fear of feces or defecation
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
Cyberphobia: Fear of computers, the Internet, and new technologies
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions
Defecaloesiophobia: Fear of painful bowel movements
Dementophobia: Fear of insanity
Demonophobia, daemonophobia: Fear of demons
Dendrophobia: Fear of trees
Dentophobia: Fear of dentists and dental procedures
Diabetophobia: Fear of diabetes
Dipsophobia: Fear of drinking
Domatophobia: Fear of houses
Dromophobia: Fear of crossing streets
Dysmorphophobia: Fear of physical defects (either real or imagined)
Dystychiphobia: Fear of accidents
Ecclesiophobia: Fear of church
Ecophobia: Fear of the home
Electrophobia: Fear of electricity
Elurophobia: Fear of cats
Eisoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors or seeing oneโs reflection in a mirror
Eurotophobia: Fear of female genitals
Emetophobia: Fear of vomiting
Enochlophobia: Fear of crowds
Entomophobia: Fear of insects
Ephebiphobia: Fear of youth
Epistaxiophobia: Fear of nosebleeds
Equinophobia: Fear of horses
Ergophobia, ergasiophobia: Fear of work or functioning
Erotophobia: Fear of love
Erythrophobia, erytophobia, ereuthophobia: Fear of the color red, or fear of blushing
Euphobia: Fear of hearing good news
Febriphobia: Fear of fevers
Francophobia: Fear of France or French culture
Frigophobia: Fear of becoming too cold
Gamophobia: Fear of commitment, including cohabitation, marriage or nuptials
Geliophobia: Fear of laughter
Gelotophobia: Fear of being laughed at
Geniophobia: Fear of chins
Gephyrophobia: Fear of bridges
Genophobia: Fear of honeymoons
Genuphobia: Fear of knees or the act of kneeling
Gerascophobia: Fear of growing old or aging
Gerontophobia: Fear of growing old, or fear of the elderly
Globophobia: Fear of balloons
Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak
Gnosiophobia: Fear of knowledge
Gymnophobia: Fear of having no clothes
Gynophobia: Fear of women
Hadephobia: Fear of helll
Halitophobia: Fear of bad breath
Haphephobia: Fear of being touched
Hedonophobia: Fear of obtaining pleasure
Heliophobia: Fear of the sun or sunlight
Hemophobia: Fear of blood
Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: Fear of the number 666
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: Fear of long words
Hodophobia: Fear of travel
Homichlophobia: Fear of fog
Hoplophobia: Fear of firearms
Hydrophobia: Fear of water
Hylophobia: Fear of forests
Hypnophobia, somniphobia: Fear of sleep
Hypochondria: Fear of illness
Iatrophobia: Fear of doctors
Ichthyophobia: Fear of fish
Ideophobia: Fear of ideas
Iophobia: Fear of poison
Isolophobia: Fear of being alone
Kakorrhaphiophobia: Fear of failure
Katagelophobia: Fear of ridicule
Kenophobia: Fear of empty spaces
Kleptophobia: Fear of stealing
Kopophobia: Fear of fatigue
Koinoniphobia: Fear of rooms full of people
Koumpounophobia: Fear of buttons
Kynophobia: Fear of rabies
Lachanophobia: Fear of vegetables
Leukophobia: Fear of the color white
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes or hurricanes
Limnophobia: Fear of lakes
Linonophobia: Fear of string
Liticaphobia: Fear of lawsuits
Lockiophobia: Fear of childbirth
Logizomechanophobia: Fear of computers
Logophobia: Fear of words
Lutraphobia: Fear of otters
Lygophobia: Fear of darkness
Lyssophobia: Fear of rabies
Mageirocophobia: Fear of cooking
Megalophobia: Fear of large things
Melanophobia: Fear of the color black
Melissophobia, apiphobia: Fear of bees
Meteorophobia: Fear of meteors
Methyphobia: Fear of alcohol
Microphobia: Fear of small things
Monophobia: Fear of being alone
Mottephobia: Fear of moths
Musophobia: Fear of mice
Mycophobia: Fear or aversion to mushrooms
Myrmecophobia: Fear of ants
Mysophobia: Fear of germs, contamination or dirt
Necrophobia: Fear of death or the dead
Neophobia: Fear of newness, novelty, change or progress
Nephophobia: Fear of clouds
Noctiphobia: Fear of the night
Nomatophobia: Fear of names
Nomophobia: Fear of being out of mobile phone contact
Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals
Nosophobia: Fear of contracting a disease
Nostophobia, ecophobia: Fear of returning home
Numerophobia: Fear of numbers
Nyctophobia: Fear of darkness
Obesophobia: Fear of gaining weight
Octophobia: Fear of the figure 8
Oikophobia: Fear of home surroundings and household appliances
Odontophobia: Fear of dentists or dental procedures
Ombrophobia: Fear of rain
Oneirophobia: Fear of dreams
Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes
Ophthalmophobia: Fear of being stared at
Ornithophobia: Fear of birds
Osmophobia, olfactophobia: Fear of odour
Panphobia: Fear of everything or the constant fear of an unknown cause
Papyrophobia: Fear of paper
Pathophobia: Fear of disease
Pedophobia: Fear of babies and children
Phagophobia: Fear of swallowing
Phallophobia: Fear of masculinity
Pharmacophobia: Fear of medications
Phasmophobia: Fear of ghosts or phantoms
Philophobia: Fear of love
Phobophobia: Fear of fear itself or of having a phobia
Phonophobia: Fear of loud sounds or voices
Podophobia: Fear of feet
Pogonophobia: Fear of beards
Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple
Pteridophobia: Fear of ferns
Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying
Pyrophobia: Fear of fire
Radiophobia: Fear of radioactivity or X-rays
Ranidaphobia: Fear of frogs
Rhypophobia: Fear of defecation
Rhytiphobia: Fear of getting wrinkles
Rupophobia: Fear of dirt
Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween
Scolionophobia: Fear of school
Scopophobia: Fear of being looked at or stared at
Selenophobia: Fear of the moon
Sexophobia: Fear of the organs for romantic activities
Siderodromophobia: Fear of trains or railroads
Siderophobia: Fear of stars
Sociophobia: Fear of people or social situations
Somniphobia: Fear of sleep
Spectrophobia: Fear of mirrors
Spheksophobia: Fear of wasps
Stasiphobia: Fear of standing or walking
Tachophobia: Fear of speed
Taphophobia: Fear of the graves or being buried alive
Tapinophobia: Fear of being contagious
Taurophobia: Fear of bulls
Technophobia: Fear of computers or advanced technology
Teratophobia: Fear of disfigured people
Tetraphobia: Fear of the number 4
Thalassophobia: Fear of the sea, or fear of being in the ocean
Thanatophobia: Fear of dying
Thermophobia: Fear of high temperatures
Tokophobia: Fear of childbirth or pregnancy
Tomophobia: Fear of invasive medical procedure
Toxiphobia: Fear of being poisoned
Tremophobia: Fear of trembling
Triskaidekaphobia, terdekaphobia: Fear of the number 13
Tonitrophobia: Fear of thunder
Trypanophobia, belonephobia, enetophobia: Fear of needles or injections
Trypophobia: Fear of holes or textures with a pattern of holes
Uranophobia, ouranophobia: Fear of heaven
Urophobia: Fear of urine or urinating
Vaccinophobia: Fear of vaccination
Vehophobia: Fear of driving
Venustraphobia: Fear of beautiful women
Verminophobia: Fear of germs
Vestiphobia: Fear of clothing
Virginitiphobia: Fear of abuse
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft
X, Y, Z
Xanthophobia: Fear of the color yellow
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers, foreigners, or aliens
Xerophobia: Fear of dryness.
Xyrophobia: Fear of razors.
Zelophobia: Fear of jealousy
Zeusophobia: Fear of God or gods
Zemmiphobia: Fear of the great mole rat.