HELLO!! if you wanna help a person in need of robux, please join through this link: https://discord.gg/zyNU4XMP and you could also help by inviting your friends through my link!! UHM, why am i doing this? its because i want to keep up with my friends and everytime me and my friend share an interest, they immediately ask me to match with them but as I lack money.. and am extremely poor.. i canr do anything about itand i dont wanna upset my friend... HERES THE LINK AGAIN, https://discord.gg/zyNU4XMP YOU CAN PASTE IT THROUGH DISCORD. THIS SERVER IS OSC THEMED AND THE PERSON WHO RUNS IT LOVES MEPHONE!! TYSM ( 🥐🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧈🥞🧇🍦🍰🧁🍧🍨🎂🍮🍪🍯🧋🥜 - cute emojis u can use, made this to maintain the use of emoji combos)