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so basically there's me my name is August there is James and there's a girl named Betty basically James and Betty were dating and on the Valentine's Day then last year um James Kiss Me in the bathroom without my permission and I boy named Marcus saw in Gran to tell batty and James told Betty that I who was the one who kissed him without his permission and now even at school loves me for putting Betty in her place because Betty's a big bully (fat) ⍝◜ᐢ•🐽•ᐢ◝⍝
Report this person on roblox@7peht aka @3ftboy this person has been making fake accounts to harass people and copy them also going to NSFW roblox groups even though he's an 'age regressor'(¬_¬")
I feel ugly all the time and when I see photos or videos of myself I hate them. I am not that overweight but still feel very fat all the time. I try to lose weight but its hard for me to stay commited. If you have any advice pls use the tag uglyadvice101 to help me 🙏♡❤︎♥︎🛠