Hello, YNS! 1/2 yr older intersex & transfemmasc here! I'd like to start off all of this with the fact that I'm also hypersexual from trauma since ~6 yrs old and transgender, as I stated earlier.
I personally helped myself with my hypersexuality by masturbating w/o 🌽 more often than not.
Because of the way the human brain works, we can't just stop doing something addictive cold turkey, so weening yourself off of it is the best option.
I'm not sure about the frequency of your addiction, but, here's something similar to what I used about a year ago:
1. During the first few days, just *try* to not watch any 🌽.
If you must, make a rule for yourself to not finish any videos (or, if you use an image site, don't scroll to the next page), this helped me immensely.
At this stage, it's okay if you do, just remind yourself that -
you're on a journey, and that everyone's journey has errors.
2. Now, begin to only *read* 🌽. If you dislike reading, this works even better. Do this whenever you have the urge and can't stop yourself.
Half of the time, you'll give up because you can't find a fic of what you want to see!
3. After you feel like you have been able to go 2 (or more!) days without visual 🌽, you should start attempting to go 2-7 days without it at all, moving on to the next goal within that frame each time you complete a new one.
4. This is where I'd like to introduce the main idea— masturbating w/o 🌽 at all! So, this is where you begin to, instead of looking at 🌽, closing your eyes and imagining things. For me, even as someone with a creative mind, -
I would usually get kind of bored and stop, and if I continued, it wasn't as enjoyable as usual, which deterred me from it. Do this when you have the urge to watch 🌽. If you must, only read it!
5. After that, begin slowly weening yourself off of masturbating that often (if it's more than x2 a week, since x2 a week is a healthy amount for anyone!)
You can start by using different methods to ignore your craving, like holding ice or drawing/coloring! Only allow yourself 2 times a week as much as possible,
if you fail, it's not a huge deal! You've come so far already!! Keep your discipline for the rest of the week, and try again next week!
6. once you can successfully do this for a few months, enjoy your freedom!
If you desire reintroducing porn positively, allow yourself 1 video a week, since watching porn is completely normal, and much better than other things you could get caught up in!