Hii! I'm Aaliyah, I'm trying to make a group on here called Site cleaners. Use tags that aren't for drama and stuff, we can try to create our own tag called Site cleaners.
- -> The difference is our post will have the message above but then will end with a emoji combo, discord bio or anything of sorts.
- - > if you want to join us, just copy this message and spread this around please.
**How to clean the site**:
- Downvote all posts unrelated to emoji combos like the ones talking about h0rny people, their are minors on here and stuff like that.
- Make you look through the site thoroughly so it can be clean.
- Try to become our own moderators!!
Emoji Combo:
We mean no harm to this emoji combo site. I love this site.
- Aaliyah, Owner of site cleaners.