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Hey Guys!໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ I’m Star and here just to clear somethings up<3 #1.) Im afraid to say the thorny people wont stop :< And theres nothing we could do about it! Even if we tell them to stop. #2.) We should Also stop saying “Guys stop there is kids on here that can see the p0rn!” I definitely agree that there are kids on here trying to find sparkles like I am, but if we all keep saying “p0rn” then kids will definitely go and search it up because kids are curious. (Ik thats kinda hypocritical considering I just said it im sorry:<) #3.) We should all just let it go amd it will all go away! im sure that stuff will be blocked soon ^^ -Lots of love from yours truly, Star𐙚
broskis, theirs no thorny peeps, u have a choice to choose to see it or not ^ _ ^ so stawpp "( – ⌓ – )
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❌👎 no nah( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(\__/) (ONO) me when i look up “funny” |>📱<| - oh no! inappropriate stuf! v——-v
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