hi, yns! i'm someone with bpd && hypersexuality (along with that type of ideation), though i don't believe it is to this extent. in my opinion? it might be best to confess this to a therapist if you trust yours, or at least a trusted adult. i don't know if you have anyone like that around, but if you do find someone you trust? try and get the help you need. genuinely. this advice may seem pretty basic and the standard advice people tell each other, but it does help. i've had two attempts; telling a trusted adult helped me. do you have any mood stabilizers, or anything? that usually helps me with mood swings. i think another thing is actively trying to limit yourself from porn alongside other things —— it's going to be hard, yes, but this is the first step to recovery. if you want to get better, you're going to have to try to get better. there'll be mistakes along the way; slip ups, but eventually you will get better, trust me.
i hope you're okay? take care of yourself. shower even if it's hard. <3 (/p) i hope you're doing okay.
- anon.