gothic terms
i find sometimes i don’t know the word for certain symbols, styles or apparel, so i figured i should make a nice big post for all of you out there in need!
Alternateen: describes teens who try to dress different by looking the same way the other “alternative” teens do. Semi-derogatory.
Baby Bat: a derogatory term for teens/folks who are only familiar with just the surface level of gothic subculture. This term is sometimes considered elitist (”more gothic than thou” attitude) and is being reclaimed by teens who are just entering the subculture.
Batcave: a club in Soho, London that birthed the first generation of goth/post-punk. This term also refers to a more punk end of the gothic spectrum
Corpse paint: the (typically) pale, carved out and corpse-like makeup most common amongst traditional goths
Glamgoth: a playful term used by fans to describe band members who try too hard to conform to gothic stereotypes
Gothic slide: a dance move in which your boots do not leave the floor as you slide.
Glyph: an elemental symbol
Kindergoth(en): used to describe younger goths, can be used in a derogatory way (see Baby Bat)
Mansonite: die-hard, wannabe marilyn manson fans.
Mod/Waver: term to describe fans of modern/new-wave music
Mopey goth: describes an overly angsty goth
Ninny: used to describe fans of the band Nine Inch Nails
Perky goth: describes an individual who likes gothic culture, excluding the doom + gloom aspects of it.
Raver: describes someone who enjoys techno music and, well, attending raves
Rivethead: describes a fan of industrial music
Spooky kids: another term used to describe goths under the age of 18
Sigil: symbols used in the practice of magic/chaos magic
Trad/Traditional goth: used to describe a style of goth originating from the first generation of goth style (typically of 80s origin)
Ultragoth: describes someone for whom goth is who they are, not just what they dress up as; usually over the age of 20, having been in the scene for a long time
Underground: something that isn’t widely known by the general public
Weekender/Weekend goth: people who dress gothic for certain occasions, typically goth club outings, and then dress normally when around other people outside of the subculture. This term can also be used to describe kids/teens going through a gothic phase
-Mod Jake