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แถ สณแตƒแต—แต‰สณโฟโฑแถปแตƒแต—โฑแต’โฟ โฝแ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แดฎแต’แต‡ แถ แตƒโฟแถ โฑแถœโพ แดทแตƒสณแต‰โฟโ€™หข แต’แต˜แต— แต’แถ  แต—แต’สทโฟ สทสฐแต‰โฟ โฑแต— สฐแตƒแต–แต–แต‰โฟแต‰แตˆโ€ง แดดแต‰ สทแตƒหข แต—แต’ แตƒโฟแตƒหกสธแถปแต‰ แตƒ แตสณแตƒแต‡แต‡สธ แต–แตƒแต—แต—สธ สทสฐแต‰โฟ แดทสณแตƒแต‡หข แตแต’แต— แต’แต˜แต— แต—สฐแต‰ หขแต—สณแต’โฟแตแต‰หขแต— แต—สฐโฑโฟแต สฐแต‰ แถœแต’แต˜หกแตˆ แถ โฑโฟแตˆ แต‡แต‰โฑโฟแต แตƒ แถœสณแต’สท แต‡แตƒสณโ€ง แดนสณโ€ง แดทสณแตƒแต‡หข แต˜หขแต‰แตˆ แตƒหกหก สฐโฑหข หขแต—สณแต‰โฟแตแต—สฐ แต—แต’ แต—แตƒแตแต‰ แต—สฐแต‰ แต‡โฑแตแตแต‰หขแต— หขสทโฑโฟแต แต—แต’ แต—สฐแต‰ แถœแต’โฟแต—สณแตƒแต–แต—โฑแต’โฟโ€ง แดฎแต˜แต— แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ แต—แต’แต’แต แต—สฐแต‰ หขสทโฑโฟแตโ€ง แดนสณโ€ง แดทสณแตƒแต‡หข แตƒโฑแตแต‰แตˆ แถ แต’สณ แต—สฐแต‰ แตƒแต–แต–แตƒสณแตƒแต—แต˜หข แต‡แต˜แต— แตแต’แต— แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ สฐโฑแต— แต’โฟ แต—สฐแต‰ สฐแต‰แตƒแตˆ สฐแตƒสณแตˆ แต‡สธ แต—สฐแต‰ แถœสณแต’สท แต‡แตƒสณ โฑโฟ แต‡แต‰แต—สทแต‰แต‰โฟโ€ง แต€สฐแต‰โฟ แถ แต‰หกหก แต‡แตƒแถœแต แตƒโฟแตˆ 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แต—สฐแต‰ สฐแต‰แตƒแตˆห€ แดฌแถ แต—แต‰สณ แดนสณโ€ง แดทสณแตƒแต‡หข แตแต’แต— แต—สฐแต‰ แถœสณแต’สทแต‡แตƒสณโธด โฑแต— แตโฟแต’แถœแตแต‰แตˆ สฐโฑหข สฐแต‰แตƒแตˆโธด สณแต‰โฟแตˆแต‰สณโฑโฟแต หขแต—แตƒแต—แต‰ แต’แถ  หขแต‰โฟหขแต‰หกแต‰หขหขโฟแต‰หขหขโธด แตƒโฟแตˆ สณแต‰แตแตƒโฑโฟแต‰แตˆ แต˜โฟแต—โฑหก แดต แต—แต’แต’แต สฐโฑแต สฐแต‰สณแต‰ แต—แต’ สณแต‰แถœแต’แต›แต‰สณ แถ สณแต’แต แต‡แต‰โฑโฟแต โฟแต’โฟแถœแต’โฟหขแถœโฑแต’แต˜หขโ€ฆโ€ โ€œแ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡โธด โฑแต—โ€™หข แต˜โฟแถœแต’โฟหขแถœโฑแต’แต˜หขโธด โฟแต’แต— โฟแต’โฟโปแถœแต’โฟหขแถœโฑแต’แต˜หข; โฑแถ  สธแต’แต˜ สทแตƒโฟโฟแตƒ แต‡หกแตƒแต‡โธด แตƒแต— หกแต‰แตƒหขแต— แตแต‰แต— แต—สฐแต‰ แถ แตƒแถœแต—หข สณโฑแตสฐแต—แตŽโ€ โ€œแดดแต’สทโ€™หข โฑแต— แถ แต‰แต‰หกโ€ฆโ€ โ€œแต‚แต‰หกหก โฑแถ  สฐแต‰โ€™หข โฟแต’แต— แตƒสทแตƒแตแต‰ แต—สฐแต‰โฟ แต—สฐแต‰สณแต‰โ€™หข โฟแต’ แตƒสทแตƒสณแต‰โฟแต‰หขหข แต’แถ  หขแต˜สณสณแต’แต˜โฟแตˆโฑโฟแตหขโ€ง แดฎแต˜แต— แถ แต’สณแต—แต˜โฟแตƒแต—แต‰หกสธ สฐแต‰โ€™หข แตˆแต’โฑโฟแต แต‡แต‰แต—แต—แต‰สณ แต—สฐแตƒโฟ สทสฐแต‰โฟ สฐแต‰ แถ โฑสณหขแต— แถœแตƒแตแต‰โธด สทแต‰หกหกโธด แดต แถœแต’แต˜หกแตˆ แต—แต‰หกหก สฐแต‰ แตˆโฑแตˆโฟโ€™แต— แตโฟแต’สท สทสฐแต‰สณแต‰ สฐแต‰ สทแตƒหข แต˜โฟแต—โฑหก แดต แต—แต’หกแตˆ สฐโฑแต แตƒหข สฐแต‰ แตแตƒโฑโฟแต‰แตˆ แต’แต‡หขแต‰สณแต›แตƒแต—โฑแต’โฟ แต’แถ  หขแต˜สณสณแต’แต˜โฟแตˆโฑโฟแตหขโ€ง แดผโฟแต‰ แตโฑแตสฐแต— โฟแต’แต— สณแต‰แถœแตƒหกหก แตแต˜แถœสฐ แต‡แต‰โฑโฟแต แตˆโฑหขแต’สณโฑแต‰โฟแต—แต‰แตˆ แตƒหข สธแต’แต˜ แถœแตƒโฟโฟแต’แต— สณแต‰แตแต‰แตแต‡แต‰สณ แตƒโฟสธแต—สฐโฑโฟแต โฑโฟ แต‡แต‰แต—สทแต‰แต‰โฟโ€ฆโ€ โ€œแดต แต—สฐโฑโฟแต สฐแต‰โ€™หข แตแต’แต— โฑแต—โธด แ”†แ‘ซแต˜แตƒสณแต‰แดพแตƒโฟแต—หขแตŽ แดฎแต‰แต—แต—แต‰สณ โฟแต’แต— แตแต‰โฟแต—โฑแต’โฟ โฑแต— แต‰แต›แต‰สณ แตƒแตแตƒโฑโฟโธด แดพโฑโฟแตสธแตŽโ€ โ€œแดต แต–สณแต’แตโฑหขแต‰แตŽโ€ แดพแตƒแต—สณโฑแถœแต หขแตƒโฑแตˆ โฟแต‰สณแต›แต’แต˜หขโ€ง แดถแต˜หขแต— แต—สฐแต‰โฟโธด แตƒโฟแต’แต—สฐแต‰สณ แตโฟแต’แถœแต แต’โฟ แต—สฐแต‰ แตˆแต’แต’สณโ€ง โ€œแดบแต’สท สทสฐแตƒแต—ห€โ€ แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ หขโฑแตสฐแต‰แตˆโธด แต’แต–แต‰โฟโฑโฟแต แต—สฐแต‰ แตˆแต’แต’สณ แต—แต’ แดทแตƒสณแต‰โฟโ€ง โ€œแดต แถœแตƒแตแต‰ แถ แตƒหขแต— แตƒหข แดต แต–แต’หขหขโฑแต‡หกสธ แถœแต’แต˜หกแตˆโ€ง แ”†แต–แต’โฟแตแต‰แต‡แต’แต‡ แถœแตƒหกหกแต‰แตˆ แต—แต’ แต—แต‰หกหก แตแต‰ แดทสณแตƒแต‡หข สฐแต˜สณแต—โ€ฆโ€ โ€œแดทแตƒสณแต‰โฟโธด สธแต’แต˜ แตˆโฑแตˆโฟโ€™แต— แถœแต’แตแต‰ แต‰แตƒสณหกสธโ€ฆโ€ โ€œแดต สทแตƒหข แต–หกแตƒโฟโฟโฑโฟแต แต’โฟ หกแต‰แตƒแต›โฑโฟแต แต‰แตƒสณหกโฑแต‰สณ แต‰แต›แต‰โฟ แต‡แต‰แถ แต’สณแต‰ สธแต’แต˜ แถœแตƒหกหกแต‰แตˆโ€งโ€ แดทแตƒสณแต‰โฟ แต‰หฃแต–หกแตƒโฑโฟแต‰แตˆโ€ง โ€œแดธแต‰แต—'หข แตแต’โ€ฆโ€ แดทแตƒสณแต‰โฟ แตƒแถฐแตˆ แดพหกแตƒโฟแตแต—แต’โฟ สทแตƒแต›แต‰แตˆโ€ง
Plankton's Regular | Typed By: ssj4gogita4 Karen: What's wrong now? Plankton: Same as always. Look! Empty again! Karen: So, what are you gonna do about it? Plankton: I don't know anymore. (cries) Karen: (mocks crying) Why don't you just work on a new recipe? Plankton: What's the point? I haven't had a customer in years. (customer walks in) Nat: Hello? Plankton: Away with you! Can't you see that I'm self-loathing here? Nat: Sorry, I just wanted a Chum Stick. Plankton: What?! Nat: Yes, I'd like one of your Chum Sticks. Plankton: You're kidding right? Nat: No, I'm serฤฑous. I want a Chum Stick. Plankton: Uh, okay. If you insist. (hands him a Chum Stick and he eats it) Nat: Mm-mmm! Plankton: I can't believe someone actually enjoys my Chum. (laughs) Nat: Now this was so good, I'm going to have to come back, tomorrow. (hands Plankton some money) Here you go. See you in the morning. (walks off) Plankton: (to Karen) Did you see that? I didn't even have to thr*aten his life. He loved it! Excuse me, Karen, but i've got to whip up some more. (cut to Plankton coming out of the kitchen with a Chum Stick) Now, I wait. I wait until he returns. (hops to a stool and looks out one of the windows of the door) I wait. I wait. I wait. I wait. Narrator: 8 Hours Later. (Plankton is snoring on the Chum Stick. The chiming tolls on the clock wakes him up) Plankton: Huh? Nat? Hello? Huh? What? (the clock tolls) Ugh, it's closing time. I should have known it was too good to be true. Nat: Hey! Plankton: Why, hello, Nat. Nat: I came back like I said yesterday. Plankton: You certainly did, didn't you? Nat: I'd like another Chum Stick, please? Plankton: Well, it's your lucky day, Nat. I happen to have a quite delectable one, right here! Nat: Oh, boy! (eats it) Plankton: Is it okay? Nat: Okay? It's perfection! (both laugh and give a high-five) Hey, how about I have another? Plankton: You betcha. (gives him another one and eats it) Nat: Ooh, boy! I cannot believe how good these things are. Plankton: Ah, well, you know... Nat: All right. See you tomorrow. (hand him another dollar) Plankton: What? You're coming back again? Nat: Oh, you know it! (laughs, then cuts to the Krusty Krab. Mr. Krabs is laughing) Mr. Krabs: โ™ชRolling, rolling rolling. Money keeps on rolling alongโ™ช (plays bowling with his coins and bills. Laughs) One more time! (sees Plankton) No way, Plankton! You're not getting me formula this time or any time. (throws him on the counter, then gets a spoon, and crushes him) Plankton: Don't bother. There's no need. Mr. Krabs: What are you talking about? Plankton: I'm just saying, I no longer need to copy you, Krabs. I've got my own winning recipe now. Mr. Krabs: (laughs) You're really funny, man. You think you can complete with me? Look Plankton. Look at all these loyal customers. Loyal to me, Plankton. Not to you. Nat: Hey, Plankton, can I get another one of your delicious Chum Sticks? Plankton: But of course, loyal customer. (gets out of Mr. Krab's hand and onto Nat's hand) I'll see you later, loser. Much later! (laughs) Mr. Krabs: Oh no! How can this be? Boy, front and center! SpongeBob: Yes, sir. Mr. Krabs: Plankton's trying to overthrow me business. He's got a customer that actually likes his food. You've gotta get that guy back on our side, with a couple of Krabby Patties. SpongeBob: Oh, you can count on me, sir. (cut to Nat walking up to the Chum Bucket) Pardon me, you smart fellow. Down here. (SpongeBob is on the ground with Nat) Why settle for Plankton's Chum, when you can enjoy a steaming Krabby Patty for free? (shows Nat a plate with the patty on it) Nat: Yeah, do me a favour. (rips off SpongeBob's pants and uses them as a napkin. Hands back his pants) From now on, keep those Shabby Patties to yourself. (walks off) SpongeBob: Oh, fish paste. (cut to the Chum Bucket) Plankton: Nat, back already? That's the fifth time today. Not that I'm surprised. Karen, babe, fetch Nat here another plate of that sweet Chum. Karen: Yes, your Diminutiveness. (goes into the kitchen) Plankton: Say, Nat, do you have any friends? Nat: No. (Plankton hums then chuckles nervously) Plankton: Would you hurry up with that Chum, Karen? Mr. Krabs: What am I gonna do? I can't let Plankton have as much as one singular customer. (sobs) I just can't afford it. Karen: Call it a computer's intuition but I sense your regular approaching, with an unusually large wad of cash. Mr. Krabs: Look at all that lot. Plankton: That's right, Krabs. And you're going to have to keep looking when my customer comes in and pays me for my Chum! Mr. Krabs: Oh! Just put me out of me misery! (Nat walks in) Plankton: Back for more of my delicious Chum, I see. Nat: Not this time. Mr. Krabs & Plankton: Huh? Nat: Not ever again. (throws the wad of cash at Karen) The deal's off, computer. I can't eat another bite of that slop, no matter how much you payอ˜ me. Plankton: (stammering) Huh? Nat: I have eaten ten of those things and I've had to go to the doctor's twice! Plankton: What's the deอal, Karen? Karen: The deอal, was that I payอ˜ Nat to eat your Chum, so you'd quฤฑt your constant complaining. Plankton: All this time I never had one regular customer? Karen: Uh, duh. Plankton: Should have known! Why would anyone even eat my slop? Karen: (groans) There he goes again. Cvt it out, Plankton. Plankton: What? It's just obvious that i'm a complete faฤฑlure, and wasted of a loser lฤฑfe form. Oh, woe is me. (sobs) SpongeBob: Quickly, now is the time to b*at a hasty retreat! Mr. Krabs: What? And mฤฑss this? I've never enjoyed me self more! This irony's pretty good stuff. (laughs)
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Episode Transcript: Plankton's Regular (episode starts at the Chum Bucket, where Plankton is grumbling) Karen: What's wrong now? Plankton: Same as always, look. Empty again. Karen: So what are you going to do about it? Plankton: I don't know anymore. (cries) Karen: (fake cries) Why don't you just work on a new recipe? Plankton: What's the point? I haven't had a customer in years! (Nat walks in) Nat: Hello. Plankton: Away with you! Can't you see that I'm self-loathing here? Nat: Sorry, I just wanted a Chum Stick. Plankton: What? Nat: Yes, I'd like one of your Chum Sticks. Plankton: You're kidding right? Nat: No, I'm serious, I want a Chum Stick. Plankton: Uh, okay, if you insist. (hands him a Chum Stick, and Nat eats it) Oh no, please don't sue me. (Nat finishes the whole thing and says: "Mmm-mmm!") I can't believe someone actually enjoys my Chum. (laughs) Nat: Now this was so good. I'm going to have to come back, tomorrow. (hands him a dollar) Here you go. See you in the morning. Plankton: (to Karen) Did you see that? I didn't even have to threaten his lฤฑfe! He loves it! Excuse me Karen, but I've gotta whip up some more. (cuts to Plankton running out of the Kitchen with a Chum Stick) Now, I wait. I wait until he returns. (hops up on a stood, and stares out the window) I wait. I wait. I wait. (bored) I wait. (time card appears) French Narrator: 8 hours later... (Plankton is asleep, then the clock wakes him up) Plankton: Huh? Nat? Hello? Huh? What? (sees the clock) Oh, it's closing time. I should have known it was too gooอ d to be true. Nat: Hey. Plankton: Well hello, Nat. Nat: I came back like I said yesterday. Plankton: You certainly did, didn't you? Nat: I'd like another Chum Stick, please? Plankton: Well, it's your lucky day, Nat. I happen to have a quite delectable one, right here. Nat: Oh, boy! (eats it) Plankton: Is it okay? Nat: (angry) Okay? (happy) It's perfection! (both laugh, and then do a high five) Hey, how about I have another. Plankton: You bet 'ya. (gives Nat another one, and he eats it) Nat: Whoo, boy! I cannot believe how good these things are. Plankton: Oh, well, you know... Nat: All right, see you tomorrow. (hands him another dollar) Plankton: What? You're coming back again? Nat: Oh, you know it! And the day after that, and the next week after that! You've got a regular customer on your hands! (walks out) Plankton: Oh my, this is amazing! At last, I've got my revenue! (laughs evilly. Bubble-wipe to the Krusty Krab, where Mr. Krabs is laughing and singing) Music: Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' Mr. Krabs: Rollin', rollin' rollin'. Money keeps on rollin'. Mr. Krabs: (he is playing bowling with money) One more time! (notices Plankton) No way, Plankton! You're not getting me formula this time, or any time! (throws him on the counter, then gets a spoon, and crashes him) Plankton: Don't bother. There's no need. Mr. Krabs: What are you talking about? Plankton: I'm just saying, I no longer need to copy you, Krabs. I've got my own winning recipe now. Mr. Krabs: (laughs) You're really funny, man! You think you can compete with me? Look Plankton, look at all these loyal customers. Loyal to me, not to you! Nat: (enters) Hey Plankton, can I get another one of your delicious Chum Sticks? Plankton: But of course... loyal customer. (hops out of Mr. Krabs' hands, onto Nat's hand) I'll see you later, loser. Much later! (laughs) Mr. Krabs: Oh no! How can this be? Boy, front and centre! SpongeBob: Yes, sir! Mr. Krabs: Plankton's trying to overthrow me business! He's got a customer that actually likes his food! You've gotta get that guy back on our side, with a couple of Krabby Patties. SpongeBob: Oh, you can count on me sir. (bubble-wipe to Nat walking toward the Chum Bucket) Pardon me, you smart fellow? Down here. (he is laying on the floor, like a mat) Why settle for Plankton's Chum... (holds up a plate with a Krabby Patty in front of Nat) ...when you can enjoy a steaming Krabby Patty, for free? Nat: (sniffs it) No thanks. (opens the door, peeling off SpongeBob's skฤฑn) SpongeBob: Barnacles! (bubble-wipe to SpongeBob in a chair) There he is. Just in time for breakfast. (walks down the street, then throes a rock on the ground) Oh, I am such a clumsy oaf. I sure hope nothing happens to this Krabby Patty as I step carefully over this rock here. (deliberately tripลซs on the rock) Oh, no! Too late! No! No! (tries to sHOVel the patty in his mรธuth, but his mรธuth dodges it) Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Oops. Come on, Nat. Just one accidenta1 bite! I see you're not hungry right now, but I'm telling you, that Krabby Patty will make a great snack later. (Nat's face is messy) Nat: Yeah, do me a favour. (rips off SpongeBob's pans, uses it as a napkin to wipe his messy face, then gives it back) From now on, keep those Shabby Patties to yourself. (walks away) SpongeBob: Oh, fish paste! (bubble-wipe to the Chum Bucket) Plankton: Nat, back all ready? That's the fifth time today. Not that I'm surprised. Karen. babe, get Nat here another plate of that sweet Chum. Karen: Yes, your diminutiveness. (goes in the kitchen) Plankton: Say, Nat, do you have any frฤฑends? Nat: Nope. (Plankton sings a little, then laughs) Plankton: Would you hurry up with that Chum, Karen?! SpongeBob: (imitating Karen) Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep your tiny pans on Plankton, bleep bloop. (throws a Krabby Patty) There's your Chum, bleep blap blop. Nat: Hey, this doesn't look like Chum. Plankton: A that doesn't look like Karen. (SpongeBob, shaped just like Karen, is shown) SpongeBob: Why don't be ridiculรธus my husband, bleep blap. Of course it's me. Plankton: What have you done with Karen, you brute?! (cutt1ng to the kitchen, where Karen is taped up) Nat: How many times do I have to tell you? I don't want to eat your trash! Plankton's chum is my favourite breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I LOVE CHUM! So forget it! I don't want to eat anything else! (SpongeBob returns to normal, and speaks in his normal voice) SpongeBob: So you're saying that you love Chum? And all that you ever eat, is Chum? Nat: Yeah! That's right! SpongeBob: Interesting. (walks away. Bubble-wipe to Nat walking out of a trailer. He notices a hรธle with a sign that says "Shortcut 2 Chum Bucket") Nat: A shortcut to the Chum Bucket? Hmm. That must be for me. (goes through the hรธle, but it leads to the Krusty Krab) SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs: Welcome, valued customer. Nat: This isn't the Chum Bucket. Mr. Krabs: (laughs) Why go to the Chum Bucket, when the Krusty Krab is adding tasty Chum to our menu? Nat: That's okay, I only eat Chum Bucket brand Chum. Mr. Krabs: But we've developed a special recipe for the most discerning Chum lovers. Besides, I locked all the exits until you give it a try. So what do you say? (Nat eats it, then spits it out) You like it? Nat: (brushes the chum off) It's... (vomฤฑtฤฑng fills up his cheeks) Mr. Krabs: Yeah? Nat: It's... (coughs) Mr. Krabs: Well, what do you think? Nat: It's the second foulest thing I've ever tasted! (vomฤฑtฤฑng) I'm going back to Plankton's Chum. (crawls away) Mr. Krabs: What am I going to do? I can't let Plankton have as much as one single customer! (cries) I just can't afford it. SpongeBob: I guess you'll have to make Chum just like Plankton's. Mr. Krabs: But to do that, I'd have to know how Plankton makes his Chum. (his eyes turn into light bulbs) That's it boy-yo! (bubble-wipe to the Chum Bucket at night. Sneaks over, and cuts a hรธle, allowing him to get in) Where could it be? (notices the safe) There! Plankton's secret formula. (tries to open it) It's gotta be in here (an alarm goes off, and he gets crushed by a giant spoon) Plankton: (laughs) What do you think, Krabs baby? This time I caught you trying to ลŸteal my secret formula! Ironic, isn't it? Mr. Krabs: Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing. You see, crabs are not born with an inkling of irony. Plankton: Ouch, double irony! (SpongeBob picks him up) SpongeBob: Triple irony, Plankton! Though you nabbed Krabs trying to ลŸteal your formula, I'm still here to ruin your evฤฑl plans! So it's like a dollop of irony on top of an ironic twist. (Plankton groans) I mean just think about that. (Plankton presses a button on his remote) You know, in a weird way, it's like we never left the... (gets crashed by another giant spoon) Plankton: Good thing I sprang for the dual spoon installation. Karen: Call it a computer's intuition, but I sense your regular approaching, with an unusually large wad of cash. (her screen shows Nat walking to The Chum Bucket with his money) Mr. Krabs: Look at all that loot! Plankton: That's right, Krabs! And you're going to have to keep looking when my customer comes in and pays me for my Chum! Mr. Krabs: D'oh, just put me out of me miserly! (Nat walks in) Plankton: Back for more of my delicious Chum, I see. Nat: Not this time! Plankton and Mr. Krabs: Huh? Nat: (to Karen) Not ever again! The deal's off, computer! I can't eat another bite of that slop, no matter how much you pay me! Plankton: Ha-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-huh? Nat: I have eaten ten of those things, and I've already had to go to the doctor, twice! (passes outฬธ. Two men put him on a medical bed) If you need me, I'll be getting my stomach dump3d... again. (they carry him out) Plankton: What's the deal, Karen? Karen: The deal, was that I paid Nat to eat your Chum, so you'd quit your constant complaining. Plankton: All this time, I never had one regular customer? Karen: Duh. Plankton: I should have known! Why would anyone ever eat my slop? Karen: Uhh, there he goes again. Cut it out, Plankton! Plankton: What? It's just obvious that I'm a complete faฤฑlure, and waster of a lower lฤฑfe form! Oh, woe is me! (cries) SpongeBob: Quickly, now is the time to make a hasty retreat! Mr. Krabs: What? And miss this? I've never enjoyed meself more! This irony is pretty good stuff! (laughs)'s-Regular
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