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guys please stop posting shit like 'you have dissapointed jesus' with 'sus' or 'porn' tags. humans are attracted to sexual things it is nature. if we weren't, how would we exist? it's a normal thing so i see no reason to 'oh you sinner how could you search up porn because your broke ass can't afford [sex movie]' like bro. it's completely normal now stfu. 😑edit: im not saying it's alright to post fucking ascii art of someone giving head on this platform as i know there are lot's of kids on this so you should move your degenerate ass to pornhub but would you ppl putting 'porn' tags on ur rants on how jesus would be dissapointed really think that's what a 9 year old girl would search up? do you honestly think a 10 year old skibidi toilet addict would say 'oh yk what i really wanna see some ascii art of a porn star chugging lube right about now'? cause if you do you came out the pussy an adult bro. get a fucking job.