The peener snipper guy, Many believe he just an urban legend guy. This all change when three man's tries to summons him. We writes the 3rd 1957, it was lates in the three man's was deep in they're sleepy-over that's when Mr teeth's pulls out the book of peenar. "let's summons him" "that's just a dumb rumor right?" Said larry.
"Fuck you" Said the fuck you guy who was a bit scared. "Don't be scared man, it'll be funny (peenar)" larry started chanting the peener words, convinced nothings would
Happen. "Oh powerfull peenar guy," "what?" "Fuck you" "I-I didn't know!" Mr teeth's started screaming! "AAAAA!" "FUCK YOU!"
The fuck you guy pushed the out the window! But oh my gods! He landed in a crowd of people! He's gonna snip all they're peenars