Nursery Rhyme Emojis & Text

Copy & Paste Nursery Rhyme Emojis & Symbols September 4, 1858Mr. Wm. BENSON, painter, Main-str

September 4, 1858 Mr. Wm. BENSON, painter, Main-street, Cavan, having gone home in a state of inebriety, fell down stairs, and, being unable to rise, was carried to bed in an unconscious state. He fell out of the bed, however, and a pillow was placed under his head, while on the floor, by his wife, as he could not be got into bed again. His wife and one or two of his children watched by the bedside for some time; but, not imagining that there was any danger, Mrs. BENSON, after a while, left the room, leaving one of the children for the purpose of calling her, should any accident occur. Up to this time the unfortunate man had breathed very heavily; but a few minutes afterwards, the little girl was alarmed by not hearing her father breathe. She immediately screamed for assistance, but it was too late--he was quite dead. An inquest was held on the body, on Thursday, by W. POLLOCK, Esq., coroner, and a verdict in accordance with the above facts was returned. What adds to the melancholy nature of the case is that deceased (who was an intelligent man, and a clever artisan) has left a numerous family--a wife and eight young children--totally unprovided for, to lament his untimely death.

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BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 18, 1849 🇮🇪 DEATH BY DROWNING- Last week Patrick Fitzgerald, a private of the 39th Regiment, while bathing in the Moy, near Foxford, where a detachment of that regiment is stationed at present, was seized with cramps and was drowned before some of his comrades, who were looking on, could render him any assistance. 🇮🇪 BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 18, 1849
BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 25, 1849 🇮🇪 HORRIBLE- A CHILD PARTIALLY EATEN BY PIGS- On Monday an inquest was held by T. Izod, Esq., coroner, in the churchyard of Clonamery, near Innistioge, on the body of a child four months old, belonging to a farmer named Richard Mylott, of Coolnamuck, which met its death on Thursday evening, under the following circumstances. It appeared in evidence that Mrs. Mylott put the child to sleep in a cradle in the kitchen, and leaving to mind it another child aged nine years, went out to assist her husband who was engaged in trenching potatoes. In a few minutes she heard the eldest child scream in great alarm, and on running to the house she found that two pigs had got into the kitchen, taken the infant out of the cradle, and were then dragging its body each from the other, and tearing it with the utmost ferocity, the voracious brutes being stained up to the eyes with blood. Life was not at the time quite extinct, but the unfortunate infant was soon after released from its sufferings.-- Kilkenny Moderator. 🇮🇪 BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 25, 1849
🇮🇪 ---------- Two youths, Thomas Kelly, 17, and Laurence Curley, 16, in a spirit of play, started to throw potatoes at each other in a Galway potato field. The first named chanced to hit Curley on the back of the head, from the effects of which he died. Kelly, who was brought up at the Galway Assizes charged with his companion's death, was released by Judge Johnson after five minutes' detention. ---------- The Tuam Herald, Saturday, April 3, 1909 Tuam, Co Galway
BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 25, 1849 🇮🇪 AWFUL DEATH- A respectable farmer named Stapleton, who resided at Ballyanny, within a mile of this town, came by his death under the following melancholy circumstances:- On the afternoon of Saturday, while returning from Nenagh, he went to look at his cows which were grazing in a field convenient to his residence, whereupon his bull, whose ferocious nature was aroused by the annoyance of flies and intense heat of the day, rushed fiercely at the ill-fated man, knocking him down, gored his body in a frightful manner and killed him on the spot. When he had not arrived at home on Saturday evening, his wife and family became uneasy, an they caused messengers to go look for him to this town, thinking that he might have delayed with a friend. But they could find no tidings of him. On Sunday morning, as the deceased's wife was going to early mass, she observed the bull coming towards the house, and having blood on his horns, at which sight she was struck with horror. She then faced towards the field, where she found her husband's mutilated body, which was deeply pierced in several parts by the savage animal's horns. On Monday the unfortunate man's remains were followed to their final resting place by an immense number of friends and neighbours.--Nenagh Guardian. 🇮🇪 BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 25, 1849
🇮🇪 MAN CUT IN TWO ON RAILWAY Stephen Folan, who belonged to the Naval Reserve, was found terribly mangled on Sunday morning on the railway line between Craughwell and Athenry. He was returning from a course of naval training at Kinsale, and had £20 in his possession. It is surmised that he left the train at Craughwell, the next station to Athenry, and finding that it had departed on his return, he proceeded to walk along the permanent way to Athenry with a view to catching the Galway train. Apparently he was overtaken by a subsequent train and killed. The Tuam Herald, Saturday, April 3, 1909 Tuam, Co Galway 🇮🇪
THE CONNAUGHT JOURNAL Galway, Thursday, June 24, 1824 LONGEVITY.- Died, last Saturday, at the Countess's Bush, county Kilkenny, Mary Costello, aged 102. Her mother, Matilda Pickman, died precisely at the same age. Her grandmother's age is not exactly known, but it exceeded 123 years, and long before her death she had to be rocked in a cradle like an infant. Mary Costello's brother lived beyond 100 years; at the age of ninety he worked regularly, and could cut down half an acre of heavy grass in one day.
🇮🇪 Cavan Weekly News Published in Cavan, county Cavan SUDDEN DEATH. On Saturday night last, a man named John FAULKNER, residing at Aghaloora, near Kinaleck, was choked by a piece of meat sticking in his throat. This accident is becoming frequent in this neighbourhood, a man named DOWDAL having lost his life the other day at Finea from a similar case. This ought to teach people that good digestion depends very much on proper mastication of our food. December 6, 1878 🇮🇪
--On Saturday last, Francis, the only son of Mr. MALLON, of Mullyards, came by his death under the following circumstances: Fastened to a beam in his father's house, the boy, who was just ten years old, had a swing, in which he used to seat himself by standing on a form. It appears that on this occasion there happened to be a halter thrown over the same beam. When the boy was about to adjust himself in the swing, the form on which he was standing upset, and in falling to the ground the headstall of the halter became entangled round his neck. There was no person in the house at the time; and the poor boy, unable to extricate himself, was almost immediately strangled. An inquest was held on the following day by Arthur R. KAY, Esq., coroner, and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the facts.--"Armagh Guardian."
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