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Key to Abbreviations:
ae = age
assn = association
asst = assistant
b = born
bapt = baptised
bro = brother
bur = buried
ca = circa
cem = cemetery
ch = child
Ch = church
chren = children
co = county
conf = conference
corr = corrected/correction
CW = Civil War
d = died
dau = daughter
ds = days
Evan. = Evangelical
grfa = grandfather
grmo = grandmother
hosp = hospital
husb = husband
inf = infantry
Luth. = Lutheran
md = married
memb = member
Meth. Epis. = Methodist Episcopal
mge = marriage
mi = miles
MIA = missing in action
min = minister
mo = month
mos = months
Msngr = Messenger
nr = near
obit = obituary
pars = parents
poss = possibly
prev = previously
Prov. = Province
recd = received
Ref. = Reformed
regt = regiment
res = resides/resided
res prev = resided previously
ret = returned
Rev. = Reverend
S.S. = Sunday School
sic = exactly as printed
sis = sister
tp = township
vol = volunteers
w/ = with
wk/wks = week/weeks
yrs = years
-- in the PLACE or column indicates information not given
and could not be determined
----- = not stated