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r/shortscarystories 23 hr. ago captain-howdy2323 Unknown Stranger Oh my! I can hear him moving around down stairs. Can I remember if I heard him come inside? Idk. I must have because I've armed myself. I cower away in this closet. But I can't remember any of that. I must be in shock. Oh my heart is racing. I hear him coming up the stairs. It won't be long until he finds me. I can already see what everyone will be saying. "Man found in house", "The bloodbath". He's right outside the room. I'm breathing so heavily. I'm sure he can hear me. Please, stop shaking. Please, nerves calm down. He's opening the door. This is it. I'm so excited; I've been waiting in his closet for hours.

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

โ€˜Next Time Youโ€™ll Know Betterโ€™ by IPostAtMidnight Have you ever walked into a room, and found a vampire? The kind that snarls as you enter, like a beast about to pounce? Have you felt time slow as the creature crosses the room in the darkness of a blink? Have you shuddered with fear when it places one clawed hand atop your head and another under your neck? Have you then experienced a sinking, sucking blackness as you discover that not all vampires feed on bloodโ€”some feed on memories? Well, have you? Perhaps not. But let me rephrase the question: Have you ever walked into a room, and suddenly forgotten why you came in?
The Wrong Room April 1, 2014 You get back to your apartment after a long day's work and you want to get inside and rest. You were about to pull out your keys and unlock the door, but you notice it's open ... The Wrong Room April 1, 2014 / Dark Comedy, Humor, and Parodies, Deaths, Murders, and Disappearances / parodies / 2 minutes of reading Estimated reading time โ€” < 1 minute You get back to your apartment after a long dayโ€™s work and you want to get inside and rest. You were about to pull out your keys and unlock the door, but you notice itโ€™s open. Turning the doorknob and stepping inside, You notice something different. You stand in the doorway trying to figure it out. then it hits you. this isnโ€™t your room. As you turn and leave, something catches your eye. There is a man hunched over a dish of flesh, eating it with his bare hands, tearing into it as a wild animal would with prey. Red dripped down the side of his mouth, and the smell that emanated from it was sickening. You were paralysed by the sight. Unconsciously, you start cover your nose and mouth. This accidentally bumps your elbow against the doorway. You freeze. He stopped eating there was something wrong. Then he looked up and started searching for the source of the noise. His eyes scanned the room till they found you. Your legs start moving on their own, and you find yourself running, running away from that room, and the horrors within it. ~~~ The man silently stands up, locks the door, sits back down, grabs another slice of pizza, and mutters quietly to himself: โ€œCrazy vegansโ€. Credit To โ€“ Walrus King
โ™ก โ„‘๐”ซ ๐”ž ๐” ๐”ฏ๐”ฌ๐”ด๐”ก๐”ข๐”ก ๐”ฏ๐”ฌ๐”ฌ๐”ช, ๐”ถ๐”ฌ๐”ฒ๐”ฏ ๐”ฐ๐”ช๐”ฆ๐”ฉ๐”ข ๐”ฃ๐”ฆ๐”ซ๐”ก๐”ฐ ๐”ช๐”ข, ๐”ž ๐”ฉ๐”ฆ๐”ค๐”ฅ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ฌ๐”ฒ๐”ฐ๐”ข ๐”ฆ๐”ซ ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”ฃ๐”ฌ๐”ค.
โŸก pls note the ai inflicts emotional damage (แต•โ€”แด—โ€”)
โ†’ AI Story Generator โ†
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All I saw was red โ€Ž โ€Ž โ€Ž โ€Ž โ€Ž โ€Ž โ€Ž โ€Ž โ†“หขแถœสณแต’หกหก แถ แต’สณ หขแต—แต’สณสธโ†“ I check into small hotel some kilometres away. It is late. I am tired. I tell woman at desk I want a room. She tells me room number and give key. โ€œBut one more thing, comrade; there is one room without number and always lock. Donโ€™t even peek in there.โ€ I take key and go to room to sleep. Night comes and I hear trickling of water. It comes from the room across. I cannot sleep so I open door. It is coming from room with no number. I pound on door. No response. I look in keyhole. I see nothing except red. Water still trickling. I go down to front desk to complain. โ€œBy the way who is in that room?โ€ She look at me and begin to tell story. There was woman in there. M*rdered by her husband. Skin all white, except her eyes, which were red..

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~ -creepypastastories- Monsters and Ghosts Monsters are real, also ghosts They live inside us And sometimes they win

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SEP 27 A 15-year old boy in a small town sat down at his computer after getting home from school one day. He turned it on and logged into an instant messaging program, and was then surprised to receive a message from a classmate of his, who had been absent that day. It consisted of two words; โ€œplease comeโ€. Confused, the boy sent a reply, asking why heโ€™d been absent that day. After two more messages and fifteen minutes with no response, he decided to get on his bike and head over to his classmateโ€™s house. It was a short ride, only about five minutes away. When he got to the house, he found the door was unlocked. The boy slammed the door closed, and immediately called 911 on his cell phone. When the police arrived, they found three corpses, as well as tracks leading away from the house from the back door. The forensics report concluded that the entire family, the boyโ€™s classmate and his parents, had been killed sometime the previous night.
r/TwoSentenceHorror 6 yr. ago Lightuke After tucking my son into bed he says "check under it for monsters under my bed" I found my son hiding under it whimpering "Daddy, there's someone on my bed..."
Pierwszy dzieล„ szkoล‚y Kaลผdy kocha pierwszy dzieล„ w szkole, prawda? Nowy rok, nowa klasa, nowi przyjaciele. Ekscytujฤ…cy dzieล„, wyposaลผony w funkcjฤ™ i dreszczyk nieznanego, zanim wszystko zostanie pogrzebane przez szarฤ… rzeczywistoล›ฤ‡ i zabezpieczenie z niej smutki. Jednak ja lubiฤ™ pierwszy dzieล„ w szkole z innej przyczyny. Trzeba coล› wyznaฤ‡ - posiadam posiadanie moc. Kiedy zobaczฤ™ na innych ludzi, zobaczฤ™... aure. Kolorowa otoczka wokรณล‚ kaลผdego czล‚owieka, ktรณrej barwa jest wskazana, jak dล‚ugo dana osoba bฤ™dzie ลผyฤ‡. Wyniki moich rรณwieล›nikรณw ma, szkodliwe poล›wiatฤ™ - oznacza to, ลผe sฤ… jeszcze straty czasu. Niestety, duลผa duลผa grupa z nich posiada ลผรณล‚to - odmiana aury. To oznaka, ลผe โ€‹โ€‹umrฤ… w wypadku samochodowym, albo za wystฤ…pienie awarii. powiedzฤ… ludzie, ลผe odeszli przed wystฤ…pieniem. Prawdziwa zabawa zaczyna siฤ™, kiedy aura jest czerwona. zagroลผenie kaลผdego dnia, gdy widzฤ™ kogoล› z takฤ… otoczkฤ…, to ludzie, ktรณrzy stฤ…pajฤ… po linii. Zostajฤ… zamordowani, albo zabijฤ… siebie. To takie ekscytujฤ…ce widzenie ich i wiedzฤ…, ลผe ich czas jest policzony. Zawsze przed nastฤ™pnฤ… nowฤ… szkoล‚ฤ…, ktรณra pojawi siฤ™ na miejscu bardzo wczeล›nie, bฤ™dzie moลผliwa do poznania losรณw moich koleลผanek i wyposaลผenia z klasy. Pierwszy chล‚opak, ktรณry wyszedล‚ do klasy po mnie, emanowaล‚ pulsujฤ…cฤ… czerwieniฤ…. Stล‚umiล‚em uล›mieszek. Szkoda stary, szkoda! Ale nastฤ™pna osoba wchodzฤ…ca do klasy posiada ten sam, bijฤ…cy po wejล›ciu, krwisty kolor. Po chwili wyszedล‚ nasz nauczyciel. Zamknฤ…ล‚ drzwi na klucz, od ล›rodka. Jego aura byล‚a intensywnie zielona...
The Portraits (a.k.a. The Cabin in the Woods) Famous Creepypasta, Locations and Sites, Nature and the Outdoors / April 20, 2009 / 1 minute of reading There was a hunter in the woods, who, after a long day hunting, was in the middle of an immense forest. It was getting dark, and having lost his bearings, he decided to head in one direction until he was clear of the increasingly oppressive foliage... April 20, 2009 / Famous Creepypasta, Locations and Sites, Nature and the Outdoors / anonymously authored, cabins, camping, creepypasta classics, forests, hunters, mysteries, sites, twist endings, woods / 1 minute of reading Estimated reading time โ€” < 1 minute There was a hunter in the woods, who, after a long day hunting, was in the middle of an immense forest. It was getting dark, and having lost his bearings, he decided to head in one direction until he was clear of the increasingly oppressive foliage. After what seemed like hours, he came across a cabin in a small clearing. Realizing how dark it had grown, he decided to see if he could stay there for the night. He approached and found the door ajar. Nobody was inside. The hunter flopped down on the single bed, deciding to explain himself to the owner in the morning. As he looked around, he was surprised to see the walls adorned by many portraits, all painted in incredible detail. Without exception, they appeared to be staring down at him, their features twisted into looks of hatred. Staring back, he grew increasingly uncomfortable. Making a concerted effort to ignore the many hateful faces, he turned to face the wall, and exhausted, he fell in to a restless sleep. Face down in an unfamiliar bed, he turned blinking in unexpected sunlight. Looking up, he discovered that the cabin had not portraits, only windows.
MAR 01 In Berlin, after World War II, money was short, supplies were tight, and it seemed like everyone was hungry. At that time, people were telling the tale of a young woman who saw a blind man picking his way through a crowd. The two started to talk. The man asked her for a favor: could she deliver the letter to the address on the envelope? Well, it was on her way home, so she agreed. She started out to deliver the message, when she turned around to see if there was anything else the blind man needed. But she spotted him hurrying through the crowd without his smoked glasses or white cane. She was, naturally, suspicious, so she went to the police. When the police paid a visit to the address on the envelope, they made a gruesome discovery, three butchers had been where the envelope was addressed to. And what was in the envelope the man gave to the woman? A note, saying simply โ€œThis is the last one I am sending you today.โ€.
๐Ÿ•ท๐Ÿฉธ๐”…๐”ฉ๐”ฌ๐”ฌ๐”ก๐”ฐ๐”ฒ๐” ๐”จ๐”ข๐”ฏ๐Ÿ•ท๐Ÿฉธ

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โŽ›โŽ(โ€ขฬ€ โ€ฟโ€ข)โŽ โŽž โŽ›โŽ(โ€ขโฑ…โ€ข)โŽ โŽž โŽ›โŽ(ส˜ โฑ… ส˜)โŽ โŽž โŽ›โŽ(โŒ’โฑ…โŒ’ )โŽ โŽž โŽ›โŽ(แ  แข แ )โŽ โŽž โŽ›โŽ( ` แข ยด )โŽ โŽžแตแต˜สฐแตƒสฐแตƒ (ใ‡(โ€ขฬ€ แข โ€ขฬ )ใƒŽ) (ใ‡(โ™ก แข โ™ก)ใƒŽ)๐”Ÿ๐”ฉ๐”ฌ๐”ฌ๐”กโ€ฆ (ใ‡(โ‹† ๏พŸใ€€ เบถ ๏พŸโ‹†)ใƒŽ) /๏ผผ ๏ผพ๐…’_๐…’๏ผพ ๏ผ\ /๏ผผ ^.ห.^ ๏ผ\ /๏ผผ ^.โ•ดห.^ ๏ผ\ โ—ขโ–…โ—ฃฮžโ—ฅโ–…โ—คฮžโ—ขโ–…โ—ฃฮžโ—ฅโ–…โ—ค โ˜† า‰ โ—ขโ–…โ—ฃฮžโ—ฅโ–…โ—คฮžโ—ขโ–…โ—ฃฮžโ—ฅโ–…โ—ค า‰ โ˜…
As I played in the basement, Mother called me upstairs. From behind me, She whispered, โ€˜Donโ€™t go up there.โ€™ โ€” CheckeredBag rules/X4gV_3jiXIRG72JmMgjN73k8BxdD5RGLop

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RULES ! posted 9 months ago โšฐ๏ธŽ we will not write anything related to self harm, eating disorders, abuse as this can be triggering not only to us, but to our other followers as well โšฐ๏ธŽ minors, beware on how you interact with such content. Any Triggering Topics mentioned in the post should be warned at the beginning of the post! (Putting it in the title is okay too)

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An Egg September 1, 2012 It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a quick passing. The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail ... An Egg Strange and Unexplained / 5 minutes of reading Estimated reading time โ€” 4 minutes It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Youโ€™re so utterly shattered you were better off, trust me. And thatโ€™s when you met me. โ€œWhatโ€ฆ what happened?โ€ You asked. โ€œWhere am I?โ€ โ€œYou passed,โ€ I said, matter-of-factly. No point mincing words. โ€œThere was aโ€ฆa truck and it was skiddingโ€ฆโ€ โ€œYup.โ€ I said โ€œIโ€ฆ Iโ€™m gone?โ€ โ€œYup. But donโ€™t feel bad about it. Everyone passes.โ€ I said. You looked around. There was nothingness. Just you and me. โ€œWhat is this place?โ€ You asked. โ€œIs this the afterlife?โ€ โ€œMore or less,โ€ I said. โ€œAre you god?โ€ You asked. โ€œYup.โ€ I replied. โ€œIโ€™m God.โ€ โ€œMy kidsโ€ฆ my wife,โ€ you said. โ€œWhat about them?โ€ โ€œWill they be alright?โ€ โ€œThat what I like to see,โ€ I said. โ€œYou just passed and your main concern is for your family. Thatโ€™s good stuff right there.โ€ You looked at me with fascination. To you, I didnโ€™t look like a God. Some vague authority figure. โ€œDonโ€™t worry,โ€ I said. โ€œTheyโ€™ll be fine. Your kids will remember you as perfect in every way. They didnโ€™t have time to grow contempt for you. Your wife will cry on the outside but will be secretly relieved. To be fair, your marriage was falling apart. If itโ€™s any consolation, sheโ€™ll feel very guilty for feeling relieved.โ€ โ€œOh,โ€ you said. โ€œSo what happens now? Do I go to the afterlife or something?โ€ โ€œNeither,โ€ I said. โ€œYouโ€™ll be reincarnated.โ€ You followed along as we strolled in the void. โ€œWhere are we going?โ€ โ€œNowhere in particular,โ€ I said. โ€œItโ€™s just nice to walk while we talk.โ€ โ€œSo whatโ€™s the point, then?โ€ You asked. โ€œWhen I get reborn, Iโ€™ll just be a blank slate, right? A baby. So all my experiences and everything I did in this life wonโ€™t matter.โ€ โ€œNot so!โ€ I said. โ€œYou have within you all the knowledge and experiences of all your past lives. You just donโ€™t remember them right now.โ€ I stopped walking and took you by the shoulders. โ€œYour soul is more magnificent, beautiful and gigantic than you can possibly imagine. A human mind can only contain a tiny fraction of what you are. Itโ€™s like sticking your finger in a glass of water to see if itโ€™s hot or cold. You put a tiny part or yourself into the vessel and when you bring it back out, youโ€™ve gained all the experiences it had.โ€ โ€œYouโ€™ve been a human for the last 34 years, so you havenโ€™t stretched out yet and felt the rest of your immense consciousness. If we stay out here for longer, youโ€™d start remembering everything. But thereโ€™s no point doing that between each life.โ€ โ€œHow many times have I been reincarnated, then?โ€ โ€œOh, lots. Lots and lots. And into lots of different lives.โ€ I said. โ€œThis time around youโ€™ll be a Chinese peasant girl in 540 A.D.โ€ โ€œWait, what?โ€ You stammered. โ€œYouโ€™re sending me back in time?โ€ โ€œWell, I guess technically. Time, as you know it, only exists in your universe. Things are different where I come from.โ€ You pondered. โ€œBut wait. If i get reincarnated to other places in time, could I have interacted with myself at some point?โ€ โ€œSure. Happens all the time. And with both lives only aware of their own timespan you donโ€™t even know itโ€™s happening.โ€ I looked in your eye. โ€œThe meaning of life, the reason I made this whole universe, is for you to mature.โ€ โ€œYou mean mankind? You want us to mature?โ€ โ€œNo. just you. I made this whole universe for you. With each new life you grow and mature, and become a larger and greater intellectโ€ โ€œJust me? What about everyone else?โ€ โ€œThere is no one else,โ€ I said. โ€œIn this universe, thereโ€™s just you, and me.โ€ You stared blankly at me. โ€œBut all the people on earthโ€ฆโ€ โ€œAll you. Different incarnations of you.โ€ โ€œWait. Iโ€™m everyone!?โ€ โ€œNow youโ€™re getting it.โ€ โ€œIโ€™m every human who ever lived?โ€ โ€œOr whom will ever live, yes.โ€ โ€œIโ€™m Abraham Lincoln?โ€ โ€œAnd youโ€™re John Wilkes Booth, too.โ€ I added. โ€œIโ€™m a criminal?โ€ you said, appalled. โ€œAnd youโ€™re the victims, too.โ€ โ€œIโ€™m a leader?โ€ โ€œAnd youโ€™re everyone who followed you.โ€ You fell silent. โ€œEvery time you victimized someone,โ€ I said, โ€œYou were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness youโ€™ve done, youโ€™ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you.โ€ โ€œWhy?โ€ You asked me. โ€œWhy do all this?โ€ โ€œBecause someday, you will become like me. Because thatโ€™s what you are. Youโ€™re one of my kind. Youโ€™re my child.โ€ โ€œWhoa.โ€ you said, incredulous. โ€œYou mean Iโ€™m a god?โ€ โ€œNo. Not yet. Youโ€™re as a fetus. Youโ€™re still growing. Once youโ€™ve lived every human life throughout all time, you will have grown enough to be born.โ€ โ€œSo the whole universe,โ€ you said. โ€œItโ€™s justโ€ฆโ€ โ€œAn egg of sorts.โ€ I answered. โ€œNow itโ€™s time for you to move on to your next life.โ€ And with that, I sent you on your way. Credit: Andy Weir
The Bank Robber The bank I work at was robbed again last night. Itโ€™s been hit three times this month and weโ€™re sure itโ€™s the same person. Every single time, the guy has vanished without a trace. Itโ€™s almost as if he completely disappears. Thereโ€™s no way he should be able to get away so quickly and without leaving any evidence. Last night when the robbery happened, I looked him in the eye for the first time. โ€œWhy do you keep doing this?โ€ I asked him, searching his dark eyes for an answer. He stared at me coldly from behind his ski mask and replied โ€œA manโ€™s got to eat.โ€ Iโ€™ve thought about it long and hard but Iโ€™ve made up my mind: Iโ€™m never going back to work at that blood bank again. 8 YEARS AGO
ไธŠๅธ็š„้ฌฅๅฃซ ใ€Œๅฆ‚ๆžœไธŠๅธๅญ˜ๅœจ๏ผŒ็‚บไป€้บฝไธ–็•ŒไธŠๆœƒๆœ‰้€™้บฝๅคš็š„้‚ชๆƒก๏ผŸใ€ ้€™ๆ˜ฏไธ€ๅ€‹ๅธธ่ฆ‹็š„ๅ• ้กŒ๏ผŒไฝ†ๅฎƒๆ˜ฏ้Œฏไฝ็š„ใ€‚ๆ‰€ๆœ‰็š„ไบ‹็‰ฉ้ƒฝๅฟ…้ ˆๆœ‰ๅนณ่กกใ€‚ๅ…‰ๆ˜Žๅ’Œ้ป‘ๆš—ใ€‚ๅ–„่ˆ‡ๆƒกใ€‚่ฒ้Ÿณๅ’Œ ๅฏ‚้œใ€‚ๆฒ’ๆœ‰ไธ€ๅ€‹๏ผŒๅฆไธ€ๅ€‹ๅฐฑไธ่ƒฝๅญ˜ๅœจใ€‚ใ€Œ้‚ฃ้บฝ๏ผŒๅฆ‚ๆžœ้€™ๆ˜ฏ็œŸ็š„๏ผŒ้‚ฃ้บฝไธŠๅธๅฐฑไธ ๅšไปปไฝ•ไบ‹ๆƒ…ไพ†ๆ‰“ๆ“Š้‚ชๆƒก๏ผŸใ€ ้€™ๅฏ่ƒฝๆ˜ฏไฝ ่…ฆๆตทไธญ็š„ๅ•้กŒใ€‚ ใ€ŒไธŠๅธ็•ถ็„ถๆœƒ็„กๆƒ…ๅœฐ่ˆ‡้‚ชๆƒก้ฌฅ็ˆญใ€‚ๆˆ‘ๆ˜ฏ้”ๅก”ๅˆฉๅฎ‰๏ผŒไป–ๆœ€็ฅž่–ๅ’Œๆญฃ็พฉ็š„ๅคฉไฝฟไน‹ ไธ€ใ€‚ๆˆ‘ๅœจๅœฐ็ƒไธŠ้Š่•ฉ๏ผŒๅœจๆˆ‘็™ผ็พ็š„ๅœฐๆ–น่™•็ฝฎ้‚ชๆƒกใ€‚ๆˆ‘ๆฎบๆญป้‚ฃไบ›ไฝ ๆฐธ้ ไธๆƒณ็Ÿฅ้“ ็š„ๆ€ช็‰ฉใ€‚ๆˆ‘ๅฐ‡ไน‹ๅฎŒๅ…จ็ฒ‰็ขŽ๏ผŒ้€™ๆจฃไฝ ๅฐฑๅฏไปฅๅœจๆ™šไธŠ็ก่ฆบใ€‚ไฝ ๅ€‘ไบบ้กžไธ็Ÿฅ้“ไฝ ๅ€‘ไธญ ๆœ‰ๅคšๅฐ‘ไบบๅ› ็‚บๆˆ‘็š„ๅทฅไฝœ่€Œๆดป่‘—ใ€‚ใ€ ไฝ†ๆ˜ฏๅฒ้”ๆž—ๅ‘ข๏ผŸๅธŒ็‰นๅ‹’๏ผŸๆณฐๅพท-้‚ฆ่ฟช๏ผŸ้–‹่†›ๆ‰‹ๅ‚‘ๅ…‹๏ผŸโ€ๅ—ฏ๏ผŒ้‚ฃไบ›ๆ˜ฏๆˆ‘ไธๅพ—ไธ่ฎ“ไป– ๅ€‘ๆดป่‘—็š„ๅฐไบบ็‰ฉใ€‚็‚บไบ†ๅนณ่กกใ€‚ๆˆ‘ๆ‘งๆฏ€็š„้‚ฃไบ›ไบบๆ˜ฏโ€ฆ.๏ผŒๅฏๆ€•ใ€ๅ‘้„™ๅˆฐไธ่ฉฒๆดป่‘— ็š„็จ‹ๅบฆใ€‚ๆœ‰่ถฃ็š„ๆ˜ฏ๏ผŒ้›–็„ถๆˆ‘ๆ•ขๆ‰“่ณญไฝ ๅพžๆœชๅœจไปปไฝ•ๅฎ—ๆ•™็š„ๆ–‡ๆœฌไธญ่ฝ่ชช้Ž้”ๅก”ๅˆฉๅฎ‰ ้€™ๅ€‹ๅๅญ—๏ผŒไฝ†ๆˆ‘ๆ‰“่ณญไฝ ่ฝ่ชช้Žๆˆ‘ใ€‚ไพ‹ๅฆ‚๏ผŒ็พŽๅœ‹ไบบ็จฑๅ‘ผๆˆ‘็‚บ๏ผšๅฌฐๅ…’็Œๆญป็ถœๅˆ็—‡ใ€‚ ๅŽŸๆ–‡ไฝœ่€…๏ผšKMApok
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แถœแถคแต‡แต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ โฝแถ สณแต’แต แดธแตƒแต—แถคแถฐ แถœแถคแต‡แต˜หขห’ แตแต‰แตƒแถฐแต— แถ แต’แต’แตˆหขโพ แตƒหกหขแต’ แตแถฐแต’สทแถฐ แตƒหข หขแถคแต—แต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ โฝแถ สณแต’แต แดณสณแต‰แต‰แตห’ หขแถคฬ‚แต—แต’หขโพ แต—สฐแต‰ แถ แต‰แตƒสณ แต’แถ  แถ แต’แต’แตˆ แตƒแถฐแตˆ/แต’สณ แตˆสณแถคแถฐแต แดฎสณแตƒแถฐแถœสฐแต‰หข แต—สฐแต‰สณแต‰แต’แถ  แถคแถฐแถœหกแต˜แตˆแต‰ แดพแตƒแถฐแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถปสธแตแตƒสณแถคแตแตƒแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แดพแตƒแตแต’แต—แต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แดฐแถคแต–หขแต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœแถคแต‡แต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœแตƒแถ แต‰แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แดนสธแถœแต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ หขแตƒแถœแถœสฐแตƒสณแต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แดฌหกหก แถคแต—แต‰แตหข # แดฌ แดฎ แถœ แดฐ แดฑ แถ  แดณ แดด แดต แดถ แดท แดธ แดน แดบ แดผ แดพ แต  แดฟ หข แต€ แต แต› แต‚ แตก แตž แถป แดฌ แดฌแต‡แถปแถคแถœสฐแต‰แต‰แต—แต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แดฌแถœแต‰สณแต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แดฌแถœสณแถคหขแต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แดฌหกแตƒแต—แถคแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แดฌหกหกแถคแต˜แตแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แดฌหกแต—สฐแตƒแถคแต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ 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แถœแตƒสณสณแต’แต—แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœสฐแต‰แต‰แต—แต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœสฐแถคแถœหกแต‰แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœสฐแถคหกแถคแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœสฐแต’แถœหฃสธแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœสฐแต’แถคสณแถคแถฐแต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœสฐแต’แถคสณแต’แตแต‰สณแถคแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœสฐแต’แต—แตˆแต’แถฐแตแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœสฐสธแตแต’แตแถคหกแต’แต˜แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœสฐสธแตแต’แต–แต’สณแต—แต’แตแตƒหกแถคแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœแถคแต‡แต’แถ แต‰หขแต—แถคแถฐแตƒแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœแถคแต‡แต’หกแตƒหกแถคแต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœแถคแต‡แต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœแต’แถœแตƒแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœแต’สณแต–แต’สณแถคแถœแตƒสณแตƒแตแต‰หกแตƒแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœสณแตƒแต–แต’หขแตƒแถฐแตˆสทแถคแถœสฐแต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœสณแถคหขแต–หกแต’สทแถ สณแถคแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœสณแต˜หขแต—แต˜แตแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœแต˜แถœแต˜สณแต‡แถคแต—แตƒแถœแต‰แตƒแต‰แต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœแต˜แถœแต˜สณแต‡แถคแต—แต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แถœแต˜แต–แถœแตƒแตแต‰แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แดฐ แดฐแต‰สฐสธแตˆหกแต‰แตสณแถคแต—สฐหกสธแต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ แดฐแถคแต–หขแต’แต–สฐแต’แต‡แถคแตƒ 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r/shortscarystories 23 hr. ago captain-howdy2323 Unknown Stranger Oh my! I can hear him moving around down stairs. Can I remember if I heard him come inside? Idk. I must have because I've armed myself. I cower away in this closet. But I can't remember any of that. I must be in shock. Oh my heart is racing. I hear him coming up the stairs. It won't be long until he finds me. I can already see what everyone will be saying. "Man found in house", "The bloodbath". He's right outside the room. I'm breathing so heavily. I'm sure he can hear me. Please, stop shaking. Please, nerves calm down. He's opening the door. This is it. Finally. I've been waiting in his closet for hours.
โ€˜Seeing Red (The First Day of School)โ€™ by Zenryhao Everyone loves the first day of school, right? New year, new classes, new friends. I like the first day of school for a different reason, though. You see, I have a sort of power. When I look at people, I canโ€ฆsense a sort of aura around them. A colour outline based on how long that person has to live. Most everyone I meet around my age is surrounded by a solid green hue, which means they have plenty of time left. A fair amount of them have a yellow orange tinge to their auras, which tends to mean a disease or fire; some tragedy. Anything that takes people โ€œbefore their timeโ€ as they say. The real fun is when the auras venture into the red end of the spectrum, though. Every now and again Iโ€™ll see someone whoโ€™s basically a stoplight. Those are the ones who get in a car crash, or even a victim of crime. Itโ€™s such a rush to see them and know their time is numbered. With that in mind, I always get to class very early so I can scout out my classmatesโ€™ fates. The first kid who came in was basically radiating red. I tsk tsk tsk. Huh. But as people kept walking in, they all had the same intense red glow. I finally caught a glimpse of my own fading reflection in the window, but I was too stunned to move. Our professor stepped in and locked the door, his aura a sickening shade of green...
Leon Czolgosz March 24, 2008 / Artifacts and Objects / anonymously authored / 1 minute of reading Estimated reading time โ€” < 1 minute Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of William McKinley (the 25th President of the United States) was electrocuted for his crime on October 29, 1901, at Auburn Prison in Auburn, New York. Among the personal effects found in his cell was a U.S. quarter stamped with the date 2218. The face in profile on said quarter was not George Washington, but rather a face which has yet to be identified.
A soldier called his parents from San Francisco. "Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to ask. I have a friend I'd like to bring home." "Sure," they replied, "we'd love to meet him." "There's something you should know" the son continued, "he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us." "I'm sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live." "No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us." "Son," said the father, "you don't know what you're asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can't let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He'll find a way to live on his own." At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building they were told. The police believed it was suicide. The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identily the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn't know, their son had only one arm and one leg.
March 24, 2008 / Artifacts and Objects / anonymously authored / 1 minute of reading Estimated reading time โ€” < 1 minute The assassin of William McKinley, 25th President of the United States, was electrocuted for his crime on October 29, 1901, at Auburn Prison in Auburn, New York. Among the personal effects found in his cell was a U.S. quarter stamped with the date 2218. The face in profile on said quarter was not George Washington, but rather a face which has yet to be identified.
ๆ”ฏ้›ข็ ด็ขŽ็š„ๆ„ๅค– ็•ถๆ™š็š„ไบ‹ๆ•…ๅœจไป–็š„่…ฆๆตทๅ่ฆ†ๆ’ญๆ”พ๏ผš ็ด…็‡ˆไบฎไบ†๏ผŒไฝ†ไป–็š„่‘—ๆ€ฅไฝฟ่ปŠๅญๅŠ ๅฟซไบ†้€Ÿๅบฆใ€‚ไธ€ๅ€‹ๆฉ™่‰ฒ็š„ๆจก็ณŠ็‰ฉ้ซ”ๅพžไป–็š„ๅณ้‚Š้ฃ› ไพ†๏ผŒๅœจไธ€็žฌ้–“๏ผŒๅŠ‡็ƒˆ็š„้ก›็ฐธ่ฅฒไพ†๏ผŒ้‚ฃๅ€‹้จŽ่‡ช่กŒ่ปŠ็š„ไบบๅพžไป–็š„ๅผ•ๆ“Ž่“‹ไธŠๆปพ้Ž๏ผŒๆŽ‰ ๅœจไบบ่กŒ้“ไธŠ๏ผŒๆถˆๅคฑๅœจ้ป‘ๆš—ไธญใ€‚ ๅ–‡ๅญ่ฒๆฟ€็ƒˆๅœฐ้Ÿฟ่ตท๏ผŒไป–้ฉšๆ…ŒๅคฑๆŽช๏ผŒ่ธฉไธ‹ๆฒน้–€๏ผŒๅพžๆททไบ‚ไธญๅฐ–ๅซ่‘—ๆฒ–ๅ‘้ป‘ๆš—๏ผŒ้กซๆŠ– ๅœฐ็›ฏ่‘—ๅพŒ่ฆ–้ก๏ผŒ็›ด่‡ณ่ฟ”ๅฎถใ€‚ ใ€Œไฝ ็‚บไป€้บฝ่ฆ่ท‘๏ผŒไฝ ้€™ๅ€‹็™ฝ็™ก๏ผŸใ€ ไป–ๅพžๆœช็Šฏ้Ž็ฝช๏ผŒไฝ†็พๅœจไป–ๆญฃ้€š้Žๆƒณ่ฑก็‰ข็„ไน‹็ฝ๏ผŒไปฅๅŠๅคฑๅŽปไบ‹ๆฅญใ€ๅฎถๅบญใ€ๆœชไพ†็š„ ๅฏๆ€•ไปฅๆ‡ฒ็ฝฐ่‡ชๅทฑใ€‚ ใ€Œ็‚บไป€้บฝไธ็พๅœจๅฐฑๅŽปๆ‰พ่ญฆๅฏŸ๏ผŸไฝ ่ซ‹ๅพ—่ตทๅพ‹ๅธซใ€‚ใ€ ๆŸไบบๆ•ฒๆ‰“่“‹ไผŠ-ๅ“ˆ็ˆพๅผ—ๆฃฎ็š„ๅ‰้–€๏ผŒไป–่…ณไธ‹็š„ไธ–็•ŒๅดฉๅกŒไบ†ใ€‚ ่ญฆๅฏŸๆ‰พๅˆฐไบ†ไป–ใ€‚ไป–้™คไบ†ๆ‡‰้–€ๅค–๏ผŒไป€้บฝไนŸๅšไธไบ†๏ผŒ้€ƒ่ท‘ๅชๆœƒ่ฎ“ไบ‹ๆƒ…่ฎŠๅพ—ๆ›ด็ณŸใ€‚ไป– ็š„่บซ้ซ”ๅœจ้กซๆŠ–๏ผŒไป–่ตท่บซ่ตฐๅˆฐ้–€ๅ‰๏ผŒๆ‰“้–‹้–€ใ€‚ไธ€ไฝ่ญฆๅฏŸ็ซ™ๅœจ้–€ๅปŠ็š„็‡ˆๅ…‰ไธ‹ใ€‚ ใ€Œๅ“ˆ็ˆพๅผ—ๆฃฎๅ…ˆ็”Ÿ๏ผŸใ€้€™ไฝ้ข็„ก่กจๆƒ…็š„่ญฆๅฎ˜ๅ•้“ใ€‚ไป–็™ผๅ‡บไบ†ไธ€่ฒๅคฑๆ•—็š„ๅ˜†ๆฏใ€‚ ใ€Œๆ˜ฏ็š„๏ผŒ่ฎ“ๆˆ‘ โ€” ใ€ ใ€Œ้žๅธธๆŠฑๆญ‰๏ผŒไฝ†ๆˆ‘ๆๆ€•ๆœ‰ไธ€ไบ›ๅฃžๆถˆๆฏใ€‚ ไฝ ๅ…’ๅญ็š„่‡ช่กŒ่ปŠไปŠๅคฉๆ™šไธŠ่ขซไธ€ๅ€‹่‚‡ไบ‹้€ƒ้€ธ็š„ๅธๆฉŸๆ’žไบ†โ€ฆโ€ฆไป–็•ถๅ ดๆญปไบก๏ผŒๆˆ‘็‚บไฝ  ๆ„Ÿๅˆฐ้บๆ†พใ€‚ใ€ ๅŽŸๆ–‡ไฝœ่€…๏ผšminnboy
้€™ไธๆ˜ฏไฝ ่ฉฒๆ’•้–‹็š„ใ€Žๅฃ็ด™ใ€ ๆ˜ŸๆœŸไธ€๏ผŒๆˆ‘ๆƒณๅ‡บไบ†ไธ€ๅ€‹ๅฎŒ็พŽ่จˆๅŠƒ๏ผŒ็”š่‡ณๆฒ’ๆœ‰ไบบ็Ÿฅ้“ๆˆ‘ๅ’Œไป–ๆ˜ฏๆœ‹ๅ‹ใ€‚ๆ˜ŸๆœŸไบŒ๏ผŒไป– ๅพžไป–็ˆถ่ฆช้‚ฃๅ…’ๅทไบ†ๆงใ€‚ๆ˜ŸๆœŸไธ‰๏ผŒๆˆ‘ๅ€‘ๆฑบๅฎšๅœจ็ฌฌไบŒๅคฉ็š„ๅ‹•ๅ“กๅคงๆœƒๆŽกๅ–่กŒๅ‹•ใ€‚ๆ˜ŸๆœŸ ๅ››๏ผŒ็•ถๆ•ดๅ€‹ๅญธๆ ก็š„ๅธซ็”Ÿ้ƒฝๅœจ้ซ”่‚ฒ้คจๆ™‚๏ผŒๆˆ‘ๅ€‘ๅฐฑๅœจ้–€ๅค–็ญ‰่‘—ใ€‚ ๆˆ‘ๅฐ‡็”จๆงๆŒ‡่‘—ๅพž้ซ”่‚ฒ้คจๅ…ˆ่ตฐๅ‡บไพ†็š„ไบบใ€‚็„ถๅพŒ๏ผŒไป–ๅฐ‡ๆ‹ฟ่‘—ๆง๏ผŒ้€ฒๅ…ฅ้ซ”่‚ฒ้คจ็ˆ†็ ดใ€‚ ๆˆ‘่ตฐๅˆฐ่ผ”ๅฐŽๅ“กๅฅŽๆฉๅ…ˆ็”Ÿ้ขๅ‰๏ผŒๆœไป–็š„่‡‰้–‹ไบ†ไธ‰ๆง๏ผŒๆœ€็ต‚๏ผŒไป–ๅพ€ๅพŒ่ทŒๅ…ฅ้ซ”่‚ฒ้คจ ๅ…ง๏ผŒๅฅ„ๅฅ„ไธ€ๆฏใ€‚ ๆง่ฒ้œ‡่€ณๆฌฒ่พ๏ผŒ็ฆฎๅ ‚ๅ‚ณไพ†ๅฐ–ๅซ่ฒ๏ผ›ไธ้Ž๏ผŒ้‚„ๆฒ’ๆœ‰ไบบ็™ผ็พๆˆ‘ๅ€‘ใ€‚ ๆˆ‘ๆŠŠๆง้ž็ตฆไป–๏ผŒไฝŽ่ฒ่ชช๏ผšโ€ๅˆฐไฝ ไบ†ใ€‚โ€ ไป–่ท‘้€ฒ้ซ”่‚ฒ้คจ๏ผŒ้–‹ๅง‹ๅฐ„ๆ“Š๏ผŒ่€Œๆˆ‘็ทŠ้šจๅ…ถๅพŒใ€‚ ไป–ๅฐšๆœชๆ“Šไธญไปปไฝ•ไบบใ€‚ๅญฉๅญๅ€‘้ƒฝ็ˆญๅ…ˆๆๅพŒๅœฐ่บฒ่ตทไพ†ใ€‚้€™ๆ˜ฏไธ€ๅ ดๆททไบ‚ใ€‚ ๆˆ‘่ท‘ๅˆฐไป–่บซๅพŒ๏ผŒๆŠŠไป–ๆ’ฒๅ€’๏ผŒๆˆ‘ๅ€‘ๆ‰ญๆ‰“ๅœจไธ€่ตทใ€‚ ๆˆ‘ๅพžไป–ๆ‰‹ไธญๅฅชไธ‹ๆง๏ผŒๆŠŠๆงๅฐๆบ–ไป–๏ผŒ็„ถๅพŒๅฅช่ตฐไป–็š„ๅ‘ฝใ€‚ ๆˆ‘ๆˆๅŠŸๅฐๅฃไบ†ใ€‚ ๆ˜ŸๆœŸไบ”๏ผŒๆˆ‘่ขซ่ญฝ็‚บ่‹ฑ้›„๏ผŒ้€™็š„็ขบๆ˜ฏไธ€ๅ€‹ๅฎŒ็พŽ็š„่จˆๅŠƒใ€‚ ๅŽŸๆ–‡ไฝœ่€…๏ผšHuntfrog
้–‹ๅญธๆ—ฅ ๆฏๅ€‹ไบบ้ƒฝๅ–œๆญกไธŠๅญธ็š„็ฌฌไธ€ๅคฉ๏ผŒๅฐๅง๏ผŸๆ–ฐ็š„ไธ€ๅนด๏ผŒๆ–ฐ็š„่ชฒ็จ‹๏ผŒๆ–ฐ็š„ๆœ‹ๅ‹ใ€‚ๅœจ็พๅฏฆ ไธญ็š„ๆฒˆๆ‚ถ็ ดๅฃžๆ‰€ๆœ‰ๆจ‚่ถฃไน‹ๅ‰๏ผŒ้–‹ๅญธๆ—ฅๆ˜ฏๅ……ๆปฟๆฝ›ๅŠ›่ˆ‡ๅธŒๆœ›็š„ไธ€ๅคฉใ€‚ ๆˆ‘ๅ–œๆญก้–‹ๅญธๆ—ฅๆœ‰ๅนพ็จฎๅŽŸๅ› ๏ผŒไพ‹ๅฆ‚๏ผŒๆˆ‘ๆœ‰ไธ€็จฎๅŠ›้‡๏ผŒ็•ถๆˆ‘็œ‹่‘—ๅˆฅไบบๆ™‚๏ผŒๆˆ‘ๅฏ ไปฅโ€ฆโ€ฆๆ„Ÿ่ฆบๅˆฐไป–ๅ€‘ๅ‘จๅœๆœ‰็จฎๅ…‰๏ผŒๆ˜ฏๅ€‹ๅฝฉ่‰ฒ็š„่ผชๅป“๏ผŒ่ƒฝ้กฏ็คบ้€™ๅ€‹ไบบใ€Œ้‚„่ƒฝๆดปๅคšไน…ใ€ใ€‚ ๆˆ‘้‡ๅˆฐ็š„ๅคงๅคšๆ•ธๅ’Œๆˆ‘ๅนด้ฝก็›ธไปฟ็š„ไบบ้ƒฝ่ขซไธ€็จฎ็ด”็ถ ่‰ฒ็š„่‰ฒ่ชฟๅŒ…ๅœ๏ผŒ้€™ๆ„ๅ‘ณ่‘—ไป–ๅ€‘ ้‚„ๆœ‰่จฑๅคš้ค˜ๅ‘ฝใ€‚ ๆœ‰ไธ€ไบ›ไบบ็š„ๅ…‰็’ฐๆ˜ฏ้ปƒ่‰ฒๆˆ–ๆฉ™่‰ฒ๏ผŒ้€™ๅพ€ๅพ€ๆ„ๅ‘ณ่‘—่ปŠ็ฆๆˆ–ๅ…ถไป–ๆ‚ฒๅŠ‡ใ€‚ ็œŸๆญฃๆœ‰่ถฃ็š„ๆ˜ฏ็•ถไป–ๅ€‘็š„ๅ…‰็’ฐ้€ฒๅ…ฅๅ…‰่ญœ็š„็ด…่‰ฒ็ซฏๆ™‚ใ€‚ๆœ‰ๆ™‚๏ผŒๆˆ‘ๆœƒ็œ‹ๅˆฐๆŸไบ›ไบบ็ฅžไผผ ่กŒ่ตฐ็š„็ด…็‡ˆ๏ผŒ้€™ไบ›้ƒฝๆ˜ฏ่ขซ่ฌ€ๆฎบๆˆ–่‡ชๆฎบ็š„ไบบใ€‚ ็œ‹่‘—ไป–ๅ€‘๏ผŒ็Ÿฅ้“ไป–ๅ€‘ๆ™‚ๆ—ฅไธๅคš๏ผŒๅฏ็œŸ่ฎ“ไบบ่‘—ๆ€ฅใ€‚ ่€ƒๆ…ฎๅˆฐ้€™้ปž๏ผŒๆˆ‘็ธฝๆ˜ฏๅพˆๆ—ฉๅˆฐๆ•™ๅฎค๏ผŒ้€™ๆจฃๆˆ‘ๅฐฑ่ƒฝๅตๅฏŸๅŒๅญธ็š„ๅ‘ฝ้‹ใ€‚ ็ฌฌไธ€ๅ€‹่ตฐ้€ฒไพ†็š„ๅญฉๅญๆธพ่บซๆ•ฃ็™ผ่‘—็ด…่‰ฒๅ…‰่Š’ใ€‚ๆˆ‘ๅœจๅฟƒ่ฃกๅ˜ป็ฌ‘ๅœฐ่ชช๏ผšๅคช็ณŸ็ณ•ไบ†๏ผŒๅ…„ ๅผŸใ€‚ไฝ†้šจ่‘—ไบบๅ€‘ไธๆ–ท่ตฐ้€ฒๆ•™ๅฎค๏ผŒไป–ๅ€‘้ƒฝๆœ‰่‘—ๅŒๆจฃๅผท็ƒˆ็š„ๅ…‰่Š’ใ€‚ๆœ€็ต‚๏ผŒๆˆ‘ๅœจ็ช—ๆˆถ ไธŠ็žฅ่ฆ‹ไบ†ๆˆ‘็š„็Žซ็‘ฐ่‰ฒๅ€’ๅฝฑ๏ผ›ไฝ†ๆˆ‘้ฉšๅ‘†ไบ†๏ผŒไธๆ•ขๅ‹•ไธ€ๆ นๆฑ—ๆฏ›ใ€‚ ๆˆ‘ๅ€‘็š„ๆ•™ๆŽˆ่ตฐไบ†้€ฒไพ†๏ผŒ้Ž–ไธŠไบ†้–€๏ผŒไป–็š„ๅ…‰็’ฐๆ˜ฏไปคไบบไฝœๅ˜”็š„็ถ ่‰ฒใ€‚ ๅŽŸๆ–‡ไฝœ่€…๏ผšZenryhao
Mother Warned Me Mother always warned me not to cross the street. Mother warned me about those types of things. She said bad men would kidnap me, take me away. I guess she was right, in a way. I crossed one day, because I was never a good child, and several men came out and picked me up and asked me many questions. I donโ€™t know why she never wanted me to cross the street. All the men wore blue and had badges. I donโ€™t know why they put silver bracelets on Mother. I donโ€™t know why Mother attempted to bite one of them. I donโ€™t know a lot of things, I suppose. And years later, Iโ€™ll never know why she made me call her Mother.
ไธ€็”Ÿไธญๆœ€ๅนธ็ฆ็š„ไธ€ๅคฉ ๆˆ‘็œ‹่‘—ๅณๅฐ‡ๆˆ็‚บๅฒณ็ˆถ็š„ไบบๆก่‘—ไป–ๅฅณๅ…’็š„ๆ‰‹็ฉฟ่ถŠ่ตฐ้“๏ผŒ็•ถๅ็‚บใ€Œๅฉš็ฆฎ้€ฒ่กŒๆ›ฒใ€็š„ ่ƒŒๆ™ฏ้Ÿณๆจ‚้Ÿฟ่ตท๏ผŒไป–็š„่‡‰ไธŠๆœ‰ๆทš็ ๆป‘่ฝ็š„็—•่ทกใ€‚ ๆˆ‘ๆƒณ้€™ๆ˜ฏๅ› ็‚บ้€™ๆ้†’ไบ†ไป–๏ผŒๅนพๅˆ†้˜ๅพŒ๏ผŒไป–ๅฐ‡็œ‹่‘—ๆˆ‘็‰ฝ่‘—ไป–ๅฅณๅ…’็š„ๆ‰‹๏ผŒ็‚บๅฅนๆˆดไธŠๆˆ’ๆŒ‡ใ€‚ ไป–่ตฐไธŠ็ฅญๅฃ‡๏ผŒๆˆ‘ๆก่‘—ๅฅน็š„ๆ‰‹๏ผŒ็ฌ‘ๅพ—ๅˆไธๆ”ๅ˜ด๏ผŒ้€™ๆ˜ฏๆˆ‘ไธ€็”Ÿไธญๆœ€ๅนธ็ฆ็š„ไธ€ๅคฉใ€‚ ๆ–ฐๅจ˜็š„็ˆถ่ฆช่ทชๅœจๅœฐไธŠ๏ผŒ้–‹ๅง‹ๅ“€ๆฑ‚๏ผšใ€Œๆฑ‚ไฝ ไบ†๏ผŒๆˆ‘ๅทฒ็ถ“ๆŒ‰ไฝ ็š„่ฆๆฑ‚ๅšไบ†๏ผŒๆ‹œ่จ—ๆŠŠ ๆˆ‘็š„ๅฅณๅ…’้‚„็ตฆๆˆ‘ใ€‚ใ€ ๆˆ‘็žชไบ†ไป–ไธ€็œผ๏ผšใ€Œ้–‰ๅ˜ด๏ผŒๅˆฅๅ†็ ดๅฃž้€™ไธ€ๅˆปไบ†ใ€‚ๅฆ‚ๆžœไฝ ๅไธ‹ไพ†ไบซๅ—ๅ„€ๅผ๏ผŒไนŸ่จฑๆˆ‘ ๆœƒๅ‘Š่จดไฝ ๅฅน่บซ้ซ”็š„ๅ…ถไป–้ƒจๅˆ†่—ๅœจๅ“ช่ฃกใ€‚ใ€ ๅŽŸๆ–‡ไฝœ่€…๏ผšrecludus
Horror Short Story: The Accident In this horror short story, a man tries to cope with what he has done. Written by: Reddit user Minnboy Halverson sat in his dark living room. He hadnโ€™t moved for over an hour. The accident earlier that evening kept playing over and over in his mind. The light turned red, but he was in a hurry and accelerated. An orange blur came from his right and in a split second there was a violent jolt, then the bicyclist rolled across his hood and fell out of sight on the pavement. Horns blared angrily and he panicked, stepping on the gas and screeching away from the chaos into the darkness, shaken and keeping an eye on his rearview mirror until he got home. Why did you run? Heโ€™d never committed a crime before this and punished himself by imagining years in jail, his career gone, his family gone, his future gone. Why not just go to the police right now? Then someone tapped on the front door and his world suddenly crumbled away beneath him. They found me. There was nothing he could do but answer it. Running would only make matters worse. Trembling, he got up, went to the door and opened it. A police officer stood under the porch light. โ€œMr. Halverson?โ€ asked the grim officer. He let out a defeated sigh. โ€œYes. Let me โ€”โ€I am terribly sorry, but Iโ€™m afraid I have some bad news. Your sonโ€™s bike was struck by a hit and run driver this evening. He died at the scene. Iโ€™m very sorry for your loss..."

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

Practice Makes Perfect by reddit user whiteddit "You're not even trying. Again!" My calloused hands dance across the music. A finger slips and the tune groans. "Your father would be ashamed. Again!" My blurred vision falls from the yellowed sheet music to the keys. I miss another note. "Faster. Again!" I stumble once more as the tempo increases. She rises from the bench. "Absolutely worthless. You're done for today." I hang my head in shame. I know what's coming. The floorboards creak as Mother returns from the kitchen. I wince. It's hard enough to play with three fingers. It'll be even harder with two.
The Answers As I lived my life, I had always pondered on the mysteries of the universe. I wondered what it all meant, why we were all here, and what lie beyond. That was the reason I became a scientist. I slaved over my work trying to unlock the unknown whole of creation. Always fighting a never ending battle to seek answers for life's greatest questions. Then, when my life came to an end from an untimely accident, I found myself standing on the precipice to eternity. In the seemingly infinite chasm of darkness, a voice called out a question to me... "Shall all of the answers be revealed to you, or will you swim the sea of creation in unknowing bliss?" "Please... Show me the answers I have tirelessly searched for and still seek!" "Very well..." A sudden emergence of a blinding light bathed me, and I was brought into the entirety of knowledge kicking and screaming. That was almost two years ago... Today I lay in my playpen attempting my last ditch efforts at telling my new Mom and Dad what I know, but all they see, and all they've seen for months, is a child at play, talking gibberish. My urgency grows and the fear begins to consume my mind as I realize... the better I get at communicating with them, the more of what I know fades from my memory.
Theyโ€™re in the house. No more than a moment or two passes before the door to the bedroom starts shuddering. The things I piled against it are holding, for now, but I know, realistically, that theyโ€™re going to manage to come through. I keep rocking my little girl, humming a lullaby in her ear to calm her as she cries. The pounding grows in force and volume, the frame starting to crack. I put my little girl on my lap, her back to my chest, and I stroke her head with both hands, from the top of her scalp, down across her ears, just as Iโ€™ve done. Just the way she loves it. The effect is instantaneous. Her desperate crying calms to a series of sobs and hiccoughs, her small body shuddering against mine in fear. I keep humming to her, soothing her hair, acting for all the world as if nothing is out of place, not a single thing amiss. Agonisingly slowly, in a reverse cadence of the sound of splintering wood, she calms down. I can feel it when she stops tensing, as I keep stroking her down the sides of her head. A final hiccough of a sob, and she falls quiet, her body relaxed. She doesnโ€™t even have time to realise whatโ€™s happening as I twist her neck with a violent jerk, accompanied by a dry snap of a sound. Sheโ€™s dead before she can even slump down into my lap. The door is giving way, the furniture pushed back. I may be torn limb from limb while I scream, but at least my baby angelโ€™s safe from harm. 8 YEARS AGO
A White Lie I'm the last one here. Those things have killed everyone else. Those things with the huge wings, with the beady eyes, with the sharp claws....every time I close my eyes see my coworkers being ripped apart. A few of us made it to the building here, but even here we aren't safe. I watched them get picked off one by one, screaming as they fought against death. I tried to stop it I swear I did I tried... Now I'm running through the building to the main power center. With no one else to ask, I'm tasked with pressing one of these buttons. Either will press the red button, or the green button. Supposedly, one button will turn the power doors back on, protecting us from whatever that shrieking, hungry, and angry...thing is outside. That's the red button. The other button is green and opens the opposite side power door, and I can only imagine what might be out there. Why had I agreed to come and research in this lab? I think as I run, hearing the screeches behind me. Oh .... Why did I lie on my application? Why didn't I admit I was color blind?
My Sister's Sculpture My Mother told me about it when I was around 6 years old. She told me I wasn't an only child, I was one of two little girls. You see, she told me that when I was first born along with my twin sister, she died the evening she was born. She never told me why or how she died.or when they had the funeral for her. She told me about my Father going into a deep sense of mourning, and so to let us never forget my little sister my Father made a sculpture ofher. She was painted to every last detail. Her cute blue eyes to the little dimples in her cheeks. My Father would copy me as a reference since we were twins, and as I grew up I thought the sculpture was of me, but now that my Mother cleared this all up I felt more close to the sculpture than I did before. It wasn't long until I noticed that every year; on my birthday my Father would replace the sculpture and now the sculpture looked the same age as me, as if the sculpture would follow me as l aged. My Father continued to do this well into my teenage years, capturing her older and more mature features and the change in her face. On my 18th birthday I realised I could not sleep. I was wondering how my Father made the sculpture so detailed to me so late into the night. Perhaps he took a photo of me and paints it in every detail? I was curious. So I desided to creep my way downstairs to see if could catch my Father making the sculpture, and as l peeked my head around the kitchen door I felt all the colour of my face drain. There, on the Kitchen table my Father was injecting the โ€œsculptureโ€ with a liquid as he whispered "You will always be my little sculpture." as I watched the โ€œsculpture'sโ€ hands twitch.
The Growths May 12, 2008 / Madness, Paranoia, and Mental Illness / anonymously authored / 2 minutes of reading Estimated reading time โ€” 2 minutes Iโ€™d had them ever since I was a kid. I can remember being incredibly self-conscious about them, hiding them in my pockets under books and bags. The kids at school never said anything to my face, but I knew they were laughing behind my back. I remember asking my parents to take me to the doctor, to get them checked out. The growths on my hands seemed to be the elephant in the room back then, since theyโ€™d just say I was fine and change the subject. But I knew better. I had tried to remove them as a child, but without avail; trying to get them off was always a lost cause because I couldnโ€™t continue once the pain kicked in. But today was different. Itโ€™s amazing how numb you can get with a couple of tourniquettes and a bottle of drink. I was originally planning to use sharps, but figured that trying to slice through the tough growths would be too arduous in my state. I opted for the slightly more technological plan B. I had to hurry though. I was already pretty light-headed and was starting to feel dizzy. My hands and forearms, nearly blue, couldnโ€™t wait much longer either. The whirring of the blender helped to put me in a sort of tranceโ€“ready to do what I had wanted to do since I first looked down at my strange formations. I shoved my left hand in first. The immediate sensation of sharp blades slicing through was jarring, but I was surprised at how well the alcohol was workingโ€“I expected it to hurt more. I could hear the sharp metal churning and cutting, working perfectly as planned. I pressed my hand down harder. All those bad memories, all of the embarrassmentโ€“all of those horrible things were now nothing more... Breaking from the feelings of ecstasy, I pulled out before the blades hit knuckle. I smiled, taking a good look at my new hand. As for the growthsโ€“well, five down, and five to go!

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

Mary had a little lamb It's fleece was white as snow, And everywhere that Mary went That lamb was sure to go. He followed her to school one day That was against the rules, It made the children laugh and play But soon they felt like fools. Maryโ€™s corpse was in a room And oh, what a scene! The kids saw her coated in blood And regretted being mean. Soon the police arrived Stepped over Maryโ€™s heart, And tried to ask everyone How she was ripped apart. But when nobody knew The origins of all the gore, The police decided That it was time to go hardcore. And so everyone was dragged To detectors so they canโ€™t tell a lie But everybody refused to tell Why Mary had to die. Suspects were jailed everywhere Tom, Barb, and Sam Because not a single person knew The murderer was the lamb. June 21, 2017 hellofinah
The Missed Call May 23, 2008 / Strange and Unexplained / anonymously authored / 1 minute of reading . Estimated reading time โ€” < 1 minute A strange ringtone plays on your cell phone, you reach for it but whoever it was must have hung up, a wrong number maybe. You look at the phone anyway. Youโ€™ve missed a call. You listen to it. When you put the phone to your ear. Suddenly you hear a scream of pain, you toss the cell across the room, but you can still hear it. When you finally pick the phone up you see who the call was from, you realize whoโ€™s voice it was. Yours.
r/TwoSentenceHorror 12 hr. ago HoardofAngryQuokkas It's happening again - I must wash away all this blood; silently, I creep out to the kitchen like I've been doing for the past three years, spending hours in the moonlight scrubbing out every speck of evidence. I know my dad and brothers think I'm some late bloomer, but I just don't want to freeze to death out in the menstrual hut like mum did.

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

We felt proud as our daughter got on the bus to enjoy her first day of school. Our hearts dropped when the real school bus arrived moments later... โœจNyaChat
SherlockHolmesz 25 apr 2023 On average, you walk past 36 murderers in your lifetime. ~iFunny
Digital_F1aw POV: You were a respected scientist who made an uncanny discovery in the Siberian permafrost. You tried to warn them, but no one listened. As the rumbling footsteps creep closer and closer, you can't help but laugh. 5 jul
r/TwoSentenceHorror 4 yr. ago mydadsnameisharold "Yes, the blood means you're a woman now." Too groggy to make sense of the pain between his legs, he managed to ask, "... what did you just do to me?"

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MAR 08 When you are admitted to a hospital, they place on your wrist a white wristband with your name on it. But there are other different colored wristbands which symbolize other things. The red wristbands are placed on dead people. There was one surgeon who worked on night shift in a school hospital. He had just finished an operation and was on his way down to the basement. He entered the elevator and there was just one other person there. He casually chatted with the woman while the elevator descended. When the elevator door opened, another woman was about to enter when the doctor slammed the close button and punched the button to the highest floor. Surprised, the woman reprimanded the doctor for being rude and asked why he did not let the other woman in. The doctor said, โ€œThat was the woman I just operated on. She died while I was doing the operation. Didnโ€™t you see the red wristband she was wearing?โ€ The woman smiled, raised her arm, and said, โ€œSomething like this?โ€

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

My Fear of Water pazuzuscrypt: Iโ€™ve always had a terrible fear of being submerged completely in water. Not that I canโ€™t swim or anything. My dad made me learn; he said I almost drowned when I was really young. I was afraid of it because, for as long as I can remember, whenever I am under water and look up at the surface I see a woman reaching down to me with a warm smile with glowing golden hair and dark blue eyes. Even if its just in a bathtub. It always happened it was just normal for me, but i never got used to it. It was unnerving, but also soothing at the same time. She always made me feel like it was okay. I still avoided it, though, because I was just a kid and it was really freaky. I never told my dad about it as a kid, but I did ask him about my mom. He never wanted to talk about her. Sometimes he even got mad at me for trying too hard to bring it up. It was only recently that I described this apparition to him. He nearly drove into a telephone pole; obviously he knew something. I asked him again, about my mom. He still wouldn't say much, except that she died when I was very young, and that she loved me very much. He also admitted that her hair and eyes were those colors, just like mine. So I did some research on my own, looking up her name for myself on my birth certificate and trying to find any references I could any news clips about a boy nearly drowning, any thing. I mostly wanted a picture, something I could match to my guardian angel. Today, buried in our town library, I found it. WINCHESTER: Withie, 28, drowned yesterday evening after climbing a razerwire fence and fleeing to a nearby resevoir. A funeral is scheduled by her family for the 25th. She was institutionalized just six months ago, after being found โ€œnot guiltyโ€ of attempted murder on grounds of insanity. Her husband Withie had acted quickly enough to rescue their infant child when she was found trying to drown him in a bathtub. Monday, December 14th, 2015 | via: pazuzuscrypt | source: pazuzuscrypt

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Fatherly Advice She broke it off with me today. She said something about how we just werenโ€™t meant to be and that we could be friends. They always say that. At first I was hurt. Then I was angry. How could she do this to me after everything Iโ€™ve done for her? Not meant to be? I started to get really mad! But then I remembered the advice my father gave me long ago after my first big heartbreak. โ€œSon, some-times a woman just doesnโ€™t want to give you her heart, and thatโ€™s OK, because you can always cut it out of her chest...โ€ 8 YEARS AGO Doreen June Watsford Doreen's barely a tweenager when she slipped near a rocky grotto by her cousins home. Doreen lost her footing balance on some unstable terrain crumbling down below with her. Doreen's lifetime was c. 193X-194X BURIAL Rookwood General Cemetery Rookwood, Cumberland Council, New South Wales, Australia PLOT Anglican Sect 15 grave 2539 MEMORIAL ID 102416085 ยท

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

r/shortscarystories 4 yr. ago myymyy Rollercoaster "Mooooom, I don't like it. I want to get off!" I was a bit surprised. He had always been so brave. I was way more afraid than him when we got on. I never liked to be so high up from the ground. "This will be so much fun!", he had said when we were parking the car. I had kinda hoped he would be strong for both of us. "Oh honey, I'm sorry but we can't get off now, the ride has already started. But remember the small rollercoaster, in the park we went to when you were little? With the funny clown? This is just like that, only bigger. And remember how AWESOME it was?" My son looked at me with watery eyes. He had been so excited about this. I tried to swallow my own nervousness and keep talking to calm him down. My voice was shaking a bit, but I managed to put on a smile. "It's okay, it's okay. You might feel a bit funny in your stomach. It's because of the speed and the changes in the force that pushes you. It's normal! Listen, do you hear? Other people are scared too." He looked at me with his kind, blue eyes and nodded. Just barely. I wanted to hug him, but my back was pressing to the seat so heavily I couldn't move enough. So was his. My eyes caught a glimpse of the sun over my sons head. The sky was so bright. I tried to ignore the metallic clanging sound and people screaming somewhere that seemed to be so far away. Oh, how I missed the ground. Then I felt a big drop on my stomach. We were going faster and faster. My son started sobbing and I tightened my grib on his hand. I thought that he would become such a handsome man someday. He would end up having a good life, and marry a nice girl - or a guy, who knows? I didn't care as long as he was happy. That's all I wanted. For him to be happy and not scared. "Hey, you know what? Close your eyes. This will be over soon. I'm here. I'm not letting go." Someone behind us started to scream. I felt my blood run cold. I tried to keep my focus on the one thing that mattered: my sons hand and my calm voice that kept telling him that it was all going to be okay. Oh, he would become such a handsome man someday. But at this moment he was just a 6 year old boy on his first flight, going to surprise his grandparents all the way across the country. And the last thing I saw before I closed my own eyes, was the second engine on fire...
แต—สฐแต‰สทสฐโฑแต—แต‰แถ แตƒแต‰ แดผแต˜สณ แต€โฑแตแต‰ แดตหข แถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต แต€สฐแต‰สธ หขแตƒสธ แต—สฐแตƒแต— สธแต’แต˜ แถœแตƒโฟโ€™แต— สณแต‰แตƒหกหกสธ หขแต‰แต‰ แต—สฐแต‰ หขแต˜สณแถ แตƒแถœแต‰ แต’แถ  แตƒ แตโฑสณสณแต’สณ แต‡แต‰แถœแตƒแต˜หขแต‰ โฑแต— แตƒหกสทแตƒสธหข สณแต‰แถ หกแต‰แถœแต—หขโ€ง แดฎแต˜แต— แตˆโฑแตˆ สธแต’แต˜ แต‰แต›แต‰สณ สทแต’โฟแตˆแต‰สณ สทสฐแตƒแต— สทแต’แต˜หกแตˆ สฐแตƒแต–แต–แต‰โฟ โฑแถ  แตƒ แตโฑสณสณแต’สณ สทแตƒหข โฑโฟ แตƒ แต–แต’หขโฑแต—โฑแต’โฟ สทสฐแต‰สณแต‰ โฑแต— สฐแตƒแตˆ โฟแต’ หกโฑแตสฐแต— แต—แต’ สณแต‰แถ หกแต‰แถœแต—? แต‚สฐแตƒแต—โธด แต—สฐแต‰โฟโธด สทแต’แต˜หกแตˆ แต—สฐแต‰ แตโฑสณสณแต’สณ แต‡แต‰โธด โฑแถ  โฟแต’แต— แตƒ สณแต‰แถ หกแต‰แถœแต—โฑแต›แต‰ หขแต˜สณแถ แตƒแถœแต‰? แดพแต‰สณสฐแตƒแต–หขโธด แตƒ แตˆแต’แต’สณสทแตƒสธ? แดผแถ  แถœแต’แต˜สณหขแต‰โธด แต’โฟหกสธ แต—สทแต’ แต–หกแตƒแถœแต‰หข แต‰หฃโฑหขแต— แต’โฟ แดฑแตƒสณแต—สฐ สทสฐแต‰สณแต‰ แต—สฐแต‰สณแต‰ โฑหข โฟแต’ หกโฑแตสฐแต— แตƒแต— แตƒหกหกโ ˜ แตˆแต‰แต‰แต– แต˜โฟแตˆแต‰สณแตสณแต’แต˜โฟแตˆ แตƒโฟแตˆ แตˆแต‰แต‰แต– แต˜โฟแตˆแต‰สณสทแตƒแต—แต‰สณโ€ง แ”†แต’ โฟแต’สณแตแตƒหกหกสธโธด สธแต’แต˜ แตˆแต’โฟโ€™แต— สฐแตƒแต›แต‰ แต—แต’ สทแต’สณสณสธ สธแต’แต˜สณ แต–สณแต‰แต—แต—สธ หกโฑแต—แต—หกแต‰ สฐแต‰แตƒแตˆ แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต— สทสฐแตƒแต— แตโฑแตสฐแต— หขหกโฑแต– แต—สฐสณแต’แต˜แตสฐ แต—สฐแตƒแต— แตˆแต’แต’สณโ€ง แดต แถ แต‰แต‰หก แต—สฐแต‰ แตƒโฟแต—โฑแถœโฑแต–แตƒแต—โฑแต’โฟ แต‡แต˜แต‡แต‡หกโฑโฟแต โฑโฟหขโฑแตˆแต‰ แตแต‰ แตƒหข แดต สทแตƒแต—แถœสฐ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‰แตแต‰สณแตแต‰โฟแถœสธ หกโฑแตสฐแต— แถ หกโฑแถœแตแต‰สณโ€ง แดต แตˆแต’โฟโ€™แต— แตโฟแต’สท สฐแต’สท หกแต’โฟแต แต—สฐโฑหข หขแต˜แต‡แตแตƒสณโฑโฟแต‰ สฐแตƒหข หขแตƒแต— แต’โฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡แต’แต—แต—แต’แต แต’แถ  แต—สฐแต‰ แต’แถœแต‰แตƒโฟโธด แต‡แต˜แต— แต—สฐแต‰ แต—โฑแตแต‰ โฑหข แถœแต’แตโฑโฟแตโ€ง แ”†แต’แต’โฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡แตƒแถœแตแต˜แต– แต–แต’สทแต‰สณ สทโฑหกหก สณแต˜โฟ แต’แต˜แต— แถœแต’แตแต–หกแต‰แต—แต‰หกสธโ€ง แต€สฐแต‰ แตโฑสณสณแต’สณ โฑโฟหขโฑแตˆแต‰ สทโฑหกหก แต‡แต‰ แต‰โฟแตแต˜หกแถ แต‰แตˆ โฑโฟ แถœแต’แตแต–หกแต‰แต—แต‰ แตˆแตƒสณแตโฟแต‰หขหขโ€ง แดฌโฟแตˆ สทแต‰ สทโฑหกหก แต‡แต‰ แถ สณแต‰แต‰โ€ง
I was starving and lost in the woods until I found a hiker; I'm full now but I just wished she hadn๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝt screamed so loud.
๐Ÿ•ธ ๐Ÿฉธ๐Ÿง›๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ ๐Ÿง›๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ ๐Ÿฉธ ๐Ÿ•ธ
๐Ÿ—‘โš™๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ•ฏใƒฝ (> โˆ€ <โ˜†) ใƒŽ
r/TwoSentenceHorror TwoSentenceHorror r/TwoSentenceHorror 9 hr. ago CalebVanPoneisen โ€œSorry, but I just canโ€™t do this,โ€ I admit to the bungee instructor. The next moment, Iโ€™m falling, pushed by my friend, whose horrified face reveals him realising my harness wasnโ€™t attached.
OCT 11 The Girl in the Photograph One school day, a boy named Twm was sitting in class and doing maths. It was six more minutes until after school. As he was doing his homework, something caught his eyes. His desk was next to the window, and he turned and looked to the grass outside. It looked like a picture. When school was over, he ran to the spot where he saw it. He ran so fast that no one else could grab it. He picked it up and smiled. It had a picture of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had a dress with tights on and red shoes, and her hand was holding up two fingers, as if formed into a peace sign. She was so beautiful he wanted to meet her, so he ran all over the school and asked everyone if they knew her or have ever seen her before. But everyone he asked said โ€œNo.โ€ He was devastated. When he was home, he asked his sister if she knew the girl, but unfortunately she also said โ€œNo.โ€ It was very late, so Tom walked up the stairs, placed the picture on his bedside table and went to sleep. In the middle of the night Twm was awakened by a tap on his window. It was like a nail tapping. He got scared. After he heard a giggle. He saw a shadow near his window, so he got out of his bed, walked to his window, opened it up and followed the giggling. By the time he reached it, it was gone. The next day again he asked his neighbours if they knew her. Everybody said, โ€œSorry, no.โ€ When his mother came home he even asked her if she knew. She said โ€œNo.โ€ He went to his room, placed the picture on his desk and fell asleep. Once again he was awakened by a tapping. He took the picture and followed the girlish giggling. He walked across the road, when suddenly he got hit by car. He passed, with the picture in his hand. The driver got out of the car and tried to help him, but it was too late. Suddenly he saw the picture and picked it up. He saw a cute girl, holding up three fingers. made by arood / contributors: arood

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I destroy the monsters you donโ€™t ever want to know about. by KMApok 'Why is there bad in the world?' Itโ€™s a common question, but it is misplaced. Light and dark. Without one, the other cannot exist. I roam the Earth, disposing of the bad wherever I find it. I destroy the ones you donโ€™t even want to know about. I eliminate them completely so you can sleep at night. You people have no idea how many of you live because of the suffocating work I do. 'What about criminals, Mussolini, Adolph...' Well, those are the 'minor' ones I had to let live. For balance. The ones I suffocatingly destroy are too horrible and vile to even speak of... You see, I would wager you never have heard of me, specifically in any religious texts. Still I bet you have known of me. Some, for example, have their own name for me: SID's short for what you might call Sudden Infant Death Syndrome..
r/TwoSentenceHorror 3 days ago Aquillyne Not one of those trickster genies, it was genuinely trying to give me what I wanted... I should have been clearer when I asked for her heart.
avoid writing about- ~animals ~unnecessary detail ~certain groups -in such stories

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Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

r/TwoSentenceHorror 4 days ago CalebVanPoneisen While tidying up my girlfriendโ€™s apartment I found a purple diary labelled โ€œBoyfriends Whom Dare to Lookโ€. Unable to resist the temptation my heart raced, at the sight of names and dates marked with red but before I could fully process it's meaning, a voice be- hind me chuckled โ€œItโ€™s time to break up,โ€ as a sharp object pierced my back.
โ€˜Crying isnโ€™t going to helpโ€™ by HonestRage She's gone, all because of him. Dead. He killed my wife. She'd still be here, if it's not for him. If only he could speak with reason; I couldโ€™ve let him live long enough to explain. But that was obviously not going to happen. After all, he was born just a few minutes ago...
r/TwoSentenceHorror 1 yr. ago normancrane I learnt my mum and dad were both proudly pro-choice parents. That's why, as I fatally strangled them with my umbilical cord, they must have respect my choice to not have parents.
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Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

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โžฃ โ€œ Whatโ€™s a few moreโ€ฆ EXCRUCIATINGLY LฬฎฬนฬฎฬฅOอ†ฬˆออ„ฬ†ฬฑฮ™อ™ฬ–ฬซOOOOOอซอ’อฃฬOฬฅฬ–OOฬœฬฆฬฆOฬOฬ‘อฏฬˆอ„ฬŒฬฃฬญฬผฬฏฬนOฬ‹ฬ”ฬ‰อ’อŒอŠฬ‰ฬปฬซฬฎอ•ฬบอˆฬผOอ”Oอชอ„ฬอ‡ฬฃฬฑOฬฬ–ฮ™ฬปฬŸฬOฬฟอญฬฬ…ฬ€ฬˆอ‚ฬŸฬ ฬฒอ‡ฬฆฬฉอˆNอ‚ฬฬฬคฬฎฬžGอ—อฏฬ‰ฬ€ฬ‚ฬ˜อˆฬœฬญฮ™.อฆอ‹..ฬŸฬฐฬชฬผฮ™ฬณฬฉ โ€ฆhours. โ€Ÿ
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squidbob 20,000 patties under the sea 23-24 truth or square Pizza delivery episode Dying for pie A day without tears A krusty koncessionaires Are you happy now? Band geeks Breath of fresh squidward Bubblebassโ€™s tab Bulletin board Eek! An urchin! Spongebob youโ€™re fired Funny pants Good neighbors Hello bikini bottom Hiccup plague Bottle burglars House fancy Yeti crabs Krab borg Krusty towers Kwarantined krab Love that squid Two thumbs down Larry the floor manager Mermaid pants Mimic madness House worming Mind the gap Missing identity Mustard o mine Pat the dog Out of the picture Boating buddies Pineapple rv Manray returns Plankton paranoria Restraining spongebob Fiasco Sanitation insanity The sewers of bikini bottom Shark vs. Pods Copybob dittopants Skill crane Snooze you lose Krusty katering Spin the bottle Spongebob in random land Larryโ€™s gym Spongebobโ€™s big birthday blowout Spongebobโ€™s last stand The check up Squid baby Squid defense Squid plus one Squidโ€™s visit Squidbob tentaclepants Squiditis Squids on a bus Squidwood Squidnoir Abrasive side Ear worm The bikini bottom triangle The ghost of plankton two faces of squidward Spongehenge Under the small top Squidward sick daze Unreal estate Code yellow Wishing you well Mall girl pearl Whale watching Artist unknown SpongeBob on parade Yellow pevement Abandon twits Boss for a day
i am lucky ๐–ฆใ€€ หš ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€. โœงใ€€ใ€€ ใ€€หš ใ€€ใ€€ . โœงใ€€ใ€€ ใ€€ใ€€ หš ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ . โœงใ€€ใ€€หš ใ€€. แฐ” luck is always by my side แฐ” i am the luckiest girl right now แฐ” luck never lets me down แฐ” it always turns out good แฐ” everything i want is mine แฐ” miracles happen to me daily แฐ” things always work out for me แฐ” i am always just so lucky ใ€€ใ€€ หš . โœงใ€€ใ€€ หš
(โœฟ อกโ—• แด—โ—•)ใคโ”โ”โœซใƒป*ใ€‚ โŠ‚ใ€€ใ€€ ใƒŽ ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใƒปใ‚œ+. ใ—ใƒผใƒผ๏ผชใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ยฐใ€‚+ *ยดยจ) .ยท ยด๐”ฉ๐”ข๐”ฑ ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข๐”ฏ๐”ข ๐”Ÿ๐”ข ๐” ๐”žแด‹๐”ขโ˜†ยดยจ) ยธ.ยท*ยจ) (ยธ.ยทยด (ยธ.ยทโ€™* (ยธ.ยทโ€™* (ยธ.ยทโ€™* (ยธ.ยทโ€™* (ยธ.ยทโ€™* *ยจ)
ใ€€หš ใ€€ใ€€ . โœงใ€€ใ€€ ใ€€ใ€€ หš ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ . โœงใ€€ใ€€ หš ใ€€ . everything you are worried about is going to turn out ok, i promise you ห™แต•ห™ โ€ง ๏พŸ๏ฝกโ‹† โ‹†. ๐–ฆ โ€ง ๏พŸ๏ฝกโ‹† โ‹†. ๐–ฆ โ€ง ๏พŸ๏ฝกโ‹† โ‹†. ๐–ฆ โ€ง ๏พŸ๏ฝกโ‹†
๏ฝกใƒป ๏พŸใƒป๏ฝก ๏ฝก +. ๏พŸ๏ฝกใƒป. ๏ฝก. * ๏พŸ + ๏ฝกใƒป๏พŸใƒป๏ฝกใƒป๏พŸใƒป. ๏ฝก* ๏ฝก ใƒป๏พŸใƒป โ‹†๐™šโ‚ŠหšโŠน a small reminder for you, try not to be so hard on yourself, i know you are trying and giving your best! i know it might sound crazy to you right now but better days WILL come and you will look back at this exact moment and remember how impossible it all seemed. โ™ก but look, you DID it! you got through one of your hardest days. so, donโ€™t give up. healing takes time. it might all seem impossible but you will get there. it doesnโ€™t have to look a certain way, in fact, healing looks different for everyone. go at your own pace and donโ€™t try to rush anything! itโ€™s not a race! โ™ก donโ€™t stress yourself out and try to worry less. you are stronger than you think and i KNOW you can do this and get through whatever you are going through! ๐ŸŒธ you GOT THIS! ห™แต•ห™ ๏ฝกใƒป ๏พŸใƒป๏ฝก ๏ฝก +. ๏พŸ๏ฝกใƒป. ๏ฝก. * ๏พŸ + ๏ฝกใƒป๏พŸใƒป๏ฝกใƒป๏พŸใƒป. ๏ฝก* ๏ฝก ใƒป๏พŸใƒป
โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–“โ–‘โ–‘โ–ˆโ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘โ–‘ 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๐ก๐จ๐ฐ ๐ญ๐จ ๐›๐ž ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฒ เฑจเงŽ 1 donโ€™t compare yourself to other people 2 repeat number 1 daily
Tuesday 16 October 2012 Smile SMS Smile SMS โ†’ โˆ‚ฯƒฮท ฮทฯƒั‚ gฯƒ ฦ’ฯƒั โ„“ฯƒฯƒะบั•, ั‚ะฝั”ัƒ ยขฮฑฮท โˆ‚ั”ยขั”ฮนฮฝั”. โˆ‚ฯƒฮท ฮทฯƒั‚ gฯƒ ฦ’ฯƒั ฯ‰ั”ฮฑโ„“ั‚ะฝ, ั”ฮฝั”ฮท ั‚ะฝฮฑั‚ ฦ’ฮฑโˆ‚ั”ั• ฮฑฯ‰ฮฑัƒ. gฯƒ ฦ’ฯƒั ั•ฯƒะผั”ฯƒฮทั” ฯ‰ะฝฯƒ ะผฮฑะบั”ั• ัƒฯƒฯ… ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ะฒั”ยขฯƒz ฯƒฮทโ„“ัƒ ฮฑ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ะผฮฑะบั”ั• ฮฑ โˆ‚ฮฑัะบ โˆ‚ฮฑัƒ ั•ั”ั”ะผ ะฒัฮนgะฝั‚. โ†’ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนั• ยขฯƒะผฯโ„“ั”ั‚ั” ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ฮนั‚ ะฒั”gฮนฮทั• ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝ ัƒฯƒฯ…ั โ„“ฮนฯั• ัั”ฦ’โ„“ั”ยขั‚ั• ฮนฮท ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั”ัƒั”ั• ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ั”ฮทโˆ‚ั• ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝ ฮฑ gโ„“ฯƒฯ‰ ฯƒฮท ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ฦ’ฮฑยขั”. ฯ‰ฮนั•ะฝ ัƒฯƒฯ… ะผฮฑฮทัƒ ั•ฯ…ยขะฝ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ฮนฮทg ะผฯƒะผั”ฮทั‚ั• ฮนฮท ัƒฯƒฯ…ั โ„“ฮนฦ’ั”. โ†’ โˆ‚ัั”ฮฑะผั• ะผฮฑะบั”ั• ั”ฮฝั”ััƒั‚ะฝฮนฮทg ฯฯƒั•ั•ั•ฮนะฒโ„“ั”,ะฝฯƒฯั” ะผฮฑะบั”ั• ั”ฮฝั”ััƒั‚ะฝฮนฮทg ฯ‰ฯƒัะบั•,โ„“ฯƒฮฝั” ะผฮฑะบั”ั• ั”ฮฝั”ััƒั‚ะฝฮนฮทg ะฒั”ฮฑฯ…ั‚ฮนฦ’ฯ…โ„“,ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ะผฮฑะบั”ั• ฮฑโ„“โ„“ ั‚ะฝั” ฮฑะฒฯƒฮฝั” ะบั”ั”ฯ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ฮนฮทg ฮฑโ„“ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั•. โ†’ ะฝั”ฮฑัั‚ ยขฮฑฮท ั•ะบฮนฯ ะฒั”ฮฑั‚ั• 4 ฮฑฯ‰ะฝฮนโ„“ั” ะผั”ะผฯƒัฮนั”ั• ยขฮฑฮท ะฒั” ะบั”ฯั‚ ฮนฮท ฮฑ ฦ’ฮนโ„“ั” ฮฑ โˆ‚ั”ั•ั”ัั‚ ยขฮฑฮท ัั”ฯโ„“ฮฑยขั” ั‚ะฝั” ฮทฮนโ„“ั” ะฒฯ…ั‚... ฮทฯƒั‚ะฝฮนฮทg ยขฮฑฮท ั•ั‚ฯƒฯ ฮฑ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ฯ…ั ฮทฮฑะผั” ฮฑฯฯั”ฮฑัั• ฯƒฮท ะผัƒ ะผฯƒะฒฮนโ„“ั”. โ†’ ฮทฯƒ ฯƒฮทั” ฮนั• ะฒฯƒัฮท ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒ. ะฒฯ…ั‚ ฮฑโ„“โ„“ ฯƒฦ’ ฯ…ั• ฮฑัั” ะฒฯƒัฮท ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝ ั‚ะฝั” ฮฑะฒฮนโ„“ฮนั‚ัƒ ั‚ฯƒ ยขัั”ฮฑั‚ั” ะฝฮฑฯฯฮนฮทั”ั•ั•. ั•ฯƒ ั‚ฯƒโˆ‚ฮฑัƒ, ะผฮฑะบั” ฯƒั‚ะฝั”ัั• ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒ. ฦ’โ„“ฮฑั•ะฝ ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั•ฯ‰ั”ั”ั‚ั”ั•ั‚ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”. ะฝฮฑฮฝั” ฮฑ โˆ‚ฮฑัƒ ฦ’ฯ…โ„“โ„“ ฯƒฦ’ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”ั• โ†’ ะบั”ั”ฯ ั‚ะฝั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”, โ„“ั”ฮฑฮฝั” ั‚ะฝั” ั‚ั”ฮฑั, ั‚ะฝฮนฮทะบ ฯƒฦ’ ื ฯƒัƒ, ฦ’ฯƒัgั”ั‚ ั‚ะฝั” ฦ’ั”ฮฑั , ะฝฯƒโ„“โˆ‚ ั‚ะฝั” โ„“ฮฑฯ…gะฝ, โ„“ั”ฮฑฮฝั” ั‚ะฝั” ฯฮฑฮนฮท, ะฒั” ื ฯƒฯ…ัƒฯƒฯ…ั• ั‚ฮนโ„“โ„“ ฮน ั•ะผั• ฮฑgฮฑฮนฮท โ†’ ฮฑ gฯ…ฮท ยขฮฑฮท ะบฮนโ„“โ„“ ั•ฯƒะผั”ฯƒฮทั”. ฦ’ฮนัั” ยขฮฑฮท ะฒฯ…ัฮท ั•ฯƒะผั”ฯƒฮทั”. ฯ‰ฮนฮทโˆ‚ ยขฮฑฮท ยขะฝฮนโ„“โ„“. ฮฑฮทgั”ั ยขฮฑฮท ัฮฑgั” ั‚ฮนโ„“โ„“ ฮนั‚ ั‚ั”ฮฑัั• ัƒฯƒฯ… ฮฑฯฮฑัั‚. ะฒฯ…ั‚ ั‚ะฝั” ฯฯƒฯ‰ั”ั ฯƒฦ’ ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ยขฮฑฮท ะฝั”ฮฑโ„“ ฮฑ ฦ’ัฯƒzั”ฮท ะฝั”ฮฑัั‚. โ†’ โ„“ั”ั‚ ะผั” gฯ…ั”ั•ั• ฯ‰ะฝฮฑั‚ ฯ… ั โˆ‚ฯƒฮนฮทg... ัั”ฮฑโˆ‚ฮนฮทg ะฒฯƒฯƒะบ? ฮทฮฑ ฮทฮฑ! โ„“ฮนั•ั‚ฮนฮทฮนฮทg ะผฯ…ั•ฮนยข? ฯ…ะฝฯ…! ฯ‰ฮฑั‚ยขะฝฮนฮทg ั‚ฮฝ? ฮทฮฑะฝ! ยขฮฑฯ…gะฝั‚ ฯ…! ะผฮนั•ั•ฮนฮทg ะผั” ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ัั”ฮฑโˆ‚ฮนฮทg ะผัƒ ั•ะผั• ฮทฮฑ.!! ฯƒะฝ ฮทฯƒฯ‰ ฯ… ั ั•ะผฮนโ„“ฮนฮทg. โ†’ ฯƒฮทั” ยขฮฑฮทโˆ‚โ„“ั” ั”ฮทฯƒฯ…gะฝ ั‚ฯƒ ยขฯ…ั‚ โˆ‚ฮฑัะบฮทั”ั•ั•. ฯƒฮทั” ั‚ัฯ…ั” ฦ’ัฮนั”ฮทโˆ‚ ั”ฮทฯƒฯ…gะฝ ั‚ฯƒ ะผฮฑะบั” โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒ. ฯƒฮทั” gฯƒฯƒโˆ‚ gฯ…ฮนโˆ‚ั” ั”ฮทฯƒฯ…gะฝ ฦ’ฯƒั ั•ฯ…ยขยขั”ั•ั•. ฯƒฮทั” ั•ะผั• ฦ’ัฯƒะผ ัƒฯƒฯ… ั”ฮทฯƒฯ…gะฝ ั‚ฯƒ ะผฮฑะบั” ะผั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”. โ†’ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฦ’ฯƒั ั‚ะฝั” ฯƒฮทั”ั• ัƒฯƒฯ… โ„“ฯƒฮฝั”โ€ฆ ฮฑ ั•ฮนะผฯโ„“ั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนั• ฮฑโ„“โ„“ ฮนั‚ ั‚ฮฑะบั”ั• ั‚ฯƒ ะผฮฑะบั” ฯƒฮทั” ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒโ€ฆ โ„“ฯƒฮฝั” ยขฮฑฮท ยขฯƒะผั” ฮนฮท ะผฮฑฮทัƒ โˆ‚ฮนฦ’ฦ’ั”ัั”ฮทั‚ ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั•, ั•ะฝฮฑฯั”ั• ฮท ั•ฮนzั”ั• โ€ฆ ะฒฯ…ั‚ ฮฑ ั•ฮนะผฯโ„“ั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฯ‰ฮนโ„“โ„“ ยขฯƒฮทqฯ…ั”ั ั”ฮฝั”ััƒั‚ะฝฮนฮทg โ€ฆ ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ โ„“ั”ฮฑฮฝั” ั‚ะฝั” ะฒั”ั•ั‚ ฯƒฦ’ ฯ…ั• ั•ฯั”ั”ยขะฝโ„“ั”ั•ั• โ€ฆ โ†’ ฯƒฦ’ ฮฑโ„“โ„“ ั‚ะฝั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”ั• ัƒฯƒฯ… ัั”ยขั”ฮนฮฝั”โˆ‚ ั‚ฯƒโˆ‚ฮฑัƒ, ั‚ะฝั”ัั” ฮนั• ฮฑ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ัƒฯƒฯ… โˆ‚ฮนโˆ‚ฮทโ€™ั‚ ัั”ยขั”ฮนฮฝั”. ฮฑ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮทฯƒั‚ ฦ’ัฯƒะผ ั‚ะฝั” โ„“ฮนฯั• ะฒฯ…ั‚ ฦ’ัฯƒะผ ั‚ะฝั” ะฝั”ฮฑัั‚, ฮฑ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ั‚ะฝฮฑั‚ ยขฮฑะผั” ฦ’ัฯƒะผ ะผั” ั‚ฯƒ ัƒฯƒฯ…. โ†’ ฮนฮท ั‚ะฝั” ะผฯƒัฮทฮนฮทg, ั•ฯ…ฮท gฮฑzั”ั• ฮฑั‚ ะผั” ั‚ฯƒ ะผฮฑะบั” ะผั” ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒโ€ฆ ยขฯƒฯƒโ„“ ะฒัั”ั”zั” ะฝฯ…gั• ะผั” ั‚ฯƒ ั•ั”ั” ะผัƒ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”โ€ฆ ะฒฮนัโˆ‚ั• ั•ฮนฮทgั• ั‚ฯƒ ะผฮฑะบั” ะผั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”โ€ฆ. ะฒฯ…ั‚ ะผัƒ โˆ‚ั”ฮฑั, ั‚ะฝั”ัƒ โˆ‚ฯƒฮทั‚ ะบฮทฯƒฯ‰ ั‚ะฝฮฑั‚ ะผัƒ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนั• ฮนฮทยขฯƒะผฯโ„“ั”ั‚ั” ฯ…ฮทั‚ฮนโ„“ ฮน ัั”ะผั”ะผะฒั”ั ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ฦ’ฮฑยขั”โ€ฆ โ†’ ฮฑโ„“ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั• ะฒั” ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒ, ฮฑโ„“ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั• ฯ‰ั”ฮฑั ฮฑ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”; ฮทฯƒั‚ ะฒั”ยขฮฑฯ…ั•ั” โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” ฮนั• ฦ’ฯ…โ„“โ„“ ฯƒฦ’ ัั”ฮฑั•ฯƒฮทั• ั‚ฯƒ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ะฒฯ…ั‚ ะฒั”ยขฮฑฯ…ั•ั” ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนั‚ั•ั”โ„“ฦ’ ฮนั• ฮฑ ัั”ฮฑั•ฯƒฮท ฦ’ฯƒั ะผฮฑฮทัƒ ฯƒั‚ะฝั”ัั• ั‚ฯƒ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”. โ†’ ั•ฯƒะผั” ั‚ฮนะผั”ั•โ€ฆ.ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ฮนโ€™ะผ ฮฑโ„“โ„“ ฮฑโ„“ฯƒฮทั”. ฮน ยขโ„“ฯƒั•ั” ะผัƒ ั”ัƒั”ั• ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ั‚ะฝฮนฮทะบ ฯƒฦ’ ัƒฯƒฯ…โ€ฆ ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ั‚ะฝั” ั‚ะฝฯƒฯ…gะฝั‚ ฯƒฦ’ ัƒฯƒฯ…ั โ„“ฯƒฮฝั” ฯ‰ฯƒัะผั• ะผั” ฮนฮทั•ฮนโˆ‚ั” ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ะผฮฑะบั” ะผั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”. โ†’ ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ัƒฯƒฯ… ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนั‚ โ„“ฮนะบั” ฮฑ ั•ฯ…ฮทัฮนั•ั” ั‚ฯƒ ะผั”. ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ฮน ฯ‰ฮฑฮทั‚ ฮฑ โˆ‚ฮฑฮนโ„“ัƒ ั•ฯ…ฮทัฮนั•ั” ฮนฮท ะผัƒ โ„“ฮนฦ’ั”. ั•ฯƒโ€ฆ ั•ฯƒโ€ฆ. ั•ฯƒโ€ฆ.. ั•ฯƒโ€ฆโ€ฆ ั•ฯƒ ะบั”ั”ฯ ั•*ะผ*ฮน*โ„“*ฮน*ฮท*g โ†’ ฮนฦ’ ั”ฮฑยขะฝ โ„“ั”ฮฑฦ’ ฯƒฦ’ ฮฑ ั‚ัั”ั” ฮนั• ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ั‚ะฝั”ฮท ฮน ฯัฯƒะผฮนั•ั” ัƒฯƒฯ… ะผัƒ โˆ‚ั”ฮฑั, ฮน ฯ‰ฮนโ„“โ„“ ฯ‰ฮฑั‚ั”ั ฮนั‚ ั‚ะฝัฯƒฯ…gะฝ ฯƒฯ…ั‚ ะผัƒ โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” ั‚ฯƒ ั•ั”ั” ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั”ฮฝั”ัgัั”ั”ฮท ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฦ’ฯƒัั”ฮฝั”ั โ†’ โˆ‚ฯƒยขั‚ฯƒัโ€™ั• ฯัั”ั•ยขัฮนฯั‚ฮนฯƒฮท 4 ฯ…. ฮฑ ยขฯ…ั‚ั” โ„“ฮนั‚ั‚โ„“ั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” 4 ะฒัั”ฮฑะบฦ’ฮฑั•ั‚. ะผฯƒัั” โ„“ฮฑฯ…gะฝั• 4 โ„“ฯ…ฮทยขะฝ. โ„“ฯƒั‚ั• ฯƒฦ’ ะฝฮฑฯฯฮนฮทั”ั•ั• ฦ’ฯƒั โˆ‚ฮนฮทฮทั”ั. โˆ‚ฯƒยขั‚ฯƒัโ€™ั• ฦ’ั”ั”? ฮฑฮท ั•ะผั• ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ฯ… ั ฦ’ัั”ั”. โ†’ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”: ั•-ั•ั”ั‚ั• ัƒฯƒฯ… ฦ’ัั”ั” ะผ-ะผฮฑะบั”ั• ัƒฯƒฯ… ั•ฯั”ยขฮนฮฑโ„“ ฮน-ฮนฮทยขัั”ฮฑั•ั”ั• ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ฦ’ฮฑยขั” ฮฝฮฑโ„“ฯ…ั” โ„“-โ„“ฮนฦ’ั‚ั• ฯ…ฯ ัƒฯƒฯ… ั•ฯฮนัฮนั‚ั• ั”-ั”ัฮฑั•ั”ั• ฮฑโ„“โ„“ ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั‚ั”ฮทั•ฮนฯƒฮทั• ั•ฯƒ ฯโ„“ั”ฮฑั•ั” ะบั”ั”ฯ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”. โ†’ ฮฑ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนั• ฮฑ ฯ‰ฮฑัƒ ฯƒฦ’ ฯ‰ัฮนั‚ฮนฮทg ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั‚ะฝฯƒฯ…gะฝั‚ั• ฯƒฮท ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ฦ’ฮฑยขั”, ั‚ั”โ„“โ„“ฮนฮทg ฯƒั‚ะฝั”ัั• ั‚ะฝฮฑั‚ ั‚ะฝั”ัƒ ฮฑัั” ฮฑยขยขั”ฯั‚ั”โˆ‚, โ„“ฮนะบั”โˆ‚ ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ฮฑฯฯัั”ยขฮนฮฑั‚ั”โˆ‚. ั•ฯƒ, ะฝั”ัั”โ€™ั• ฮฑ ะฒฮนg ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฦ’ฯƒั ัƒฯƒฯ… ั‚ั”โ„“โ„“ฮนฮทg ัƒฯƒฯ… ั‚ะฝฮฑั‚ ัƒฯƒฯ… ฮฑัั” ฮฑฯฯัั”ยขฮนฮฑั‚ั”โˆ‚ โ†’ ั‚ั”ฮฑัั• ฮฑัั” ะผฯƒัั” ั‚ัฯ…ั‚ะฝฦ’ฯ…โ„“ ั‚ะฝฮฑฮท ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ะฒั”ยขฮฑฯ…ั•ั” ัƒฯƒฯ… ยขฮฑฮท ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนฮท ฦ’ัฯƒฮทั‚ ฯƒฦ’ ั”ฮฝั”ััƒฯƒฮทั” ะฒฯ…ั‚ ัƒฯƒฯ… ฯ‰ฮนโ„“โ„“ ฯƒฮทโ„“ัƒ ยขััƒ ฮนฮท ฦ’ัฯƒฮทั‚ ฯƒฦ’ ฯƒฮทั” ฯ‰ะฝฯƒ ฮนั• ั•ฯั”ยขฮนฮฑโ„“ ฦ’ฯƒั ัƒฯƒฯ…. โ†’ ฮนั‚ ฮนั• ฮฑ ั•โ€ฮนะผฯโ„“ั”โ€ ะผโ€ฮนฮทโˆ‚ ั‚ฯƒฯ…ยขะฝฮนฮทgโ€ ฮนโ€ฮทั‚ั”ัฮฑยขั‚ฮนฮฝั”โ€ โ„“โ€ฯƒฮทg โ„“ฮฑั•ั‚ฮนฮทgโ€ ั”โ€ฦ’ฦ’ั”ยขั‚ ฯ‰ะฝฮนยขะฝ ฯ‰ฮนฮทั• ั‚ะฝั” ะฝั”ฮฑัั‚ั•. ัƒั”ั•.. ฮนั‚ั• ัƒฯƒฯ…ั โ€œั•ฯ‰ั”ั”ั‚ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”โ€ ั•ฯƒ ะบั”ั”ฯ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ฮนฮทg ฮฑโ„“ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั•, gฯƒฯƒโˆ‚ ะผฯƒัฮทฮนฮทg! โ†’ ฮนฦ’ ัƒฯƒฯ… ฯ‰ฯƒัััƒ ฮฑะฒฯƒฯ…ั‚ ฮฑ ั‚ัฯƒฯ…ะฒโ„“ั” ฮนั‚ ะฒั”ยขฯƒะผั”ั• โˆ‚ฯƒฯ…ะฒโ„“ั” ะฒฯ…ั‚ ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ัƒฯƒฯ… ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮฑั‚ ฮนั‚, ฮนั‚ โˆ‚ฮนั•ฮฑฯฯั”ฮฑัั• โ„“ฮนะบั” ฮฑ ะฒฯ…ะฒะฒโ„“ั” ั•ฯƒ ฮฑโ„“ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั• ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮฑั‚ ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ฯัฯƒะฒโ„“ั”ะผ. ะบั”ั”ฯ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ฮนฮทg โ†’ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ฮนฮทg ฮนั• ฮนฮทฦ’ั”ยขั‚ฮนฯƒฯ…ั• ัƒฯƒฯ… ยขฮฑั‚ยขะฝ โ„“ฮนะบั” ั‚ะฝั” ฦ’โ„“ฯ…. ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”โˆ‚ ฮฑั‚ ั‚ฯƒโˆ‚ฮฑัƒ, ฮน ั•ั‚ฮฑัั‚ั”โˆ‚ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ฮนฮทg ั‚ฯƒฯƒ. ฮน ฯฮฑั•ั• ัฯƒฯ…ฮทโˆ‚ ั‚ะฝั” ยขฯƒัฮทั”ั, ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ั•ฯƒะผั”ฯƒฮทั” ั•ฮฑฯ‰ ะผัƒ gัฮนฮท. ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”โˆ‚ ฮน ัั”ฮฑโ„“ฮนzั” ฮน ฯฮฑั•ั•ั”โˆ‚ ฮนั‚ ฯƒฮท ั‚ฯƒ ฮนะผ! ฮน ั‚ะฝฯƒฯ…gะฝั‚ ฮฑะฒฯƒฯ…ั‚ ั‚ะฝฮฑั‚ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”, ั‚ะฝั”ฮท ฮน ัั”ฮฑโ„“ฮนzั”โˆ‚ ฮนั‚โ€™ั• ฯ‰ฯƒัั‚ะฝ. ฮฑ ั•ฮนฮทgโ„“ั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” โ„“ฮนะบั” ะผฮนฮทั” ยขฯƒฯ…โ„“โˆ‚ ั‚ัฮฑฮฝั”โ„“ ั‚ะฝั” ั”ฮฑัั‚ะฝ โ†’ ั•ฮนะผฯโ„“ั” ะผฯ…ั•ฮนยข ยขฮฑฮท ะผฮฑะบั” ัƒฯƒฯ… ั•ฮนฮทg, ฮฑ ั•ฮนะผฯโ„“ั” ะฝฯ…g ยขฮฑฮท ะผฮฑะบั” ัƒฯƒฯ… ฦ’ั”ั”โ„“ ะฒั”ั‚ั‚ั”ั, ั•ฮนะผฯโ„“ั” ั‚ะฝฮนฮทgั• ยขฮฑฮท ะผฮฑะบั” ัƒฯƒฯ… ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒ. ะฝฯƒฯั” ะผัƒ ั•ฮนะผฯโ„“ั” ะฝฮน ฯ‰ฮนโ„“โ„“ ะผฮฑะบั” ัƒฯƒฯ… ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” โ€ฆgฯƒฯƒโˆ‚ ะผฯƒัฮทฮนฮทgโ€ฆ. โ†’ ั•ะฝฮฑะบั”ั•ฯั”ฮฑัั” ั•ฮฑฮนโˆ‚ โˆ‚ฯƒฮทโ€™ั‚ ฯ‰ฯƒัััƒ! ะฒั”ยขฮฑฯ…ั•ั” ฮนฦ’ ฯ… ั ฯ‰ฯƒััฮนั”โˆ‚ ฯ… gั”ั‚ ฮฑ ฯ‰ัฮนฮทะบโ„“ั”, ั•ฯƒ ฯ‰ะฝัƒ โˆ‚ฯƒฮทโ€™ั‚ ฯ… ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” &ฮฑะผฯ; gั”ั‚ ฮฑ โˆ‚ฮนะผฯโ„“ั”. ฮฑโ„“ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั• ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ะฒั” ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒ โ†’ โ„“ั”ั‚ ฮฑ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ะฒั” ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ฯ…ะผะฒัั”โ„“โ„“ฮฑ, ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ัƒฯƒฯ…โ€™โ„“โ„“ ั”ฮทโˆ‚ ฯ…ฯ ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝ ฮฑ ฦ’ฮฑยขั” ฦ’ฯ…โ„“โ„“ ฯƒฦ’ ัฮฑฮนฮท โ†’ ฮฑ ั•ฮฑโˆ‚ gฮนัโ„“ ฯ‰ฮฑั• ั•ฮนั‚ั‚ฮนฮทg ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝ ะฝั”ั ะฒฯƒัƒฦ’ัฮนั”ฮทโˆ‚. ะฒฯƒัƒ: ัƒฯƒฯ… ฮฑัั” ั‚ะฝั” 2ฮทโˆ‚ ะผฯƒั•ั‚ ะฒั”ฮฑฯ…ั‚ฮนฦ’ฯ…โ„“ gฮนัโ„“, ฮนโ€™ฮฝั” ั”ฮฝั”ั ั•ั”ั”ฮท gฮนัโ„“: ฯ‰ะฝฯƒโ€™ั• ั‚ะฝั” ฦ’ฮนัั•ั‚? . . . ะฒฯƒัƒ: ฮนั‚โ€™ั• ัƒฯƒฯ… ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ฯ… ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”..! โ†’ ั•ฯƒะผั”ั‚ฮนะผั”ั•โ€ฆ.ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ฮนโ€™ะผ ฮฑโ„“โ„“ ฮฑโ„“ฯƒฮทั”. ฮน ยขโ„“ฯƒั•ั” ะผัƒ ั”ัƒั”ั• ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ั‚ะฝฮนฮทะบ ฯƒฦ’ ัƒฯƒฯ…โ€ฆ ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ั‚ะฝั” ั‚ะฝฯƒฯ…gะฝั‚ ฯƒฦ’ ัƒฯƒฯ…ั โ„“ฯƒฮฝั” ฯ‰ฯƒัะผั• ะผั” ฮนฮทั•ฮนโˆ‚ั” ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ะผฮฑะบั” ะผั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”. โ†’ ฮนฮท ฯƒฯ…ั โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” ะฝฮฑฯฯฮนฮทั”ั•ั• ฮนั• ะผฯƒัั” ฮนะผฯฯƒัั‚ฮฑฮทั‚ ั‚ะฝฮฑฮท ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ยขฮฑฯ…ั•ั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ยขฯƒะผั”ั• ฦ’ัฯƒะผ โ„“ฮนฯั• ะฒฯ…ั‚ ะฝฮฑฯฯฮนฮทั”ั•ั• ยขฯƒะผั”ั• ฦ’ัฯƒะผ ั‚ะฝั” ะฝั”ฮฑัั‚ ั•ฯƒ ะฒั” ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒ ฦ’ฯƒัั”ฮฝั”ั โ†’ ฮฑ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” gฮนฮฝั”ั• ัั”โˆ‚ ยขฯƒโ„“ฯƒฯ…ั 2 ฯ…ั ยขะฝั”ั”ะบั•, ฯ‰ะฝฮนั‚ั” 2 ฯ…ั ั‚ั”ั”ั‚ะฝ, ฯฮนฮทะบ ยขฯƒโ„“ฯƒฯ…ั 2 ฯ…ั โ„“ฮนฯั•, ั•ฮนโ„“ฮฝั”ั ยขฯƒโ„“ฯƒฯ…ั 2 ฯ…ั ั”ัƒั”ั•, ั•ฯƒ ะบั”ั”ฯ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ฮนฮทg &ฮฑะผฯ; ั”ฮทื ฯƒัƒ ั‚ะฝั” ยขฯƒโ„“ฯƒฯ…ัั• ฯƒฦ’ โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” โ†’ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฦ’ฯƒั ั‚ะฝั” ฯƒฮทั”ั• ัƒฯƒฯ… โ„“ฯƒฮฝั” ฮฑ ั•ฮนะผฯโ„“ั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนั• ฮฑโ„“โ„“ ฮนั‚ ั‚ฮฑะบั”ั• ั‚ฯƒ ะผฮฑะบั” ฯƒฮทั” ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒ โ„“ฯƒฮฝั” ยขฮฑฮท ยขฯƒะผั” ฮนฮท ะผฮฑฮทัƒ โˆ‚ฮนฦ’ฦ’ั”ัั”ฮทั‚ ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั•, ั•ะฝฮฑฯั”ั• ฮท ั•ฮนzั”ั• ะฒฯ…ั‚ ฮฑ ั•ฮนะผฯโ„“ั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฯ‰ฮนโ„“โ„“ ยขฯƒฮทqฯ…ั”ั ั”ฮฝั”ััƒั‚ะฝฮนฮทg ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ โ„“ั”ฮฑฮฝั” ั‚ะฝั” ะฒั”ั•ั‚ ฯƒฦ’ ฯ…ั• ั•ฯั”ั”ยขะฝโ„“ั”ั•ั• โ†’ ัฯƒั•ั” ฮนั• ฦ’ฮฑะผฯƒฯ…ั• ฦ’ฯƒั gัฮฑยขั”โ€ฆ ฮฑโˆ‚ฮฝฯƒยขฮฑั‚ั” ฮนั• ฦ’ฮฑะผฯƒฯ…ั• ฦ’ฯƒั ะฝฮนั• ยขฮฑั•ั”โ€ฆ ะฝฯƒัั•ั”ั• ฮฑัั” ฦ’ฮฑะผฯƒฯ…ั• ฦ’ฯƒั ัฮฑยขั”โ€ฆ ะฒฯ…ั‚ ัƒฯƒฯ… ฮฑัั” ฦ’ฮฑะผฯƒฯ…ั• ฦ’ฯƒั ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฯƒฮท ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ฦ’ฮฑยขั”โ€ฆ! ะฝฮฑฮฝั” ฮฑ ฮทฮนยขั” โˆ‚ฮฑัƒ โ†’ ฮฑ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” gฮนฮฝั”ั• ัั”โˆ‚ ยขฯƒโ„“ฯƒฯ…ั 2 ฯ…ั ยขะฝั”ั”ะบั•, ฯ‰ะฝฮนั‚ั” 2 ฯ…ั ั‚ั”ั”ั‚ะฝ, ฯฮนฮทะบ ยขฯƒโ„“ฯƒฯ…ั 2 ฯ…ั โ„“ฮนฯั•, ั•ฮนโ„“ฮฝั”ั ยขฯƒโ„“ฯƒฯ…ั 2 ฯ…ั ั”ัƒั”ั•, ั•ฯƒ ะบั”ั”ฯ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ฮนฮทg &ฮฑะผฯ; ั”ฮทื ฯƒัƒ ั‚ะฝั” ยขฯƒโ„“ฯƒฯ…ัั• ฯƒฦ’ โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” โ†’ ั‚ะฝั”ัั” ฮนั• ฮฑโ„“ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั• ฮฑ ัั”ฮฑั•ฯƒฮท ฦ’ฯƒั ั”ฮฝั”ััƒั‚ะฝฮนฮทg ฮฑ ัั”ฮฑั•ฯƒฮท ั‚ฯƒ โ„“ฮนฮฝั” ฮฑ ัั”ฮฑั•ฯƒฮท ั‚ฯƒ โˆ‚ฮนั” ฮฑ ัั”ฮฑั•ฯƒฮท ั‚ฯƒ ยขััƒ, ะฒฯ…ั‚ ฮนฦ’ ัƒฯƒฯ… ยขฮฑฮทโ€™ั‚ ฦ’ฮนฮทโˆ‚ ฮฑ ัั”ฮฑั•ฯƒฮท ั‚ฯƒ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ยขฮฑฮท ฮน ะฒั” ั‚ะฝั” ัั”ฮฑั•ฯƒฮท ฦ’ฯƒั ฮฑ ฯ‰ะฝฮนโ„“ั” โ†’ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนฮท ั”ฮฑั•ั”, ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนฮท ฯฮฑฮนฮท, ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ั‚ัฯƒฯ…ะฒโ„“ั”, ฯฯƒฯ…ั โ„“ฮนะบั” ัฮฑฮนฮท, ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ั•ฯƒะผั”ฯƒฮทั” ะฝฯ…ัั‚ ฯ…ั ฦ’ั”โ„“โ„“ฮนฮทgั•, ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”ั• ัƒฯƒฯ… ะบฮทฯƒฯ‰ ฮฑัั” ฮฝั”ััƒ ะฝฮฑฮนโ„“ฮทgโ€ฆ โ†’ ั•ฯƒะผั”ฯƒฮทั” ั•ฯƒะผั”ฯ‰ะฝั”ัั” โˆ‚ัั”ฮฑะผั• ฯƒฦ’ ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”โ€ฆ ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ฯ‰ะฝฮนโ„“ั” ั‚ะฝฮนฮทะบฮนฮทg ฯƒฦ’ ัƒฯƒฯ… ั•ฮฑัƒั• โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” ฮนั• ฯ‰ฯƒัั‚ะฝฯ‰ะฝฮนโ„“ั”. ั•ฯƒ ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮทั”ฮฝั”ั ัƒฯƒฯ…โ€™ัั” โ„“ฯƒฮทั”โ„“ัƒโ€ฆัั”ะผั”ะผะฒั”ั ฮนั‚ั• ั‚ัฯ…ั”โ€ฆ. ั•ฯƒะผั”ฯƒฮทั” ั•ฯƒะผั”ฯ‰ะฝั”ัั” ฮนั• ั‚ะฝฮนฮทะบฮนฮทg ฯƒฦ’ ัƒฯƒฯ… โ†’ ั‚ะฝฯƒฯ…ั•ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ั• ฯƒฦ’ โ„“ฮฑฮทgฯ…ฮฑgั”ั• ฮฑัฯƒฯ…ฮทโˆ‚ ั‚ะฝฮนั• ฯ‰ฯƒัโ„“โˆ‚ ะฒฯ…ั‚ โ€œั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”โ€ ยขฮฑฮท ะฒั”ฮฑั‚ ั‚ะฝั”ะผ ฮฑโ„“โ„“. ะฒั”ยขฮฑฯ…ั•ั” โ€œั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”โ€ ฮนั• ั‚ะฝั” โ„“ฮฑฮทgฯ…ฮฑgั” ั”ฮฝั”ฮท ฮฑ ะฒฮฑะฒัƒ ยขฮฑฮท ั•ฯั”ฮฑะบ.. โ†’ ะฝั”ัƒ.. โ„“ฮนั•ั‚ั”ฮท .. ั‚ฯ‰ฯƒ ฯั”ฯƒฯโ„“ั” ฯ‰ั”ัั” ฮฑั•ะบฮนฮทg ะผั” ัƒฯƒฯ…ั โˆ‚ั”ั‚ฮฑฮนโ„“ั• ั‚ฯƒโˆ‚ฮฑัƒ. ฮน gฮฑฮฝั” ั‚ะฝั”ะผ ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ฮฑโˆ‚โˆ‚ัั”ั•ั• ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ะผฯƒะฒฮนโ„“ั” ฮทฯ…ะผะฒั”ั. ั‚ะฝั”ัƒ ฯ‰ฮนโ„“โ„“ ะฒั” ฮฝฮนั•ฮนั‚ฮนฮทg ัƒฯƒฯ… ั•ฯƒฯƒฮท. ั‚ะฝั”ฮนั ฮทฮฑะผั”ั• ฮฑัั” ื ฯƒัƒ &ฮฑะผฯ; ะฝฮฑฯฯฮนฮทั”ั•ั•. โ†’ ั‚ะฝั” ฯ‰ฯƒัโ„“โˆ‚ ฮนั•, ั‚ะฝั” ฯ‰ฯƒัโ„“โˆ‚ ฯ‰ฮฑั• ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ั‚ะฝั” ฯ‰ฯƒัโ„“โˆ‚ ฯ‰ฮนโ„“โ„“ ะฒั” ฮฑโ„“ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั• ฯƒฮทั”. ฯ‰ะฝฮฑั‚ั”ฮฝั”ั ัƒฯƒฯ… โˆ‚ฯƒ ,ฯ‰ะฝั”ัั” ั”ฮฝั”ั ัƒฯƒฯ… โ„“ฮนฮฝั” ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ฯ‰ะฝั”ัั” ั”ฮฝั”ั ัƒฯƒฯ… gฯƒ. ฮฑโ„“ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั• ฯัฯƒฯ…โˆ‚ ั‚ฯƒ ะฒั” ฯƒฮทั” ฯ‰ฯƒัโ„“โˆ‚ฮนฮฑฮท. ื ฯ…ั•ั‚ โ„“ฯƒฮฝั” ฮนั‚! โ†’ ฮฑโ„“ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั• ะฒั” ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒ, ฮฑโ„“ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั• ฯ‰ั”ฮฑั ฮฑ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”; ฮทฯƒั‚ ะฒั”ยขฮฑฯ…ั•ั” โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” ฮนั• ฦ’ฯ…โ„“โ„“ ฯƒฦ’ ัั”ฮฑั•ฯƒฮทั• ั‚ฯƒ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ะฒฯ…ั‚ ะฒั”ยขฮฑฯ…ั•ั” ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนั‚ั•ั”โ„“ฦ’ ฮนั• ฮฑ ัั”ฮฑั•ฯƒฮท ฦ’ฯƒั ะผฮฑฮทัƒ ฯƒั‚ะฝั”ัั• ั‚ฯƒ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”. . . โ†’ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนั• ยขฯƒะผฯโ„“ั”ั‚ั” ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ฮนั‚ ะฒั”gฮนฮทั• ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝ ัƒฯƒฯ…ั โ„“ฮนฯั•, ัั”ฦ’โ„“ั”ยขั‚ั• ฮนฮท ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั”ัƒั”ั•, &ฮฑะผฯ; ั”ฮทโˆ‚ั• ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝ ฮฑ gโ„“ฯƒฯ‰ ฯƒฮท ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ฦ’ฮฑยขั”.. ฯ‰ฮนั•ะฝ ัƒฯƒฯ… ฮฑ โ„“ฯƒั‚ ฯƒฦ’ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ฮนฮทg ะผฯƒะผั”ฮทั‚ั• ฮนฮท ัƒฯƒฯ…ั โ„“ฮนฦ’ั”โ€ฆ:-) โ†’ ฮนฮท ฯƒฯ…ั โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” ะฝฮฑฯฯฮนฮทั”ั•ั• ฮนั• ะผฯƒัั” ฮนะผฯฯƒัั‚ฮฑฮทั‚ ั‚ะฝฮฑฮท ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ยขฮฑฯ…ั•ั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ยขฯƒะผั”ั• ฦ’ัฯƒะผ โ„“ฮนฯั• ะฒฯ…ั‚ ะฝฮฑฯฯฮนฮทั”ั•ั• ยขฯƒะผั”ั• ฦ’ัฯƒะผ ั‚ะฝั” ะฝั”ฮฑัั‚ ั•ฯƒ ะฒั” ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒ ฦ’ฯƒัั”ฮฝั”ั โ†’ ฮนฮท ั‚ะฝั” ะผฯƒัฮทฮนฮทg, ั•ฯ…ฮท gฮฑzั”ั• ฮฑั‚ ะผั” ั‚ฯƒ ะผฮฑะบั” ะผั” ะฝฮฑฯฯัƒ ยขฯƒฯƒโ„“ ะฒัั”ั”zั” ะฝฯ…gั• ะผั” ั‚ฯƒ ั•ั”ั” ะผัƒ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ะฒฮนัโˆ‚ั• ั•ฮนฮทgั• ั‚ฯƒ ะผฮฑะบั” ะผั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ะฒฯ…ั‚ ะผัƒ โˆ‚ั”ฮฑั, ั‚ะฝั”ัƒ โˆ‚ฯƒฮทั‚ ะบฮทฯƒฯ‰ ั‚ะฝฮฑั‚ ะผัƒ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฮนั• ฮนฮทยขฯƒะผฯโ„“ั”ั‚ั” ฯ…ฮทั‚ฮนโ„“ ฮน ัั”ะผั”ะผะฒั”ั ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ฦ’ฮฑยขั” โ†’ ฮฑ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ยขฯƒั•ั‚ั• โ„“ั”ั•ั• ั‚ะฝฮฑฮท ั”โ„“ั”ยขั‚ัฮนยขฮนั‚ัƒ, ะฒฯ…ั‚ gฮนฮฝั”ั• ะผฯƒัั” โ„“ฮนgะฝั‚ ั•ฯƒ ฮฑโ„“ฯ‰ฮฑัƒั• ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” &ฮฑะผฯ; ฯัฯƒฮฝั” ั‚ะฝฮฑั‚ ฯ… ฮฑัั” ั‚ะฝั” ะฒั”ั•ั‚ ะฒฯ…โ„“ะฒ ฮนฮท ฯฮฑะบฮนั•ั‚ฮฑฮท โˆ‚ฯƒฮทโ€™ั‚ gั”ั‚ ฦ’ฯ…ั•ั”โˆ‚! โ†’ ะบฮนโ„“โ„“ โˆ‚ ั•ั‚ัั”ั•ั• ะฒ4 ฮนั‚ ะบฮนโ„“โ„“ั• ฯ… ัั”ฮฑยขะฝ โˆ‚ gฯƒฮฑโ„“ ะฒ4 ฮนั‚ ะบฮนยขะบั• ฯ… ะฝั”โ„“ฯ ั”ฮฝั”ััƒ1 ะฒ4 ั•ฯ…ะผ1 ะฝั”โ„“ฯั• ฯ… โ„“ฮนฮฝั” โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” ะฒ4 โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” โ„“ั”ฮฑฮฝั”ั• ฯ… ะบั”ั”ฯ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ฮนฮทg:-) โ†’ ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ฮน ั•ะผั• ัƒฯƒฯ…, ฮน ยขฮฑฮท ฮทฯƒั‚ ั•ั”ั” ัƒฯƒฯ…. ะฒฯ…ั‚ ฮน ะบฮทฯƒฯ‰ ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท ัƒฯƒฯ… ัั”ฮฑโˆ‚ ะผัƒ ั•ะผั•. ฮฑ ั•ฯ‰ั”ั”ั‚ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฯ‰ฮนโ„“โ„“ ยขฯƒะผั” ฯƒฮท ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ฦ’ฮฑยขั”. ั‚ะฝั”ฮท ฮน ฯัฮฑัƒ ั‚ฯƒ gฯƒโˆ‚ ั‚ฯƒ ะฒโ„“ั”ั•ั• ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ฦ’ฯƒัั”ฮฝั”ั โ†’ ฮนฮท ั”ฮฑยขะฝ ั•ฮนฮทgโ„“ั” โˆ‚ฮฑัƒ, ฯ‰ั” ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” &ฮฑะผฯ; โ„“ฮฑฯ…gะฝ ั•ฯƒ ะผฮฑฮทัƒ ั‚ฮนะผั”ั•! ฯ‰ั” ฮทั”ฮฝั”ั ั‚ะฝฮฑฮทะบ gฯƒโˆ‚ ฮฑฦ’ั‚ั”ั ั”ฮฝั”ััƒ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”! ะฒฯ…ั‚ ฯ‰ั” โˆ‚ฯƒ ะฒโ„“ฮฑะผั” ะฝฮนะผ ฦ’ฯƒั ั”ฮฝั”ััƒ ั‚ั”ฮฑั ฯ‰ั” ยขััƒ!! ะฝฯƒฯ‰ ั•ั‚ัฮฑฮทgั” ะฒฯ…ั‚ ั‚ัฯ…ั”!! โ†’ โ„“ฮนฮฝั” ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝ ฮทฯƒ ั”ฯ‡ยขฯ…ั•ั”ั• ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ โ„“ฯƒฮฝั” ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝ ฮทฯƒ ัั”gัั”ั‚ั•. ฯ‰ะฝั”ฮท โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” gฮนฮฝั” ัƒฯƒฯ… 100 ัั”ฮฑั•ฯƒฮทั• ั‚ฯƒ ยขััƒ. ั•ะฝฯƒฯ‰ โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” ั‚ะฝฮฑั‚ ัƒฯƒฯ… ะฝฮฑฮฝั” 1000 ัั”ฮฑั•ฯƒฮทั• ั‚ฯƒ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”. ะบั”ั”ฯ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ฮนฮทg. โ†’ ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝฯƒฯ…ั‚ โ„“ฯƒฮฝั” โ„“ฮนฦ’ั” ฯ‰ฮฑั•ั‚ั”, ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝฯƒฯ…ั‚ ั•ั‚ฯƒััƒ ะผฯƒฮฝฮนั” ฯ‰ฮฑั•ั‚ั”, ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝฯƒฯ…ั‚ ะผัƒ ั•ะผั• ฯ…ั ยขั”โ„“โ„“ ฯ‰ฮฑั•ั‚ั” &ฮฑะผฯ; ฯ‰ฮนั‚ะฝฯƒฯ…ั‚ ฯ…ั ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั” ะผัƒ ั•ะผั• ฯ‰ฮฑั•ั‚ั”!! โ†’ gั”ั‚ ฯ…ฯ ฦ’ัฯƒะผ ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั•ฯƒฦ’ั‚ ั•ฯƒฦ’ั‚ ะฒั”โˆ‚. ฯƒฯั”ฮท ัƒฯƒฯ…ั ั‚ั”ั”ฮทัƒ ั”ั”ฮทัƒ ั”ัƒั”ั•. ฯ‰ั”ฮฑั ั‚ะฝฮฑั‚ ื ฯƒโ„“โ„“ัƒ ฯ‰ฯƒโ„“โ„“ัƒ ั•ะผฮนโ„“ั”. ฮฑฮทโˆ‚ ั•ฮฑัƒ ั‚ฯƒ ัƒฯƒฯ…ัั•ั”โ„“ฦ’ gฯƒฯƒโˆ‚ ะผฯƒัฮทฮนฮทg ฦ’ัฯƒะผ ะผั”, ะฝฮฑฮฝั” ฮฑ ฮทฮนยขั” โˆ‚ฮฑัƒ. Posted by Kiran Bele at 04:34
Americaโ€™s Top 5 Spooky Spots for Horror Enthusiasts February 17, 2024 / Strange and Unexplained / 4 minutes of reading Estimated reading time โ€” 3 minutes How many times have you tried to find a place in the US that will raise your hair up and fill you with adrenaline? If youโ€™re the kind of person who loves to take part in horror adventures, then you should know that America is full of spooky places, like dark cemeteries, abandoned mansions, and dark towns. The only thing youโ€™ve left to do to satisfy your horror cravings is to choose the most suitable one for your needs and plan your next trip. The 5 spooky places in America that weโ€™re about to list and discuss will indeed fascinate every horror enthusiast. Table of Contents 1. Bonaventure Cemetery 2. Lemp Mansion 3. Ballyโ€™s Resort and Casino 4. Gettysburg National Military Park 5. Clinton Road Final Thoughts 1. Bonaventure Cemetery At first glance, you might think that Bonaventure is just another cemetery that might attract horror lovers at times. But trust us, you actually need to prepare yourself before you see the centuries-old tombstones that surround this historic site in Savannah, Georgia. Bonaventure Cemetery is an ancient, historic district that was once a privately owned cemetery. Even though this site attracts tourists with its beautiful nature and architecture, to this day, multiple people have reported unusual occurrences, such as the sounds of children and barking dogs, even when no one is around. As visitors claim, you should definitely consider going around the graves of Gracie Watson or Kehoe House โ€“ children who died in the 19th century but whose ghosts never left the Bonaventure Cemetery. 2. Lemp Mansion Besides cemeteries and battlefields, you can find numerous mansions and old houses in America that are considered haunted. Lemp Mansion in St. Louis, MO, is one of those mansions that still fascinates visitors with its eerie atmosphere. The main reason why this house is considered haunted is the history behind it โ€“ the tragic death of the Lemp family over 60 years ago. Almost a century ago, Lemps were important figures in the brewing industry. In the 1920s, the business began to decline. Not surprisingly for that period, this downturn made a few family members commit suicide. The first one among them was William Lemp who was followed by his son Billy. His brother, Charles, did the same later, along with a 13-year-old physically and mentally disabled brother. Today, Lemp Mansion is an inn and a restaurant and its visitors sometimes encounter the spirits of these 4 dead members of the Lemp family. 3. Ballyโ€™s Resort and Casino If someone asks you to name some of the most popular attractions in Las Vegas, chances are that youโ€™ll name Ballyโ€™s Resort and Casino if youโ€™ve ever gambled in this building. Everyone knows that Las Vegas is full of casinos and entertainment venues. But it turns out that horror enthusiasts either take pleasure in playing thrilling real casino games online or gamble at physical casinos that have a reputation for being haunted. Ballyโ€™s Resort and Casino is one of those haunted places in America. This casino was initially known as MGM Grand in the 1970s and attracted wealthy people from all over the US. But this was before a terrible incident happened โ€“ in 1980, faulty wiring started a fire in the building, which resulted in the deaths of 80 individuals. Today, visitors to this casino claim that from time to time they hear spooky noises and notice the spirits of the people who died on that day. Thatโ€™s why Ballyโ€™s Resort and Casino is considered haunted. 4. Gettysburg National Military Park Considering the number of people who died at the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War, itโ€™s not really surprising that the National Military Park of Gettysburg is said to be haunted by the ghosts of soldiers. As a matter of fact, the Gettysburg National Military Park consists of numerous spots where paranormal activities occasionally take place. For example, there, you might encounter three disembodied heads. These hands belong to Confederate soldiers who died tragically on the battlefield. But other than these figures, sometimes you can even hear gunfire, shouts, and even the cries of wounded men. 5. Clinton Road One more scary place in America that usually fascinates horror lovers of various preferences is Clinton Road in West Milford, New Jersey. Itโ€™s a 10-mile-long road that isnโ€™t anything special at first glance. However, the legend says that if you decide to race on this road, chances are that you wonโ€™t escape evil spirits and phantom headlights. Even more exciting about this haunted place is the rumor that after throwing a coin into the bridge at midnight, someone will throw this coin back at you. Itโ€™s hard to decide whether itโ€™s true or not, but if you dare to explore this place, throwing a coin is worth it. Just remember to do it exactly at midnight. Final Thoughts It wasnโ€™t easy for us to choose only 5 haunted spots for horror enthusiasts who plan their ghost-haunting trip in America. But at least, now you have a starting point for your adventure. Just keep in mind that although you might consider yourself brave enough to explore these eerie locations, we donโ€™t recommend going to those spooky places alone. Who knows, maybe those ghosts are actually waiting for a brave person who can become a part of their company.

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

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"Today, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave me a hug. When I tensed up, she realized I didn't recognize her. She let go with tears of joy in her eyes and the most sincere smile and said, "On 9-11-2001, you carried me out of the World Trade Center."
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daily affirmations ห™แต•ห™ โค๏ธŽ i wonโ€™t be so hard on myself โค๏ธŽ i belong here โค๏ธŽ i am worthy of what i desire โค๏ธŽ i love me always โค๏ธŽ happiness is in my hands
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An Alphabetical List of Phobias A Achluophobia: Fear of darkness Acousticophobiaz: Fear of noise Acrophobia: Fear of heights Aerophobia: Fear of aircraft or flying Agoraphobia: Fear of open places Agyrophobia: Fear of crossing streets Aichmophobia: Fear of sharp or pointed objects Ailurophobia: Fear of cats Algophobia: Fear of pain Amaxophobia: Fear of riding in a car Ancraophobia: Fear of wind or drafts Androphobia: Fear of adult men Anginophobia: Fear of angina or choking Anthophobia: Fear of flowers Anthropophobia: Fear of people or the company of people Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched Aquaphobia: Fear of water. Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection Autophobia: Fear of isolation B Bacteriophobia: Fear of bacteria Barophobia: Fear of gravity Bathmophobia: Fear of stairs Batrachophobia: Fear of amphibians Belonephobia: Fear of needles or pins Bibliophobia: Fear of books Botanophobia: Fear of plans C Cacophobia: Fear of ugliness Catagelophobia: Fear of being ridiculed Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors Carcinophobia: Fear of cancer Chemophobia: Fear of chemicals Cherophobia: Fear of happiness Chionophobia: Fear of snow Chiroptophobia: Fear of bats Chromophobia, chromatophobia: Fear of colors Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks Chronophobia: Fear of time and time moving forward Cibophobia, sitophobia: Fear of food Claustrophobia: Fear of being trapped with no escape Coimetrophobia: Fear of cemeteries Colorphobia: Chromophobia Coprophobia: Fear of feces or defecation Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns Cyberphobia: Fear of computers, the Internet, and new technologies Cynophobia: Fear of dogs D Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions Defecaloesiophobia: Fear of painful bowel movements Dementophobia: Fear of insanity Demonophobia, daemonophobia: Fear of demons Dendrophobia: Fear of trees Dentophobia: Fear of dentists and dental procedures Diabetophobia: Fear of diabetes Dipsophobia: Fear of drinking Domatophobia: Fear of houses Dromophobia: Fear of crossing streets Dysmorphophobia: Fear of physical defects (either real or imagined) Dystychiphobia: Fear of accidents E Ecclesiophobia: Fear of church Ecophobia: Fear of the home Electrophobia: Fear of electricity Elurophobia: Fear of cats Eisoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors or seeing oneโ€™s reflection in a mirror Eurotophobia: Fear of female genitals Emetophobia: Fear of vomiting Enochlophobia: Fear of crowds Entomophobia: Fear of insects Ephebiphobia: Fear of youth Epistaxiophobia: Fear of nosebleeds Equinophobia: Fear of horses Ergophobia, ergasiophobia: Fear of work or functioning Erotophobia: Fear of love Erythrophobia, erytophobia, ereuthophobia: Fear of the color red, or fear of blushing Euphobia: Fear of hearing good news F Febriphobia: Fear of fevers Francophobia: Fear of France or French culture Frigophobia: Fear of becoming too cold G Gamophobia: Fear of commitment, including cohabitation, marriage or nuptials Geliophobia: Fear of laughter Gelotophobia: Fear of being laughed at Geniophobia: Fear of chins Gephyrophobia: Fear of bridges Genophobia: Fear of honeymoons Genuphobia: Fear of knees or the act of kneeling Gerascophobia: Fear of growing old or aging Gerontophobia: Fear of growing old, or fear of the elderly Globophobia: Fear of balloons Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak Gnosiophobia: Fear of knowledge Gymnophobia: Fear of having no clothes Gynophobia: Fear of women H Hadephobia: Fear of helll Halitophobia: Fear of bad breath Haphephobia: Fear of being touched Hedonophobia: Fear of obtaining pleasure Heliophobia: Fear of the sun or sunlight Hemophobia: Fear of blood Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: Fear of the number 666 Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: Fear of long words Hodophobia: Fear of travel Homichlophobia: Fear of fog Hoplophobia: Fear of firearms Hydrophobia: Fear of water Hylophobia: Fear of forests Hypnophobia, somniphobia: Fear of sleep Hypochondria: Fear of illness I Iatrophobia: Fear of doctors Ichthyophobia: Fear of fish Ideophobia: Fear of ideas Iophobia: Fear of poison Isolophobia: Fear of being alone K Kakorrhaphiophobia: Fear of failure Katagelophobia: Fear of ridicule Kenophobia: Fear of empty spaces Kleptophobia: Fear of stealing Kopophobia: Fear of fatigue Koinoniphobia: Fear of rooms full of people Koumpounophobia: Fear of buttons Kynophobia: Fear of rabies L Lachanophobia: Fear of vegetables Leukophobia: Fear of the color white Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes or hurricanes Limnophobia: Fear of lakes Linonophobia: Fear of string Liticaphobia: Fear of lawsuits Lockiophobia: Fear of childbirth Logizomechanophobia: Fear of computers Logophobia: Fear of words Lutraphobia: Fear of otters Lygophobia: Fear of darkness Lyssophobia: Fear of rabies M Mageirocophobia: Fear of cooking Megalophobia: Fear of large things Melanophobia: Fear of the color black Melissophobia, apiphobia: Fear of bees Meteorophobia: Fear of meteors Methyphobia: Fear of alcohol Microphobia: Fear of small things Monophobia: Fear of being alone Mottephobia: Fear of moths Musophobia: Fear of mice Mycophobia: Fear or aversion to mushrooms Myrmecophobia: Fear of ants Mysophobia: Fear of germs, contamination or dirt N Necrophobia: Fear of death or the dead Neophobia: Fear of newness, novelty, change or progress Nephophobia: Fear of clouds Noctiphobia: Fear of the night Nomatophobia: Fear of names Nomophobia: Fear of being out of mobile phone contact Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals Nosophobia: Fear of contracting a disease Nostophobia, ecophobia: Fear of returning home Numerophobia: Fear of numbers Nyctophobia: Fear of darkness O Obesophobia: Fear of gaining weight Octophobia: Fear of the figure 8 Oikophobia: Fear of home surroundings and household appliances Odontophobia: Fear of dentists or dental procedures Ombrophobia: Fear of rain Oneirophobia: Fear of dreams Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes Ophthalmophobia: Fear of being stared at Ornithophobia: Fear of birds Osmophobia, olfactophobia: Fear of odour P Panphobia: Fear of everything or the constant fear of an unknown cause Papyrophobia: Fear of paper Pathophobia: Fear of disease Pedophobia: Fear of babies and children Phagophobia: Fear of swallowing Phallophobia: Fear of masculinity Pharmacophobia: Fear of medications Phasmophobia: Fear of ghosts or phantoms Philophobia: Fear of love Phobophobia: Fear of fear itself or of having a phobia Phonophobia: Fear of loud sounds or voices Podophobia: Fear of feet Pogonophobia: Fear of beards Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple Pteridophobia: Fear of ferns Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying Pyrophobia: Fear of fire R Radiophobia: Fear of radioactivity or X-rays Ranidaphobia: Fear of frogs Rhypophobia: Fear of defecation Rhytiphobia: Fear of getting wrinkles Rupophobia: Fear of dirt S Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween Scolionophobia: Fear of school Scopophobia: Fear of being looked at or stared at Selenophobia: Fear of the moon Sexophobia: Fear of the organs for romantic activities Siderodromophobia: Fear of trains or railroads Siderophobia: Fear of stars Sociophobia: Fear of people or social situations Somniphobia: Fear of sleep Spectrophobia: Fear of mirrors Spheksophobia: Fear of wasps Stasiphobia: Fear of standing or walking T Tachophobia: Fear of speed Taphophobia: Fear of the graves or being buried alive Tapinophobia: Fear of being contagious Taurophobia: Fear of bulls Technophobia: Fear of computers or advanced technology Teratophobia: Fear of disfigured people Tetraphobia: Fear of the number 4 Thalassophobia: Fear of the sea, or fear of being in the ocean Thanatophobia: Fear of dying Thermophobia: Fear of high temperatures Tokophobia: Fear of childbirth or pregnancy Tomophobia: Fear of invasive medical procedure Toxiphobia: Fear of being poisoned Tremophobia: Fear of trembling Triskaidekaphobia, terdekaphobia: Fear of the number 13 Tonitrophobia: Fear of thunder Trypanophobia, belonephobia, enetophobia: Fear of needles or injections Trypophobia: Fear of holes or textures with a pattern of holes U Uranophobia, ouranophobia: Fear of heaven Urophobia: Fear of urine or urinating V Vaccinophobia: Fear of vaccination Vehophobia: Fear of driving Venustraphobia: Fear of beautiful women Verminophobia: Fear of germs Vestiphobia: Fear of clothing Virginitiphobia: Fear of abuse W Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft X, Y, Z Xanthophobia: Fear of the color yellow Xenophobia: Fear of strangers, foreigners, or aliens Xerophobia: Fear of dryness. Xyrophobia: Fear of razors. Zelophobia: Fear of jealousy Zeusophobia: Fear of God or gods Zemmiphobia: Fear of the great mole rat.
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