Badger State Emojis & Text

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Abbreviations abt - about B โ€“ birth BFA โ€“ see source list brn - born bro - brother brolw - brother-in-law Co โ€“ county Cond - Condition csn - Cousin D - death dau - daughter daulw - daughter-in-law ftr - father ftrlw - father-in-law hus - husband Jus โ€“ Justice lft - left M - marriage maidn - maiden name Mem โ€“ Memoriam Memb - Members mrdnm - married name mtr - mother mtrlw - mother-in-law nie - niece nmd - named nphw - nephew NYC - New York City Obit โ€“ Obituary/Obituaries par โ€“ parents Phys โ€“ Physician Pol - Police rel โ€“ relative res- residence Rpt โ€“ Report rt โ€“ right [sic] โ€“ indicates word/entry is as written in original source sis - sister sislw โ€“ sister-in-law son - son sonlw - son-in-law stftr โ€“ step-father stson โ€“ step-son Surg - Surgeon unc - uncle wf - wife yr - year
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
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An Egg September 1, 2012 It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a quick passing. The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail ... An Egg Strange and Unexplained / 5 minutes of reading Estimated reading time โ€” 4 minutes It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Youโ€™re so utterly shattered you were better off, trust me. And thatโ€™s when you met me. โ€œWhatโ€ฆ what happened?โ€ You asked. โ€œWhere am I?โ€ โ€œYou passed,โ€ I said, matter-of-factly. No point mincing words. โ€œThere was aโ€ฆa truck and it was skiddingโ€ฆโ€ โ€œYup.โ€ I said โ€œIโ€ฆ Iโ€™m gone?โ€ โ€œYup. But donโ€™t feel bad about it. Everyone passes.โ€ I said. You looked around. There was nothingness. Just you and me. โ€œWhat is this place?โ€ You asked. โ€œIs this the afterlife?โ€ โ€œMore or less,โ€ I said. โ€œAre you god?โ€ You asked. โ€œYup.โ€ I replied. โ€œIโ€™m God.โ€ โ€œMy kidsโ€ฆ my wife,โ€ you said. โ€œWhat about them?โ€ โ€œWill they be alright?โ€ โ€œThat what I like to see,โ€ I said. โ€œYou just passed and your main concern is for your family. Thatโ€™s good stuff right there.โ€ You looked at me with fascination. To you, I didnโ€™t look like a God. Some vague authority figure. โ€œDonโ€™t worry,โ€ I said. โ€œTheyโ€™ll be fine. Your kids will remember you as perfect in every way. They didnโ€™t have time to grow contempt for you. Your wife will cry on the outside but will be secretly relieved. To be fair, your marriage was falling apart. If itโ€™s any consolation, sheโ€™ll feel very guilty for feeling relieved.โ€ โ€œOh,โ€ you said. โ€œSo what happens now? Do I go to the afterlife or something?โ€ โ€œNeither,โ€ I said. โ€œYouโ€™ll be reincarnated.โ€ You followed along as we strolled in the void. โ€œWhere are we going?โ€ โ€œNowhere in particular,โ€ I said. โ€œItโ€™s just nice to walk while we talk.โ€ โ€œSo whatโ€™s the point, then?โ€ You asked. โ€œWhen I get reborn, Iโ€™ll just be a blank slate, right? A baby. So all my experiences and everything I did in this life wonโ€™t matter.โ€ โ€œNot so!โ€ I said. โ€œYou have within you all the knowledge and experiences of all your past lives. You just donโ€™t remember them right now.โ€ I stopped walking and took you by the shoulders. โ€œYour soul is more magnificent, beautiful and gigantic than you can possibly imagine. A human mind can only contain a tiny fraction of what you are. Itโ€™s like sticking your finger in a glass of water to see if itโ€™s hot or cold. You put a tiny part or yourself into the vessel and when you bring it back out, youโ€™ve gained all the experiences it had.โ€ โ€œYouโ€™ve been a human for the last 34 years, so you havenโ€™t stretched out yet and felt the rest of your immense consciousness. If we stay out here for longer, youโ€™d start remembering everything. But thereโ€™s no point doing that between each life.โ€ โ€œHow many times have I been reincarnated, then?โ€ โ€œOh, lots. Lots and lots. And into lots of different lives.โ€ I said. โ€œThis time around youโ€™ll be a Chinese peasant girl in 540 A.D.โ€ โ€œWait, what?โ€ You stammered. โ€œYouโ€™re sending me back in time?โ€ โ€œWell, I guess technically. Time, as you know it, only exists in your universe. Things are different where I come from.โ€ You pondered. โ€œBut wait. If i get reincarnated to other places in time, could I have interacted with myself at some point?โ€ โ€œSure. Happens all the time. And with both lives only aware of their own timespan you donโ€™t even know itโ€™s happening.โ€ I looked in your eye. โ€œThe meaning of life, the reason I made this whole universe, is for you to mature.โ€ โ€œYou mean mankind? You want us to mature?โ€ โ€œNo. just you. I made this whole universe for you. With each new life you grow and mature, and become a larger and greater intellectโ€ โ€œJust me? What about everyone else?โ€ โ€œThere is no one else,โ€ I said. โ€œIn this universe, thereโ€™s just you, and me.โ€ You stared blankly at me. โ€œBut all the people on earthโ€ฆโ€ โ€œAll you. Different incarnations of you.โ€ โ€œWait. Iโ€™m everyone!?โ€ โ€œNow youโ€™re getting it.โ€ โ€œIโ€™m every human who ever lived?โ€ โ€œOr whom will ever live, yes.โ€ โ€œIโ€™m Abraham Lincoln?โ€ โ€œAnd youโ€™re John Wilkes Booth, too.โ€ I added. โ€œIโ€™m a criminal?โ€ you said, appalled. โ€œAnd youโ€™re the victims, too.โ€ โ€œIโ€™m a leader?โ€ โ€œAnd youโ€™re everyone who followed you.โ€ You fell silent. โ€œEvery time you victimized someone,โ€ I said, โ€œYou were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness youโ€™ve done, youโ€™ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you.โ€ โ€œWhy?โ€ You asked me. โ€œWhy do all this?โ€ โ€œBecause someday, you will become like me. Because thatโ€™s what you are. Youโ€™re one of my kind. Youโ€™re my child.โ€ โ€œWhoa.โ€ you said, incredulous. โ€œYou mean Iโ€™m a god?โ€ โ€œNo. Not yet. Youโ€™re as a fetus. Youโ€™re still growing. Once youโ€™ve lived every human life throughout all time, you will have grown enough to be born.โ€ โ€œSo the whole universe,โ€ you said. โ€œItโ€™s justโ€ฆโ€ โ€œAn egg of sorts.โ€ I answered. โ€œNow itโ€™s time for you to move on to your next life.โ€ And with that, I sent you on your way. Credit: Andy Weir
NEWEST GUIDELINES ON CANCERS SCREENING OF THE WOMB COMPARED TO PREVIOUS RECOMMENDATIONS SUGGESTED for AFAB people aged ~25-65 yrs. old 2020 Update 2012 old 2018 former rec. Ages <25 No screening Pap test every 3 years Pap test every 3 years Age 25โ€’29 HPV test every 5 years (preferred) , HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years (acceptable) or Pap test every 3 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years Pap test every 3 years Age 30โ€’65 HPV test every 5 years (preferred) or HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years (acceptable) or HPV/Pap cotest every 3 years (preferred) or Pap test every 3 years (acceptable) Pap test every 3 years, HPV test every 5 years, or HPV/Pap cotest every 5 years Age 65 + No screening if a series of prior tests were normal No screening if a series of prior tests were normal No screening if a series of prior tests were normal and not at high risk for cancer
The End From Redditor u/MrCookieCutter: For the first time in recorded history, no humans died today. Granted, that's because the last one died yesterday.
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โ†’ ัƒั”ั•ั‚ั”ัโˆ‚ฮฑัƒ ฮนั• ะฝฮนั•ั‚ฯƒััƒ. ั‚ฯƒะผฯƒััฯƒฯ‰ ฮนั• ะผัƒั•ั‚ั”ััƒ. ะฒฯ…ั‚, ั‚ฯƒโˆ‚ฮฑัƒ ฮนั• gฮนฦ’ั‚ ั‚ะฝฮฑั‚โ€™ั• ฯ‰ะฝัƒ ฮนั‚ ฮนั• ยขฮฑโ„“โ„“ั”โˆ‚ ฯัั”ั•ั”ฮทั‚โ€ฆ
John Fishell. Nashville, Ind. March 19. John Fisshell, age 73 of Jackson township, died yesterday of hiccoughs. He was a Civil War veteran. He's survived by two children. (Indianapolis News, March 19, 1910)
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