Turn Around Text Faces

Copy & Paste Turn Around Text Face Emojis & Symbols (・◇・)( ・◇)( ・)(  )(・ )(◇・ )(・◇・) | (゚▽゚)( ゚▽)( ゚)(

(・◇・)( ・◇)( ・)(  )(・ )(◇・ )(・◇・)
(゚▽゚)( ゚▽)( ゚)(  )(゚ )(▽゚ )(゚▽゚)
(^◇^)( ^◇)( ^)(  )(^ )(◇^ )(^◇^)
‹‹\(´ω` )/››‹‹\(  ´)/››‹‹\( ´ω`)/››
pls note the ai inflicts emotional damage (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
AI Story Generator
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‹‹ヽ( ・ω・ )/››‹‹ヽ( ・)/›› ‹‹ヽ( ・ω・ )/››
(´・ω・`)( ´・ω・)(  ´・ω)(   )(ω・´ )(・ω・´)(`・ω・´)
( ・ω)( ・)( )(・ )(ω・ )(・ω・)
(・_・)( ・_)( ・)(  )(・ )(_・ )(・_・)
(・∀・)( ・∀)( ・)( )(・ )(∀・ )(・∀・)
(・▽・)( ・▽)( ・)(  )(・ )(▽・ )(・▽・)
(^▽^)( ^▽)( ^)(  )(^ )(▽^ )(^▽^)
(^ー^)( ^ー)( ^)(  )(^ )(ー^ )(^ー^)
(^_^)( ^_)( ^)(  )(^ )(_^ )(^_^)
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