Brittany Byrnes Emojis & Text

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Brittany Anne Trish Byrnes (nacida el 31 de julio de 1987) es una actriz australiana de televisión conocida por su papel de Charlotte Watsford en H2O: Just Add Water. Capacitada en todos los aspectos de la danza (jazz, tap y ballet) desde los 4 años en Bradshaw, Academia de Artes Escénicas en Sydney. El primer papel fue en Babe, cuando desempeñó de nieta. A partir de ahí ha actuado en películas como Little Oberon, Sirenas y Swimming Upstream. También ha estado en series de televisión incluyendo Beastmaster, Todos los Santos y la segunda temporada del show australiano H2O: Just Add Water como Charlotte. En 2005 fue nominada para un premio AFI por su desempeño en Little Oberon. Filmografía: 1995 - Babe: Nieta 1996 - Twisted Tales (TV) 1 Ep: ("Night of the Monster"): Jessie 1996 - G. P. (TV) 1 Ep: ("Sing Me a Lullaby") 1997 - Search for Treasure Island (TV) 26 Eps: Thea Hawkins 1998 - Children's Hospital (TV) 1 Ep: ("Future Shock"): Helen Voyt 1998 - Breakers (TV): Catherine 1998 - The Violent Earth (TV miniseries): Helene 2000 - BeastMaster (TV) 1 Ep: ("Riddle of the Nymph"): Muraki 2000 - Water Rats (TV) 2 Eps: Geena Sadler 2001 - Escape of the Artful Dodger (TV) 26 Eps: Hannah Schuler 2001 - When Good Ghouls Go Bad: Dayna 2003 - Swimming Upstream: Diane Fingleton 2003 - Mermaids: Tess 2005 - Little Oberon: Natasha Green 1998 - 2006. All Saints (TV) 4 Eps: Vicki Rees, Vicky Ross, Jacinta Clarke, Becky Franklin 2007 - H2O: Just Add Water (TV): Charlotte Watsford Carrera: Charlotte Watsford: Charlotte Watsford es la chica nueva (aparece en la segunda temporada por primera vez) y siente algo por Lewis desde que se lo presenta Cleo. Cuando Lewis y Cleo cortan ella se acerca a Lewis y esto hace que no se lleve bien con Cleo. Acaba saliendo con Lewis y eso provoca los celos de Cleo. Después de ver que las chicas tienen una misteriosa foto de su abuela (la cual era sirena), las investiga, le saca información a Lewis y descubre que las chicas so
Brittany Byrnes Výška: 1,78 m Brittany Byrnes je herečka, ktorá sa narodila 31.07.1987 (vek 36 rokov) v obci Austrália. Vyštudovala St John Paul II Catholic College. Nominácie: Cena Austrálskeho filmového inštitútu pre najlepšiu hosťujúcu herečku alebo herečku vo vedľajšej úlohe televíznej drámy Herecká filmografia 2006-2009 - H2O - Stačí přidat vodu (Rodinný, Fantasy, Dráma, Dobrodružný) - Charlotte 24 epiz., 2007-2008 2005 - Little Oberon (Dráma) - Natasha Green 2003 - Plavat proti proudu (Dráma, Športovný, Životopisný) - Diane Fingleton 2003 - Morské panny (Fantasy, Krimi, Akčný) - Tess 2001 - Keď sa dobrí démoni stávajú zlými (Rodinný, Fantasy, Komédia) - Dayna 2001 - Escape of the Artful Dodger - Hannah Schuller 13 epiz., 2001 1999-2002 - Pán šelem 1999-2002 (Fantasy, Akčný, Dobrodružný) 1999 - Pán šeliem (Fantasy, Akčný, Dobrodružný) - Muraki 1 epizóda, 2000 1996-2001 - Policajti z prístavu 1996 (Krimi, Akčný, Dráma) - Geena Sadler 2 epiz., 2000 1996-1998 - Mrazivé příběhy 1996 (Komédia, Sci-Fi, Mysteriózny) - Jessie Courtney 1 epizóda, 1996 1995 - Prasiatko Babe (Rodinný, Fantasy, Komédia, Dráma) - Granddaughter
BRITTANY BYRNES 1995 Babe 1996 Twisted Tales (TV) 1 Ep: "Night of the Monster" 1996 G. P. (TV) 1 Ep: "Sing Me a Lullaby" 1998 Children's Hospital (TV) 1 Ep: "Future Shock" 1998 Breakers (TV) 1998 The Violent Earth (TV miniseries) 2000 BeastMaster (TV) 1 Ep: "Riddle of the Nymph" 2000 Water Rats (TV) 2 Eps 2001 Escape of the Artful Dodger (TV) 1 Ep: "Blamed and Framed" 2001 When Good Ghouls Go Bad 2003 Swimming Upstream 2003 Mermaids 2005 Little Oberon 1998 - 2006 All Saints (TV) 4 Eps 2007 H2O: Just Add Water (TV)
Brittany Byrnes Brittany a început să joace de la vârsta de 8 ani. Primul ei rol a fost în filmul Babe. După aceea a jucat în filme ca Little Oberon, Mermaids și Swimming Upstream. A jucat și în seriale de televiziune, ca și Beastmaster și All Saints. Ultimul ei rol este în sezonul 2, al serialului pentru copii și adolescenți H2O - Adaugă apă, unde o interpretează pe Charlotte Watsford, noua fată din oraș ce devine mai târziu sirenă. La început se va certa cu Cleo, Emma și Rikki dar mai târziu se vor împrieteni pentru puțin timp. Filmografie An Titlu Rol 1995 Babe - Cel mai curajos porc din lume Granddaughter 1996 Twisted Tales (TV) 1 Ep: "Night of the Monster" Jessie 1996 G. P. (TV) 1 Ep: "Sing Me a Lullaby" 1997 Search for Treasure Island (TV)26 Eps. Thea Hawkins 1998 Children's Hospital (TV) 1 Ep: "Future Shock" Helen Voyt 1998 Breakers (TV) Catherine 1998 The Violent Earth (TV miniseries) Helene, as a child 2000 BeastMaster (TV) 1 Ep: "Riddle of the Nymph" Muraki 2000 Water Rats (TV) 2 Ep Geena Sadler 2001 Escape of the Artful Dodger (TV) 26 Eps Hannah Schuler 2001 When Good Ghouls Go Bad Dayna 2003 Împotriva curentului Diane Fingleton 2003 Mermaids Tess 2005 Little Oberon Natasha Green 1998 - 2006 All Saints (TV) 4 Ep Vicki Rees, Vicky Ross, Jacinta Clarke, Becky Franklin 2007 H2O - Adaugă apă (TV) Charlotte Watsford 2008 Scorched Deanna Pearce 2010 Toybox Tina
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Brittany Byrnes 2005Little Oberon színész (ausztrál filmdráma, 120 perc, 2005) 2001Twist Olivér legújabb kalandjai 7.0színész (ausztrál kalandfilmsorozat, 78 perc, 2001) 2001Soha többé halloweent! 6.4színész (amerikai-ausztrál vígjáték, 93 perc, 2001) Bretagneban Ausztráliában született, már 4 éves korában elkezdett táncolni, majd a Bradshaw Dancers Performing Arts Akadémiára járt. 7 évesen megkapta első filmes szerepét a Babe című filmben. 2005-ig sok televíziós sorozatban szerepelt egy-egy epizód erejéig. Majd 2005-ben szerepet kapott a Little Oberon-ban. 2007-ben jelentkezett a H2O: Egy vízcsepp elég című sorozatba, a második szériában kapott szerepet, ahol Charlotte Watsford bőrébe bújhatott. A Little Oberon-ban való szerepléséért jelölték Young Artist Díjra, majd 2008-ban ismét jelölték, a H2O: Egy vízcsepp elégben való alakításért. Filmek Év Magyar cím Eredeti cím Szerep Magyar hang 2018 When Sally Left Steve Sally 2009 Sunset Over Water Magda 2008 Scorched Deanna Pearce 2005 Little Oberon Natasha Green 2003 Szirénkaland Mermaids Tess Szabó Zselyke 2003 Úszóbajnok Swimming Upstream Diane Fingleton 2001 Soha többé halloweent! When Good Ghouls Go Bad Dayna 1995 Babe Babe Hoggették lányunokája Televíziós szerepek Év Magyar cím Eredeti cím Szerep Megjegyzések 2014 Wonderland Pip Sallinger 1 epizód 2014 We are Darren and Riley Brittany 1 epizód 2011 Toybox Tina 6 epizód 2007–2008 H2O: Egy vízcsepp elég H2O: Just Add Water Charlotte Watsford mellékszereplő magyar hangja Kokas Piroska 1998–2008 All Saints különböző szerep 5 epizód 2002 Don't Blame the Koalas színésznő 1 epizód 2001 Escape of the Artful Dodger Hannah Schuler főszereplő 2000 Water Rats Geena Sadler 2 epizód 1999 BeastMaster Muraki 1 epizód 1998 The Violent Earth Helene minisorozat 1998 Breakers Catherine mellékszereplő 1998 Children's Hospital Helen Voyt 1 epizód 1998–2000 Search for Treasure Island Thea Hawkins főszereplő 1996 Twisted Tales Jessie 1 epizód 1994 Szívtipró gimi Heartbreak High Rachel Stewart 2 epizód
Brittany Byrnes Geboorte 31 Julie 1987 Nasionaliteit Australies Beroep(e) Aktrise Aktiewe jare 1995–nou Filmografie als actrice Jaar Titel Rol Opmerkingen 2010 Toybox Tina televisieserie 1998-2010 All Saints Emma Quinliven Vicki Rees Becky Franklin Vicki Ross Jacinta Clarke televisieserie; 5 afleveringen 2008 Scorched Deanna Pearce televisiefilm 2007-2008 H2O: Just Add Water Charlotte Watsford Jeugdserie; 25 afleveringen 2005 Little Oberon Natasha Green televisiefilm 2003 Mermaids Tessa televisiefilm 2003 Swimming Upstream Diane Fingleton 2002 Don't Blame the Koalas actrice #3 televisieserie; 1 aflevering 2001 Escape of the Artful Dodger Hannah Schuler televisieserie; 13 afleveringen 2001 When Good Ghould Go Bad Dayna televisiefilm 2000 Water Rats Geena Sadler televisieserie; 2 afleveringen 1998-2000 Search for Treasure Island Thea Hawkins televisieserie; 26 afleveringen 2000 BeastMaster Muraki televisieserie; 1 aflevering 1998 The Violent Earth Helene als kind Miniserie 1998 Breakers Catherine televisieserie 1998 Children's Hospital Helen Voyt televisieserie; 1 aflevering 1993/1996 G.P. Amy Hardy televisieserie; 2 afleveringen 1996 Twited Tales Jessie televisieserie 1995 Babe kleindochter Hoggett Externe link
Brittany Anne Byrnes (født 31. juli 1987) er en australsk skuespiller. Hennes mest notable rolle var som Natasha Green i TV-filmen Little Oberon fra 2005. År Tittel Rolle 1995 Babe Barnebarnet 1996 Twisted Tales (TV) 1 episode: "Night of the Monster" Jessie 1996 Heartbreak High (TV) Ukjente episoder. 1996 G. P. (TV) 1 episode: "Sing Me a Lullaby" 1997 Search for Treasure Island (TV) 26 episoder. Thea Hawkins 1998 Children's Hospital (TV) 1 episode: "Future Shock" Helen Voyt 1998 Breakers (TV) Catherine 1998 The Violent Earth (TV miniserie) Helene, som barn 1999 BeastMaster (TV) 1 episode: "Riddle of the Nymph" Muraki 2000 Water Rats (TV) 2 episoder Geena Sadler 2001 Escape of the Artful Dodger (TV) 26 episoder Hannah Schuler 2001 When Good Ghouls Go Bad (Fjernsynsfilm) Dayna 2003 Swimming Upstream (Film) Diane Fingleton 2003 Mermaids (Film) Tess 2005 Little Oberon (Fjernsynsfilm) Natasha Green 1998 - 2006 All Saints (TV) 4 episoder Vicki Rees, Vicky Ross, Jacinta Clarke, Becky Franklin 2007 - 2009 H2O: Just Add Water (TV) Charlotte Watsford 2008 Scorched (fjernsynsfilm) Deanna Pearce
BRITTANY BYRNES Filmography Year: Title: Role: 1994 Heartbeak High Rachel Stewart 1995 Babe Granddaughter 1996 Twisted Tales Jessie Courtney 1993 - 1996 G. P Amy Hardy 1998 Children's Hospital Helen Voyt 1998 Breakers Catherine 1998 The Violent Earth Helen as a Child 2000 BeastMaster Muraki 1998 - 2000 Search For Treasure Island Thea Hawkins 2000 Water Rats Geena Sadler 2001 When Good Ghouls Go Bad Dayna 2001 Escape of the Artful Dodger Hannah 2002 Don't Blame the Koalas Actress #3 2003 Swimming Upstream Diane Fingleton 2003 Mermaids Tessa 2005 Little Oberon Natasha Green 1998 - 2008 All Saints Becky Franklin 2007 - 2008 H2O: Just Add Water Charlotte Watsford 2008 Scorched Deanna 2009 Sunset Over Water Madga 2010 - 2013 Toybox Tina 2014 We Are Darren and Riley Brittany 2014 Wonderland Pip Sallinger 2018 When Sally Left Steve Sally
Brittany Byrnes Byrnes wurde ab dem Alter von vier Jahren in der Bradshaw Dancers Performing Arts Academy in Sydney ausgebildet. Ihre erste Filmrolle hatte sie im Alter von acht Jahren in dem Film Ein Schweinchen namens Babe. Danach folgten Filme und Fernsehserien wie Auf der Suche nach der Schatzinsel, All Saints, Meerjungfrauen und Schwimmen im Upstream. Für ihre Rolle in dem Fernsehfilm Little Oberon wurde Byrnes 2005 erstmals für einen AFI-Award nominiert. Von 2007 bis 2008 wirkte Byrnes in der zweiten Staffel der Fernsehserie H₂O – Plötzlich Meerjungfrau mit; für ihre Rolle der skrupellosen Charlotte Watsford wurde sie 2008 erneut für den AFI-Award nominiert. Bis 2007 war Byrnes als Cheerleaderin für das Rugby-League-Team West Tigers aus Sydney aktiv. Filmografie 1993, 1996: G.P. (Fernsehserie, zwei Folgen) 1994: Heartbreak High (Fernsehserie, zwei Folgen) 1995: Ein Schweinchen namens Babe (Babe) 1996: Twisted Tales (Fernsehserie, eine Folge) 1998: Children’s Hospital (Fernsehserie, eine Folge) 1998: Breakers (Fernsehserie) 1998: The Violent Earth (Miniserie) 1998–2000: Auf der Suche nach der Schatzinsel (Search for Treasure Island, Fernsehserie, 26 Folgen) 1998–2008: All Saints (Fernsehserie, fünf Folgen) 2000: Beastmaster – Herr der Wildnis (BeastMaster, Fernsehserie, eine Folge) 2000: Water Rats – Die Hafencops (Water Rats, Fernsehserie, zwei Folgen) 2001: Verloren in Sydney (Escape of the Artful Dodger, Fernsehserie, 13 Folgen) 2001: Keine Angst vor Halloween (When Good Ghouls Go Bad, Fernsehfilm) 2002: Koalas und andere Verwandte (Don’t Blame Me, Fernsehserie, eine Folge) 2003: Gegen den Strom (Swimming Upstream) 2003: Mermaids – Landgang mit Folgen (Mermaids, Fernsehfilm) 2005: Little Oberon (Fernsehfilm) 2007–2008: H2O – Plötzlich Meerjungfrau (H2O: Just Add Water, Fernsehserie, 24 Folgen) 2008: Scorched (Fernsehfilm) 2011: Toybox (Fernsehserie, sechs Folgen) 2014: We Are Darren and Riley (Fernsehserie, eine Folge) 2014: Wonderland (Fernsehserie, eine Folge) 2018: When Sally Left Steve (Kurzfilm)
Biography: Brittany had her first major acting appearance in the 1995 movie ‘Babe' as the little granddaughter to the farmer. Brittany while not known much outside Australia has starred in many Australian Television series such as ‘Water Rats', ‘All Saints' and a by gone television series called ‘GP' where she was one year old. Thea Hawkins who she played in ‘Search for Treasure Island' this was a successful series, which had two seasons and had shown some great acting. TV series ‘Escape of the Artful Dodger' is airing in Australia, which stars Brittany as one of the main characters as Hannah Schuller. When Good Ghouls Go Bad starring the fantastic Christopher Lloyd. Brittany plays a small role as Dayna. Swimming Upstream Feb 4, 2005 Diane Fingleton / Diane Fingleton 7.7 Best Known For Having a minor role of Diane Fingleton in Swimming Upstream (2003) Starring in the 2nd season of Disney’s H20: Just Add Water series from 2007 to 2008 Having the role of Tina in Toybox children TV series for 6 episodes in 2011 Playing Natasha Green in Little Oberon (2005), and Deanna in Scorched (2008) Being a dance teacher at the Brittany Byrnes Dance Design dance studio First Film Brittany Byrnes made her first theatrical film appearance as the Hoggetts’ granddaughter in the comedy Babe in 1995. First TV Show Brittany Byrnes made her first TV show appearance as Jessica Travis / Amy Hardy in the drama series G.P. in 1993. Her co-stars in H2O: Just Add Water (2007-2008) were Cariba Heine, Claire Holt, Phoebe Tonkin, and Angus McLaren. Indiana Evans joined the cast in the 3rd series, but Brittany decided to pursue other projects and did not return in 2009.
Brittany Byrnes Year Title Role Notes 1994 Heartbreak High Rachel Stewart TV series, 2 episodes 1995 Babe The Hoggetts' Granddaughter Film 1996 Twisted Tales Jessie TV series, episode "Night of the Monster" 1996 G.P. TV series, episode "Sing Me a Lullaby" 1998–2000 Search for Treasure Island Thea Hawkins TV series, 26 episodes 1998 Children's Hospital Helen Voyt TV series, episode "Future Shock" 1998 Breakers Catherine TV series 1998 The Violent Earth Helene, as a child TV miniseries 1999 BeastMaster Muraki TV series, episode "Riddle of the Nymph" 2000 Water Rats Geena Sadler TV series, 2 episodes 2001 Escape of the Artful Dodger Hannah Schuler TV series, 26 episodes 2001 When Good Ghouls Go Bad Dayna TV movie 2002 Don't Blame the Koalas Actress #3 TV series, episode "A Star is Born" 2003 Swimming Upstream Diane Fingleton Film 2003 Mermaids Tess TV movie 2005 Little Oberon Natasha Green TV movie 1998–2008 All Saints Jacinta Clarke, Vicki Ross, Becky Franklin, Vicki Rees, Emma Quinliven TV series, 5 episodes 2007–2008 H2O: Just Add Water Charlotte Watsford TV series, 24 episodes 2008 Scorched Deanna Pearce TV movie 2009 Sunset Over Water Magda TV short 2010 Toybox Tina the Dancing Doll TV series, season 1-3 2011 Carols in the Domain Tina the Dancing Doll Christmas Special 2014 We are Darren and Riley Brittany Web series, episode "Brittany's Bonanza" 2014 Wonderland Pip Sallinger TV series, episode "Saving Face" 2018 When Sally Left Steve Sally TV short
Brittany Byrnes Capacitada en todos los aspectos de la danza (jazz, tap y ballet) desde los 4 años en Bradshaw, Academia de Artes Escénicas en Sídney. El primer papel fue en Babe, cuando desempeñó de nieta. A partir de ahí ha actuado en películas como Little Oberon, Sirenas y Swimming Upstream. También ha estado en series de televisión incluyendo Beastmaster, Todos Los Santos y la segunda temporada del show australiano H2O: Just Add Water como Charlotte. En 2005 fue nominada para un premio AFI por su desempeño en basa. Filmografía 1995 - Babe: Nieta 1996 - Twisted Tales (TV) 1 Ep: ("Night of the Monster"): Jessie 1996 - G.P. (TV) 1 Ep: ("Sing Me a Lullaby") 1997 - Search for Treasure Island (TV) 26 Eps: Thea Hawkins 1998 - Children's Hospital (TV) 1 Ep: ("Future Shock"): Helen Voyt 1998 - Breakers (TV): Catherine 1998 - The Violent Earth (TV miniseries): Helene 2000 - BeastMaster (TV) 1 Ep: ("Riddle of the Nymph"): Muraki 2000 - Water Rats (TV) 2 Eps: Geena Sadler 2001 - Escape of the Artful Dodger (TV) 26 Eps: Hannah Schuler 2001 - When Good Ghouls Go Bad: Dayna 2003 - Swimming Upstream: Diane Fingleton 2003 - Mermaids: Tess 2005 - Little Oberon: Natasha Green 1998 - 2006. All Saints (TV) 4 Eps: Vicki Rees, Vicky Ross, Jacinta Clarke, Becky Franklin 2007 - H2O: Just Add Water (TV): Charlotte Watsford 2014 - Wonderland (TV): Pip Sallinger
Brittany Byrnes è nata in Australia e all'età di quattro anni ha iniziato a praticare danza alla Bradshaw Dancers Performing Arts Academy di Sydney. Ha frequentato il Terra Sancta College a Quakers Hill, un sobborgo di Sydney, durante gli anni del liceo ed è stata una cheerleader fino al 2007. Ha cominciato a recitare all'età di 8 anni: la sua prima parte è stata quella nel film Babe, maialino coraggioso, nel 1995. Una bracciata per la vittoria (Swimming Upstream), regia di Russell Mulcahy (2003) Heartbreak High – serie TV, episodi 1x24-1x25 (1994) G.P. – serie TV, episodi 5x16-8x22 (1993-1996) Twisted Tales – serie TV, episodi 1x9 (1996) Children's Hospital – serie TV, episodio 1x07 (1998) Breakers – serie TV (1998) The Violent Earth – miniserie TV, episodi 1x1-1x2-1x3 (1998) BeastMaster – serie TV, episodio 1x10 (2000) Search for Treasure Island – serie TV, 26 episodi (1998-2000) Water Rats – serie TV, episodi 5x30-5x31 (2000) Fantasmi alla riscossa (When Good Ghouls Go Bad), regia di Patrick Read Johnson – film TV (2001) Escape of the Artful Dodger – serie TV, 13 episodi (2001) Lasciate in pace i koala (Don't Blame the Koalas) – serie TV, episodio 1x19 (2002) Mermaids, regia di Ian Barry – film TV (2003) Little Oberon, regia di Kevin Carlin – film TV (2005) H2O (H2O: Just Add Water) – serie TV, 24 episodi (2007-2008) Scorched, regia di Tony Tilse – film TV (2008) All Saints – serie TV, 4 episodi (1998-2008) Toybox – serie TV, 244 episodi (2010-2013) We Are Darren and Riley – serie TV, episodio 1x7 (2014) Wonderland – serie TV, episodio 2x6 (2014) 2005 - AACTA Awards Nomination Young Actor's Award (Little Oberon) 2008 - AACTA Awards Nomination Miglior attrice non protagonista in una serie televisiva (H2O)
Films starring Brittany Byrnes‎ Babe (1995 film)‎ Twisted 1996 1998–2000: Auf der Suche nach der Schatzinsel 2001: Verloren in Sydney 2003 - Swimming Upstream Natasha Green in Little Oberon (2005) Au coeur de la fournaise (2008) H2O: Just Add Water 2014 - Wonderland (TV): Pip Sallinger
Brittany Byrnes Narození 31. července 1987 Rok Název Role Poznámky 1995 Babe - galantní prasátko Granddaughter 1996 Mrazivé příběhy Jessie Epizoda "Night of the Monster" 1996 Škola zlomených srdcí TV seriál 1996 G.P. Epizoda "Sing Me a Lullaby" 1997 Search for Treasure Island Thea Hawkins 26 epizod 1998 Children's Hospital Helen Voyt Epizoda "Future Shock" 1998 Breakers Catherine 1998 The Violent Earth Helene, as a child TV minisérie 1999 Pán šelem Muraki Epizoda "Riddle of the Nymph" 2000 Vodní krysy Geena Sadler 2 epizody 2001 Escape of the Artful Dodger Hannah Schuler 26 epizod 2001 Když se duchové zlobí Dayna TV film 2003 Plavat proti proudu Diane Fingleton 2003 Mořské panny Tessa 2005 Little Oberon Natasha Green TV film 1998–2008 All Saints Jacinta Clarke, Vicki Ross, Becky Franklin, Vicki Rees, Emma Quinliven 5 epizod 2007–2008 H2O: Stačí přidat vodu Charlotte Watsford Vedlejší role 2008 Scorched Deanna Pearce TV film 2010 Toybox Tina TV seriál
Brittany Byrnes Filme von Sabine Gutberlet (als Tess) in Mermaids - Landgang mit Folgen (2003) Serien von Kristina von Weltzien (als Charlotte Watsford) in H2O - Plötzlich Meerjungfrau (2006-2010) von Céline Fontanges (als Hannah) in Verloren in Sydney - Neue Abenteuer für Oliver Twist (2001) von Theresa Underberg (als Thea Hawkins) in Auf der Suche nach der Schatzinsel (1998-1999)
h2o Просто Добавь воды! Русалки моко! 26 Jul 2012 at 12:14 pm Эллиот" "Ким" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.!/CleoRoseMassey Сайт матери: 1. 2. 3. (мама) 4.!/AnnaWatersMasse Страница на ютуб члена семьи Клио Месси - Stephen Massey: Кариба 1. 2. Мама Карибы Хейн Брат Карибы "Зейн" 1. 2. "Шарлотта" 1. 2. 3. 4. "Льюис" "Нейт" 1. 2. Брат, Бен Тимони Клер Холт!/MissClaireHolt Ballet Imperial (первая муз.группа Нейта и Льюиса) The Rapids (нынешняя муз.группа Нейта и Льюиса) 1. 2. 3. 4.!/wearerapids (группа Джейми) (группа Бена, Ангуса и Джордан) Элис Хантер (Тиффани) Отец Элис Хантер Фиби Тонкин (под вопросом)!/1PhoebeJTonkin (блог) (блог) Сестра, Эбби Тонкин!/abbyltonkin Аннабель Стифенсон (Мириам) Метт Окин (дрессировщик из аквапарка) Kate Alexa (песни из второго сезона)!/KateAlexa Алан Дэвид Ли (Дон Сертори) Тэрин Мерлер (Софи) Эндрю Лис, Райан из 3 сезона Люк Митчелл (Уилл)!/LukeMitchell__ Эшли Брюер (русалка Грейси)!/AshleighBrewer1 Chai Romruen ( русал в Русалках Мако)!/ch8i
BRITTANY BYRNES Actress Brittany Byrnes, Robert Carne, Jarrod Young, James Barahanos, Drew Wilson, Tsu Shan Chambers, Rachel Giuffre, Daniel Bunting, and Jo Carne in When Sally Left Steve (2018) When Sally Left Steve Short Sally 2018 Glenn McMillan, Brooke Satchwell, Michael Dorman, Emma Lung, Ben Mingay, Jessica Tovey, Tim Ross, and Anna Bamford in Wonderland (2013) Wonderland 7.7 TV Series Pip Sallinger 2014 1 episode Riley Nottingham and Darren Low in We Are Darren and Riley (2014) We Are Darren and Riley TV Series Brittany 2014 1 episode Brittany Byrnes in Toybox (2010) Toybox 8.4 TV Series Tina 2010–2013 244 episodes Sunset Over Water Short Magda 2009 Martin Lynes, Judith McGrath, Georgie Parker, Ling Cooper Tang, Ben Tari, Paul Tassone, Erik Thomson, Brian Vriends, and Jenni Baird in All Saints (1998) All Saints 7.1 TV Series Emma Quinliven Vicki Rees Becky Franklin ... 1998–2008 4 episodes Scorched (2008) Scorched 5.4 TV Movie Deanna 2008 Indiana Evans, Phoebe Tonkin, and Cariba Heine in H2O: Just Add Water (2006) H2O: Just Add Water 7.3 TV Series Charlotte Watsford 2007–2008 24 episodes Tasma Walton, Brittany Byrnes, and Sigrid Thornton in Little Oberon (2005) Little Oberon 6.7 TV Movie Natasha Green 2005 Mermaids (2003) Mermaids 5.2 TV Movie Tessa 2003 Swimming Upstream (2003) Swimming Upstream 7.0 Diane Fingleton 2003 Don't Blame the Koalas (2002) Don't Blame the Koalas 8.1 TV Mini Series Actress #3 2002 1 episode Escape of the Artful Dodger (2001) Escape of the Artful Dodger 8.3 TV Series Hannah Schuller 2001 13 episodes When Good Ghouls Go Bad (2001) When Good Ghouls Go Bad 6.2 TV Movie Dayna 2001 Water Rats (1996) Water Rats 6.9 TV Series Geena Sadler 2000 2 episodes Search for Treasure Island (1998) Search for Treasure Island 8.3 TV Series Thea Hawkins 1998–2000 26 episodes Daniel Goddard in BeastMaster (1999) BeastMaster 6.2 TV Series Muraki 2000 1 episode The Violent Earth (1998) The Violent Earth 7.4 TV Mini Series Helene, as a child 1998 3 episodes Breakers (1998) Breakers 8.5 TV Series Catherine 1998 Children's Hospital (1997) Children's Hospital 7.5 TV Series Helen Voyt 1998 1 episode Twisted Tales (1996) Twisted Tales 7.1 TV Series Jessie Courtney 1996 1 episode Michael Craig and Denise Roberts in G.P. (1989) G.P. 7.4 TV Series Jessica Travis Amy Hardy 1993–1996 2 episodes James Cromwell, Christine Cavanaugh, Charles Bartlett, Jacquie Brennan, Michael Edward-Stevens, Miriam Flynn, Danny Mann, Miriam Margolyes, and Magda Szubanski in Babe (1995) Babe 6.9 Granddaughter 1995 Heartbreak High (1994) Heartbreak High 7.8 TV Series Rachel Stewart 1994 2 episodes
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