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fish ⋆。𖦹°‧🫧ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁☆⋆。𖦹°‧★

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akemi grp is so messed up. . . yall brainwashed zombies are INSANE, doing whatever lauren n rion tell u to do. and maybe some ppl made mistakes, its normal, we're humans, but why cant you just move on? continuing to pick on the ones that "betrayed" you (if they even did) is js immature, and you have no idea how much your words can hurt. oh and there can be more than one person with the same name as u!! you're NOT the main character 😘 stay mad btchs
for lottie - i cant believe how rude akemi is being… i honestly didnt think it was possible for ppl to be that mean. akemi needs to calm down, grow up, and shut up!! please dont listen to them, youre an amazing person!! for akemi - yall are so immature. akemi is a freaking roblox group, why are you so obsessed? and yall are wild on here… yk when smt is posted its never deleted? now we all have proof of your true colours!! 🥰 and!! just becausd lauren is rich, has a lot of followers, and a lot of group members, doesnt mean you have to do whatever she says!! you arent going to become popular for doing the wrong thing, and dont feel forced to do anything just bcus lauren says to do it for all - the drama needs to stop. please! or at least take the drama smwhere private, so that ppl can get their symbols n emojis in peace. you have no idea how much your words might be hurting someone… and it might not be long before smbdy actually commits… thank you for your time 💗 dont forget to eat and drink water!! if you want to reply, use the tag: peaceforakemi
dear akemi… yall have gone too far this time. please stop. it doesnt matter what “side” you’re on, but telling people to kts is not okay. 💗
‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡ @ 𝓨𝓨𝓨𝓨
I dont give a FUCK anymore 😂 Im exposing lauren and all the fakes(EVERYONE) I have shit on EVERYONE. So watch your fuckin backs akemi.😂😂 Im goin to destroy you Lauren. I am not letting you treat me like shit for MONTHS and not say anything. FUCK U AND STOP MANIPULATING KIDS - 💙PT1
ewww kaffene_lover sucks she copied akemi and laurens bio shes so stupid she should go fucking kill her self she cant make a good group all the members are alts because she has no real friends fuck you lulu go kys bitch
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