*A statement regarding the defamation from Berry's friend ([Fname]) about my name*
Dear [Fname],
My name is Hernandez Guantanto, you may know me as Longitude(longitude, l0ngitude, long, l0ng, (lŏn′jĭ-too͞d″, -tyoo͞d″, lôn))
The statement regarding my name being false is completely and utterly untrue and is considered defamation of character, my legal department has been contacted and will be in contact with you ([Fname]) shortly (within 24 hours).
I do not appreciate the decisions you have made, but they are irreversible. I thank you for your cooperation, and hope for the legal process to go smoothly.
Deepest regards
- Hernandez Guantanto, Longitude(longitude, l0ngitude, long, l0ng, (lŏn′jĭ-too͞d″, -tyoo͞d″, lôn))
```This message is directed to: [Fname]
Resident of: [address]```
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