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Y/N walked into the restaurant, surprisingly, it was empty. Y/N looked around for Chuck, but, all they could see were that the lights were off. Suddenly, the lights flickered on, and they were met with confetti spraying all around them, and balloons floating everywhere. Chuck Entertainment Cheese peered from behind a corner and rushed up to Y/N, holding his furry arms out and giving them a big, warm hug. Y/N blushed, feeling his cuddly aroma on them. "Happy birthday, my little birthday dude!" Chuck announced, smiling at Y/N. His bubbly giggles made Y/N's stomach fill up with butterflies, and their face turn bright red. *Oh, gosh, Y/N's so cute up close~!* Chuck thought, blushing a bit. He had a sort-of crush on Y/N, too, like how you had on him. "Y/N, just sit here, and I'll get everything situated, okay~?" Chuck assured Y/N, as Y/N took a seat, Chuck dashed off to somewhere else. ...
pls note the ai inflicts emotional damage (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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stop with the cringe "DONT PUT GROSS STUFF ON HERE UGHHH" yall are just looking/seeking for attention like.. i dont give a frick if theres kids on here... FRICK THEM KIDS ≽^•⩊•^≼
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.ෆ*˚*( o ⊰ o)♥(☉ ⊱ ☉).₊̣̇.ෆ*˚
( ˘ ³˘)♥
❛ԼƠƔЄ❜ ❥
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(ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)♥(˘ ε˘ʃƪ)
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅𐙚⋆⑅˚₊౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⑅˚₊ྀ ྀྀི⊹₊
₊˚⊹ ᰔ˚⋆˚🐾˖°₊⊹
★⌒ヽ( ͡° ε ͡°)
(*´ -`)(´- `*)
♡(* ^)(^ *)♡
(照′з`)ε ・`*)
( ’з`)ノ⌒♥*:・。.
~~(/ ̄3)/ kiss~★
.。・:*♡◟༼ຈ 3 ຈ༽◞⌒♡*:・。.
( ^ ᴗ ^ )ε^ )
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★⌒ヽ(´ ❥ `)
(˶◡‿◡)(´ ❥ `)
(˶^ з^(〃‿〃✿)
( o ⊰ o)♥
(´ิ ❥ ´ิ♡)
♡( ❛ั  દ  ❛ั ⭒)
⭑♡ˊ⌒(⭒ᵔ દ ᵔ⭒)ノ 。・:◃*⭑ ༘
⑅~♡ヾ(ෆ⁍̴̆  દ ⁍̴̆ ෆ)ノ ♡~⑅
(°Д°) ლ(° ◡ુ° )ლ︵‿
𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓪𝒆
꒒ ꒩ ꒦ ꒰
𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼 𝓶𝒆
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