Hot Take: The whole idea of "transracial" is racist and transphobic at its core. Wanting to change race to a more "desirable" race is genuinely offensive to people of "less desirable" races. It is literally racism. A lot of people will try to "transition" to Asian races such as Korean, Japanese or Chinese, and most of the people doing this don't even know that much about the culture; all they know about is K-pop and anime and shit. So people who are ACTUALLY Japanese probably aren't too happy about their culture being stereotypes as anime and kawaii shit. Also, it is VERY transphobic! Because, not only is it making transgender people seem like a joke to the public, but it's also taking all of the terms and reusing them for this stupid, harmful trend. (Example: Transracial, Deadrace, race dysphoria, ect) As a transgender guy, this honestly hurts to see people doing this racist fad, because now, people outside of the LGBTQIA+ community will think that trans people are the same as the "transrace", "transage", "transabled", "radqueer", or "transid" people. A lot of transracial people also will say shit like: "wElL We'Re aCtUaLlY a lOT DiFfeReNT fRoM TraNsGeNDeR pEoPlE!1!11!!" and to that I say, "then why the fuck did you base your whole community on transgender principles and terminology?" Anyways, that's my hot take, byee! -ASH0NP4WZZ