In Google classroom this happened
In the music class
With the comments
And you can ask questions at "squirrelkid" and "drama"
Here are the people
POST (J) - My response: NO! I didn't call (Z) a dog eater he is stupid for saying that.
(Z) can accuse me of being racist but he is ablest. How do I know? Well look at his comment "
I wish i could hack (J)'s school account to delete everything that this autstic kid and myself has made." btw here is what ablest means
Ableism is the discrimination of and social prejudice against people with disabilities based on the belief that typical abilities are superior. At its heart, ableism is rooted in the assumption that disabled people require 'fixing' and defines people by their disability. So (Z) can lie about me being "racist" but he is an ablest. Btw there is nothing WRONG about autism and disabilities. Treat autism like humans not animals dumbasses. And this is for you (Z)
Comment (Z) - In my personal opinion I think all of these posts (J) mades are not even funny. Since when you were allowed to post something IDIOTIC. Like tell me WHY THE HELL YOU WERE ALLOWED TO POST IDIOTIC THINGS. I just lost it so i will quit posting and delete since (J) has made this terrible mess and myself. Help me.
Comment (Z) - Do you really think I am being an "ablest " I, myself am autistic as well but just saying something in your own personal belief doesn't actually mean you are being an ablest.
Comment (Z) - Just tell me what is your own reason to post these idiotic things. I regretted commenting "Kitty =)" on the very first page and other post I have made myself. You still don't think it is not fine to post inappropriate things that no one cares about. What is your actual reason to post these inappropriate things. This is not a discord or reddit website. This is a Google classroom for schools. Not a website like reddit or discord. Just why. I need a reason. And don't tell me because "IT's FuNny FoR mE tHouGh" not that. Why did you post something in the first place. But before you say "WhY dId yoU pOst" Let me explain. I just thought the same thing as you but I realized "This is a Google classroom. Why the hell I keep posting unfunny things" That is why I post then I quit with this insanity.
I bet for a million bucks you will not read what I said and won't stop posting because your mind doesn't care what we or I say. We are POLITELY asking to stop this insanity and delete all the posts. But give me another reason besides that. Why though. We have been commenting your post that is not funny and no one cares. And also forcing other people to check the music standards. Is it really that funny for you to keep posting. Give me a reason.
Comment (Z) - I think (I) is a cool chill guy. He is just a peaceful guy. UNLIKE YOU! But he sometimes gets a bit crazy if you know what I mean. He is just a chill guy. I don't mind him. He just doses't interrupt me and other people. I am not being a "ablest" It's just my own personal opinion. You can lie that I am being an "ablest" and I can lie you are being racist. I am not being an "ablest" I do respect autistic people and not mock them like Jesus. We are begging with utter despair to stop posting. These are just inappropriate, and not even funny.
Comment (Z) - Please for the love of God. Stop posting. Even if some people thinks is funny. Just stop and delete all the post and forget all of this happen. We can just agree to stop this madness or continue this madness to the point I will straight up Jump off the golden gate bridge. Just stop, delete, and forget all of this has ever happened.
Comment (Z) - I do understand what you are trying to say but... Since when I did allow you to call me a "Dog-eater" I am Just EXTREMELY OFFENDED THAT YOU CALLED ME A "Dog-eater" But I don't' meant to offend autistic people like (I). And since when I allowed to call me a "Dog-eater" Seriously. We are begging for the love of God to stop posting and deleting stuff. WE are just EXTREMELY OFFENDED THAT YOU CALLED US A DOG-EATER. We sometimes eat meat like bacon which is my favorite and steak. You even eat meat too. We all do but. Calling us a Dog-eater is crazy. Just EXTREMELY RACIST. Just like simply saying the N-word that I didn't know what it meant since 4th grade. So please We are just asking to stop posting because it is inappropriate.
Comment (me) - Also i think it's clear that we are all insane doing this because (j) keeps posting half life stuff, if it was undertale i would not have a problem but bro these posts are weirder than my dreams, and now music class is more racist than that one 1940's donald duck cartoon where he obeys Austrian painter. and (z) why th did you say the #### word ALL I DID WAS SAY "SHIT" and that does NOT mean you could say #### UNCENSORED. so first it was the picture a bunch of random people came. then it was (z). then it was me i think and then it was (j) and then it was (so) and then it was (r), and then it was (s) and then it was (m), and then (n), and then (l), who else is coming in the comments, all the stupid people came, i bet it will be literally (mi) the leprechaun next and then (I) PROBABLY IT JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE
Comment (J) - here is what (z) said "It's not even funny (J). We are actually done because of this stupidity. I am going to commit several war crimes if you keep doing this. I'm actually serious, I would go on a homicide in a random town because of you. I actually stop posting because what is the point if you are just ignoring my messages and comments. This is your last chance. If you keep doing this i'll murder someone. I'm just done with this stupidity and the chaos we have done. I am actually going to straight up murder someone because of this". He is gonna turn into Jeffery dhamer now over jokes. That's like saying "I'm gonna murder someone because of youtube comments". It's stupid