"˙ᵕ˙ guys im all for support of both places,, but lets stop spreading the message on cute ribbons,, also do you realize that palestine is also attacking isreal? get ur head in the game. you are not SPECIAL. for saying you support palestine. most of you wouldnt care if it wasnt "trending to support palestine!". you guys are going to do the same thing you did with russia and ukraine. forget about it in a year. you also arent cool for saying " you guys realize this isnt going to help anyone going through a war. instead of you yes you. going here and calling people bitches for supporting isreal. go donate if its such a big deal. people dont have to be "trendy" like you supporting palestine.
from the river and the sea. you all will forget this war. eventually. ."
stfu ps deserves better, so killing people especially childrens is defense?? ..🇵🇸🖕🏼