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part 1 ! its 1:30 pm, im at school in math. the teacehr tells us we have free time to do whatever we want, during that free time me and some of my freind play truth or dare, “ truth or dare? “ freind no.1 asked me “ dare! “ i replied, “ alright, ill text u tye dare later tonight “ he said. * later that night at home * i was laying down day dreaming about freind no.1, then suddenly txts me “ yo, so abt that t or d heres ur dare, so i overheard u say ur fam aint home f9r a week and its js u soo..* hed sent a picture of his hard dick with cum all over it *, ive been staring at a pic of u for a bit and this happened… “ he said

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Aint no way people get there 🐱 moist

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