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“💀❌” skull,X
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Luna: Why don't those humans get it?! I will go down there as a human, and try to find some people who believe in love. Bella: *all of the stars in the sky come out to listen to Luna* *song: Love song* Hairy Godmother: I am Hairy Godmother, the narrator of this story. Luna the moon climbed down from the sky, and was now in a kingdom called Hanoveria Luna: Oh! Look at that handsome man, he must be the prince of this kingdom. I must meet him! Jack: *Walking around the garden, I see a strange girl. I must talk to her* Excuse me, miss. I'm Jack, the prince of Hanoveria. Who might you be? Ferocia: *Walking behind Jack* Jack! Jack: *Turning around* Ah, Aunt Ferocia! Luna: *Looks at Jack and Ferocia* I-I'm Luna. It's nice to meet you both. Ferocia: Jack! Stop talking to peasants! We have work to do! Luna: *Smiling* Bye Jack. *song: Love Song (reprise)* Hairy Godmother: *scene change with Hugo the giant now.* Hugo: *As the former king, Hugo, he's quite large and can't control his anger. He is living with the three bears and Jean-Claude. He senses that something is wrong and decides to investigate* I smell trouble. Mama bear: *With a growl* Hugo, you under-baked the cookies. Papa bear: *Looking worried* I think Hugo burnt the cookies. Baby bear: I think these cookies are just right! Jean-Claude: *Trying to calm Hugo down* Hugo, what's wrong? Hugo: *Still angry* Something is very wrong in the kingdom! I can feel it! Mama bear: *Pacing around* I wish we knew what was going on. Baby bear: I wish we could help the humans, but they're scared of us. *song: The Misfit Song* Hugo: *Rushing out of the cave* I must find Jack and warn him about the danger that lurks ahead! Jean-Claude: He won't realize it's you, now that you are a giant. Luna: *Wandering the forest, still thinking about Jack* Oh, why is love so hard to understand? I wish I could just make everyone see it. Tree 1: Look, it's a human! Tree 2: A beautiful one at that. Luna: *Looking up* Oh, hello trees. Tree 1: Hello human! *song: The Tree Song* Jack: *On his horse, riding through the forest* I must find Felicity and tell her how I feel. Luna: *Following Jack from a distance* He's so noble. I wish I could tell him how I feel about him. Felicity: *On her horse, riding through the forest* Where are you going, Jack? I need to tell you something important. Luna: *Hiding behind a tree, watching the scene unfold* Oh, this is interesting. Jack: *Slowing down his horse* Felicity, what is it that you need to tell me? You've been acting strange lately. Felicity: Eunice, your cousin, has been missing. Luna: Eunice? I think she's one of Ferocia's daughters. Jack's cousins... Jack: *Horrified* Oh no, not again... Another one of our family members gone. We have to find her. Luna: *Stepping out from behind the tree* I could help you. I know where she might be. Jack: You do? Luna: Yes, Bella and Stella have been watching her. They might know where she is. Jack: Bella and Stella? You mean the stars in the sky? Narrator: Bella and Stella become shooting stars, and land in the forest. Luna: Yes, they're the stars that care for us. They know where she is. *song: Shooting Star Song* Bella: Jack, we saw Eunice being kidnapped by a group of fairies. They were heading towards a castle. Luna: The castle is guarded by a dragon. You'll need to find a way to defeat it if you want to save Eunice. Hairy Godmother: They arrive at the palace. Felicity: Jack, are you sure about this? Stella: It's the only way to save her. You have to be strong. Luna: I believe in you, Jack. You can do this. Ferocia: *In the castle* This is perfect! I can send The Three Blind Mice, Mickey, Minnie, and Algernon, to kill Jack! MWAHAHAHA! *song: Evil Spies Song* Mickey: Okay. Hairy Godmother: The group arrives at the castle. Luna: Jack, are you ready to face the dragon? Algernon: *Stumbles into Jack* Luna: Oh, careful! The mice are blind, but they can still trip you up. Jack: *Steeling himself* I'm ready. Let's do this for Eunice. Luna: *Taking a deep breath* Alright, here they come. Jack: *Draws his sword* You three will not harm her! Luna: *Whispers* Jack, be careful! They might not be what they seem. Jack: *Faces the blind mice* Mickey, Minnie, and Algernon... You three stand before me. You must know why I've come here. Luna: *Gripping her staff* I'm ready to help you, Jack. Hairy Godmother: The Three Blind Mice, Mickey, Minnie, and Algernon, stumble around, trying to find their way. Luna: *Suddenly, she hears a faint whistle* Mickey, Minnie, Algernon, it's no use! They can't escape their fate! Jack: *Taking advantage of the distraction* Now's my chance! I'll save Eunice! Luna: *She rushes after Jack* Jack! Wait! You don't know what you're doing! Jack: *Ignoring Luna, he continues to run through the castle* I have to save her! Luna: *She chases after him, trying to catch up* Jack, listen to me! They aren't what they seem! They're actually three clever spies sent by Ferocia! Jack: *Still not listening* Luna, please, just stay back and be safe! Hairy Godmother: Jack runs away with Bella and Stella. Minnie: *Still blindly stumbling* Luna, we're sorry about this, but we had to follow orders. Ferocia is planning something big. Luna: I know, Minnie. But I can't let Jack fall into her trap. *She sighs* I have to find a way to stop him. Jack: *Finally reaching the room where Ferocia is holding Eunice captive* Jack bursts in, sword drawn. Hairy Godmother: But Eunice isn't there. Stella: *Rushing into the room after Jack* Ferocia must have moved her! Where could she be?! Luna: *Running after them* Jack, no! Stop! You're walking right into her trap! Jack: *Ignoring Luna, he continues to search the room* I have to save her! Luna: *Finally catching up to him* Jack, listen to me! Ferocia has been playing you all along! She's not here, and neither is Eunice! Stella: Watch out Jack! Luna: *Turning around, she sees Ferocia standing behind them with a wicked grin on her face* Oh no... Jack: *Turns around and draws his sword, ready to face her* You won't hurt her! Luna: *Her heart racing, she realizes that they're trapped* Jack, we have to find another way out of here... Jack: *Ignoring Luna, he charges at Ferocia* I won't let you get away with this! Luna: *She ducks behind a table, looking around for an exit* Jack, please be careful! Ferocia is too strong for you! Jack: *The two spar, their swords clashing loudly* You can't win! I won't let you hurt Eunice! Luna: *She sees an open window, but it's too high up to reach without help* Jack, look out the window! There's an opening, but we need to work together to get out of here! Algernon: *Suddenly, the blind mouse leaps onto the table and grabs Luna's staff, handing it to her* Use this, Luna! Together, we can help Jack! Luna: *Taking the staff, she concentrates on its power, summoning a magical platform beneath them* Jack, jump on it! I'll boost you up! Jack: *He nods, then jumps onto the platform, his sword still clashing with Ferocia's* Go, Luna! Get us out of here! Luna: *She pushes off the table, leaping onto the platform with Jack, and then pushes the platform against the window* Mice, you can climb out now! Jack: *He glances at Luna, a look of admiration and gratitude in his eyes* Luna, I can't thank you enough for helping me. I thought I was going to lose my cousin for good. Luna: *She blushes slightly, looking away* It's nothing, Jack. You're my friend. I'm just glad we were able to save her. *song: Love Song* Bella: Wait, where's Felicity? Luna: Oh, that's right. We still need to find her. She was with Ferocia earlier, so she might still be here somewhere. Jack: *He nods, scanning the room* Let's look for her together. We can't leave anyone else behind. Luna: *They start searching the room, calling out for Felicity* Felicity? Are you here? It's safe now. You can come out. Ferocia: MWAHAHAHA!
▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။ 0:10.° ༘🎧⋆🖇₊˚ෆ.° ༘🎧⋆🖇₊˚ෆ♫⋆。 ♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺𝄞▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။ 0:10😈
Stella: Please, you have to tell us if you know where she might be. We can't lose her too. Luna: *she looks at them pleadingly, her heart racing with worry* We can't let anyone else get hurt. Jack: *his sword hand tightens on his weapon, determination in his eyes* We won't let that happen. Bella: Snow White, do you have any idea where she might be? Luna: *she glances at Snow White, hoping for some insight* Snow, you've been through so much. Maybe you can sense where she is. Snow White: *she closes her eyes, taking a deep breath* I...I can't be sure, but I think I feel her calling out to us. She's somewhere nearby. Cinderella: *she looks at them, her expression sad* But we can't go alone. The woods are dangerous at night, and we don't want to get lost. *song: The Forest Song* Hugo: I promise we won't get lost. Luna: *she nods at Hugo, grateful for his help* Hugo will guide us. We'll find her together. *She turns to the princesses* Please, stay safe. Jack: And if we find Felicity, we'll bring her back here, so you can all be together again. Sleeping beauty: Sounds good. Luna: *they all head towards the castle again.* Jack: *he looks at Luna, filled with determination* Let's do this, Luna. We can't lose her. Luna: *she nods, her grip on her sword tightening* You're right, Jack. We won't let anyone hurt her. *they hurry after Hugo, their hearts racing as they near the abandoned castle. Hugo leads them to the large, abandoned castle* Hugo: We're here. Luna: *she looks at Jack, worry etched on her features* This is it. We have to find her. Hairy Godmother: They go into the castle, but are surprised when they see Felicity, Eunice, and Gertude all together, not kidnapped at all. Luna: *her eyes widen in surprise* Felicity? Gertude? Eunice? What's going on? Are you all right? Jack: *his sword lowering slightly, confusion written all over his face* What are you all doing here? Luna: *she looks at them closely, searching for any signs of injury or distress* Are you okay? Gertrude: *she nods* Yes, we're fine. We were just exploring. Eunice: Yeah, we found this place and thought it'd be cool to check it out. Stella: Then what was Ferocia talking about? Ferocia: *pointing her sword at Jack* There you are! Luna: *she steps in front of Jack, her sword raised in defense* Ferocia, stop! Ferocia: I will kill you all, and there will be nobody who can take the kingdom from me! Luna: *she glances at Jack* Jack, we can't let her hurt anyone else. Jack: I know. She might be powerful, but together, we can take her. Luna: *she nods, her grip on her sword tightening* Together, then. Let's do this. Pinocchio: *pinocchio runs into the room* Wait! She's been lying to you about everything! *Points at Hugo* She actually turned the king, Jack's dad, into a giant! Hugo: *turns back into a king* Pinocchio: *points at Luna* And she's actually the moon! Luna: *starts glowing* Pinocchio: *points at Bella and Stella* And they are actually stars! Bella: *glows* Stella: *glows* Luna: *turns to Ferocia* I understand now. You've been using your power to manipulate us all this time. Hairy Godmother: Jean-Claude runs in with the three bears. Pinocchio: *looks at the three bears and gasps* You're the bears! Luna: *nods* And you're Jean-Claude. Jack: *glances at Ferocia, then back at Luna and the others* We've been through a lot together, haven't we? Eunice: I agree. Luna: *smiling at Jack* Yes, we have. And now we can put an end to Ferocia's manipulation and lies. Hugo: Pinocchio, seize her! I am the real king. Pinocchio: *steps forward and tries to grab Ferocia's sword, but she easily pushes him aside* Ouch! Luna: *she dashes forward, her sword flashing through the air as she attacks Ferocia* Jack: *following close behind, he too engages in battle with the traitorous queen* Luna: *as they fight, Ferocia reveals her true form - a monstrous creature with sharp claws and razor-sharp teeth. The battle is intense, but Luna and Jack manage to hold their ground* Ferocia: *turns back into a human* How could you have defeated me? Luna: *she and Jack stop fighting, breathing heavily as they stare at the defeated Ferocia* We were stronger together. We had each other's backs. And we didn't let anyone else control our lives. Mama bear: That battle was pretty intense. Papa bear: I think it was too boring. Baby bear: Well, it was good that it ended with everyone alright. Luna: *She wipes sweat from her brow* Yes, it did. We'll have to work together now to rebuild the kingdom and make sure something like this never happens again. Jack: Luna, even though you're Luna: *interrupting him with a smile* The moon? Well, I'm not sure about that. I think I can still be Luna, your friend, and help you with the kingdom. Together, we can do anything. Jack: *he smiles back* You're right, Luna. Together, we will make this kingdom great again. Hairy Godmother: *everybody in the musical comes to sing "Over The Moon Song"* *song: Over The Moon Song* Hairy Godmother: The End.
🪐✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮
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