"When u say “Get the gun!” ur literally saying that your going to kill a minor for feeling how they feel so please keep that hate to yourself it’s really hurtful :( we/therians don’t deserve this.. We even go in public places being called names.. :( It doesn't even need to be school.. So stop haters.. Stop..💔 :( you sound like really,really rude murderers and as much as you don’t want the label murderers we don’t want to be labeled as furries so actually STOP OR I’M GONNA CRY :( AND WHEN YOU BARK YOUR EMBARRASSING YOURSELF >:( I'm tired of this hate SO JUST STOP ALREADY!!!!!!!!!💔:( *gets angry at haters-* 💔💔💔 SHUT UP U STUPID HATERS" Man, don't let the idiots get to you. If you got haters, it's probably for good reason, but that doesn't mean you have to let it get under ur skin. people are entitled to their own opinions (this is directed to the haters, and to you) so don't go trying to make others agree w/ you, they probably won't.
In all honesty, if you're getting hate and it's making you depressed, just remember, there are lmost 9 billion people on earth, and there's a good chunk of that who are just like you, you're not alone, and you'll be ok.