you're sitting on the toilet, but start cumming for no reason, you close the door to stop the cum from getting out. The cum is now ankle height. with your heart pounding you try to cum in the sink but it gets clogged up, shower, same thing. the lay in the baby juice and the cum rips the bathroom light of the ceiling burning your face as it hits you. As you squeeze your penis to stop the cum, it come out your ass instead. You let go but the cum's pressure rips your ass open and the baby juice gets stained red. the door slams open, your wife and two kids scream. Everyone else is too short and they drown in the growing mass of cum. you lay down, trying to drown yourself but you just get launched into the sky. your back rips open as you fly through your roof. Cops try to shoot you down but the drown in cum. you're in too much pain, you lie down and eventually drown in your own cum.🥛🥛🥛