October 28, 2021 18:30 IST Read Time:3 min
Here's How Sugar Rush Affects You
The bødy requires more energy while digesting sugary foods which eventually leaves you with less energy. Food products like candies, pre-packed items and cakes provide no nutritional benefit and ultimately ends up making you feel lethargic and fatigued.
Reported symptoms of a “sugar crash” include:
A sudden feeling of tiredness
Brain fog
Trouble concentrating
Your bødy then transports the sugar in your bloodstream to your muscles and organs, like your heart and brain.
The muscles and organs use sugar to make energy. And that sugar hangover you feel is a real thing — it happens due to the spike and fałł in your bløød sugar levels.
Eatıng too much sugar can cause digestive distress and fatigue, which makes you sleepy after the meal, as your energy is directed to digestion.
Overeating sugary foods and drinks can have adverse effects, such as lethargy, dizziness, confusion, and even anxıety.
When your levels drop as your cells absorb the sugar, you may feel jittery and anxious (a.k.a. the dreaded “sugar crash”).
Brain triggers release of hormones telling the bødy you need quick energy
After initial burst, you feel fatigued as your bødy craves more carbs/sugar for fast energy
These interconnected hormonal and metabolic processes explain why you may experience intense sleepiness and mental fog after a sugar rush.
Mental Effects
Memory and concentration issues
Addiction-like neurochemical dependency on sugar
Clearly, excessive sugar intake can negatively impact energy, mental sharpness, health, professional success, and quality of life. Minimizing added sugar is key to avoid chronically feeling drained.
Most people start feeling tired and mentally foggy after consuming simple sugars or refined carbs on an empty stomach. Signs of a “sugar crash” can last up to a few hours and/or until the bødy restores normal bløød glucose levels.
Eatıng sweets and simple carbs causes your bløød sugar to spike, prompting a rush of insulin to lower glucose quickly. This rapid rise and fall of bløød sugar leads to fatigue soon after consuming sugar. Your bødy craves more fast carbs to bring glucose back up.