Firecore Emojis & Text

Copy & Paste Firecore Emojis & Symbols The Cork Examiner, 1 May 1846CORONER'S INQUESTā€”INH

The Cork Examiner, 1 May 1846 CORONER'S INQUESTā€”INHUMAN CONDUCT A SWEEP ROASTED ALIVE An inquest was held on Sunday, at Barrington's Hospital, on the body of Michael O'Brien, a chimney sweep aged eight years, who was burned to death in the flue of a chimney in Patrick-street, on Saturday evening, which he was forced to descend by his master, Michael Sullivan, although the chimney had been on fire since early in the afternoon. The body of the unfortunate creature presented an awful appearance, being literally roasted and mangled. We subjoin the evidence of the witnesses which will speak for itselfā€” Thomas Costelloe, of Garryowen, labourer, deposed that he was in Mr. Mathew Ryan's house, in Patrick-street, on Saturday evening, where he saw two sweeps, Michael Sullivan (master) and Michael O'Brien (apprentice) aged eight years ; was present when Sullivan compelled the climbing boy to ascend the chimney ; shortly after being sent up, the boy cried out, he was burning, and Sullivan called him down ; Sullivan then brought the boy up to the top of the house, and directed him to go down through the chimney, which he did ; in about two hours after, witness saw Michael O'Brien taken out of the chimney dead ; deceased had objected to go down the chimney, upon which Sullivan seized him by the arms and forced him up stairs ; heard Mr. Ryan desire Sullivan not to send the boy up the chimney if there was any danger. Catherine Ryan, servant in the house, swornā€”I heard Sullivan desire the little boy go up Mr. Ryan's chimney for the purpose of cleaning it ; in about 15 minutes after I heard the boy cry in the flue, and say he was burning ; he then came down the chimney, and Sullivan caught hold of him by the leg, and pulled him into the grate of the fire-place ; he beat the boy with a leather belt so severely, that the little fellow threw himself on his knees, and said I will go to the top of the house, and come down through the chimney ; I saw Sullivan seize him by the arm, and carry him up stairs to the top of the house ; the boy was subsequently taken out of the chimney dead. The jury returned the following verdictā€”ā€œMichael O'Brien came to his death from the effects of heat and suffocation, in consequence of having been forced to descend a chimney in Mr. Ryan's house, Patrick-street by Michael Sullivan.ā€ The monster who was the cause of the boy's death has absconded. ā€”Limerick Chronicle. Submitted by dja

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KUPKA, Vennie Frank - 28Y single white male farmer - b: Oct 27 1910 Missouri - d: Nov 26 1938 Clinton, Henry Co, MO - fth: V. Kupka, born Czechoslovakia - mth: Bissir Nemoe?, born Czechoslovakia - informant: V. Kupka, Appleton City, MO - cause: accident, caught in tractor belt - bur: Nov 28 1938 Appleton City Cemetery, Appleton City, St. Clair Co, MO - filed as: Vennie F. Kupka, file no: 39289
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--On Saturday last, Francis, the only son of Mr. MALLON, of Mullyards, came by his death under the following circumstances: Fastened to a beam in his father's house, the boy, who was just ten years old, had a swing, in which he used to seat himself by standing on a form. It appears that on this occasion there happened to be a halter thrown over the same beam. When the boy was about to adjust himself in the swing, the form on which he was standing upset, and in falling to the ground the headstall of the halter became entangled round his neck. There was no person in the house at the time; and the poor boy, unable to extricate himself, was almost immediately strangled. An inquest was held on the following day by Arthur R. KAY, Esq., coroner, and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the facts.--"Armagh Guardian."
šŸ‡®šŸ‡Ŗ Cavan Weekly News Published in Cavan, county Cavan SUDDEN DEATH. On Saturday night last, a man named John FAULKNER, residing at Aghaloora, near Kinaleck, was choked by a piece of meat sticking in his throat. This accident is becoming frequent in this neighbourhood, a man named DOWDAL having lost his life the other day at Finea from a similar case. This ought to teach people that good digestion depends very much on proper mastication of our food. December 6, 1878 šŸ‡®šŸ‡Ŗ
KENNISON, Infant - 0D white unknown infant - b: Oct 15 1910 Brownington, Henry Co, MO - d: Oct 15 1910 Brownington, Henry Co, MO - fth: Elmer Kennison, born Henry Co, MO - mth: Willer Gibson, born Arkansas - informant: U. G. Strieby M.D., Brownington, MO - cause: abortion - bur: unknown - filed as: Infant Kennison, file no: 30480
Mar 7 1917 Lewis S. Puterbaugh Mar 5 1917 6y, 8m, 19d From injurries doing acrobatic stunts on an iron bar at Meade St. playground. Survived by parents Mr. & Mrs. Peter Puterbaugh of Bethel St; 5 brothers, one being his twin.
BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 18, 1849 šŸ‡®šŸ‡Ŗ DEATH BY DROWNING- Last week Patrick Fitzgerald, a private of the 39th Regiment, while bathing in the Moy, near Foxford, where a detachment of that regiment is stationed at present, was seized with cramps and was drowned before some of his comrades, who were looking on, could render him any assistance. šŸ‡®šŸ‡Ŗ BALLINA CHRONICLE Wednesday, July 18, 1849
The Luckiest Unlucky Man Clifford Johnson was injured at the deadliest nightclub fire in history, at the famous Cocoanut Grove in 1942. He suffered third- degree burns over more than half his body but survived, and was seen as a medical marvel. After hundreds of operations and nearly two years in the hospital, he married his nurse. In an ironic twist of fate, he burned to death in a car crash in 1958.
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