i want to let every minor on these tags know that you will regret this for the rest of your life. i understand the urge/desire/need to do this sorta thing, i started doing this kinda stuff when i was 12 and have continued doing it through 16 (i experience manic episodes when sometimes i'll come back to doing this sorta thing). i am here to tell you that the regret comes, and it comes HARD. you will never forget and you will never forgive yourself and i know this feels silly and you probably won't believe me and will continue but you will see things that make you want to die. odds are you at some point will try to hurt or kys because of the regret and guilt (i say this out of experience) for doing this. you are worthy of love and attention but i promise you this isn't the way to get it. you are worth something even if you aren't actively giving pleasure to some man online and i know sometimes it doesnt feel like it but i swear it will catch up with you and the hurt never ends. again, i speak from experience. this will haunt you for the rest of your life and i beg you to try to stop or talk with someone about it. you are loved and appreciated and you don't need this sorta attention to prove it. please please please dm me if you want to talk (my x is wannabeskel3ton , you can also respond by using wannabeskel3ton as a tag) ❤️