[5] What font do you use for ASCII art?
ASCII art is created using a fixed-width font (like on a traditional
typewriter), because this is the only way to make it portable.
However, several Usenet readers now display messages in a
proportional font (where different characters are different widths).
The following two lines tell you which kind of font you're using.
The arrow ends up in a different place for different font types and
is right most of the time:
You are using a [Proportional] [Monospaced] font
................................. --^--
Also, to see what your program is doing, look at these two lines:
If they look the same length, you're using a fixed-width font and
all should be ok. If the second line is longer than the first, you
need to change your settings to use a fixed-width font.
That was a text excerpt from the text file "[FAQ]_ASCII_Art_-_answers_to_frequently_asked_questions"
Follow the links to find the full text:
mewbies.com/geek_fun_files/scarecrow_ascii_art_archive/00000000_Alt.ASCII-Art FAQ.htm