"hey guys, ive been impersonated this whole time. im the ACTUAL 🎀🍓. and i love 💠kat so fkn much theyre so nice. they didnt even blackmail me in the first place(¬_¬") -the REAL 🎀🍓" Haii !! the Real 🎀🍓 here !!! some mf is pretending to be me ! (╥﹏╥) just so u know, i do NOT like that kat person at allll ! (·•᷄ࡇ•᷅ ) they actually did hurt me ... (¬_¬") so js so u know , ur a worthless loser, kat blackmailed mee ! she also tried to swat me like beeflings !! ^_^ ive been getting sm attention ?! woaahh ! ty but don't narrate me you worthless slimy impersonator ! (¬`‸´¬) - the ACTUAL 🎀🍓 !!!