""hey im 10-13 and i want to get groomed >o<" URE NOT A 10 YEAROLD BROOO 10 YEAROLDS WOULDNT ASK TSSSSS PLEASE END UR LIFE NOWW😭" Dude. some ARE actually 10, and ask that. half the time its because they have been groomed before and wish to experience it again, yes it is bad, very bad. but you have to understand, ITS A TRAUMA RESPONSE. JUST LIKE HOW SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN 🍇 WOULD WANT TO DO IT AGAIN BUT IN THE CNC SENSE. because it gives them a sense of control that they didnt have before. you have to understand it is a TRAUMA. RESPONSE. it is NOT in ANY way nice or good to wish death on someone for expressing a trauma response, they cant fucking help it. if you wish death on people for THAT shit, then i hope you get your brain checked cause that is in no way right to say and if you think it is youre fucked up in the head. and all of this that is being said to you right now, is coming from a 14 year old, a 14 year old who is somehow more mature than you who is probably way older, way older yet acting like some brain-dead 12 year old who doesnt understand saying kys to someone for a trauma response is fucked up. it baffles me you, someone who is probably way older than me, has to have this said to you by a FOURTEEN year old.