Stopstealing Emojis & Text

Copy & Paste Stopstealing Emojis & Symbols bro 😐 im actually so pissed about whoever took my

bro 😐 im actually so pissed about whoever took my tag and is posting content pretending to be me. please leave me alone, i might change my tags, i have done nothing wrong so please get off my tag.

Related Text & Emojis

from now on ill be using neospring for updates and etc. you can also use this to contact me, my neospring is my tag, neulla. and i am the real neulla, so you can guarantee what i say on there is 100% true. ➟ neulla 4 more !! 𓆲
𓏢 ─ ❛❛ 𝓷ame ⨟ 𝓷ickname ❜❜ ˳ 𓍯 prn ╱ prn⠀𓉳⠀flg⠀𓈒⠀flg⠀ 𓊆 link/quote/extra 𓊇 ➟ neulla 4 more !! 𓆲
⏝ ͝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀full legal name ㅤᛝㅤㅤ. ⠀⠀⠀⠀𓊆 prn ៸ prnㅤ ┈ ㅤage ㅤ𓂋 ׅ ۟ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓋜 sexuality 𓆰࿔ ➟ neulla 4 more !! 𓆲
hi guys! neulla here! i did NOT post any of the godzilla or other text art. im so sorry to yakulov, i was not the person behind it. please stop posting content under my tag. i am a symbol user ONLY and i do not post text artwork. someone has stolen my tag to post stolen works.
⏝ ͝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ name ㅤᛝㅤㅤ. ⠀⠀⠀⠀𓊆 prn ៸ prnㅤ ┈ ㅤage ㅤ𓂋 ׅ ۟ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𓋜 sexuality 𓆰࿔ ➟ neulla 4 more !! 𓆲
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hi TwT i have decided to quit being yakulov . i saw all the hate and i decided to leave also fuck you neulla - yklv☆
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sorry to interupt AGAIN.. but neulla stole more of ur stuff 😭 i dont think you're safe with people like this .
౿ 𓊑 ᭥ ➟ neulla 4 more !! 𓆲
i’m gonna go kms tonight. ➟ neulla 4 more !! 𓆲
neulla you are not slick :sob: dont steal my stuff bro. -yklv
f me up daddy ➟ neulla 4 more !! 𓆲
ps, yakulov someone named neulla stole your godzilla post. they posted it under the tag “neulla” just to let you know
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