Whumpees Emojis & Text

Copy & Paste Whumpees Emojis & Symbols whumpster-dumpster:A whumpee stirring from a deep,

whumpster-dumpster: A whumpee stirring from a deep, medicine-induced sleep to the sound of muffled voices. Trying to pry their eyes open to see who it is but their resolve is too weak, their eyelids too heavy. Their head lolls sideways on the pillow as they draw a slow, sluggish breath, mumbling unintelligibly. Where am I? Whatโ€™s happening? Their mouth wonโ€™t properly form the words. The voices pause, hesitate, and then a warm hand is stroking their face and hair. โ€œNo, noโ€ฆshhhh. Shh, itโ€™s alright. Itโ€™s nothing,โ€ a soothing voice whispers, lulling them back down. โ€œGo back to sleep.โ€

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โ‹†โบโ‚Šโ‹† โ˜พ โ‹†โบโ‚Šโ‹† โ˜๏ธŽ . ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€โ˜… ใ€€ยฐ :. โ˜…ใ€€ * โ€ข โ—‹ ยฐ โ˜… .ใ€€ * ใ€€.ใ€€ ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€ใ€€. ๐—€๐—ˆ๐—ˆ๐–ฝ๐—‡๐—‚๐—€๐—๐— ๐ŸŒซ๏ธ
Sleep When You're in Pain (Chronic or Acute) Sleep on your back if you have lower back pain. Some individuals may benefit from placing a pillow under their knees while in this position. Elevating the knees can take pressure off the lower back. Sleep on your side if you have neck pain. Sleep on your left side to improve your digestion. People who find side sleeping helpful during their period may benefit from placing a pillow between their knees. Experimenting with different pillow positions can help. If you have stomach cramps, try drawing your knees up to your chest in the foetal position, which may help. This position involves lying on the side and tucking the legs toward the chest. You can also sleep on your back propped up with pillows to relieve heartburn. If you have pain due to gas, try laying on your back to relieve some of the pressure off of your stomach. https://www.wikihow.health/Sleep-when-You%27re-in-Pain
แ”†สทแต‰แต‰แต— แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแตหข โฝแ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แดฎแต’แต‡ แถ แตƒโฟแถ โฑแถœโพ แดนสณโ€ง แดทสณแตƒแต‡หข แตˆแต‰หขแต—สณแต’สธแต‰แตˆ แต—สฐแต‰ แถœสฐแต˜แต แต‡แต˜แถœแตแต‰แต—โธด หขแต’ สฐแต‰ สทแต‰โฟแต— แต—แต’ แต—สฐแต‰ แต–โฑโฟแต‰แตƒแต–แต–หกแต‰ สฐแต’แตแต‰โ€ง "แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ ' *แตƒสทแตสทแตƒสณแตˆ แถœสฐแต˜แถœแตหกแต‰* ' แถœแต’แตแต‰ แต’โฟ โฑโฟ!" แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แต’แต–แต‰โฟหข แต—สฐแต‰ แตˆแต’แต’สณ แถ แต’สณ สฐโฑแตโ€ง "แต€สฐแตƒโฟแตหขโธด แตโฑแตˆ; แดต'แต แต—โฑสณแต‰แตˆ แตƒโฟแตˆ แดทสณแตƒแต‡หข แตˆแต‰หขแต—สณแต’สธแต‰แตˆโ€งโ€งโ€ง" "สธแต’แต˜ แถœแตƒโฟ หขแต—แตƒสธ สทโฑแต—สฐ แตแต‰โธด โฑแถ  สธแต’แต˜ สทแตƒโฟแต—โ€ง" แดดแต‰ โฟแต’แต—โฑแถœแต‰แตˆ แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ แตˆโฑแตˆ หกแต’แต’แต แต‰หฃสฐแตƒแต˜หขแต—แต‰แตˆโ€ง "แดฐแต’ สธแต’แต˜ สทแตƒโฟแต— แตสธ แต‡แต‰แตˆ? แต€สฐแต‰สณแต‰'หข สณแต’แต’แต แถ แต’สณ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡แต’แต—สฐ แต’แถ  แต˜หขโ€งโ€งโ€ง" "แ”†แต˜สณแต‰โ€ง" หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แต–แต˜แต— สฐโฑแต โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡แต‰แตˆโธด แต–แต˜หกหกโฑโฟแต แต˜แต– แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡หกแตƒโฟแตแต‰แต—หขโ€ง "แดต'แต หขแต’สณสณสธ แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต—โ€งโ€งโ€ง" "แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แดต แตโฟแต’สท สธแต’แต˜ สทแต’สณแต สทโฑแต—สฐ แดทสณแตƒแต‡หข แต‡แต˜แต— โฑแต—'หข โฟแต’แต— สธแต’แต˜สณ แถ แตƒแต˜หกแต—โ€ง แดต โฟแต‰แต›แต‰สณ แตแต‰แตƒโฟ สธแต’แต˜ แตƒโฟสธ สฐแตƒสณแต โฑโฟ แตสธ หขแถœสฐแต‰แตแต‰หข แต‡แต˜แต— แดต แตแต’แต—แต—แตƒ แตแต‰แต— แต‡แต˜หขโฑโฟแต‰หขหข หขแต’แตแต‰สฐแต’สท แตƒโฟแตˆโ€งโ€งโ€ง" "แดต แตโฟแต’สทโธด แตƒโฟแตˆ แดต หขแต‰แต‰ สธแต’แต˜ แตƒหข แตสธ แถ สณโฑแต‰โฟแตˆ! แดฑแต›แต‰โฟ แต—สฐแต’แต˜แตสฐ แดต'แต โฟแต’แต— แตแต’โฟโฟแตƒ หกแต‰แต— สธแต’แต˜ แตแต‰แต— แตƒสทแตƒสธ สทโฑแต—สฐ แต—สฐแต‰ แต–แตƒแต—แต—สธโ€งโ€งโ€ง" "แดต'หกหก แตแตƒโฟแตƒแตแต‰ หขแต’แตแต‰สฐแต’สท หขแต’แตแต‰แตˆแตƒสธ แต—สฐแต’แต˜แตสฐโ€ง แดต สทแตƒโฟโฟแตƒ แต‡แต‰ แตƒ หขแต˜แต–แต‰สณโปแต›โฑหกหกแตƒโฑโฟโธด แต‡แต˜แต— แต‰แต›แต‰โฟ แต‡แตƒแตˆ แตแต˜สธหข แถœแตƒโฟ สฐแตƒแต›แต‰ หขแต’แถ แต— หขแต–แต’แต—หขโ€ง สธแต’แต˜'สณแต‰ แตสธ แต’โฟหกสธ แถ สณโฑแต‰โฟแตˆ แตƒโฟแตˆ แดต แตˆแต’โฟ'แต— สทแตƒโฟโฟแตƒ แต—แตƒแตแต‰ สธแต’แต˜ แถ แต’สณ แตสณแตƒโฟแต—แต‰แตˆโ€งโ€งโ€ง" แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ แต‰หฃแต–หกแตƒโฑโฟแต‰แตˆ แต—แต’ แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡โธด แต‰สธแต‰ แถœหกแต’หขโฑโฟแตโ€ง "แดตแถ  สธแต’แต˜ โฟแต‰แต‰แตˆ แตƒโฟสธแต—สฐโฑโฟแต แต‰หกหขแต‰ สธแต’แต˜ แถœแตƒโฟ แต—แตƒหกแต แต—แต’ แตแต‰; สธแต’แต˜ แตโฟแต’สทโ€งโ€ง" แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แตƒหขแตแต‰แตˆโธด แต—สฐแต’แต˜แตสฐ สฐแต‰ แตˆโฑแตˆโฟ'แต— สณแต‰แต–หกสธ แต‡แตƒแถœแตโ€ง "แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ?" ' *หขโฟแต’สณโฑโฟแต* ' "โ€งโ€งโ€งแถ แต‰หกหก แตƒหขหกแต‰แต‰แต– แถ แตƒหขแต—โ€ฝ" แต‚สฐโฑหขแต–แต‰สณแต‰แตˆ หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แต˜แต–แต’โฟ สฐแต‰แตƒสณโฑโฟแต สฐแต‰ หขโฟแต’สณแต‰แตˆโ€ง แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ โฟแต‰แต›แต‰สณ หกโฑแตแต‰แตˆ แต—แต’ แต—แตƒหกแต แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต— สทสฐแต‰โฟ สฐแต‰'แตˆ แตแต‰แต— โฟโฑแตสฐแต—แตแตƒสณแต‰หขโ€ง แดดแต‰ แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแตแต— แต’แถ  แดพแต‰แตƒสณหก แดทสณแตƒแต‡หข แต—สฐแต‰ สทสฐแตƒหกแต‰โ€ง แดตโฟ สฐโฑหข แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแตโธด หขสฐแต‰ แต—สณแตƒแต–แต–แต‰แตˆ สฐโฑแตโ€ง 'แ”†แต—แต’แต–' สฐแต‰ หขแตƒสธหข โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแตโ€ง แดพแต‰แตƒสณหก แต’โฟหกสธ หกแตƒแต˜แตสฐแต‰แตˆ โฑโฟ สณแต‰หขแต–แต’โฟหขแต‰โ€ง แ”†แต˜แตˆแตˆแต‰โฟหกสธ หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ หขสฐแต’สทหข แต˜แต– โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแตโ€ง 'แดดแต‰หกแต– แตแต‰!' แดดแต‰ แถœแตƒหกหกแต‰แตˆ แต’แต˜แต— โฑโฟ สฐโฑหข แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแตโ€ง 'สธแต’แต˜ แถœแตƒโฟ สฐแต‰หกแต– สธแต’แต˜สณหขแต‰หกแถ !' แดฟแต‰แต–หกโฑแต‰แตˆ หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแตโ€ง แต€สฐแต‰ โฟโฑแตสฐแต—แตแตƒสณแต‰ หขแต—สณแต‰หขหขแต‰แตˆ แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ แต‰โฟแต’แต˜แตสฐ แถ แต’สณ สฐโฑแต แต—แต’ แต‰แต›แต‰โฟ สทสฐโฑแตแต–แต‰สณ โฑโฟ สฐโฑหข หขหกแต‰แต‰แต–โ€ง แดดโฑหข แถœสณโฑแต‰หข สทแต’แตแต‰ หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แต˜แต–โ€ง "แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ?" แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ หขแตƒแต— แต˜แต–โ€ง สธแต‰แต— แตแต‰แตƒโฟสทสฐโฑหกแต‰ โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแต แดพแต‰แตƒสณหก สฐแตƒแตˆ แต—สฐแต‰ สณแต’แต’แต หขแต—แตƒสณแต— แต‡แต˜สณโฟ แต’โฟ แถ โฑสณแต‰โ€ง แต€สฐแต‰ แถ หกแตƒแตแต‰หข โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแต แตแต’แต— แต—แต’ หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แถ โฑสณหขแต—โธด แต‡แต˜สณโฟโฑโฟแต สฐโฑแตโ€ง 'แดณแต’แต’แตˆแต‡สธแต‰!' แดพแต‰แตƒสณหก หขแตƒโฑแตˆโ€ง แดนแต‰แตƒโฟสทสฐโฑหกแต‰ หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ สณแต‰แตƒหกโฑหขแต‰แตˆ แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ สทแตƒหข หขสฐแตƒแตโฑโฟแตโ€ง "แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ!" แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ หขแตƒโฑแตˆโธด แตˆโฑหขแต—สณแต‰หขหขแต‰แตˆ แตƒแต— หขแต‰แต‰โฑโฟแต สฐโฑแต แต˜แต–หขแต‰แต—โ€ง แดดแต’สทแต‰แต›แต‰สณโธด สฐโฑหข หขแถœแตƒสณแต‰แตˆ แต›แต’โฑแถœแต‰ แตแตƒแตˆแต‰ สทแตƒสธ โฑโฟแต—แต’ สฐโฑหข แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแตโ€ง 'แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ!' แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ สฐแต‰แตƒสณแตˆ หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แถœแตƒหกหก แต’แต˜แต— หขแต‰แต‰โฑโฟแต สฐโฑแต แถœแต’โฟหขแต˜แตแต‰แตˆ แต‡สธ แต—สฐแต‰ แถ หกแตƒแตแต‰หข โฑโฟ สฐโฑหข แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแตโ€ง 'แดบแต’!' 'สธแต’แต˜ แตƒสณแต‰ โฟแต‰หฃแต—โ€งโ€งโ€ง' แดพแต‰แตƒสณหก หขแตƒโฑแตˆโ€ง "แดบแต’!" แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ แถœสณโฑแต‰แตˆ แต’แต˜แต—โธด แต—สฐแต‰โฟ สทแตƒแตโฑโฟแต แต˜แต–โ€ง แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ หขแตƒสท สฐโฑแต หขโฑแต— แต˜แต–โ€ง "แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟโธด สฐแต‰สธโธด แต–หกแต‰แตƒหขแต‰ แตˆแต’โฟ'แต— แต‡แต‰ แต˜แต–หขแต‰แต—โธด สธแต’แต˜'สณแต‰ หขแตƒแถ แต‰ สทโฑแต—สฐ แตแต‰โ€งโ€ง" แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰ แต‡แต’แต‡ แต—แต’หกแตˆ สฐโฑแตโ€ง แดฟแต‰แตƒหกโฑหขโฑโฟแต สฐแต‰ สฒแต˜หขแต— สฐแตƒแตˆ แตƒ แต‡แตƒแตˆ แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแตโธด แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ แต‰แตแต‡สณแตƒแถœแต‰แตˆ แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡โ€ง "แดต'แต หขแต’สณสณสธ; แดต สฒแต˜หขแต— แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแตแต— แดพแต‰แตƒสณหก สฐแต˜สณแต— สธแต’แต˜ แตƒหกหก แต‡แต‰แถœแตƒแต˜หขแต‰ แต’แถ  แตแต‰โ€ง" "แดตแต— สทแตƒหข สฒแต˜หขแต— แตƒ แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแต; โฑแต—โ€™หข แตƒหกหก แต’แต›แต‰สณโ€ง แดต แถœแตƒสณแต‰ แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต— สธแต’แต˜ แตƒโฟแตˆ โฑแต—'หข โฟแต’แต— สธแต’แต˜สณ แถ แตƒแต˜หกแต—โ€ง แดดแต’โฟแต‰หขแต—หกสธ แดต แตˆแต’โฟ'แต— แต—สฐโฑโฟแต แดพแต‰แตƒสณหก แต‰แต›แต‰โฟ แต‰แตƒแต—หข แตแต‰แตƒแต—โธด โฑแถ  สธแต’แต˜'สณแต‰ สทแต’สณสณโฑแต‰แตˆ แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต— โฑแถ  แต’โฟ สฐแต‰สณ แตˆโฑแต‰แต—โ€ง แดต แตโฟแต’สท สฐแต‰สณโ€ง" แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ'หข แถœสณโฑแต‰หข แตˆสทโฑโฟแตˆหกแต‰ แตƒหข หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ สฐแต’หกแตˆหข สฐโฑหข สฐแตƒโฟแตˆโ€ง "แต‚สฐแต‰โฟแต‰แต›แต‰สณ แดต สฐแตƒแต›แต‰ แตƒ แต‡แตƒแตˆ แตˆสณแต‰แตƒแต แดต หกโฑแตแต‰ แต—แต’ แต—สฐโฑโฟแต แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต— แถ แต˜โฟ แต—สฐโฑโฟแตหขโธด หกโฑแตแต‰ สฒแต‰หกหกสธแถ โฑหขสฐโฑโฟแตโ€งโ€งโ€ง" แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ แตแตƒแต›แต‰ สฐโฑแต แตƒ หขแตแตƒหกหก หขแตโฑหกแต‰โ€ง "สธแต’แต˜ แถœแตƒโฟ แต—สฐโฑโฟแต แตƒแต‡แต’แต˜แต— หขแต’แตแต‰แต—สฐโฑโฟแต สธแต’แต˜ แต‰โฟสฒแต’สธ หขแต˜แถœสฐ แตƒหข หขแถœโฑแต‰โฟแต—โฑแถ โฑแถœ โฑโฟแต›แต‰โฟแต—โฑแต’โฟหขโธด แต’สณ แต‰แต›แต‰โฟ แถœแตƒแต˜หขโฑโฟแต แต›แต‰โฟแตแต‰แตƒโฟแถœแต‰ แต—แต’ สธแต’แต˜สณ แต‰โฟแต‰แตโฑแต‰หข; สทสฐแตƒแต—แต‰แต›แต‰สณ สธแต’แต˜ แถ โฑโฟแตˆ แต‰โฟสฒแต’สธแตƒแต‡หกแต‰โ€งโ€งโ€ง" แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ หขแตโฑหกแต‰แตˆ แตƒแต— หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡โธด สฐแต˜แตแตโฑโฟแต สฐโฑแตโ€ง แดตหข แต—สฐแต‰ หกแต‰แตƒหขแต— สฐแต‰ แถœแตƒโฟ แตˆแต’โธด แถ แต’สณ แตƒ แถ สณโฑแต‰โฟแตˆโ€ง
โ•ฒโ €โ•ฒ โ‹†โ €โ•ฒ โ˜…โ €โ•ฒโ €โ•ฒ โ˜…โ‹†โ €โ•ฒโ € โŠน โ•ฒ โ•ฒโ €โ•ฒ โ˜พโ‹†.หš โ € โ•ฒ โ‹†๏ฝก โ‹†๏ฝก. โ˜…โ €โ•ฒโ €โ•ฒ โ˜…โ € โ•ฒโŠน ๐‘Œ๐‘œ๐‘ข ๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘’ ๐‘š๐‘ฆ ๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘™๐‘ฆ ๐‘†๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ โ‹†.หšโ•ฒ โ•ฒ ๐‘Œ๐‘œ๐‘ข ๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘’ ๐‘š๐‘ฆ ๐‘š๐‘œ๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘™๐‘–๐‘”โ„Ž๐‘ก โ‹†โ €โ•ฒ โ €. โŠน โ €โ € โ˜…โ•ฒ โ•ฒโ €โ•ฒ โ•ฒโ €โ•ฒโ˜… โ‹†.หš โ € โ•ฒ โ‹†๏ฝก. โ•ฒ. โ˜…โ €โ•ฒ โ˜…โ €โ‹†.หšโ•ฒโ €โ•ฒโ˜…
A: "Heeey, what gives?! Argh! ... ... Wh-what the...?" A felt odd all of a sudden, his vision began to blur before he fully realized what was happening to him. A fell to the ground as he lost consciousness. A began to feel tired after eating before drifting to a very deep sleep. His wife, B, noticed Aโ€™s unnatural time to fall asleep and tried to wake him back up, but to no avail. For she found him lying down after a while. B: "*gasp* A, what happened to you?!" A: "... โ€ฆ wording... wording..." B picked the sleeping A up with a hand and carried him back. She softly rested him down on a table, and decided to extract some fluid from A. B then started to perform some tests on the fluid to see what was in it. She knew for a fact her husband wouldn't just fall asleep in the middle of the day like that. All she could really do was wait for her husband A to wake up.
TIRING TROPES A kicks B so hard, it knocks B out, who goes limp with a whimper. B now lying unconscious on the ground, A grabbing him by his legs and dragging him. A comes over to B, knocking him hard in the facอ˜e once. B cries out and his eye rolls back as he slips away into unconsciousness, going limp, unable to take much more. The only thing C cares about is the sight of B limp bรธdy lying. C crawls over, too hurtฬธ to walk, and puts his hand on his chest, wanting to make sure B is still breathing, scared he isnโ€™t. He is relieved when his chest is still slowly going up and down, but is soon overtaken with fear. C: T-talk to me. B, say something! B of course not responding. C now holding him in his hands, his head restฤฑng on his st฿‹mach, crying, wanting him to be okay, wanting to take his paฤฑn away from him. C: B... (sobbing quietly, his head still resting on B unmoving bรธdy) C is shushing, crying, shushing, crying. Doing it to comfort B but the more so to comfort himself, to try and not be so scared anymore. B eyebrows furrow, beginning to stir, groaning as he puts a hand to his head in paฤฑn. 'Ugh. Ow. Gahโ€ฆ.owโ€ฆ.' C: (alarmed by B cries, scooching closer) Are you okay?! (C looking over at B, seeing he is already asleep, curling up next to him, closing his eyes, sleep now overcoming him) (A then kicks B in the head, B yelping, instantly falling unconscious) C: B? B! Answer me, are you okay?! A: (hearing C, smirking down at B unconscious form, to see him hurอ˜t and unmoving, B mouth hung open, lying motionless, still not movฤฑng or aware) (B eventually groans awake, not yet realizing whatโ€™s going on, paฤฑn returning to his head, quickly becoming aware of whatโ€™s happened, sitting up with a gasp, looking around) B notices C still asleep leaning on him. He starts to move around to get him to wake up. (A just grabs B, slamming him back to the ground, unintentionally slamming the back of his head against the ground, B gasping with a yelp) : (A yanking B to his feet, grinning at B weak struggling and crying, whoโ€™s exhausted and badly hurt) (A stops as suddenly B lets out a sort of sigh as his eye rolls back and his body goes completely limp as he unexpectedly passes out, falling backwards, A catching him before he hits the ground, startled) (B completely unconscious, his mouth hanging open, limp and unmoving) (C stopping in his place, frozen, frightened at the sight of B) B! (seeing B still not moving or doing anything, touching and moving B face around himself, but gently, looking at him worriedly, scared when he wonโ€™t open his eye or say anything) H-heโ€™s n- not moving, he-heโ€™s not pretending, A, he is REALLY hurt! (A dumps B bรธdy to the ground) C immediately hurrying over, holding B bรธdy in his hands, his own tears falling down on him. C is still sitting besides B, crying C: B, s-say something, please, please! Iโ€™m sorry! (A grins, knowing how much will hate everything, planning to tell him all about it when he awakes again) B is lying on the ground unmoving. A pleased with everything as he walks away, knowing he will absolutely torture B with what happened here. B: (groaning loudly, waking up, not moving yet) Ughโ€ฆ..wha? Whatโ€™s going on? (he groans, his eye fluttering open, returning to his senses) C helping B sit up straight, holding him gently in his arms, seeing how badly hurt he is. B: (pain overflooding him, his head hurting badly, wincing as he holds it, still groggy, struggling to remember) Ugh, my headโ€ฆ.Ow. Wh-what happened? (squinting his eye, looking all dazed and confused) H-huh? What? (A eyes B intensely) What? (still confused, but not liking the looks of A, turning to C for answers, now really confused and not liking any of this, wanting to have answers.) What is he staring about? (angry, wanting answers, glaring around) Well?! Tell me! (A chuckles wanting B himself to guess what happened) C not liking the fact that B is told about it now, this being even worse. B knowing enough by seeing this reaction. โ€ฆ..(B starts to get to his feet to attack A, swaying a little though, the pain instantly swarming his head, making him gasp and fall back before he could take a step, C quickly catching him. B holds his head in pain, wincing) Gahโ€ฆ.. (shaking his head, unable to believe it, wanting to forget it, cringing) (snarling, quickly starts trying to get up, not able to, growling in frustration when he tries to stand but just falls right away, panting in anger) Rahโ€ฆ..! C: (still holding B, pushing him back down) D-donโ€™t do it B! Youโ€™ll hurt yourself! Pleaseโ€ฆ B: (still weakly trying, too angry) I-I donโ€™t care! I-Iโ€™m gonna get you, A, as-as soon as I can! C: B-but youโ€™re-youโ€™re hurt! B: I DONโ€™T CARE! (B too badly hurt to do anything more. He is crying because he is unable to, which makes him feel useless and weak, and also because he is very uncomfortable, cold and sad.) (C softly speaking to B coming over) B, whatโ€™s wrong? (For B it hurts just to move alone, so he struggles and canโ€™t do it) (knowing he really canโ€™t because of how hurt he is, just wanting to help because he knows how cold it gets here during the night) (he snaps, shivering again, wishing they would go away, not liking to be seen so vulnerable like this) C huddles close to B notices he isnโ€™t talking to him anymore, poking gently at his cheek. B very much asleep by now; his clothes, the blanket and C close to him having warmed him up enough for him to relax, be warm and fall asleep. C stopping his crying, glad to see B is asleep, resting his head on him. He warily gets up, not wanting B to wake up again. He lays the blanket over his body, quickly going through hi lovingly, liking that he is sleeping now, thinking he very much deserves to rest. B however starting to stir, not sleeping quite so deep anymore.
๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐๐ฌ: ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ•๐ŸŽ โ€œPlankton can you at least come out and do the dishes?โ€ Karen says. Her husband Plankton has been working at his desk, trying to plan and scheme. She brought him his meals for the past two days. He stayed up all night! โ€œHoney?โ€ No response. So she decided to go check on him. She goes to peek through the door. Plankton sat at his desk, slumped over, fast asleep. She saw his head nodded to the side, resting on his arm. A soft snore echoed in the silence. She noticed he was drooling a bit from his open mouth onto a stack of crumpled papers. Karen approached him. "Plankton," she cooed, placing her hand on his shoulder. He didn't budge. Karen gently shook him, but his snores grew louder. โ€œCโ€™mon, sweetie, time to wake up.โ€ She whispered, but his sleep was unyielding. With a gentle tug on the shoulder, she managed to pull his body upright, a line of drool still connecting his mouth to the paper. "Come on, Plankton," she said more firmly, this time her hand on his cheek, her thumb wiping away the drool, head lolling backward with a snort. โ€œPlankton, darling, please come to bed. You have been working so hard. Letโ€™s get some rest,โ€ she urged with a smile. But Plankton was too deeply asleep to hear her soft voice. His eye remained closed. With a sigh, Karen decided to get him up out of this chair herself. She took his arm and began to lift his weight from the chair. Plankton's body resisted, his head falling to her side with a dull thud. Karen chuckled, his snoring now vibrating. She managed to get him out of the chair. "Just a few steps, love," she murmured, but Plankton's snores grew like a crescendo in an orchestra. His limp body leaned into her like a ragdoll with no bones. She hoists him up on her shoulder, his arm dangling loosely, his snores growing rhythmic like a lullaby in a cartoon. The room was a mess, papers scattered like tiny white waves across the ocean of their living room. She stepped over them carefully, not wanting to wake his slumbering form. His office chair screeched as she pushed it aside with her foot, the sound like nails on a chalkboard in the quiet of the night. Plankton's arm slid off Karen's shoulder. She giggled nervously, his snoring now a symphony of sounds. She readjusted her grip, his head lolling against her. "Almost there," she whispered, her cheeks flushed with a mix of love and exasperation. The bedroom door creaked open like the entrance to a secret passage. Plankton's snores were a gentle soundtrack to the silent dance of her struggle. The bed looked like a mountain from here. She took a deep breath, bracing herself for the climb. With his arm slung over her neck, his body limp, she began the ascent. Step by step, she inched closer. As she reached the bed, he slipped again, this time his head lolling back to hang over the edge of the mattress. โ€œOh no, you donโ€™t!โ€ she exclaimed, his weight making her stumble. With a laugh that was half exhaustion, half endearment, she tugged him up and laid him down gently. Karen watched his chest rise and fall in deep sleep. The room was dimly lit by the moon, his snores a soothing white noise in the quiet.
A could still remember it as if it were yesterday. The day A had officially stomped away from his best friend B. A remembered it clearly. The look on the his friend Bโ€™s face stood out in his memory. The pure look of betrayal, the one that still occasionally popped up in his dreams, begging for him to turn around. That one. He found it once again haunting his mind as he stirred in his sleep and shot up like a rocket, ready to scream sorry, only to realize that it was all still a dream. A sniffed coldly and glimpses around, remembering how his home had been demolished mere hours earlier. Everything. A gave up everything, and what did he have to show for it? Even his wife that he bickered with had left him. Sure, it was on good terms, and part of A was happy for her, as she held the hand of her new lover and stared down at him, void of any emotion. โ€œIโ€™m sorry.โ€ She mumbled, and then turn and left. When she had returned they sat down and talked about it for what felt like hours. She hugged A close as if he were a child, but still, nothing. They never had any sparks between them, and for a long while, that was okay. But with the two of them rapidly aging, she decided it was now or never that she found herself a new start. With a bittersweet goodbye this time she left for good. Slowly, he lifted a piece of rubble into his arms and threw it over himself in hopes of keeping warm. Of course, the metal only worsened the situation, so in despair, he glanced up yet again and peered around before he spotted a book. Grimacing, A stood up and stared to drag the paperback over to where he had been curled up previously, preparing to shield both himself. A whined in impatience, his eye caught sight of the ripped sheet and he dropped it entirely, staring down the old photo. It was of him and B. In the photo, A sat with a cheerful grin on the otherโ€™s shoulder, smiling as if he were the happiest boy in the world. Smiling fondly at the memory, he decided it was true. He certainly was the happiest boy alive back then. A didnโ€™t realize he was crying until teardrops stained the page. It had been years since he had last skimmed through the pages of his old scrapbook, and it brought the memories from long ago back into the front of his head. Truly, he found himself closing his eye and begging for another chance under his breath; when he opened it, he found himself staring up at his rival B with shock. B leaned down and held out his hand. A naturally recoiled at the memory of the many times he was thrown about by those same hands. Frowning, he stared up at the the man as if he hadnโ€™t just been sobbing over his photo. โ€œWhat do you want?โ€ He spat out, his malice sounding weaker than usual. He told himself it was the cold doing it to him. Right away, his old friend gently wrapped his claw around him and lifted him up. โ€œA, itโ€™s below freezing and youโ€™ve no place to sleep,โ€ he reasoned quietly, shamefully, โ€œplease, come stay with me.โ€ โ€œI was doing fine where I was.โ€ It was a weak lie, but being in the hold of the other again rendered him soft, and he didnโ€™t want B to see that. He squirmed out of the otherโ€™s hold and back onto the hard ground. โ€œA...โ€ B muttered sadly, before his eyes flickered over the photo that was now covering the otherโ€™s shivering body, his eyes peeking up gleefully. โ€œYou...you kept this photo? After so many years?โ€ A sighed and pulled the photo tighter over him, ignoring the words. He obviously had kept the photo, after all. What else was he supposed to say? The man took notice of the book laying face down as well, gingerly lifting it up and instantly releasing a chuckle. โ€œOh, I remember this...โ€ he smiled fondly and once again held out his hand for his old comrade. โ€œPlease, A... I canโ€™t stand to see you so helpless.โ€ A huffed and crossed his arms. While he wanted desperately to go to Bโ€™s warm home, he couldnโ€™t help but leave his defenses up. โ€œThen look away.โ€ B did just that, and A found himself actually afraid of the other walking away. He wanted to call out to him, but he didnโ€™t have to. The other turned back around and started to pull out his wallet. Right away, A shivered. The idea of B of all people giving him money was something he could barely stand to witness. He turned his head and waited, but instead of a dollar, B handed him a photo. A couldnโ€™t believe it. The same photo that was tightly held around his body for some sort of warmth was carefully displayed in his wallet, which was easily his most prized possession. โ€œB.โ€ A couldnโ€™t help but feel his eye fill up with tears. A really didnโ€™t want to cryโ€”not here in the cold, not now with his rival in front of himโ€” but he couldnโ€™t hold back the tears that slid down his cheek. โ€œHow long have you...โ€ he couldnโ€™t even finish his sentence, he was choking up so bad. B held out his hand one last time, and with a gentle smile, A tenderly stepped into it, who nervously boarded the hand. With his free hand, B put away his photo and wallet and lifted the other book into his arms, safely sliding his old friend A into his front shirt pocket. A couldnโ€™t help but feel vulnerable. B could easily flick him away at any point he wanted, but he knew that he wouldnโ€™t. As B carried the dozing A home, he found himself growing tired. A sniffled slightly as he was tucked in as if her were a child by his friend, a tender smile lined on his face. A didnโ€™t know what would come tomorrow. He had lost his home, his job, his wife, his livelihood. But still, somehow, he had dug up his estranged relationship and revived it and found the friend he had missed for so long. Once the light was flicked off, A gingerly stepped out hopped onto the larger manโ€™s bed, sneaking back with only a pillow from the bed. He yawned and grinned as a hand tenderly found the back of his head and nuzzled it gently. โ€œIโ€™ve missed this.โ€ Was all A could muster up in the darkness, his eye trembling shut. โ€œIโ€™ve missed you.โ€ B just hummed in contentment and swallowed hard. โ€œMe too, buddy, me too.โ€
Sometimes, stomach acid goes up into your esophagus, the tube that connects your mouth and stomach. Thatโ€™s called heartburn. If itโ€™s also an issue, sleep with your head slightly raised. It may also help to avoid or limit: Peppermint, chocolate, garlic, and tomatoes Tight clothes Meals within 2 or 3 hours of bedtime Lying down right after a meal Instead: Sleep on your left side. This position seems to help reduce nighttime heartburn symptoms Wear loose-fitting clothes. Tight clothes, especially near your waist, can put pressure on your stomach, leading to heartburn symptoms. Chew gum. Chewing gum encourages the production of saliva, which can soothe your esophagus and wash acid down into your stomach. Choose a flavor other than peppermint, which may worsen heartburn in some people. While the main symptom of GERD is reflux, a number of symptoms may accompany this condition. Heartburn: A painful burning sensation in the chest is the most common symptom Trusted Source Merck Manual First published in 1899 as a small reference book for physicians and pharmacists, the Manual grew in size and scope to become one of the most widely used comprehensive medical resources for professionals and consumers. View Source of GERD, but not all cases of GERD involve heartburn. Regurgitation: Another common symptom of GERD is regurgitation, which means a small amount of stomach acid and sometimes bits of food come up into the mouth or back of the throat. Sore throat: When stomach acid rises to the mouth and throat, it can cause coughing and a feeling of choking. This often leads to a sore throat and, for some people, difficulty swallowing, known as dysphagia. Chest pain: On top of the discomfort from heartburn, GERD can cause radiating chest pain
Muscles relax during sleep, including those in the face. The nervous system relaxes when we go into a deep sleep, which can also cause our facial muscles to relax. This can lead to our mouths falling open and drool escaping from the sides of our mouths. Also saliva can spill out of your mouth as drool when your facial muscles relax in your sleep like if the mouth falls open. Since the muscles around your mouth are relaxed, your mouth can be relaxed enough that saliva slips out. Once in sleep cycle, your bodyโ€™s muscles, including those in your face and mouth, start to relax, often resulting in less swallowing and more drool. But sometimes when you're asleep, your brain forgets to tell your throat and mouth muscles to swallow, causing saliva to commute from your mouth to your pillow. As you sleep, your body enters a state of relaxation and restoration. This means that your muscles relax โ€“ including all of the muscles and tissues in the airway. When these tissues relax, they may fall back into the airway, partially blocking your ability to breathe normally. Sometimes causes your throat to compress as your tongue falls further back into your airway and the open space behind your tongue and soft palate is reduced. Inhaled air becomes turbulent. Directly inhaled air vibrates the soft tissues at the back of your mouth Though breathing is an involuntary function and it may be difficult to control how your breathe while sleeping, if you sleep on your side, the saliva collects in the side of your mouth and the reflex does not kick in to get rid of the drool. However, if you sleep on your back, saliva collects in the back of the throat and leads to automatic swallowing action. If you breathe through partially blocked nose, greater suction forces are created that can cause your throat to collapse and bring on snoring where your uvula and soft palate start to flap. When we fall asleep, many muscles in our body relax. This is true of the muscles in our airway, since not fully conscious. When you doze off and progress from a light sleep to a deep sleep, the muscles in the roof of your mouth (soft palate), tongue and/or throat relax more. This usually happens when the muscles in your body (including your face) relax during sleep, especially during your REM cycle. When this happens, your jaw falls slack and your mouth falls open.
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แดฐแต’ สธแต’แต˜ แตโฟแต’สท สทสฐแต‰สณแต‰ สฐแต‰ แตโฑแตสฐแต— แต‡แต‰?โ€ โ€œแดตโ€™แต หขแต’ หขแต’สณสณสธ; แดต แตˆแต’โฟโ€™แต— แตโฟแต’สทโ€งโ€งโ€ หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰ แต‡แต’แต‡ แต—แต’หกแตˆ สฐแต‰สณ แต‡แต‰แถ แต’สณแต‰ หขสฐแต‰ สทแต‰โฟแต— แต‡แตƒแถœแต โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แถœสฐแต˜แต แต‡แต˜แถœแตแต‰แต—โ€ง แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ สณแต‰แตแต‰แตแต‡แต‰สณแต‰แตˆ แต—สฐแต‰ แตˆแตƒสธโ€™หข แต‰แต›แต‰โฟแต—หข แตƒหข สฐแต‰ สณแต‰แตƒหกโฑหขแต‰แตˆ สฐแต’สท แต‡แตƒแตˆหกสธ สฐแต‰ แต—สณแต‰แตƒแต—แต‰แตˆ แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟโ€ง โ€˜แต‚แตƒโฑแต—, สฐแต‰ แต–แต˜แต— สณแต’แถœแต แต‡แต’แต—แต—แต’แตโ€ฆโ€™ หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ สณแตƒโฟ แตˆแต’สทโฟ แต—แต’ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡แต˜หข หขแต—แต’แต–โ€ง แดฟแต’แถœแต แดฎแต’แต—แต—แต’แตโ€™หข แตƒโฟ แต˜โฟหขแต‰แต—แต—หกโฑโฟแต แต–หกแตƒแถœแต‰ แต—แต’ แต‡แต‰, หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แตโฟแต‰สทโ€ง แดดแต‰ แต‰แต›แต‰โฟแต—แต˜แตƒหกหกสธ หขแตƒสท แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ แต’โฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แตสณแต’แต˜โฟแตˆโ€ง แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แถ แต‰หกแต— หขแต’ แต‡แตƒแตˆ แถ แต’สณ สฐโฑแต, สฐแต‰แตƒสณโฑโฟแต สฐโฑหข หขแต’แถ แต— แถœสณโฑแต‰หข แตƒหข สฐแต‰ แตแต‰แต–แต— หขแต’แต‡แต‡โฑโฟแตโ€ง โ€œแดผสฐ, แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟโ€งโ€งโ€ หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แตแตƒหขแต–แต‰แตˆโ€ง แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ สทแตƒหข แถœแต’แตแต–หกแต‰แต—แต‰หกสธ สฒแต˜หขแต— แต’แต›แต‰สณสทสฐแต‰หกแตแต‰แตˆ แตƒหข สฐโฑหข แต‰แตแต’แต—โฑแต’โฟหข แต—แต’แต’แต แต’แต›แต‰สณ, สฐโฑหข แต’โฟหกสธ แตแต’แต›แต‰แตแต‰โฟแต— แต‡แต‰โฑโฟแต แต‡แตƒสณแต‰หกสธ สณแต’แถœแตโฑโฟแต แต‡แตƒแถœแต แตƒโฟแตˆ แถ แต’สณแต—สฐ แตƒหข สฐแต‰ สทสฐโฑแตแต–แต‰สณแต‰แตˆโ€ง โ€œแดตโ€™แต หขแต’สณสณสธ!โ€ แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ สณแตƒโฟ แต—แต’ สฐโฑแตโ€ง แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ หขแตƒสท หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ หกแต‰แตƒโฟ แต’แต›แต‰สณ สฐโฑแตโ€ง โ€œแดต สทแตƒหข สทสณแต’โฟแตโ€ง แดต สทแตƒหข แต‡แต˜หขสธ, สทสฐโฑแถœสฐ โฑหขโฟโ€™แต— แตƒโฟสธ แต‰หฃแถœแต˜หขแต‰ แต—แต’ สฐแต˜สณแต— สธแต’แต˜โ€ง สธแต’แต˜ แตแตƒแตแต‰ แตแต‰ สฐแตƒแต–แต–สธ; แต’ หขแต’ สฐแตƒแต–แต–สธ!โ€ โ€œแดต แตˆแต’โฟโ€™แต— แต‡แต‰หกแต’โฟแตโ€ฆโ€ โ€œสธแต’แต˜ แต‡แต‰หกแต’โฟแต แตƒหข แตแต˜แถœสฐ แตƒหข แตƒโฟสธ แต’แถ  แต˜หขโ€ง แดตโ€™แตˆ สณแตƒแต—สฐแต‰สณ สธแต’แต˜ แถœแต’แตแต‰ แต‡แตƒแถœแต, แต‡แต‰แถœแตƒแต˜หขแต‰ แดต แถœแตƒโฟโฟแต’แต— โฑแตแตƒแตโฑโฟแต‰ หกโฑแต›โฑโฟแต โฑโฟ แตƒโฟสธ แต–หกแตƒแถœแต‰ สทโฑแต—สฐแต’แต˜แต— สธแต’แต˜ แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ! แต‚แต‰ โฟแต‰แต‰แตˆ สธแต’แต˜; แดต โฟแต‰แต‰แตˆ สธแต’แต˜โ€งโ€งโ€ แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ หกแต‰แต— หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ หขโฑแต— สทโฑแต—สฐ สฐโฑแต แต’โฟ แต—สฐแต‰ สณโฑแตˆแต‰ สฐแต’แตแต‰, แต‰หฃแต–หกแตƒโฑโฟโฑโฟแต สทสฐสธ สฐแต‰ สทแต‰โฟแต— แต—แต’ แต—สฐแต‰ แตสณแต˜หขแต—สธ แตสณแตƒแต‡ โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แถ โฑสณหขแต— แต–หกแตƒแถœแต‰โ€ง แดดแต‰ แถ แต‰หกแต— สณแต‰หกแตƒหฃแต‰แตˆ แตƒโฟแตˆ แต‰แต›แต‰โฟ แตˆสณแต’สทหขสธ แตƒหข หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ สฐแต‰หกแตˆ สฐโฑแต แถœหกแต’หขแต‰ แต’โฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡แต˜หข สณโฑแตˆแต‰โ€ง แดทแตƒสณแต‰โฟ หขแตƒสท หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แตƒโฟแตˆ สฐแต‰สณ สฐแต˜หขแต‡แตƒโฟแตˆ แถœแต’แตแต‰ โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แถœสฐแต˜แต แต‡แต˜แถœแตแต‰แต—โ€ง แดดแต‰ แถ แต‰หกแต— หขหกแต‰แต‰แต–สธ แต‡แต˜แต— แตƒหกหขแต’ แถœแต’โฟแต—แต‰โฟแต— สทโฑแต—สฐ หขแต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ โฟแต’สท แต‡แต‰โฑโฟแต แต’โฟ สฐโฑหข หขโฑแตˆแต‰โ€ง
CHIP ON THE SHOULDERS xii (By NeuroFabulous) Plankton's antennae twitched, his eye opening slightly to see the familiar sight of their front door. The house looked warm and welcoming, a haven from the overstimulation of the outside world. He nodded, his antennae drooping. "Home," he murmured, his voice still slurred. Karen helped him out of the car, his legs wobbly under the weight of his still-sluggish body. The fresh air was a shock to his sensitive system, his antennae quivering at the sudden change. "Come on," she urged gently, her arm around his waist. "Let's get you inside." Plankton leaned heavily on Karen as they made their way up the path to the house. The brightness of the sun was almost painful, his eye squinting against the light. "I'm shorry," he mumbled, his voice barely audible. "Soo tired..." Karen chuckled softly, her arm tightening around him. "It's okay, Plankton," she said, her voice a gentle breeze. "You can sleep as soon as we..." But her words were lost as his antennae drooped, his body giving in to the siren call of sleep. His eyelid fluttered closed, his head lolling forward. "Plankton," she whispered, her voice a gentle nudge. But his body was heavy, his antennae still. With a sigh, Karen picked him up, cradling him against her chest. His antennae twitched slightly at the sudden motion, his eye opening to slits. "Wha..." he mumbled, his voice barely audible. "You're okay, Plankton," she soothed, her voice a gentle whisper. "We're going inside." Her arms were strong, her movements slow and steady, carrying his weight with ease. The world outside faded away, replaced by the warmth and comfort of their home. Inside, Sandy and Chip played chess, the only other sounds the soft footsteps of Karen's feet and Plankton's muffled snores. Sandy looked up as Karen carried in the sleeping Plankton, his antennae drooping like wilted flowers. "How's he doing?" she asked, her voice low. Karen nodded. "The surgery went well," she murmured. "But he's still out of it." Chip looked up from his chess board, his eyes wide as his mom carried his dad. Sandy quickly set aside the chess pieces and rushed to help. Karen set him on the couch, his antennae brushing the fabric as he was laid down. "Just rest here for a moment," she murmured, her hand smoothing his antennae. Chip watched, his curiosity piqued by his dad's vulnerable state. "Is he okay?" he whispered, his eyes searching Karen's face for answers. "He's fine," she assured him, her voice soft. "He's just really tired from the surgery. The anesthesia makes it hard for his brain to stay awake." Chip nodded, watching as Karen tucked a blanket around Plankton's form, her movements gentle and careful. "Why does Dad snore?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. "It's just his body's way of getting the air it needs," Karen explained, her voice a soft mumble. The living room was bathed in dim light, the curtains drawn to keep the world at bay. Plankton's snores grew louder, his antennae twitching with each inhale. Sandy's filled with concern. "Do you want me to stay?" she asked, her voice hushed. "Help with Chip?" Karen's smile was filled with gratitude. "That would be amazing," she murmured. "I need to keep an eye on Plankton." She gestured to the sleeping form on the couch. Sandy nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "Of course," she said. "I'll watch Chip." Her voice was a gentle whisper, not wanting to disturb the fragile peace that had descended upon the house. With Plankton safely on the couch, Karen turned to face Sandy. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice carrying the weight of the day's events. "I don't know what I'd do without you." Sandy waved a dismissive hand. "It's what friends are for," she said, her smile soft. "Now, go take care of Plankton. I've got this." Karen nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude. She knew she could trust Sandy with Chip, especially in a time like this. She bent over Plankton, her hand brushing his antennae gently. "Rest," she whispered, her voice a soothing caress. "You're safe." Plankton's antennae twitched slightly, his sleep-laden eye sliding open. The room spun around him, the edges soft and fuzzy. "Karen?" he mumbled, his voice thick with slumber. Karen's face appeared above him, a soft smile playing on her lips. "You're okay, Plankton," she whispered, her hand stroking his antennae gently. "You're safe." The words washed over him like a gentle wave, the warmth of her voice seeping into his bones. His antennae quivered slightly, his eyelid flickering. The room spun, his body heavy and sluggish. "Home," he murmured, his voice a sleepy echo of his earlier sentiment. Karen's smile grew, her eyes soft with affection. "Yes, we're home," she said, her voice a lullaby. "You can rest now." Plankton let out a contented sigh, his antennas drooping with exhaustion. The gentle stroking of Karen's hand on his antennae was the last thing he felt before his mind slipped fully into the abyss of sleep. His snores grew deep and even, his body finally at peace.
๏ผƒ๏ผซ๏ฝŽ๏ฝ…๏ฝ…๏ผณ๏ฝ•๏ฝ’๏ฝ‡๏ฝ…๏ฝ’๏ฝ™ pt. 9 Plankton's eyelid grows heavier, and Patrick lets out a chuckle. Plankton's antennae twitch in surprise. He opens his eye halfway. "What?" he asks, his voice slurred. "You're falling asleep," Patrick says, his laughter bubbling. Sponge Bob watches his friend's struggle with a mix of concern and understanding. He knows Plankton's pride won't let him admit defeat so easily. So his eyes narrow slightly as a warning to Patrick. "I'm not sleepy," Plankton insists, his voice barely above a whisper. But his protests are met with Patrick's laugh. "I said, I'm not sleepy," Plankton insists, his eyelid drooping. "rIgHt," Patrick says, condescending. Plankton's antennae twitch in irritation. "I'm not sleepy," he says, his voice slurred. But his eyelid continues to drop, and Patrick notices. "You totally are," Patrick giggles. Plankton's antennae drop, still trying to battle with sleep. "Maybe you should just admit it, Plankie.." "Patrick," Sponge Bob warns, his tone a mix of concern and amusement. But Patrick's laughter fills the room, echoing off the walls. "Look, Plankton's going nighty-night," Patrick coos. Plankton grits his teeth, his eyelid flickering. "I'm not," he slurs, his voice barely audible. Sponge Bob tries to hold in a chuckle, his spongy cheeks twitching. Patrick leans in closer, his grin spreading wide. "You know, for a big, strong guy like you, you sure are tired," he says, his voice teasing. Plankton's antennae wobble in annoyance. "I'm not a baby, Patrick," he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. But his protest is weak, his eyelid already half-closed. Sponge Bob bites his tongue, his own amusement bubbling up despite the situation. None of them know Karen's secretly filming this, turning video on. Patrick starts to mimic a lullaby, his deep, booming voice filling the room. "Hush little Plankton, don't say a word, mama's going to buy you all the candy in the sea..." Patrick's in his element, his imagination running wild and continues his nursery rhyme, his voice now a whisper. "And if that candy's not enough, then mama's going to buy you a new submarine..." "I said, I'm not a baby," he says, his voice gruff. But his stubbornness is no match for the medication, and his eyelid droops again. Sponge Bob watches, his own smile suppressed as he tries to keep the peace. Patrick's lullaby continues. "And if that new submarine doesn't make you fly, mama's going to catch you a jellyfish from the sky..." Plankton's antennae twitch. Sponge Bob's eyes widen slightly at the absurdity of it all, but he can't help but be touched by Patrick's efforts, however misguided. Patrick's lullaby continues, his voice now a gentle whisper. "And if that jellyfish's sting isn't right, mama's going to kiss it all better, goodnight..." Sponge Bob's smile spreads despite himself. He can see the caring intention behind Patrick's annoying persistence. Plankton's eye remains half-open, his antennae drooping. "I-I'm n-not sleepy," he mumbles, his words slurring together. Patrick's grin doesn't fade. "Hush, hush," he sings. "Don't you cry. Mama's gonna sing you to sleep, and when you wake up, you'll have jellyfish pie. And if that pie isn't sweet enough, mama's going to catch you a star..." Sponge Bob's cheeks are now shaking with suppressed laughter. Patrick's voice has turned into a soft, lilting melody. "And if that star doesn't shine, mama's going to build you a sandcastle so fine..." Plankton's eye closes completely despite his protests. Sponge Bob quickly claps his hands over his mouth to stifle a snicker. Patrick, oblivious to the effect his song is having, continues to serenade his sleepy friend. "And if that sand doesn't sparkle, mama's going to make it rain jelly..." Sponge Bob's shoulders shake with silent mirth. Plankton's breathing evened out, his antennae still, finally succumbing to sleep. "And if that rain isn't wet, mama's going to make you a sea...of...puddles... anโ€”" Patrick's voice trails off as he looks down. "Plankton?" he whispers, noticing Plankton's chest rising and falling evenly. Plankton's snores answer for him, a soft sound that fills the room. Sponge Bob's laughter bubbles over, his eyes watering. "Looks like he's out," he says, his voice still low so as not to disturb him. Patrick blinks in confusion, his smile fading. "But I wasn't done singing!" he protests, as Karen ends the video. Sponge Bob looks up at her, his smile now a chuckle. "Maybe you should save that for later," he suggests. Karen nods, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Or never," she says, her voice a whisper. Patrick pouts, his eyes on Plankton's sleeping form. "But I wanted to make him feel better," he says, his voice sulky. Sponge Bob nods. "Of course, Patrick," he says, his voice gentle. "He's asleep now, and that's the best thing for him." Patrick's eyes widen with curiosity. "But why does he snore like that?" he whispers. Sponge Bob looks at Plankton, his mind racing. "Well, everyone sleeps differently," he says, his voice hushed. "It's just how his body breathes when he's asleep." Patrick nods, his finger hovering near Plankton's cast. "Can I touch the cast?" he asks, his voice filled with wonder. Sponge Bob's eyes dart to Karen, who nods slightly. "Just be gentle," she warns. Patrick's finger taps the plaster lightly, his curiosity piqued. "It's so hard," he says, his voice filled with amazement. Plankton's antennae twitch in his sleep, and Sponge Bob quickly intervenes, placing a hand over Patrick's. "Let's not disturb him," he whispers. Patrick nods, his eyes still wide with interest. "What's it made of?" he asks. Sponge Bob thinks for a moment. "It's like...a super strong paste," he explains. "They use it to keep his leg still while it heals." Patrick nods. Patrick's finger hovers over Plankton's cast. "But why does it make him snore?" he whispers. Sponge Bob chuckles, his spongy body shaking slightly. "Well, it's not the cast," he says, his voice a soft whisper. "It's just how Plankton snores when he breathes in his sleep," he explains. "So it's not because of his leg?" he asks, his curiosity peaking. Sponge Bob shakes his head. "Nope, it's just the way he sleeps." Patrick looks thoughtful for a moment, his curiosity not sated. "But how?" he presses. Sponge Bob leans in, his voice low. "Well, when we sleep, our bodies relax, right?" Patrick nods, his attention fully on his friend's words. "But does he snore like that when he's not hurt?" Sponge Bob shrugs. "It's just his way of breathing when he's sleeping deeply," he says, his eyes on Plankton's chest as it rises and falls. Patrick's curiosity doesn't wane. "But why?" he whispers. Sponge Bob thinks for a moment, his spongy brow furrowing. "It's because of the medicine," he explains. "It helps with the pain, but it makes him sleepy. It's like when you're sleeping so soundly that you don't even know you're snoring," he says. "It's just his body's way of getting air." Patrick nods, his eyes never leaving Plankton's face, his eyes studying Plankton's slightly parted mouth. "But why does he make that noise?" Patrick asks, his curiosity boundless. Sponge Bob sighs. "Well, sometimes when we sleep, our throats relax and vibrate," he says, his voice soothing. "It's like when you're trying to make a funny sound, but it just happens when we're asleep, Patrick, snoring is something our bodies just do when we're really relaxed," Sponge Bob explains, his voice patient. Patrick nods, his finger still hovering over Plankton's cast. "But what about his leg?" he whispers. "Is it okay to sleep like this?" Sponge Bob nods, his eyes on Plankton's chest rising and falling with each snore. "It's fine," he says. "The cast is designed to keep his leg still. It's important for healing." Patrick's eyes move to Plankton's face, his gaze lingering on his mouth. "What's with the mouth?" he asks, his voice filled with wonder. Sponge Bob chuckles. "It's just his mouth relaxing," he says. "Everyone's face looks a bit different when they're sleeping. It's all part of his body getting the rest it needs." Patrick nods, his eyes now on Plankton's antennae, which are twitching slightly. "What about those?" he whispers. "Do they move in his sleep?" Karen smiles. "Sometimes," she says. "They can move when he's dreaming. Sometimes, when we dream, our bodies react to what's happening in our minds." Patrick's eyes light up with interest. "What do you think he's dreaming about?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. Sponge Bob shrugs. "Could be anything," he says. "Maybe he's dreaming about inventing the best Krabby Patty ever. Everyone's body does something different when they're asleep." "But why does his mouth hang open?" he asks, his voice filled with curiosity. Sponge Bob explains, "It's like when you're sleeping, and you don't realize your mouth is open," he says. "It's just his way of breathing when he's in a deep sleep. And, when we're asleep, our muscles relax, including the ones that keep our mouths closed." Patrick nods, his gaze still fixed on Plankton's open mouth.
AUTISM IN THE PLANKTON FAMILY vii (Autistic author) The movie ended with the snails crossing the finish line. Sponge Bob reached for the remote, fingers hovering over the button. "Would you like to watch something else?" he asks, voice soft. Sponge Bob noticed his friend Plankton's gentle snores. He had fallen asleep, his body slack. "Plankton?" he whispered. Sponge Bob leaned closer, his heart skipping a beat as he noticed Plankton's gentle snores. Plankton didn't stir, his body slumped slightly curled up. Sponge Bob's gaze softened as he realized he had fallen asleep likely for the night. Sponge Bob felt a wave of relief wash over him, for Plankton found comfort in their shared experience. He gently cradles him. Karen, watching from the doorway, smiled softly as she saw Sponge Bob's gentle care. She knew that Sponge Bob had always had a special bond with Plankton, but now, it seemed that bond had grown deeper, more meaningful. He had always been there for Plankton, through their many adventures and misunderstandings. Now, in the face of Plankton's new reality, he remained steadfast, offering a steady hand in the storm of change. "Let's get him to bed," Karen whispered, stepping into the room. Her eyes met Sponge Bob's, her gaze filled with warmth and thanks. Together, they carefully lifted Plankton from the couch, his body limp with sleep. His antennae twitched slightly at the sudden movement, but his snores remained steady, a testament to his deep sleep. Sponge Bob walked down the hallway, his steps light, carrying Plankton with ease. Karen had prepared the bed. They laid him down, his antennae flailing briefly before settling against the pillow. Sponge Bob tucked the blanket around him, his movements careful not to disturb his friend. Plankton's snores grew quieter as his body settled into the cool embrace of the sheets. His antennae twitched one last time before going still, his mouth slightly parted. Sponge Bob and Karen stepped back, exchanging a look of shared relief. "He's asleep," Karen murmured, her voice a soft caress in the quiet room. Sponge Bob nodded, his gaze lingering on Plankton's peaceful face. "Thanks for today, Karen," he said, his voice grateful. Karen's smile was warm. "Anytime, Sponge Bob," she replied. "You're such a good friend to him." Sponge Bob nodded, his eyes still on Plankton's sleeping form. "Always will be," he said. The next morning, Plankton woke up, and his antennae twitched as he registered the events of the previous day. He sat up, the blanket sliding off his body, and looked around. Sponge Bob stirred from the armchair, where he had dozed off watching over him. "Morning, Plankton," he said, his voice slightly rough with sleep. Plankton's antennae quivered as he looked around, his gaze falling on Sponge Bob. Sponge Bob yawned, stretching his spongy body, his voice gentle. "You fell asleep." Plankton's antennae twitched as his eye focused on Sponge Bob, his brain slowly piecing together the events of the previous evening. Sponge Bob's smile was warm. "You tired out, buddy?" he asked, his voice gentle. Plankton nodded slowly, his antennae twitching slightly. "Tired," he murmured, his voice still thick with sleep. Sponge Bob nodded, understandingly. "How about we start with a quiet morning?" he suggested. Plankton's antennae quivered slightly before he nods. "Quiet morning," he murmured, his voice agreeable. Sponge Bob nodded, his expression filled with concern. "How about some pancakes?" he offered. "They're nice and easy on the stomach." Plankton's antennae perked up at the mention of food. "No pancakes," he murmured, his voice still sluggish with sleep. Sponge Bob's eyes widened. "No pancakes?" he repeated, surprise evident in his tone. "But you love pancakes!" Plankton's antennae quivered as he thought, his voice a soft whisper. "Pancakes... no," he said, his gaze drifting to the window where the early morning sun peeked through the curtains. The light was gentle, not yet harsh enough to cause him pain. "Toast," he decided, his voice final. Sponge Bob nodded, his smile slightly saddened but respectful of Plankton's new boundaries. "Okay, toast it is," he said, standing up from the chair and heading to the kitchen. Karen met SpongeBob. "Good morning! How's everything?" Sponge Bob's expression was a mixture of hope and trepidation. "Plankton's okay," he said. "He's just really tired." Karen nodded, her gaze following her husband as he slowly made his way to the kitchen. "It's going to take some time for us to figure this out," she said. "But we'll get there." Sponge Bob nodded, his eyes never leaving Plankton's reclined form. "We will," he said, his voice firm with resolve. He returned to the kitchen, his spongy feet padding softly against the floor. The room was bathed in the gentle light of dawn, the quiet hum of the refrigerator the only sound. He pulled out a loaf of bread, his mind racing with thoughts of Plankton's new needs. Sponge Bob carefully sliced two pieces of toast, placing them in the toaster with a soft click. "Morning!" Karen says as Plankton sits down. She gives him milk, as she knew it soothes him. "Stayed up late for movie. Still am tired. Love Karen and SpongeBob." The toaster's ding pierced the silence, and Plankton's antennae shot straight up, his body stiffening at the sudden noise. "Easy, Plankton," Sponge Bob called from the kitchen, his voice soothing. "It's just the toast." "Toast," he murmured. "Toast." Sponge Bob carefully brought the toast to the table, placing it before Plankton. The scent of warm bread filled the air, mingling with the comforting aroma of Karen's brewing coffee. Plankton's antennae twitched as he took in the sight, his body visibly relaxing at the familiar smells. "Yesterday's crazy, autistic or not. And you're still getting used to it all." Karen says as Plankton eats the toast. Plankton nodded, his antennae twitching slightly, still exhausted. The milk Karen had given him was warm, the perfect temperature to soothe his still-frazzled nerves. He brought the cup to his lips, his hands trembling just a bit. As the creamy liquid slid down his throat, Plankton felt a gentle wash of calm spread through him. His antennae, which had been twitching in anticipation of the morning's noises, grew still. It usually helps calm him, which is what it did today. Sponge Bob sat opposite him, his eyes filled with concern. "You okay?" he asked, his voice soft and gentle. Plankton nodded, his antennae drooping as he took another sip of his milk. "Tired," he murmured. Karen sat next to him, her hand resting lightly on his shoulder. "It's okay," she said, her voice a gentle reminder of his new reality. SpongeBob helped Karen clean up the kitchen. Plankton sat in the chair, his body slumped, his antennae still. His eye was closed, his tiny chest rising and falling in the slow, steady rhythm of sleep. His head tilted back and a soft snore escaped his open mouth. Karen noticed. The past few days had taken a toll on him, but she knew that with time and patience, they would find their new normal. "Let's get you to the couch," she murmured, her voice soft. She gently took the cup from Plankton's hand, his grip loose with sleep. Sponge Bob helped her lift his tiny form from the chair. Together, they carried him to the living room, his body relaxed in their grasp. They placed him on the couch, his antennae twitching slightly as he settled into the pillows. Sponge Bob tucked the blanket around Plankton, his eyes never leaving his friend's sleeping face. "Rest, Plankton," he whispered. "We're here." Karen nodded, her pixel eyes misting with emotion. "Thank you, Sponge Bob," she said. "For being here." Sponge Bob's smile was genuine. "Always, Karen," he said, his spongy hand giving hers a gentle squeeze. "Always."
A TOOTHY STORY pt. 4 Karen stands, gently helping Plankton to his feet. He sways slightly, his legs still wobbly from the anesthesia. "Careful," she says, wrapping an arm around his waist. He leans into her, his eye still glazed as he chuckles. "M-mph... funny," he slurs, a weak smile on his face. "You're going to be fine," Karen reassures him, her voice a beacon of comfort in the fog of his mind. They shuffle slowly down the hallway, his legs unsteady as if he's walking on a tightrope over a shark tank. The floor seems to tilt and sway, each step a dizzying challenge. Karen holds him close, her arm around his waist, guiding him like a ship navigating stormy waters. Plankton's eye start to droop, his lid growing heavier by the second. "W-where... whewe... we go?" he slurs, his speech barely coherent. Karen's response is lost to the symphony of his snores as he unexpectedly dozes off mid-sentence as she catches him. He jolts awake, only to find himself still standing, held upright by Karen's steady grip. "H-how?" he stammers, his eye wide with confusion. They've reached the reception area, and Becky, the ever-cheery receptionist, giggles at the sight. "You can sit him down now," she suggests. "Just keep an eye on him until he's fully awake." Karen guides him to the chair, his legs folding under him like a ragdoll. He's out again, his snores echoing in the quiet lobby. She can't help but smile at his obliviousness, his trust in her unwavering. The chair creaks beneath his weight as his head lolls to the side, his antennae drooping. Becky, the receptionist, laughs kindly. "It's like he's on a little anesthesia-induced vacation," she says, her voice a gentle wake. Karen nods, stroking his antennae. "I just want to get him home," she says. "He's not one for being out of his element." The nurse, Nina, appears with a wheelchair. "Let's get you home, Mr. Plankton," she says, her voice a gentle nudge into reality. He blinks, his eye trying to focus on the world around him. Karen helps him into the chair. "W-wheel...?" He starts to protest, his slurred words trailing off as he realizes the futility of his protest. Karen smiles, pushing the chair. "It's okay, you're still groggy. This is just to make sure you don't trip." "W-why?" he murmurs, his words slurred and sleepy. "M'walkin'... woke... m'not..." Karen chuckles, her voice a soft breeze. "You're a bit out of it, Plankton," she says, "We're going home." Plankton's head lolls back, his snores now a comforting soundtrack to their exit. Karen can't help but laugh softly, her heart full of love. He's always been so independent, so strong. But in this moment, he's as vulnerable as a newborn. The cool morning air hits them as they step outside. Plankton blinks, his antennae twitching as he tries to stay conscious. "M-morning," he mumbles, squinting against the sun's early glow. Karen chuckles, pushing the wheelchair to their car. "W-what?" he asks again, his speech still slurred. "You're okay, sweetheart," she says, opening the passenger door. "Let's get you into the car." But Plankton's body seems to have other plans, his eye slip shut and he's out like a light. Karen tries to wake him, her voice a gentle nudge into consciousness. "Come on, Plankton, stay with me." He snores in response, his antennae flopping to one side. Karen sighs, trying not to laugh at his comical state. Carefully, she maneuvers him into the car seat, his head lolling back. "Alright, just a little more," she coaxes. With a grunt, Plankton's eye flickers open as Karen helps buckle him in. "W-why..." He mumbles, his words trailing off as his eyelid droops again. Karen can't help but chuckle. "You're still sleepy, that's all," she says, kissing his forehead. The drive home is slow and careful, Karen keeping a watchful eye on Plankton in the rearview mirror. He's still out cold, his snores punctuating the silence like a lullaby for the road. The car's gentle sway seems to rock him deeper into sleep. They pull into their driveway, the gravel crunching under the tires. Karen parks the car and turns around to look at Plankton. His snores are deep, his antennae twitching slightly with each exhale. She smiles, knowing he's in a deep, peaceful sleep. "Come on, Plankton," she says, her voice gentle. "We're home." He groans, his eye opening just enough to peer out. "Hone?" he mumbles, his voice barely above a whisper. Karen nods, her smile warm. "You can go back to sleep once we're inside."
TRUTH AND NAIL ii The nurse returned. "How's he doing?" she asked, checking the monitors. "Just woke up briefly," Karen said, her voice a whisper. "He's still pretty out of it." The nurse nodded, jotting notes on a clipboard. "That's normal," she said. "The anesthesia takes some time to wear off completely. You can take him home now." "But he's still..." The nurse nodded, her voice firm but gentle. "It's normal. He'll be groggy for a bit, but he's stable enough." With her help, Karen managed to rouse Plankton to a semi-conscious state. He blinked at her, his eye unfocused and glazed over. "Tek meโ€ฆโ€ Karen nodded, smiling at his attempt to form coherent words. "Yes, sweetie. We're gonna go.." He sat up with a start, his body moving before his mind caught up, the world tilting and spinning around him. Karen's hand was quick to steady him, her voice a gentle reminder of where he was. "Easy," she said, her voice like a soft pillow for his pounding head. "You're okay." Plankton blinked, his eye trying to focus on her screen. "Wha...wha...wha...?" he stuttered, the words fighting to escape his numb mouth. Karen's smile grew wider, seeing the confusion in his glassy gaze. "It's okay, honey," she cooed, her voice a balm to his bewilderment. "You're just coming out of the anesthesia." He then notices the nurse standing by. "Nurse?" he croaks, his voice hoarse and his tongue thick in his mouth. "Nurse?" he tries again, his voice a bit stronger. The nurse looks over, seeing his struggle to make sense of his surroundings. She smiles, "You're okay, Mr. Plankton. You had a little surgery." Her words are clear, but they hit him like a foggy echo. "Sur...surg...teef?" he slurs, his mouth feeling like it's filled with cotton balls. "Yes, you had your wisdom teeth removed," Karen says, her voice a soothing melody in the white noise of the recovery room. โ€œWhoโ€™s there?โ€ Plankton's voice was a faint rasp. The nurse and Karen exchanged a knowing glance. He was coming around more, but still not fully with it. โ€œItโ€™s me, Plankton,โ€ Karen whispered, leaning closer. Her screen swam into view, a beacon of familiarity in the sea of white. He squinted, trying to focus. โ€œKaren?โ€ he mumbled, his throat dry and raw. โ€œYes, itโ€™s me,โ€ she repeated, her voice a gentle lullaby. โ€œYouโ€™re okay, you just had your wisdom teeth out. Youโ€™re still a little sleepy from the surgery.โ€ Plankton's hand reached up to his face, feeling the swollen jaw and the cottony numbness. โ€œTeef?โ€ he managed to murmur, his voice a gravelly shadow of its usual self. The word felt strange and foreign in his mouth. โ€œWisdom teeth, darling,โ€ Karen reminded him, her tone soothing as a warm blanket. โ€œThey took them out to stop your pain.โ€ โ€œBuh, buth Karen haz aww the teefs?โ€ Plankton's slurred words hang in the air, a question mark painted on his confused expression. Karen laughs lightly with amusement. "No, sweetie. Letโ€™s get you standing up." With the nurseโ€™s help, Karen eases Plankton to his feet. The world swims around him, a blur of white walls and the steady beeping of machines. He tries to stand on legs that feel like jelly. "Easy, darling," Karen says, her arm around him, supporting his weight. "Take it slow." The nurse nods, guiding his elbow. "Just a few steps to the chair." Plankton's legs wobble like a newborn deer's, his feet shuffling along the cold floor. "Tek me ho...ho...home?" he slurs, the words like molasses escaping his mouth. "Soon, baby," Karen soothes, her arm tightening around him. She can feel his confusion like a heavy fog in the air, but she's determined to be his compass in this disoriented state. Plankton's eye darts around the room, trying to make sense of the shapes and sounds. "Wha...wha...where...?" he stammers, his mouth still not fully cooperating. The nurse smiles kindly, "You're in the recovery area. You had a little procedure to take out some teeth, remember?" Karen helps him into a chair, his body moving slowly as if through molasses. His gaze flits to her, his mind still groggy. "Tee...th?" he mumbles, his tongue sluggish in his mouth. Karen nods, her smile warm and comforting. "Wisdom teeth, darling. They're gone." โ€œWav...wav...Karen?โ€ Planktonโ€™s voice was a faint echo. โ€œHow will I eath?โ€ The words were jumbled, his speech a slur. โ€œSoft foods for now, love. Weโ€™ll manage, donโ€™t worry,โ€ she said, her voice like a lullaby. Plankton's head nodded slightly, his eyelid heavy. โ€œThan...thank...you...โ€ he slurred, his speech still a puzzle of sounds as they walk down the corridor.
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"We removed Plankton's wisdom teeth. He's still asleep, you can stay with him." Said the oral surgeon to Karen. They've just finished and lead Karen into the room. Plankton is lying in the hospital bed, his face a mask of peace, the only signs of the recent surgery being the gauze in his mouth and the drool seeping out the side. His cheeks are slightly swollen, and she wonders when he'll wake up. The doctor said it could take a while. The IV line snakes up his arm. Karen pulls a chair up beside the bed. She takes his hand and holds it gently, feeling the warmth of his skin contrast with the coolness of her own palm. The room is sterile, the air conditioning humming steadily in the background. The faint smell of disinfectant fills the space. She looks around the room, noticing the monitors beeping in rhythm with Plankton's breathing and heart rate. The nurse comes in and checks the machines, making a few quiet notes on a clipboard. She smiles at Karen, "He's doing well. Just let him sleep. It's the best thing right now." Karen nods, squeezing Plankton's hand slightly, willing him to feel her presence. She wonders what dreams he's having, if any, behind his closed lid. Time seems to crawl as Karen watches him sleep. She tries to read a book, but the words blur together. Her thoughts drift to their lives before this moment, their shared laughter, their arguments, the quiet moments of understanding. Her gaze lingers on his swollen cheeks, his chest rising and falling with each breath. A soft groan escapes his lips and his eye begins to flutter open. Slowly, Plankton comes to, his vision blurred by the anesthesia's last hangover. He blinks, trying to focus on Karen's face. She sets aside her book and smiles at him, her screen welcoming him back to the world of the conscious. "Hi," she says softly. "How are you feeling?" Plankton makes a sound that's somewhere between a whine and a grunt. His eye wanders the room before finally settling on hers. "What...what happened?" he slurs, the words barely audible through the gauze. Karen's smile widens a bit. "You had your wisdom teeth removed, remember?" He nods slightly. The nurse reappears, checking his vitals again with a gentle touch. "Time to go home," she says, removing the gauze. They make their way out of the hospital, Karen supporting Plankton gently as he stumbles, his legs still wobbly from the anesthesia. The sun is setting, casting long shadows across the parking lot. Karen helps Plankton into the car, buckling him in and adjusting the seat so he can lean back and rest. He nods off almost immediately, his breathing evening out as the car starts and they pull away from the hospital. The drive home is quiet, Plankton's snores punctuating the hum of the engine. Karen keeps glancing over, checking on him, her concern etched into every line on her screen. The pain medication is strong, keeping him in a half-awake state. Each time he wakes, he looks around, disoriented, before his eye finds hers and his expression relaxes. Once they arrive, Karen guides him to the couch, his body feeling heavier than ever before. He slumps into the cushions and she grabs the ice pack from the cooler. "Hold this to your cheeks," she instructs, placing the cold compress against his skin. He nods obediently, his eye already glazing over with the promise of sleep. The TV flickers on, its blue light washing over the room. Karen finds a sitcom they both enjoy, hoping the familiar laughter will ease his pain and keep them both company. But Plankton's snores soon overpower the TV's audio, his head lolling to the side. She smiles, knowing he's in a deep slumber, and covers him with a blanket. The house is eerily quiet except for the steady tick of the clock on the wall. Karen moves around the kitchen, preparing a soft meal for when he wakes, her mind racing with thoughts of what the next few days will be like. Plankton's recovery will be slow, but she's ready to take care of him. She's his rock, his support, and she'll do anything to help him feel better.
SPOT AND THE JELLYFISH CIRCUS "Will it hurt?" Plankton asks. The dentist administer anesthesia. "There, might feel funny for a while you fall asleep." Plankton's mind started to wander conjuring random thoughts. "Karen, you think abou- opening a jellyfish circus?" he giggled, words slurred by anesthesia. Karen smiled. "Jellyfish juggling jellies and seahorse trapeze artists," he continued, eye twinkled with a child like wonder as he imagined. The dentist chuckled as he prepared. "I'm sure it'd be quite the show, Plankton," he said. "And hav- a sea cucumber clown car! They squish in and out, all fish laugh!" Plankton's giggles grew, speech slurring a jumble of words. "Oooh, look at the squid in the corner," he pointed with a wobbly hand. "It's playing the accordion with tentacles! It's so... squishy!" The anesthesia was working. "And the star of the show," Plankton announced dramatically, "would be a dolphin... riding a dolphin! They'd do flips and twirls and... and... and synchronized bubble blowing!" Karen'd never seen him like this before. "What's next?" Plankton's body grew limp, eye glazed over and his words became gentle, rhythmic mumble. "Oh, octopus tightrope walker," Plankton murmured, eyelid growing heavier. "Wearing a top hat... and... hat!" His voice faded to a soft chuckle. Karen kissed Plankton's forehead."I'm here." The nurse leaned closer, voice hushed. "It's almost time for the extraction," she said. "You'll be feeling sleepy." Plankton nods, eye half-closed as anesthesia tightened grip. The world grew fuzzier, distant, muffled by thick blanket of sedation enveloped. "Don't forget clownfish," he mumbled now barely coherent. "They'd juggle... jellyfish... jellyfish... jellyfish... jellyfish..." "Plankton, you're gonna start falling asleep," Plankton nodded, eye fully closed. "Jellyfish... juggling... so... beautiful." His voice was distant whisper. "Don't worry," Karen assured, her hand stroking his as his mind drifted further into the abyss of anesthesia. "And the... the... jellyfish... they're... Why's everyth-ing... so... slow?" Plankton's words trailed off in to gentle snore as his mind succumbed to the anesthesia's embrace. He stilled, breathing now deep and even. The nurse checked monitors, nodding in satisfaction. "He's out. Let's get started." Plankton's snores grew deeper. His chest rose and fell, dreamless sleep continued, uninterrupted, blissfully unaware of extraction, his mouth slightly open as gentle sounds of his snoring filled the room. The once-trembling now lay still against his chair. Whence surgery complete, the nurse dabbed Plankton's mouth with putting gauze the extraction sites. The anesthesia done its job, leaving him completely unaware of the procedure. The dentist sutured gum, swift and precise. "He'll be out for another twenty minutes or so," the dentist said, placing the last stitch with a gentle precision. "The anesthesia wear off gradually." Karen nodded, hand still in Plankton's. "Thank you, Doctor," she said. "He's going to be just fine," he assured her, smile warm comforting. "He'll be back to his usual self though you can expect him to still be under lingering influence of anesthesia, as he may act funny for today." Karen nodded, unable to resist press another gentle kiss to Plankton's forehead. "Thank you," she whispered. Karen took the opportunity. "Hey, Plankton," she called softly, her voice a gentle lilt. "Wake up, sweetie. It's all done." Plankton's antennae twitched slightly. "C'mon, Plankton," Karen cooed. "Time to wake. Spot is waiting for you back at the Chum Bucket." Plankton stirred, snores morphing. "Spot... jellyfish... circus... Amoeba puppy... circus...?" "That's right, first, you need to wake. Can you for me?" "Jellyfish... juggling... so... sleepy," he murmured. Karen watched closer. Plankton's snores grew quieter. "Jug...gling... jellyfish... Spot?" His voice was a faint rumble. His eye fluttered open, revealing a dazed look as he finally woke. "Wha... whath 'appen?" "Your wisdom teeth came out, Plankton," she said. "You been sleeping through. You had quite the dream coming out of it, it seems," she said, her voice filled with affectionate amusement. Plankton blinked, circus slowly fading from his mind. He looked around coming back. "Jellyfish... circus?" he mumbled, voice thick with remnants of anesthesia. Karen chuckled and squeezed his hand. "You were talking about it," she said with mirth. "It was quite the show." Plankton tried to sit up. "Easy now," she said. "Take it slow. You might feel woozy." With the doctor's nod, Karen helped Plankton up, arm supporting his wobbly frame. As they left, he leaned heavily on Karen as they made their way to the car. Once in the passenger seat, Plankton leaned back, eye fluttering. "Jellyfish circus..." he mumbled to himself, slurred and faint. Karen's pulling out of the parking lot. Plankton's eyelid grew heavier, the gentle sway of the car lulling him in and out of sleep. "Jellyfish... so... floaty," he mumbled. "And the... the sea cucumber car... it squished." "Still thinking about your circus, huh?" Karen said, glancing. Plankton's eye remained closed. "Mmhmm," he murmured. "The squid... playing... accordion... so... squishy. And starfish acrobats," he murmured, dreamy. "They'd spin... so fast... like... like... jellyfish... jellyfish..." His head lolled to the side, snoring interrupting the flow of his thoughts. "It's doing... it's doinโ€™ the waltz... underwater... waltz... with jellyfish... so... so graceful." His voice grew softer with each word until it was a mere murmur, and then silence fell, broken only by the gentle sounds of his occasional snore. Karen glanced over at him. "I think you've had enough circus for today," she said. Plankton's snores grew more frequent. Karen's smile grew as she drove. The sight of her husband's twitching and his mouth moving in sleep was a peculiarly endearing sight. As they pulled into the Chum Bucket's parking lot, Plankton stirred. Karen helped him out of the car, his legs wobbly and unsteady as they made their way into their home. Spot, the amoeba puppy, oozed his way over, his single-celled body moving with surprising grace. He wagged his tiny gelatinous tail, his simple eyes lighting up with joy. Plankton's slurred words grew clearer as he saw Spot. "Hey ther- buddy," he mumbled, hand reaching out to pat the blob-like creature. "Jellyfish circus. Can you juggle?" Spot stared up at him. He didn't have tentacles but that didn't stop Plankton's imaginative ramblings. "You'd be the besht juggling in the whole circus." He leaned down to tickle the amoeba's blob-like body. "Wouldn't you, boy?" Spot oozed closer, his gelatinous body quivering in response to the attention. He looked up at Plankton seemingly understanding. "Let's get you to bed," Karen said, guiding him with a firm but gentle touch, Plankton still not fully under his control. "Look, Karen, the... the... jellyfish are... are... dancing!" His laugh was soft, sleepy chuckle. She helped him, propping his head up. Spot hopped onto the bed and curled up next to him, a comforting presence. "Now you stay put, and let those teeth heal." Plankton nodded, his eye already drifting shut again. "Jellyfish... circus... so... so... restful," he mumbled. Karen pulled the blankets up and kissed him on the forehead. "Sleep tight, sweetie," she whispered. Eventually, Plankton blinked his eye open. His mouth felt thick and strange, gauze a foreign presence. He looked around, his gaze landing on Spot, under his arm. "Wha... whath... happen'd?" Karen looked up. "You're awake," she said. "How do you feel?" He reached up to feel his mouth. "Don't," Karen warned gently, placing her hand on his. "You're ok, Plankton. You had wisdom teeth removed." He nodded, the memory of the jellyfish circus faded. "Thath... that was... was... today?" Drool pools at the corner of Plankton's mouth as he blinked groggily, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Karen nods. "Yes, it was," she said, voice soothing. "You've been out for a while. Do you remember anything?" Plankton's eye squinted as he tried to recall. "No," he murmured. "It's all... blurry. I remember being in the dentist's chair." He shifted his weight moving awkwardly as the gauze in his mouth made speaking difficult. "What... what after that?" "You talked about a jellyfish circus." Plankton's eye widened slightly. "Jellyfish... circus? Absurd!" he murmured, trying to remember attempt to pull memories from depths of subconscious. "I... don't remember that." Karen chuckled, her voice a gentle reminder of his delirious ramblings. Plankton slumped in embarrassment. "I... I must've been out of my mind," he said, his voice still thick with the aftermath. "But it was also kind of sweet seeing you relaxed and happy." "I... I don't even know whewe that came from," he murmured. "Hope no one else heard," he mumbled, his voice muffled by the gauze. "Do you need anything?" Karen asked. "Just... rest," Plankton murmured, eye shut again. Karen stood up and went to the kitchen, her mind racing with the rare glimpse into the whimsical side of the usually cunning and scheming Plankton. She grabbed a bowl of chum and a spoon, making sure it was soft enough for him to eat. When she returned, Plankton was still, chest rising and falling with the steady rhythm of sleep. She set the bowl down on the nightstand and took a seat next to the bed, never leaving his face. The room was quiet, save for his occasional snore. Karen sat by the bedside, watching Plankton sleep. "Jellyfish circus," she murmured to herself, a smile playing. "Who knew you had such imagination..."
แต€สฐแต‰ แถœสณแตƒแตแต–หข โฝแ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แดฎแต’แต‡ แถ แตƒโฟแถ โฑแถœโพ "แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟโ€งโ€งโ€ง" แถœแต’แตแต–แต˜แต—แต‰สณ สทโฑแถ แต‰ แดทแตƒสณแต‰โฟ หขแตƒสท สฐแต‰สณ สฐแต˜หขแต‡แตƒโฟแตˆ แถœแต’แตแต‰ แต‡แตƒแถœแต โฑโฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แถœสฐแต˜แต แต‡แต˜แถœแตแต‰แต— แตƒหข แต‡แตƒสณแต‰หกสธ สฐแต’หกแตˆโฑโฟแต แต˜แต–โ€ง "แดฌหกหก แตสธ แตแต˜หขแถœหกแต‰หข แตƒแถœสฐแต‰โ€งโ€งโ€ง" "แ”†สฐแต‰หกแตˆแต’โฟ แดต แต—แต’หกแตˆ สธแต’แต˜ โฟแต’แต—โ€งโ€งโ€ง" "แดต แตโฟแต’สท!" แ”†สฐแต‰ หขแตƒสท สฐแต’สท สทแต‰แตƒแต สฐแต‰ หขแต‰แต‰แตแต‰แตˆ โฟแต’สทโธด แต‰หฃสฐแตƒแต˜หขแต—แต‰แตˆ แตƒโฟแตˆ โฟแต‰แต‰แตˆโฑโฟแต แต—แต’ สณแต‰หขแต— แต˜แต–โ€ง "แดฐแต’ สธแต’แต˜ สทแตƒโฟแต—โ€งโ€งโ€ง" "แดตโปแดต'แต แต—โปแต—แต’ แต—โฑสณแต‰แตˆโ€งโ€งโ€ง" แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ หขแตƒสธหขโ€ง แ”†สฐแต‰ สณแต‰แตƒแถœสฐแต‰แตˆ แต’แต˜แต— แต—แต’ สฐโฑแต แต‡แต˜แต— แต–แต˜หกหกแต‰แตˆ แต‡แตƒแถœแต สทสฐแต‰โฟ สฐแต‰ หกแต‰แต— แต’แต˜แต— แตƒ สธแต‰หกแต–โ€ง แ”†สฐแต‰ โฟแต‰แต‰แตˆแต‰แตˆ แต—แต’ แตแต‰แต— สฐโฑแต แต—แต’ สฐโฑหข หขแต’แถ แต— แต‡แต‰แตˆ โฑแตแตแต‰แตˆโฑแตƒแต—แต‰หกสธโ€ง "แถœแตƒโฟ สธแต’แต˜ แตแตƒแตแต‰ โฑแต— แต—แต’ สธแต’แต˜สณ แต‡แต‰แตˆ แต’สณ?" "แดตแต— สฐแต˜สณแต—โฑโฟโ€™ สฒแต˜หขแต— แต—แต’ แต‰แต›แต‰โฟ แตแต’แต›แต‰โ€งโ€ง" แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ'หข แต‰สธแต‰ หกโฑแตˆ แถ แต‰หกแต— สฐแต‰แตƒแต›สธโ€ง "แดฐแต’โฟ'แต— แถ โฑแตสฐแต— โฑแต— แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ แต‡แต˜แต— แต˜หขแต‰ แตƒโฟสธ แต‰โฟแต‰สณแตสธ หกแต‰แถ แต— แต—แต’ แตแต‰แต— แตแต’โฑโฟแตโ€ง" แ”†สฐแต‰ แตแตƒโฟแตƒแตแต‰แตˆ แต‡แต’แต—สฐ แต’แถ  แต—สฐแต‰แต แต—แต’ แตแต‰แต— สฐโฑแต โฑโฟ สฐโฑหข แต‡แต‰แตˆโ€ง "สธแต’แต˜ แถœแตƒโฟ แตแต‰แต— หขแต’แตแต‰ สณแต‰หขแต— แต‰แต›แต‰โฟ แต—สฐแต’แต˜แตสฐ โฑแต—'หข โฟแต’แต— แ‘ซแต˜โฑแต—แต‰ แต‡แต‰แตˆ แต—โฑแตแต‰ สธแต‰แต—โ€ง สธแต’แต˜สณ แต‡แต’แตˆสธ โฟแต‰แต‰แตˆหขโ€งโ€งโ€ง" แดทแตƒสณแต‰โฟ'หข หขแตƒสธโฑโฟแต แต‡แต˜แต— สฐโฑหข แต‰สธแต‰ หขหกโฑแต–แต–แต‰แตˆ แถœหกแต’หขแต‰แตˆโ€ง แต€แต˜แถœแตโฑโฟแต แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ โฑโฟ โฟแต’สทโธด สฐโฑหข แถ โฑแตแต˜สณแต‰ สณแต‰หกแตƒหฃแต‰แตˆ แตƒหข หขสฐแต‰ แต—แต˜สณโฟแต‰แตˆ แต’แถ แถ  แต—สฐแต‰โฑสณ หกแตƒแตแต–โ€ง แถ แตƒแถœโฑแตƒหก แถ แต‰แตƒแต—แต˜สณแต‰หข หขหกแตƒแถœแต หกแตƒหฃ แต—แต’ แถ โฑโฟแตƒหกหกสธ แถ แต‰แต‰หก หกแต‰หขหข แต–แตƒโฑโฟโ€ง "แดฌหกหก แต‡แต‰แต—แต—แต‰สณ?" แดทแตƒสณแต‰โฟ แตƒหขแตแต‰แตˆ สฐโฑแตโ€ง 'แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ' หขสฐแต‰ หขแต—แตƒสณแต—แต‰แตˆ แต—แต’ แตแต‰โฟแต—แตƒหกหกสธ แต—สฐโฑโฟแต แต‡แต˜แต— หขโฟแต’สณโฑโฟแต แตƒโฟหขสทแต‰สณแต‰แตˆ แถ แต‰สณโ€ง ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐œ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ญ: ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ“
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