Dean Martin Emojis & Text

Copy & Paste Dean Martin Emojis & Symbols Dean Martin's son, Dean Paul Martin, was tragicall

Dean Martin's son, Dean Paul Martin, was tragically killed in 1987 when the plane he was in crashed into San Gorgonio Mountain in California. What was especially chilling was that ten years before, fellow Rat Pack member Frank Sinatra had lost his mother in a plane crash on that very same mountain!

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Cachy the Poodle, Marta Espina, Edith Solá, Anonymous man 21 October 1988 A poodle named Cachy, in Caballito, Buenos Aires, fell 13 storeys and hit 75-year old Marta Espina, ending both lives instantly. In the course of events, 46-year old Edith Solá came to see the incident, and was fatally hit by a bus. An unidentified man who witnessed her death had a heart attack and also dies on his way to the hospital.
Swim at Your Own Risk In 1985, a guest at a pool party found after he drowned in the deep end of the pool. The party was for lifeguards who were celebrating a season without any drownings. ✨ Victim at Lifeguards' Party Jerome Moody was found on the bottom at the deep end of a department pool as the party ended. Mr. Moody, who was 31 years old, was not a lifeguard, but four lifeguards were on duty at the party.
Nancye Lorraine Carr .1942 – 17 Jan 1950 Daughter of Roger and Mavis GIRL FATALLY INJURED Nancy Lorraine Carr, 7, of Kingston Street, Camperdown, was fatally injured when she was knocked down by a car in Trafalgar Street, Stanmore, during afternoon. She was playing with other children in the street. She ran out from behind a parked car and was knocked down by another car. Central District Ambulance took her lo the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, where she past soon after admission. The Sydney Morning Herald, Wednesday 18 January 1950 Rookwood, Cumberland Council, New South Wales, Australia BURIAL Rookwood Catholic Cemeteries and Crematoria Plot info: Catholic Mortuary. Sect M2. Area 15. Row 30. Grave 2681
𝐔𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐲, 𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 17 year old boy as rn whilst riding his moped... That is tragic enough as an event but it was further reported that he was exactly a year after his 17 year old brother was riding the same moped on the same street, by the same taxi, with the same driver, carrying the same passenger. Both were reported to have collided with a taxi driven by Willard Manders. According to their father, John Henry Ebbin Sr. of Woodlawn Road, Sandys, even the passenger in the taxi was the same in both instances.
July 10 death of little Anton Bear. The 6-year-old boy, his mother and his 3-year-old sister were walking down a road on the edge of the town, about 600 miles southwest of Anchorage when a grizzly ambled up in the dim dawn light. 🐻 Anton Bear, 6, male July 10, 1992 near King Cove, Alaska The six-year-old, his mother, and sister were walking down a road when they were approached by a grizzly bear. The family fled, but the boy was chased down by the bear and devoured.
December 13, 1977, Evansville Aces players, coaches, supporters and flight crew boarded a chartered DC-3 plane to travel to Murfreesboro for a game against Middle Tennessee. Just one minute after taking off, at 7:22 p.m. crashed, tragically taking the lives of everyone onboard. The only member of the Purple Aces who did not die in the crash was 18-year-old freshman David Furr; he was out for the season with some infirmary and thus was not on the plane that day. Lucky break? Well… Davis Lee Furr, weeks after the plane crash, and his younger brother Byron were killed in a car accident near Newton, Illinois, leaving the entire 1977 Evansville team dead.
The King and The Pizzeria On July 28, 1900, the reigning Italian King, Umberto the First, went to a small restaurant in Monza, near Milan, for his dinner. He was waited on by the restaurant’s owner personally, and upon taking his order the pizzeria, also named Umberto, realized they shared the same name. The similarities didn’t end there, however. The two men looked very much alike, and not only that but they both shared the same birthday, March 14th. On top of that, they were also both born during the same year, 1844, and both of them were born in the town of Turin! They had both even married a lady named Margherita on the same day! The date of King Umberto’s coronation was also the date that Umberto the pizzeria had opened up his restaurant. The day after eating at the restaurant, King Umberto learned that the restaurateur had been killed in an unexplained shooting. Deeply saddened by the death of his newfound friend, the King expressed his regret during a speech to a crowd. At that moment, an anarchist by the name of Gaetano Bresci pulled out his gun and assassinated King Umberto I dead.
Go to TwoSentenceHorror r/TwoSentenceHorror 11 hr. ago daneylion I was told that I was getting too old to be a pilot and that this would be my last flight before retirement. I’m going to make sure for everyone on board that it’s their last flight too.
I found myself opening a door in the basement and then I saw the endless cavern of hour-glasses as far as the eye could see. The closest to the door had the names of my family members etched on them. I saw the sand in my parent’s hour-glasses about to run out. I called them and told them to not get on the plane. The sand in the hour-glasses refilled. —Human_Gravy
After nurse told a visitor he seemed to be feeling a little better, Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen turned to them both and muttered, “On the contrary!” before dying.
"Today, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave me a hug. When I tensed up, she realized I didn't recognize her. She let go with tears of joy in her eyes and the most sincere smile and said, "On 9-11-2001, you carried me out of the World Trade Center."
Fast, Furious, and Gone Too Soon Some things are too ironic to be tasteful: Paul Walker broke through in Hollywood by speeding his way through the Fast and Furious franchise, only to die in a car accident at the age of 40.
Missed a Hot Departure Not me, but when my mum was a teenager on November 18, 1987, she was going to London to visit a friend. It was around 7:20 pm and she decided she was going to take a taxi instead of going by tube because it didn't feel right (King's Cross tube station). Ten minutes later, the whole station caught on fire and 30 out of the 40 people died. If she had decided to take the tube, she would likely have died.
In Case of Emergency I had a guest speaker who was in the trade centers when they were hit in 2001. He said that he took the stairs all the way down 74 floors because he didn't trust the elevators. He was in a meeting with 55 other people, and he was one of four to survive. He said as he was heading down the hall to escape, he turned around and noticed everyone cramming in the elevators from the meeting. Only the people in the meeting that took the stairs survived.
Skateboarder’s Nightmare In 2006, I had leg pain and it lasted for like four months. I was refusing to get it checked for fear that I would have to stop skateboarding for any amount of time. I was 15 years old. I had a math test I didn’t study for come up one day, and I used it as an excuse to leave and got my leg checked instead. If I hadn’t have done that, I don’t know what would have happened. That day, I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer). 11 years later I’m still fighting it, but not a day passes where I don’t think how lucky I was to just pop over to the hospital. If I would’ve broken my leg (my femur was getting more brittle every day) the tumor would’ve broken and spread to my lungs—and there’s no way I would be sitting here typing this.
Death at the Tennis Court King Charles VIII was barely a teen when he took the French throne in 1483. He died in 1498 at a tennis match. Ironically, he wasn’t even playing at the time. Charles had been a spectator at a tennis match in Amboise when he walked smack into a low doorway—the fifteenth century version of walking into a glass patio door at a party. He seemed fine, but after the game, he collapsed into a coma and died a few hours later. ­
Fury Road When I was 16, chilling at a friend's place, the weather turned to rain in minutes so I decided to head home (only five minutes away). I was driving my motorcycle in heavy rain and when trying to slow down at an intersection it just didn't work. I wasn't even going that fast, because the intersection is right after a sharp turn which was already sketchy in the rain. Well, a car was coming from my left. I helplessly watched myself slide on the main road just a bit and it was enough for the car (doing 80km/h) to hit me. I don't remember exactly what happened but I ended up sitting at the side of the road. My motorbike was annihilated, the car totaled, and I just had a swollen knee (the lady in the car was all good thankfully). This was less than 100 yards from my home, too. And my uncle lost his life on this road when he was six. He got run over by a car, so my family (especially my grandma) was reminded about that and got mad at me.
The Ultimate Prediction “You will not find me alive at sunrise,” said Nostradamus; his last words proved also to be his last prediction.
Tag! You’re It! Have you ever been stuck as “it” in a game of tag for a really long time? Industrialist and multimillionaire Richard B. Mellon had a 70-year game of tag going with his little brother Andrew. On his deathbed, he called his brother to him and whispered, “last tag.” Andrew remained “it” until he died four years later.
The Bad Omen During the filming of the 1976 movie The Omen, the film crew hired a private plane to transport them, but they had to make a last minute cancellation. Instead, the plane flew elsewhere, only it didn’t get very far. The plane crashed violently onto a road, into two traveling cars. And who was in one of those cars? The wife and children of the pilot who crashed the plane.
Driving over an IED in Iraq. Its battery had gone bad in the heat. If the battery was alive, I wouldn’t be.
An Eerie Premonition Chicago firefighter Francis Leavy was dedicated to his job and loved by his peers, which is why his co-workers were understandably puzzled when his demeanor suddenly changed on April 18, 1924. Gone was the friendly, ever-smiling man, and in his place was a silent, unsmiling guy who avoided everyone. Later that day, Leavy made a chilling announcement. He claimed that he had a premonition that he was going to die that day. Just as the words left his lips, they were called to a fire, and lo and behold, Leavy died when the building’s roof caved in.
Drowning In Sorrow I had a cousin who drowned when I was much younger. At the time, he was off at college, so nobody knew about it until the next day. His parents were taking care of his 2-year-old niece. The night he drowned, she woke up screaming in the night and would not go to sleep. She just kept pointing to a picture of him that was on the nightstand. His parents gave it to her, and she hugged it and wouldn't let go of it all night.
Tomb of Casimir IV Jagiellon 1973 opening of the tomb From 1972 to 1973, the Cathedral authorities undertook work to renovate the Holy Cross chapel. As part of this project, permission was given by the Archbishop of Kraków, Karol Wojtyła – the future Pope John Paul II – to open the tomb of Casimir and Elizabeth in May 1973. The work was undertaken by a team of 12 conservationists and their initial aim was to examine the contents of the tomb in order to assess how best to renovate it. When the tomb was opened, the team found rotting wooden coffins and the remains of Casimir and Elizabeth. The restoration work was then carried out and, once it had been completed, Casimir and Elizabeth were re-interred in a ceremony held in the cathedral on 18 September 1973 with Archbishop Wojtyła conducting the service. In the following months, members of the conservation team began to die prematurely and unexpectedly: Feliks Dańczak died in April 1974, Stefan Walczy in June 1974, Kazimierz Hurlak in August 1974, and Jan Myrlak in May 1975. Rumours of a "Jagiellonian curse" began to circulate. However, microbiologist Bolesław Smyk identified the presence of the fungus Aspergillus flavus in samples taken from the tomb. This type of fungus produces toxic substances called aflatoxins which are linked to a number of serious health conditions affecting the liver if not carcinogenic. The Times reported that it is that the conservation team members had inhaled the toxic spores of the fungus as they opened the tomb.
r/TwoSentenceHorror 6 hr. ago AnonymousNeverKnown ↓ I chuckled to myself, changing the 'is" to "was" on celebrities' wikipedia pages when they weren't dead. Imagine my horror when I saw breaking news about a plane crash, killing those very celebrities.
r/shortscarystories 4 yr. ago myymyy Rollercoaster "Mooooom, I don't like it. I want to get off!" I was a bit surprised. He had always been so brave. I was way more afraid than him when we got on. I never liked to be so high up from the ground. "This will be so much fun!", he had said when we were parking the car. I had kinda hoped he would be strong for both of us. "Oh honey, I'm sorry but we can't get off now, the ride has already started. But remember the small rollercoaster, in the park we went to when you were little? With the funny clown? This is just like that, only bigger. And remember how AWESOME it was?" My son looked at me with watery eyes. He had been so excited about this. I tried to swallow my own nervousness and keep talking to calm him down. My voice was shaking a bit, but I managed to put on a smile. "It's okay, it's okay. You might feel a bit funny in your stomach. It's because of the speed and the changes in the force that pushes you. It's normal! Listen, do you hear? Other people are scared too." He looked at me with his kind, blue eyes and nodded. Just barely. I wanted to hug him, but my back was pressing to the seat so heavily I couldn't move enough. So was his. My eyes caught a glimpse of the sun over my sons head. The sky was so bright. I tried to ignore the metallic clanging sound and people screaming somewhere that seemed to be so far away. Oh, how I missed the ground. Then I felt a big drop on my stomach. We were going faster and faster. My son started sobbing and I tightened my grib on his hand. I thought that he would become such a handsome man someday. He would end up having a good life, and marry a nice girl - or a guy, who knows? I didn't care as long as he was happy. That's all I wanted. For him to be happy and not scared. "Hey, you know what? Close your eyes. This will be over soon. I'm here. I'm not letting go." Someone behind us started to scream. I felt my blood run cold. I tried to keep my focus on the one thing that mattered: my sons hand and my calm voice that kept telling him that it was all going to be okay. Oh, he would become such a handsome man someday. But at this moment he was just a 6 year old boy on his first flight, going to surprise his grandparents all the way across the country. And the last thing I saw before I closed my own eyes, was the second engine on fire...
Terrible Tuesdays ✨ Alexander I of Yugoslavia refused to attend public events on Tuesdays after three of his family members passed on that day of the week. But on Tuesday, October 9, 1934, he had no choice but to speak as he arrived in France to strengthen their alliance. He was thence assassinated.
Terrible Tuesdays ✨ Alexander I of Yugoslavia refused to attend public events on Tuesdays after three of his family members died on that day of the week. But on Tuesday, October 9, 1934, he had no choice but to speak as he arrived in France to strengthen their alliance. He was promptly assassinated.
- April 06, 2011, 01:05 PM Roy Sullivan was hit by lightning seven times between 1942 and 1977 the odds of this are 4.15 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
When a Nebraska church exploded in 1950, not one of the fifteen people who were supposed to be there for choir practice was injured because every member of the choir was late arriving for practice that evening. Published Dec. 31, 1998 Choir Practise usually began at 7:20pm. At 7:25pm, the church exploded. Here's what happened to the people: The Reverend lit the church furnace in the afternoon and went home to dinner. At 7:10 he was getting ready to go back with this wife and daughter but she had a dirty dress. They were delayed as the mother ironed another one. Ladona Vandergrift, a high school sophomore, was having trouble with a geometry problem. She knew practise began promptly and always came early. But she stayed to finish the problem. Royena Estes was ready, but the car would not start. So she and her sister called Ladona Vandergrift, and asked her to pick them up. But Ladona was the girl with the geometry problem, and the Estes sisters had to wait.. Sadie Estes' story was the same as Royena's. All day they had been having trouble with the car; it just refused to start. Mrs. Leonard Schuster would ordinarily have arrived at 7:20 with her small daughter Susan. But on this particular evening Mrs. Schuster had to go to her mother's house to help her get ready for a missionary meeting. Herbert Kipf, lathe operator, would have been ahead of time but had put off an important letter. "I can't think why," he said. He lingered over it and was late. It was a cold evening. Stenographer Joyce Black, feeling "just plain lazy," stayed in her warm house until the last possible moment. She was almost ready to leave when it happened. Because his wife was away, Machinist Harvey Ahl was taking care of his two boys. He was going to take them to practise with him but somehow he got wound up talking. When he looked at his watch, he saw he was already late. Marilyn Paul, the pianist, had planned to arrive half an hour early. However she fell asleep after dinner, and when her mother awakened her at 7:15 she had time only to tidy up and start out. Mrs. F.E. Paul, choir director and mother of the pianist, was late simply because her daughter was from oversleeping. High school girls Lucille Jones and Dorothy Wood customarily go to practise together. Lucille was listening to a 7-to-7:30 radio program and broke habit of promptness because she wanted to hear. Dorothy just waited for her.
The Happy Land fire might have the most ironic name in the history of mass casualties. This fire killed 87 people at the unlicensed Bronx nightclub in 1990 when Julio González set the building on fire after a fight with his ex-girlfriend, who worked coat-check at the club.
The King’s Double King Umberto I of Italy came upon his own double by accident. While eating dinner at a small restaurant, Umberto noticed that the restaurant owner was nearly identical in looks to himself. But they soon discovered more similarities: they were both born in the same town on the same day in the same year, they both married a woman named Margherita, and the owner had opened his restaurant on the same day as Umberto was crowned King. Wait, it gets weirder: the day after the pair met, on July 29th, 1900, the owner was kılled in an accıdental shootıng – the same day that Umberto was assassinated.
Lifeguards Off-Duty In 1985, a man drowned while attending a pool party. Certainly tragic, but also, as it turns out, very ironic. The party was thrown by over 100 New Orleans lifeguards to celebrate their first drowning- free summer swimming season. Jerome Moody, 31, was fully dressed when he fell into the pool, and the lifeguards found him only at the end of the night.
Some Devastatingly Flawed Logic I worked at a daycare. One of the mothers gave me the heebie jeebies. She would show up randomly and be like "my baaaaaaby, I neeeed my baaaaby." Like, moms love their kids and miss them, but her obsession with her daughter really made me feel weird. She ended up kἰlling her daughter so that she could be an angel. It really messed me up when I found out.
2009-10-23 22:47:37 On November 26, 1911, three men were hanged in Greenberry Hill in London after being found guilty of the murder of Sir Edmund Berry. Name three of them, among others, Green, Berry and Hill.
r/TwoSentenceHorror 12 hr. ago CalebVanPoneisen ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ↓ˢᶜʳᵒˡˡ ᶠᵒʳ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ↓ Stinging paın jolts me awake, but my broken bødy reminds me that I did survive the plane crash. Dozens of exotic snails are grazing my motionless bødy, slowly tearing into my flesh, while I can do nothing but silently witness my torment..
The Luckiest Unlucky Man Clifford Johnson was injured at the deadliest nightclub fire in history, at the famous Cocoanut Grove in 1942. He suffered third- degree burns over more than half his body but survived, and was seen as a medical marvel. After hundreds of operations and nearly two years in the hospital, he married his nurse. In an ironic twist of fate, he burned to death in a car crash in 1958.
- The Unlucky Major Summerford o Struck by lightning three times; o After his death, lightning struck and shattered his tombstone.
Joan Rivers dissed Beyoncé and then slipped into a coma the next day. A week later, she died on Beyoncé's birthday. Joan Rivers: Born 1933; died at 81 in 2014 Beyoncé: Born 1981; turned 33 in 2014
Years ago I tried to trick some friends into thinking Bernie Mac was dead. A few months later he died on my birthday.
Zap Michael Anderson Godwin, a murder convict, managed to have his death sentence overturned. While he avoided the death by electrocution, he fatally shocked himself in his cell. He was trying to fix a pair of broken earphones while sitting on a steel toilet, and inadvertently created a makeshift electric chair.
She Knew Something Was Up When my great-grandma was on her last legs, she was convinced that my mom was having a baby and wanted to know if it was a girl or boy. My mom replied by telling her that she was not pregnant, and after asking the same to my aunt she said, "Oh, guess I was wrong". Here's where it gets unsettling. Exactly nine months later, I was born.
Last Christmas You might be familiar with “Last Christmas” by Wham an often-played holiday song about the vocalist giving his heart to someone and having it be given away the very next day. Well, George Michael—that very same vocalist, died on Christmas day of heart failure.
In 1899 a lightning killed a man as he stood in his backyard in Taranto, Italy. 30 years later, his son killed in the same way in the same place. On 8 October 1949, Rolla Primarda, grandson of the first victim and the son of the second victim, became the third victim.
Robert Todd Lincoln, son of Abraham Lincoln, was either present or in very close proximity to the first three presidential assassinations, a coincidence he found disturbing. In 1863, Robert Todd Lincoln fell off a train platform and was almost hit by an oncoming train. His life was saved by Edwin Booth, the older brother of the man who would later kill Lincoln’s father.
A Streetcar Named Disaster The worst subway accident in New York City history happened in 1905, when an above ground train turned to quickly, jumped the track, and fell onto Ninth Avenue. 13 people were killed. The accident happened, eerily, on September 11th.
2009-10-23 22:47:37 On 13 February 1746, a Frenchman, Jean Dubarry, was executed for killing his father. Exactly 100 years later, on February 13, the French as well, also named Jean Dubarry, was executed - also for the murder of his father.
The Mix-Up In 1986, my mother came for a routine pregnancy exam at the hospital... It wasn't her usual gynecologist because they were on holiday. As the gynecologist enters the room, she's waiting with her two feet in the stirrups, wearing the typical hospital grown with the opening at the back. He revealed the instruments for the exam. My mother was a nurse. She recognized the instruments for an abortion and asked the doctor, “What's going on? Is there a problem?" and the gynecologist said, "Well yes, as you know the baby is dead, we need to remove it." My mother threw the biggest tantrum in the history of tantrums. My dad usually picks up the narrative at this part of the story, "I saw your mother storming out of the exam room, she passed by me as she was howling. The gynecologist had mixed up the files. He was supposed to do the abortion on someone else.
The Revenge Of The Dead Sigurd the Mighty, the ninth-century Viking Earl of Orkney, managed to get killed by a man whom he'd beheaded. Following a particularly vicious battle, the earl tied the head of his enemy to his horse’s saddle. On the way home, one of the corpse's teeth grazed him as he was riding, and he perished from the resulting infection of his leg wound.
Mel Ignatow, the killer who died the same way he killed his girlfriend | Mel Ignatow was a convicted murderer who killed his girlfriend by tying her to a glass table and slicing her. Years later he himself fell on the glass table and died from the cuts.
(January 1980) J.R.R. Tolkien 1 ring to rule them all 9 rings given to men 7 given to the dwarves 3 Given to Elves He died in 1973
October 11, 2010 In July 1975, newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic went nuts over the death of 17-year-old Erskine Lawrence Ebbin, the poor kid having been knocked off his mo ped by a taxi in Hamilton, Bermuda. You see, the previous year his brother was killed ... on the same street. Also by a taxi. Both kids were 17, and they were hit almost one year apart. Oh, and they happened to be driving the same mo ped. The two brothers were killed by the same taxi. With the same driver. Carrying the same passenger. Almost exactly one year later.
Arnold Schoenberg was obsessed with numerology. He was the composer who developed the 12 tone system, a way of creating music wherein you don't re-use a pitch till all 12 have been played. He thought 12 was a perfect number, but 13 was bad luck so he tried his best to avoid the number all together. With Schoenberg, numbers were a powerful obsession, leading him even to avoiding writing bar 13 in his music, instead labeling it 12A. He even thought it had an effect on his health! He says this in a letter to a friend: [Indeed, I am not so well at the moment. I am in my 65th year and you know that 5 times 13 is 65 and 13 is my bad number. But when this five-times-thirteen year has passed, then I have 13 more years.] 13 years later to the day he thought I know for sure I will die and sure enough, he died that night in his sleep on Friday, July 13, 1951. read more about him here:
The Beheaded Man’s Revenge A ninth-century Norse earl named Sigurd the Mighty was killed by an enemy he had beheaded hours earlier. He tied the severed head to his horse’s saddle, but on the ride home the man’s tooth scratched his leg. The resulting infection killed the earl.
The Cork Examiner, 19 November, 1856 ACCIDENT TO MR. HORSMAN, M.P.—We have heard with great regret that a sad accident befell the Chief Secretary while hunting, on Saturday, with the Ward hounds. It appears that in a hard run of some two hours, Mr. Horsman, who is a first-rate rider, was somehow or other thrown from his horse, and while in that state the horse, which was quite tired, rolled over him heavily, and, we understand, severely injured him. No medical attendance was, unfortunately, at hand, but every attention was bestowed on the sufferer which care and solicitude could afford. On inquiry last night at his residence in the Phoenix Park, we ascertained that Surgeon O'Reilly has been in attendance upon the honourable gentleman, and that although he has received considerable injury by the fall, and will necessarily be confined to his apartment for some days, yet the injuries are not of a nature to cause any serious apprehensions. —Freeman.
Troy Leon Gregg was the first man to have his death penalty upheld by the Supreme Court after the decision of Furman v. Georgia, but he didn’t die in prison. Troy Leon Gregg, The Man Who Escaped Death Row Only To Be Murdered The Same Night
Fascinating Coincedence In History by emelisande(m): 1:23pm On Sep 05, 2016 BAD LUCK CAR. In September 1955, James Dean was killed in a horrific car accident whilst he was driving his Porsche sports car. After the crash the car was seen as very unlucky. a) When the car was towed away from accident scene and taken to a garage, the engine slipped out and fell onto a mechanic, shattering both of his legs. b) Eventually the engine was bought by a doctor, who put it into his racing car and was killed shortly afterwards, during a race. Another racing driver, in the same race, was killed in his car, which had James Dean's driveshaft fitted to it. c) When James Dean's Porsche was later repaired, the garage it was in was destroyed by fire. d) Later the car was displayed in Sacramento, but it fell off it's mount and broke a teenager's hip. e) In Oregon, the trailer that the car was mounted on slipped from it's towbar and smashed through the front of a shop. f) Finally, in 1959, the car mysteriously broke into 11 pieces while it was sitting on steel supports.
r/TwoSentenceHorror 3 hr. ago IAbstainFromSociety My attempt to break into the cockpit with the fire axes failed, as the cockpit doors had been reinforced to protect against terrorism. Alone in the cockpit, there was nothing to stop my suicidal co-pilot from crashing the plane into the mountains..
21st, A BAD DAY. When King Louis XVI of France was a child, he was warned by an astrologer to always be on his guard on the 21st day of each month. On June 21st 1791, following the French revolution, Louis and his queen were arrested in Varennes, whist trying to escape France. On September 21st 1791, France abolished the institution of Royalty and proclaimed itself a republic. Finally on January 21st 1793, King Louis XVI was executed by guillotine.
Falling Bobby Leach was famous as the second person to go over the Niagara Falls in a barrel, surviving the falls with very serious injuries that took him 6 months to recover from. 15 years after the feat, he fell again, in a much less dramatic fashion this time. Leach slipped on an orange peel on the street. What, were there no banana peels around? As minor as it may have seemed, his fall caused an infection in his leg that was so serious that he eventually passed away from the medical complications it had caused.
Take This Snore and Shove it Mark Gleeson suffocated in his sleep because he inserted two tampons in his nostrils before going to bed. It’s believed that the 26-year-old from Hampshire, England was just trying to cure his snoring problem. No word on if it helped.
Snakebite victim's brother visits village for funeral, gets killed by another snake 🐍 Govind Mishara was killed after being bitten by a snake whilst travelling for his brothers funeral.
Hesitation As his executioner hesitated with the ax poised above his neck, Sir Walter Raleigh urged the man on. “Strike, man, strike!” he called out.
Sneaking a boy into your bedroom is perhaps not that unusual, but killing him while doing it is. In 1667, James Betts passed from asphyxiation after his lover, the young Elizabeth Spencer, sealed him in a cupboard when her father returned early. Sadly, Elizabeth committed suicide shortly after. This all took place at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
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