1) Equality and Dignity
2) Non-Discrimination
3) Right to Life, Liberty, and Security:
4) No Slavery
5) No Torture
6) Recognition as a Person Before the Law
7) Equality Before the Law:
8) Right to Remedy: .
9) No Arbitrary Arrest, Detention, or Exile:
10) Right to Fair Hearing:
11) Presumption of Innocence:.
12) Right to Privacy: .
13) Freedom of Movement and Residence:
14) Right to Seek Asylum:
15) Right to Nationality:
16) Right to Marry and Found a Family
17) Right to Property:
18) Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion:
19) Freedom of Opinion and Expression:
20) Freedom of Assembly and Association:
21) Right to Participate in Government:
22) Right to Social Security:
23) Right to Work:
24) Right to Rest and Leisure:
25) Right to Adequate Standard of Living:
26) Right to Education:
27) Right to Participate in Cultural Life:
28) Right to a Social and International Order: .
29) Duties to the Community:
30) No Right to Destroy Rights and Freedoms: 🫵🏻✍🏽🫲