i never did all those things ppl said abt me. my info is on here bc of u ava, 1st im muslim and i never did all those horrid things. ava put my phone number on here, and random people started calling me sending me death threats. she posted my ADRESS, my NAME, my AGE and the school we both go to. She got mad at for for confonting her abt stealing my hijab to mock me (shes atheist) she spilt coffe all over me, and said that my life will be ruined. then, the next day, i opended my locker to find a note saying 'go on emoji.combs.com and search up ur name luv ava' sso i did, and i found this. Please stop spreading my adress, phone number or any of my private info to get likes. i saw ava starting a trend where u put my phone number and say : like if u called and wished her death! its not funny st this point! i dont mind yall having drama (i luv it tbh) but still...