This page is so empty, that a FREAKING INFOBOX would be twice as long as it. Even in the only bits and the less than 15 bytes that this page has, there are still some typos that make the page look even worse. Please, any admin, any content mod, any bureaucrat, delete this RIGHT NOW. This difficulty never had a blog, just blindly added to the wiki, and even then, there is barely anything in this page. This is worse than Epitome. This makes the sheer emptiness of the Roblox void look like Universal Destruction: Original. It makes OG Epitome look like it breaks the byte limit of Fandom. This difficulty should not exist at all, unless this difficulty is revamped the living shit out of over 250 times, and even then the difficulty standards would deny this. This barely has any bytes. If it was curated by the JJT curation system, it would get way less than a 0/30. This is getting no more than a -250/30. Even then, we would underestimate the emptiness of this page. Even the emptiest of the emptiest of pages and blog posts cannot even be compared to this. If S.T.O.N.E.L.I.N.E.R had an emptiness rating of 1. This difficulty would have an emptiness rating of 10^1,823. If this difficulty were to be curated. The curators would quit their job. DELETE THIS. URGENTLY.