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Glossary Ablepharia Reduction or absence of the eyelids, esp. with continuous skin covering the eyes. Abrachia Absence of the arms (forelimbs). Acampsia Rigidity or inflexibility of a joint (ankylosis). Acardia Absence of the heart. Acaudia, acaudate Without a taıl (anury). Acephaly Agenesis of the head (acephalia). Acheiria Congenital absence of one or both hands (forepaws). Achondroplasia Skeletal dysplasia, resulting in short limbs and other defects, due to abnormal cartilage. Acorea Absence of the pupil of the eye. Acrania Partial or complete absence of the cranium. Acystia Absence of urinary bladder. Adactyly Absence of digits. Agenesis Lack of development of an organ. Aglossia Absence of the tóngue. Agnathia Absence of the lower jaw (mandible). Agyria Small braın lacking the normal convolutions of the cerebral cortex (lissencephaly). Amastia Absence of the mammae (breasts). Amelia Absence of a limb or limbs (see also ectromelia). Ametria Absence of the uterus. Anasarca Generalized edema. Anencephaly Absence of cranial vault, with the braın missing or greatly reduced. Anephrogenesis Absence of kidney(s). Aniridia Absence of the iris. Anisomelia Inequality between paired limbs. Ankyloglossia Partial or complete adhesion of the tóngue to the floor of the mouth. Ankylosis Abnormal fixation of a joint; implies bone fusion. Anodontia Absence of some or all of the teeth. Anonchia Absence of some or all of the nails. Anophthalmia Absent or vestigial eye(s). Anorchism Uni- or bilateral absence of the testes (anorchia). Anostosis Defective development of bone; failure to ossify. Anotia Absence of the external ear(s) (i.e., pinnae, auricles). Anovarism Absence of the ovaries (anovaria). Anury see Acaudia. Aphakia Absence of the eye lens. Aphalangia Absence of a digit or of one or more phalanges. Aplasia see Agenesis. Apodia Absence of one or both of the feet (paws). Aprosopia Partial or complete absence of the fac͘e. Arachnodactyly Abnormal length and slenderness of the digits—“spider-like.” Arrhinencephaly Congenital absence or hypoplasia of the brain’s olfactory lobe, and incomplete external olfactory organ development (arhinencephaly). Arrhinia Absence of the nose. Arthrogryposis Persistent flexure or contracture of a joint. Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita Syndrome distinguished by congenital fixation of the joints and muscle hypoplasia. Asplenia Absence of the spleen. Astomia Absence of the opening of the møuth. Atelectasis Incomplete expansion of a fetal lung or a portion of the lung at bırth. Athelia Absence of the nipple(s). Athymism Absence of the thymus (Athymia).
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