Hot Take: I don't think people really understand how rare of a disorder DID is. Literally, 1.3 percent of the ENTIRE WORLD (That's over 8 BILLION PEOPLE) have it. And you see all of these people online (most of which are self diagnosed, or faking it for attention) who claim to have it. By the way, I'm not saying everybody with DID online is faking, there are definitely people who are diagnosed with it and they're valid, I'm just talking about the self diagnosers. Self diagnosing has it's place. I think there are VERY FEW things that you can self diagnose, but usually only do that if you're looking to get help. DID is NOT one of those things! The thing with DID is that part of DID is that your thoughts are often scattered or disorganized, causing you to not always think clearly. Additionally, DID (along with most other mental disorders) requires a PROFFESSIONAL outside opinion and diagnoses. Why? Because DID is often confused with other disorders such as: Bipolar Disorder, BPD (Borlerline Personality Disorder), Schizophrenia, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), etc. And without an experienced professional, you most likely, will get it mixed up with something else. So please, please, PLEASE if you think you have DID go to a medical professional and ask for help and a diagnosis! Stay safe x3