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Thorny people, get out of my butthole. :( There could be little poopyheads just trying to find cute dee dee doos, then see your onlyfans. Copy & Paste this, and Submit it to spread the message #beepic #stopthethornys✎ᝰ
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⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣻⢿⣟⣿⣻⡝⣯⣟⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣽⣯⣿⣯⣿⣿⣻⣽⣿⣯⣷⣿⣟⣷⣿⡿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣽⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⢾⣿⣟⣾⢷⣿⡿⢷⣿⣞⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⣾⣯⣷⢿⣳⣿⣟⣯⣷⣿⣻⣾⣽⣻⣾⢿⣿⣿⣿⢿⣟⣯⣿⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⣻⣿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣽⣾⣟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⢿⣻⣿⣞⡿⣿⡹⣟⣷⣹⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⣷⢿⡾⣿⣻⣽⣾⣟⣿⣽⡷⣟⣯⣷⣿⣿⢿⣷⡿⣿⣿⢿⣻⣷⣿⣿⣾⣿⣿⣟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣾⣿⣷⣿⣻⣾⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢯⣿⣿⣻⣿⣷⣫⣷⢋⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣻⣯⣿⣻⣽⣷⣻⣾⢿⣽⣿⣻⣽⢿⣾⢿⣻⣽⡿⣿⣽⣿⡿⣟⣿⣾⣿⢿⣿⣿⣻⣽⣿⣿⣽⣿⣷⣿⣯⣿⣾⡿⣷⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣽⣾⣿⣿⢿⣿⣽⣷⣿⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⢿⣿⣻⣟⣷⣯⢷⣻⢟⣿⣟⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⢿⣳⣯⣟⣷⣯⣷⢿⣻⣷⢯⣟⣾⢯⡿⣿⣟⣯⣿⣟⣯⣷⣿⡿⣟⣷⣿⣿⣿⣟⣿⢿⣻⣾⣿⢿⣾⡿⣽⡿⣷⣿⣿⣻⣿⣽⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⡿⣟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣽⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣽⣿⣻⣿⣽⣻⢿⣷⡟⡾⣭⢿⣱⡾⡿⣽⢾⣻⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣾⣻⣟⣾⣻⣞⡷⣯⣿⣟⣾⡿⢯⣯⢿⣽⡷⣿⣻⣯⣿⢿⣽⣾⢿⣿⣻⣾⣿⡿⣯⣿⢿⣿⣻⣽⣿⣯⣿⢿⣿⣟⣷⣿⣻⣽⡿⣯⣿⣟⣷⣿⡿⣟⣯⣷⣿⡿⣟⣿⣿⣿⣽⣾⣿⣯⣿⣿⣿⢿⣷⣿⣿⣽⣿⣿⣳⣟⣯⢟⣿⣖⢯⣿⠹⣝⣳⢿⣻⢿⣽⣾⢿⣽⡿⣯⣿⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣻⣞⢷⣯⢿⡽⣯⢷⡿⡾⣽⡻⣞⡽⣾⣽⣻⣽⢿⡽⣯⢿⣽⣻⣞⣯⣷⣿⡿⣿⣽⣻⡷⣿⢯⣷⢿⣽⣿⣳⣿⣻⡾⣿⡽⣟⣿⢷⣿⣻⣷⣿⢿⡿⣟⣯⣿⡿⣿⣿⣟⣯⣿⣾⢿⣻⣷⡿⣿⣻⣷⣿⣻⣽⣿⣭⡿⢼⣛⣮⡻⣏⢿⡻⡵⣯⢿⣽⣻⣟⣾⣿⣻⡿⣿⣽⣿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡷⣳⢯⣻⣞⣯⠿⣽⢯⡿⣽⡳⣟⡽⣫⢷⣯⢿⣽⣯⢿⣽⣻⢾⡽⣯⡷⣯⣿⣟⡷⣯⢷⣟⣯⣿⢯⣿⣾⡷⣿⣳⢿⡽⣷⢿⣻⡽⣿⣞⣯⡷⣿⣻⢿⣟⣯⢷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣻⣷⢿⡿⣿⢯⣿⣟⡿⣷⡿⣟⣯⣿⢶⡿⣦⢿⡶⡽⢮⡝⣞⣳⣽⢻⣞⡷⣟⡿⣞⣿⣽⡿⣽⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⢯⣿⣿⡿⣿⣿⢯⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢳⣭⢳⣏⡾⣞⣻⡽⣫⣟⢷⣻⡝⣾⣹⣛⣾⣻⡾⣽⡟⣾⡝⣯⣟⣷⢻⣷⣻⢾⡽⣯⢿⡾⣽⣞⡿⣾⣽⣻⢷⣿⢯⡿⣽⢯⣷⣻⢷⣯⡿⣽⣻⢯⣟⣯⡿⣯⣿⣿⣯⢿⣿⣽⣻⣟⡿⣿⣻⣾⣿⣻⣽⡿⣯⣟⡷⣽⢳⣏⢿⣻⢬⣽⡞⣷⢺⣟⡾⣽⣻⣽⣻⣽⣞⡿⣯⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣯⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣗⢮⡳⢮⢷⡻⣵⢫⠷⣽⢏⡷⡹⣖⣭⢻⣞⣷⢻⡵⣛⣶⣻⢳⣛⡾⡽⣾⡽⣯⣻⠽⣯⣻⠷⣯⣟⣷⣻⡽⣯⡟⣯⢿⣹⣞⣳⢯⣟⡾⣽⢷⣯⣟⣾⣳⣟⡷⣿⣿⣿⣯⣿⡾⣽⣞⡿⣽⣳⣟⣾⣻⣽⣻⣽⡾⣹⡞⣭⠞⡼⣠⢞⡯⡝⣮⠿⣼⣛⡷⣯⣟⣷⣻⣞⣿⣳⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣯⢿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣿⣿⡽⣿⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⡭⢞⣹⢫⣞⣵⢫⡟⣽⢣⡟⣼⠳⡼⣸⢳⣞⣭⢷⡻⣝⢮⣳⢯⣝⠾⣵⣳⡟⣧⢯⡟⡷⣏⣿⣳⡞⣷⡽⣞⡷⣻⢳⢯⡞⣼⡭⣟⣼⢻⣽⣻⣞⡾⣳⣻⢾⡽⣿⣽⣷⣳⢿⣽⣳⢯⣿⣽⡳⣟⣾⣳⢿⡽⣟⠼⡱⣍⢧⢛⡴⢣⠎⡵⣙⢮⣻⢵⣫⣽⣳⣟⡾⣳⣟⣾⣳⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣮⣟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣿⡿⣽⡾⣿⣿⣿⣟⢧⢫⡜⣣⠞⣜⡫⢽⣘⢧⡛⢦⡛⡴⣋⢷⣚⡾⣭⣳⢏⡷⣏⠾⣭⣛⣷⡻⢿⡝⣾⡹⣝⢾⡱⣧⣟⣳⣽⢺⡽⣭⢟⡮⣝⢶⣹⢳⣞⢯⡞⡷⣭⡳⣏⢷⣫⡽⣿⣳⢧⢿⣻⢎⣯⣟⡶⣷⠿⣽⣳⢯⡿⣽⣋⣞⡱⣍⢖⡫⣔⠫⣜⣱⢫⣞⡱⣏⣷⣹⢯⡾⣝⡷⣞⡧⣟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⡳⣮⣿⣿⢿⡿⣾⣿⣾⣿⣷⣻⢷⣻⣿⢿⡎⢣⠞⣡⡛⣞⢳⡳⢭⣖⡻⡱⣍⠳⡭⢶⣭⢳⠮⣵⢫⠞⣭⢻⡴⢫⡖⣯⡳⢿⣱⢛⡞⣧⠿⣵⣫⢶⣭⠷⡽⣮⢻⠼⣍⢮⠳⣏⡞⣧⢻⡳⣭⢻⣎⣿⣽⠷⣿⣟⡯⣏⢷⣛⠾⣜⢷⣫⡟⣽⣣⢿⣹⢞⣳⢮⠗⢮⠜⡲⢍⠳⡘⠶⣫⠼⣳⢹⢮⡽⣾⡵⣏⣷⢻⣜⣟⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⢷⡹⣿⣿⣯⣟⢷⣻⢿⣿⣷⣿⡿⣷⣻⣯⠜⣡⢋⠶⡙⢮⢣⡝⡲⣜⢣⠳⣌⢳⡙⣎⡞⣭⠷⣩⢎⡻⡜⢧⢞⣣⢛⡷⣛⢧⢏⠾⣱⢭⣛⠶⣭⢳⡭⢯⢷⣙⢧⡛⡼⢣⡻⢬⣛⡜⢯⡱⣏⢳⣚⠼⣎⠿⣷⣭⢟⣮⢳⡭⣟⢮⣳⢳⡽⢧⣏⢷⡹⣎⠵⢎⡛⡼⠌⠵⣊⠵⡙⣖⢩⠞⣥⢛⣞⡳⢷⡻⣵⢺⣏⡞⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⢇⡳⣿⣿⣿⣞⣯⡝⣯⡟⣿⣟⣿⣿⣿⡯⢎⡱⢊⠖⣙⣎⡓⠮⡕⣎⣋⢗⣪⡑⡞⢴⢛⠶⡝⢦⣋⠶⣙⢎⠶⣡⠏⣞⡿⡞⢮⡹⣱⢺⡙⣞⡚⡧⢞⡹⢆⣛⠦⣝⢳⢣⡝⣳⠬⣝⠮⡵⢎⡳⢎⡝⢮⣽⣿⡞⣺⢜⣣⡟⣾⠯⣼⢳⠺⣥⣏⣯⣳⢎⢞⢣⡜⠞⡃⢽⠡⢎⡑⢎⡬⣛⢬⣓⠞⣽⡫⣵⢫⡗⣮⢞⣿⣿⣿⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⢎⡵⣻⣿⣻⣿⣾⣽⢶⣝⣳⢿⣻⣿⣿⣟⠤⡑⢊⠬⡡⢮⡘⣏⠹⢎⡱⢊⡴⠩⡜⡡⢏⡚⣭⢣⣍⠳⣍⠞⣜⢢⣻⣼⣹⡝⢢⠳⡥⢫⢝⡲⣹⢜⡣⢏⡝⢎⡳⣌⠳⣍⢳⣋⠗⣎⠯⣝⡭⣚⢭⡚⡵⣫⢟⡯⠶⢉⠆⡹⡌⢷⡩⣎⠗⡲⣘⠦⣇⡛⠬⠖⡌⢣⠘⡘⡛⠤⡙⢦⡘⡜⢦⢭⠻⣼⠳⣥⢋⡞⡵⢪⣿⣿⣿⣽⣿⣽⡿⣿ ⢎⠶⣹⣿⢿⣞⣷⣻⢿⣾⣯⣿⣟⣿⣿⣏⠆⡱⢈⠆⡱⢡⠚⣌⠓⡎⠜⣡⠒⡱⡌⠵⣩⠲⢥⠚⡬⢗⡬⡙⣤⢓⠦⡷⡗⣍⢣⠓⣍⢣⢎⡕⢎⡖⣍⠞⡸⢬⠵⣌⠳⡌⢇⠮⡹⣌⢳⡜⡱⣍⠶⣩⢳⣟⡾⣵⠶⡓⢮⡑⢮⢅⠳⠬⣭⠑⡄⢲⣏⠜⡥⡋⡔⢩⡘⠄⡱⢈⠆⣱⡘⡜⣘⠎⡟⡴⢏⠶⣩⠳⣍⣳⣿⣿⣯⣿⢾⣟⣿⣿ ⡍⠞⣭⣿⣻⢯⣿⣽⣻⣯⣟⡾⣽⣾⣿⡧⢊⠔⠡⢊⠔⡡⢣⠘⡸⢌⠓⠤⢋⠴⢌⢳⠰⡩⢆⠽⣘⠲⣐⠣⡜⣌⠺⣱⡙⢤⢣⢋⠴⡙⢦⢚⠣⢞⢢⢛⠲⡱⣊⠴⢣⠜⡩⢶⠱⠮⠵⡬⠷⣌⡶⣡⢛⢮⡽⢎⡳⣉⠶⢽⢊⡎⢳⡙⠼⡟⠂⣼⠗⡎⡔⣡⠊⡔⠠⢊⡐⠌⠰⣀⠳⡘⢤⢋⠴⢣⢋⡞⣡⡓⢎⣾⣿⣿⣯⣟⡿⣯⣿⣾ ⣜⡩⢞⣷⣿⣻⢾⣽⣻⡿⣽⣻⡽⣿⣿⣟⡄⢊⠡⠂⡜⢠⠁⢎⠰⢡⢉⠒⡡⢊⠔⡣⠱⡑⢎⠲⣡⠓⡌⡓⡌⢆⢳⡱⣙⢆⢣⢊⠥⡙⢆⠓⡋⢆⠫⢌⠓⡱⢈⡃⠎⡜⡱⢊⠵⢩⠚⣑⠣⣜⢰⣡⣋⢶⡘⣎⢸⣡⣞⠬⢳⢨⢣⣘⠣⡁⢀⡟⡘⠰⡰⢀⠣⠄⠣⠄⡐⢈⠑⠌⢆⡑⠦⣉⠲⣡⠓⡬⠱⣌⣹⣿⣿⣿⣷⣻⢿⣻⣷⣿ ⢦⡙⣎⣿⢷⣯⣟⣾⢳⣟⣷⢯⣿⣽⣿⣿⢄⢠⠁⠎⡐⢂⡉⠆⠱⡈⢆⠱⢈⠆⡘⢄⠣⠜⡨⢑⠤⢋⠔⡱⢈⠎⢦⠽⣃⠎⡰⠎⡔⡑⢊⠥⣉⠬⡑⡊⣅⠣⢡⠑⡊⠴⣉⠳⡘⢢⠍⡔⠣⣌⣵⣦⡹⣍⣿⣸⣌⣜⣸⣽⣿⣶⣧⣌⢉⡄⠈⡌⢅⡑⢀⠃⠌⡐⢀⠒⠠⡁⠊⡌⡌⡰⠑⡌⢲⡡⡙⡔⢣⠒⣼⣿⣷⣻⣞⣯⣿⣻⣾⣽ ⢲⡍⢶⣹⣟⣧⡿⣞⢯⡽⣾⣟⡾⣽⢾⣷⠚⠀⠂⢄⠡⠂⠔⠨⠡⡘⢠⠂⡡⠌⡁⠮⡐⠱⢠⠃⡜⢠⠊⡔⢡⠎⠰⣉⠦⡡⡑⠬⡐⠡⢍⠒⡄⡒⢡⠑⡤⠑⢂⠥⡘⠆⡌⢢⢉⡒⢌⠰⣱⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠤⠂⢳⡆⡀⢂⠌⡐⠠⠁⠌⠢⢐⠡⠐⠤⢡⠩⠜⢆⠲⠱⡌⢣⡙⣼⣿⣷⣯⣟⣿⢾⣽⣾⣻ ⢣⢎⠧⣿⣾⣻⠷⣩⢞⣹⣳⢯⣽⣯⣟⡷⠳⠈⠀⠀⢂⠉⡈⠑⢂⠐⠡⠒⠠⠂⠅⠢⢁⡃⢆⠑⡈⢆⠱⠨⠄⡌⡱⠌⠦⡑⢌⠢⢡⠉⠆⢣⠘⡄⢃⠎⡠⢉⢂⠄⢣⠑⢌⠂⢆⡘⠄⢃⣹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣏⠰⠂⠀⠑⠇⠠⢀⠂⠄⠡⠌⠐⠡⢂⠰⠉⣦⢡⢊⡱⢊⠥⠓⣌⠱⡌⣿⣿⣳⣯⣟⣿⣻⣞⡷⣿ ⠣⢎⡜⣽⣿⢽⣛⡴⣋⠶⡽⣯⣻⣼⣻⣧⠐⠈⠀⠁⠂⠄⠈⠌⡀⢊⠁⠡⢁⠊⡐⠁⢆⠢⠌⢨⠑⣈⠂⠥⠒⡠⢡⠋⡔⡉⢆⠃⡡⠩⡘⣀⠣⠐⠎⠤⠑⡄⠊⢌⠢⠁⠎⠌⡐⠄⠚⠄⠠⣹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⡀⠠⠈⢂⠐⡀⠠⠈⠐⠠⠁⠂⠌⠠⢃⢘⣆⠆⡌⢣⡘⡡⢂⡕⣺⡿⣽⣷⣻⡽⣞⣷⣻⣽⣻ ⢓⡌⢲⢽⡿⣾⢣⢿⣭⠳⣝⣳⣽⢲⢷⡧⠀⠀⠁⠀⠌⠀⠁⠌⡐⢀⠉⡐⠤⢀⠑⢨⠀⡅⢊⡐⠰⠠⢁⡂⢣⡘⠤⣃⠆⢱⠈⡔⢡⠑⡠⢁⢂⠉⠔⣂⠑⠠⠁⠆⡐⢉⠐⢂⣼⣿⣷⡈⠄⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠀⠀⠡⠀⠐⠀⠂⠁⠀⡀⢈⠀⠌⡐⢀⠚⢼⡠⢑⡡⢂⠥⢃⠴⣹⣟⡿⣧⢿⣹⡟⣾⡷⣯⢿ ⡣⡜⢣⣻⡿⣏⡿⣹⢎⣿⢺⡽⣎⢿⣾⡷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠐⢀⠂⠀⠂⡀⠄⠀⠂⠬⡀⠑⡈⠤⠠⠡⣁⠂⡐⠠⢌⢐⠂⠎⡀⠒⡈⠄⠌⠠⠂⠄⠊⠔⢀⠈⡐⠨⠈⢀⣌⣁⢠⣿⡿⠋⠔⡈⠄⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⠁⠉⢐⠀⠌⠀⠐⠈⡀⠀⠀⡈⠀⠌⠐⢾⡀⠱⢀⡆⡉⠒⡌⢢⣿⣯⢷⣿⣳⢿⡼⣯⢟⣽⣻ ⡱⢩⢃⢷⡿⣎⣿⡹⣎⣯⢷⣹⡽⣮⣳⣟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠀⡀⠠⠀⠁⠀⠐⠈⠀⠀⠀⠡⠐⠀⠁⠒⠀⠠⠁⠒⠠⠈⠜⡐⠀⢂⠐⡈⠄⠁⢊⠠⠁⢈⠠⠐⠀⠢⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⢂⣡⣾⣿⣿⣿⣟⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⢿⣿⢿⡿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⠒⠢⠤⢤⡀⠀⠈⠀⠄⠐⠠⠁⠂⡓⡁⢂⠌⡑⡁⠆⣱⣿⣟⣾⣻⣽⡟⣾⣵⣻⢾⣽ ⢌⠃⣎⠺⣷⢽⢮⡵⣫⡞⣮⠵⣞⡵⣛⡗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠄⠐⢀⠒⠀⠈⠐⠂⠄⣠⠈⠄⠠⢈⠐⠤⠀⠄⠑⠨⠰⠠⠄⠐⠀⠂⠌⠄⠀⠌⠀⠄⠡⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⢿⣻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⡄⢁⠀⠀⠙⠀⠀⠀⠀⠐⡀⠁⢣⠐⠄⣁⠢⢀⠁⢒⣻⣟⣾⢳⣏⡞⣿⡹⣏⣯⡿⣽ ⢈⠣⢌⠣⣿⢫⢾⡱⢇⡿⢼⣛⢾⣜⡧⣛⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣰⣤⣶⣿⠿⡿⣿⢷⢿⢻⣷⣦⣤⣼⣾⣶⣾⣷⣶⣶⣾⠿⣷⢷⣶⣶⣷⠿⡶⢷⣶⢶⣤⣶⣶⣤⣤⣤⣠⣄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⣽⣷⣯⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠢⠀⠄⠄⠢⠤⠀⠤⢀⡐⡀⠂⣉⠂⣐⠐⠐⢌⢤⣿⣏⣷⢯⣞⡽⣲⢿⣹⠾⣽⣻ ⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣯⣮⢘⣧⣎⡿⣸⢟⣻⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣭⢟⣇⢛⣶⣿⣾⢾⣿⡿⣞⠻⡽⣿⣻⢛⡛⠻⢿⣻⣓⢞⡺⣡⠳⢬⡓⣌⠳⡌⢎⡹⣿⠯⣗⡹⡞⣥⣎⠲⡹⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⡿⣿⣿⢿⡻⡟⡼⣛⠿⢿⢿⣿⣿⣟⢻⡛⡿⣿⢿⣻⣴⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣦⣤⣤⣡⣤⣴⣤⣦⣴⣦⣾⣿⣾⣮⢗⡯⢷⣯⢷⡻⣯⣝⡻ ⡿⡿⣻⢟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣮⢿⣽⣳⣯⢞⣯⡀⠀⠀⢠⣿⣟⣿⣼⣩⣚⣹⣿⠻⣜⠻⣅⢫⠖⣣⢿⣿⣎⡓⢦⡘⡹⡙⡜⣡⢋⡖⡬⢓⣍⢦⠕⠮⡵⣩⢒⡭⢣⢳⢬⡙⣦⠓⣬⡻⡝⡿⣏⠷⢧⡟⡟⢮⢳⡓⡧⣻⡴⣮⢼⡛⣻⢙⡞⣳⠳⣍⢮⡹⣍⢻⡛⢿⡻⢟⡻⡹⢏⡟⢿⡻⣟⢿⡛⡟⣯⡻⣟⢻⣛⢿⢾⣱⣾⣛⢮⢷⡹⣝⠷ ⣳⢣⠷⣍⢮⡙⣟⢳⠻⡝⡿⠷⢯⣿⣿⣯⣧⠀⠀⠀⣿⣯⣲⢿⡿⡟⢦⣍⣳⡌⡳⡌⢧⡟⣌⢫⠝⢦⡙⢢⢅⢣⠱⢧⡑⢧⡜⣥⢫⡟⡌⢞⡱⢥⢳⣭⠒⣏⢣⣮⣹⢥⠛⣤⢻⡘⣥⠛⣭⣳⡘⡝⣬⢣⣱⡱⢲⡱⣍⠶⡱⣃⢏⢶⣩⠳⣍⢮⡱⢎⡳⣽⣖⢫⢏⡵⣹⠹⣜⣣⣛⡬⢫⡕⢯⡜⣱⢍⣳⠬⣏⢮⣗⠞⣭⡞⣧⣛⢮⣛ ⣳⣋⠟⣜⢣⡝⣰⢃⣛⡜⣡⠻⡔⢻⡙⣿⣿⣷⣴⣴⣿⣿⣿⡷⣟⡹⣜⢲⢥⡚⡵⣙⡮⣝⢎⡇⣛⠦⣫⢍⠮⣅⡻⡸⣘⠦⡜⡜⢾⡗⡟⢾⡻⣌⢳⣃⠯⡜⣣⠖⣱⠪⣝⠫⡵⣜⢲⢛⡵⢦⡹⡍⢧⢣⢇⢞⣡⠳⣌⢞⣡⡝⣬⠖⣥⠛⣎⠶⣙⡮⢵⠲⣍⢯⢫⠞⣥⣛⠴⡱⡜⣜⢣⠞⣥⢚⡵⣊⢧⢯⡹⢦⢏⡞⣥⠻⡴⣩⠖⣭ ⠶⣡⢛⡬⢓⡜⢦⢋⡆⢇⡧⢹⣘⠣⡝⢴⢊⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣴⣿⣴⣣⠜⡹⢎⠵⡹⣌⠳⡜⢼⡘⡥⢓⡥⢎⢳⢢⡓⡵⣃⢻⢰⡙⢮⣏⡝⢮⡗⠭⢆⠵⡚⢴⡡⢞⡡⠳⡌⢧⡱⡌⢇⡺⣐⢣⡱⢜⡱⢪⠜⡲⢌⠳⡜⣊⠖⡸⢤⢋⠦⢫⡱⢮⠱⣚⢲⣙⠲⡎⡞⣸⢒⡬⢳⣑⠺⡌⠶⣙⢤⣓⢲⣙⢎⠾⣱⢋⡞⡜⢦⡛⡴⣍⠞⣦ ⡝⢦⠫⣜⢣⠺⡝⣭⢹⡹⡝⣳⣌⠷⣙⢎⡖⣵⣸⠹⢿⡟⣭⡟⣟⢣⣋⠵⣊⠧⣓⢬⠓⣭⠒⡥⢳⣉⢖⡩⢆⡳⢜⠲⡍⡖⢣⠞⣵⢣⡞⣹⢇⡛⣬⠲⢍⢦⠱⣎⠜⡳⡘⢦⢱⡘⢧⢸⡐⢧⡘⢎⡲⢡⢋⠖⣩⢓⠼⡰⣋⠵⣹⢪⡑⢧⡙⡬⢓⡥⠳⣌⡳⡱⡹⢔⣣⢚⠥⡎⠧⣍⢧⡙⢦⢺⠲⣍⢎⡳⣇⢯⢸⣍⢧⡹⡱⢎⡹⢆ ⠞⡥⣛⠬⣊⢳⣟⠦⣃⢧⡙⢦⣏⠳⣜⢪⡜⡶⢢⡝⢢⠝⡸⠸⢤⢣⢜⡸⢩⠇⣭⢪⡙⣤⠛⣌⢣⠜⣣⢙⣆⠳⣌⠳⡱⢎⢳⠞⡥⢖⡞⢻⡜⢳⢢⡙⢬⡒⡍⢦⠛⡴⡙⢆⣣⣚⠴⢣⡜⢢⡙⢦⡙⢬⡊⣝⢢⣙⠲⣑⢎⡖⣙⠦⣙⠦⣱⢉⢧⣘⠳⣌⡱⢣⢝⠪⣔⢫⡜⡱⣋⡜⢦⣙⠦⡏⣗⢫⢲⠣⢏⡭⢻⡜⣧⢳⣙⢮⡱⢫ ⣛⠴⡩⢞⡡⢇⡯⠜⣥⠲⣍⠎⣇⠯⣰⢃⠾⡏⠗⡜⣙⡺⣅⢻⣼⢃⡎⡜⣓⠺⣐⣃⠞⣠⠏⡜⣌⢚⢤⠣⢎⡵⢨⢇⡳⢩⡎⡝⡜⢬⠸⡡⢎⡱⢊⡗⢦⡑⢎⢦⡙⡴⣉⠎⡴⡩⢎⡱⢌⡣⡙⢦⡙⢆⡳⢌⡳⢌⡣⡙⢆⠞⣌⠲⣡⢃⡇⡎⢖⠬⡓⡴⢡⠇⣎⠳⡌⢇⡚⠵⡸⢌⢇⠮⣑⡿⣈⠇⣯⢹⣸⠌⣇⣞⢦⠳⡜⢦⡝⢧ ⣍⢞⡱⢎⡱⢣⢚⡱⠦⣏⠦⣙⠤⡓⡥⢎⠳⡸⣉⠗⠦⡷⢼⢣⢶⡱⠜⡴⢡⠓⡴⣈⠞⢤⠚⡴⢌⠎⢦⡙⢦⢊⠵⣊⠥⣛⠴⡱⣘⠦⢛⡔⢣⠜⡡⡟⢢⡙⡌⢦⠓⡴⢡⠫⡔⢓⢪⠖⣣⠒⣍⢆⡹⢰⢃⠎⡴⢃⠖⡩⢎⠼⡰⢃⠖⡡⢞⡘⢣⠞⡱⡘⠥⡏⣆⢳⡘⠦⣍⢣⡙⣜⠪⢵⠡⡏⢭⠛⣿⢲⢼⡙⠶⣼⢮⢹⡙⢦⡝⢮ ⢎⠶⣑⠮⣱⢃⠧⡜⡱⣏⢖⣩⢲⣉⢖⡩⢣⠱⣌⣚⡱⡿⣑⣚⢺⠥⣋⢼⢡⢋⡔⢣⡚⣡⠹⢰⡉⢞⡰⣉⠎⣌⠳⣌⠳⢌⠲⡑⢆⢫⡑⢎⢣⢋⡜⣡⠓⡬⡑⢎⡕⡪⢅⡳⡌⣍⢆⠫⡖⡩⢔⡊⠴⣉⢎⡙⢲⡉⢞⢱⢊⠖⣡⢋⠞⣡⠣⣜⢣⡙⠴⡙⣆⠳⣌⠲⣉⠶⣈⢇⢺⠰⣉⢮⠱⣊⠖⣹⢚⢷⣮⢩⠳⣹⢎⢧⡙⢦⡙⣎ ⣋⠞⣔⠫⢴⢩⡮⣑⢣⢏⡼⢤⠣⢎⢎⡱⢍⠳⡌⢦⠱⣗⢲⡘⡜⢢⡑⠎⢦⠩⡌⢧⡘⠤⢋⠦⣙⠢⡕⣌⢚⠬⡱⢌⡣⠝⣢⠙⡬⠱⡌⢭⢂⠳⡘⡤⢓⠴⣉⠮⠴⡵⢮⡴⡗⢬⢌⠳⢌⣵⢊⡜⡱⢌⠦⣙⠢⡍⢎⠦⣉⠞⣄⠫⡜⢤⢓⡸⢢⢍⠧⡱⢌⠳⣌⠳⣌⠳⡌⢎⡬⢣⡍⢦⡙⡴⣙⢤⢋⡖⣺⢍⡳⢹⠎⣮⢙⢦⡙⢦ ⣝⠺⣌⢻⠰⡓⣧⢣⠇⡎⣖⠪⡕⢎⡚⠴⣉⠞⡸⣒⡛⣏⠦⡱⢌⠣⣌⠳⡨⢱⡘⢢⠜⣡⠋⡖⠬⣑⠲⣈⠎⡲⢑⠪⡔⡩⢔⡩⢒⠭⣘⠢⡍⢎⡱⡘⣌⠲⢡⠎⡕⢲⢡⢒⡏⢎⠦⣙⢢⠱⡩⢔⡱⢊⠦⣡⠓⡜⣌⠲⣡⠚⡤⢓⡸⢂⠧⣘⠥⢎⢲⡙⢬⠓⣌⠳⡌⠳⡜⢲⡘⢣⠚⣆⡹⢰⢡⢞⢢⠕⣿⠸⣌⢓⠺⣐⠫⢦⡹⣒ ⣎⠳⣘⠦⣙⠖⣿⡨⣏⡔⣯⠒⡍⢦⠙⢦⡑⢎⣳⠤⡓⡍⢲⠑⡎⠱⣄⢣⠱⣁⠎⢥⠚⣄⠳⡘⢆⡡⢒⡡⢎⡑⡊⢕⢢⡑⡊⠴⣉⢒⡡⠣⠜⢢⢡⠱⢌⢪⡑⢎⠜⣡⢚⠒⡯⡘⢦⡑⢢⢃⡕⢢⠎⡱⢊⠴⢩⠔⣌⠲⡡⣙⠰⢃⡒⡍⢲⠡⣋⠜⣢⠙⣤⢋⠬⡙⣬⠳⠞⣷⠸⡡⢏⡔⢎⡱⢊⠬⢣⡙⡜⢳⡘⢎⢣⡙⢎⡱⢂⠧ ⢎⡣⢇⡚⢤⡋⣗⡧⣷⡜⣦⠙⣌⠣⣙⠢⣍⠲⡸⢒⡕⢌⣃⠚⣌⠱⡠⢃⡜⡐⢎⢢⠣⢌⠲⣁⠎⡔⠣⡔⢢⢡⡙⢤⢣⢘⢌⡱⡈⢦⢑⡉⢎⢅⡊⡕⣊⠆⡍⢦⡙⢤⢊⡕⡣⣉⠦⣘⢡⢒⠸⣁⢎⠱⡩⠜⢢⠍⡴⢡⠓⢬⡑⢣⠜⡌⠥⢓⡌⠎⡔⡩⢔⣩⢒⡱⢢⢋⠽⣸⢅⠳⡌⡜⢢⡑⣋⠜⣡⠚⣌⠣⡜⡩⢆⡙⠦⡱⣉⠞ ⡣⡝⢢⡝⣂⠧⡹⢰⠸⡇⢦⡙⢤⠓⣌⠣⢆⡱⢡⢣⠘⡆⢢⠍⡤⢣⠑⡣⡘⢌⢆⢣⠚⠬⡑⢆⡩⠔⣣⠘⣅⠲⡘⢤⢃⠮⡠⠥⡙⠤⢣⡘⡌⠦⡘⠴⣈⠎⡴⢒⠜⡢⢅⠦⢱⡈⢦⠡⠎⡬⢑⡌⢢⠓⡴⣉⠦⣉⢒⡡⢋⠴⣈⠧⡘⣌⠣⢥⠘⡜⢰⠡⠇⢦⠣⡜⡡⢎⡱⠜⡬⢓⠜⣌⠣⡜⢤⢋⠴⣉⢆⠳⢌⡱⢊⡜⣡⠓⣌⠚ ⡵⢩⢣⡜⢤⢣⡙⢆⡛⡱⢢⡙⠤⢋⠤⡓⣌⠲⡡⢆⢍⡒⠥⠚⣄⠣⢍⡒⢩⢂⢎⢢⠙⡆⢍⢢⡑⢎⠤⡙⡄⣓⠘⢦⣉⠲⡁⢧⠙⡬⢑⡰⢌⡱⢡⠓⣌⠲⢡⠎⡜⡱⢌⠲⡡⢜⠢⡅⠳⡘⠴⢨⡑⡜⡰⢰⡘⠤⢣⢌⠣⢢⡑⢆⡱⢄⡋⢤⢋⡜⠤⢋⡜⢢⠓⣬⠑⣎⠱⡚⡔⣩⢊⡔⢣⠜⡢⢍⠲⡡⢎⡱⢊⠴⢣⡘⢤⢋⡔⣋ ⣎⢇⡣⡜⢦⠣⡜⢢⢅⢣⠣⡌⢣⠍⡲⠑⣌⠒⡥⢊⢆⡱⢊⠕⡢⡙⢤⡉⢆⠣⢎⡰⢃⡜⢌⡒⡌⢆⢣⠱⡘⠤⢋⠴⣈⠖⣉⠆⡓⢌⠣⡔⢣⡐⢣⡉⢆⢣⢃⡚⢤⠓⣌⢣⡑⢎⡱⢌⢣⠱⡩⢆⡱⢌⡒⢥⡘⡱⢊⠤⡃⢧⠢⣑⠢⢥⡘⢆⢣⡘⣂⠇⡜⠢⡍⢦⡙⡤⢓⡱⡘⢤⠣⢜⢂⠧⡑⢎⡱⡑⢎⠴⣉⢎⡱⢌⠣⢎⠴⡱ ⠮⡜⢦⣙⢢⠓⣌⠣⡜⢢⠱⣌⢃⡎⠥⡙⢤⠩⡔⢣⠌⡴⠩⣌⠱⡘⡄⠳⣈⠇⢦⡑⣊⠔⡪⢔⠸⣈⠆⡣⢅⢫⠘⢆⡱⢊⠴⡩⠜⡌⣣⠘⡧⡘⣄⠳⣈⢆⠣⢜⠲⣯⣋⣽⡿⣦⡒⡌⢆⠣⡑⢆⡱⠢⠜⣢⢡⢃⡍⡒⡍⣂⠳⢄⡓⠦⡘⣌⢢⠱⡨⠜⡬⠱⡘⡔⢢⡑⢎⠴⣉⠦⡙⡌⢎⡒⡩⢜⡰⣉⠮⡘⢥⠚⣔⠪⡝⣌⠲⣩ ⣏⡜⢲⠌⡆⢏⡔⢣⠜⣡⠓⡤⠣⡜⣡⡙⢆⡓⡜⢢⡙⠤⢓⡄⢣⠱⢌⢓⡰⢊⠖⡘⡤⢋⡔⢪⡑⢢⠍⡴⢉⠦⣉⠖⢬⠑⣆⢣⡙⢤⠣⠜⡧⢱⠠⣃⠆⡎⢱⢊⠬⡹⡝⡸⣿⣭⣿⣮⠌⡣⡙⢤⢃⡙⠦⡡⢆⠣⢔⡡⢒⡡⢎⠒⠬⡑⡱⢠⠣⢱⠁⡏⢔⢣⠱⢌⡅⢎⠜⡒⣌⠲⡑⡜⢢⠱⣑⢪⠔⡡⢎⡱⢊⡝⡰⢣⠜⡤⣋⠴ ⡦⣍⢣⣙⠸⣌⡸⢡⠎⣡⠹⢰⡉⢖⠡⠚⠦⡑⠬⣃⠜⡘⠦⡘⡅⠳⣈⠦⡑⠎⡜⡱⣐⠣⣌⠣⣸⢁⠞⡘⣌⠲⢌⡘⢢⠍⣢⠱⣘⢂⠧⣉⡧⢃⡱⢂⡜⣈⠣⡜⢢⡑⢬⡑⠥⢻⣶⣿⣧⠑⡥⢊⢆⠹⣐⠱⣈⢃⠎⡔⢣⡘⠤⣋⠲⣁⠧⢡⢃⢣⠩⡔⣉⠦⣙⠢⠜⣈⠖⡡⢎⢒⡱⢌⣃⠳⠌⢦⡙⢜⢢⡑⢣⠜⣡⢣⠹⡰⢡⣚ ⠳⣌⠲⣌⠱⢢⠜⣠⢋⡔⣑⢣⢘⣊⠱⡙⣒⡉⢖⡡⢚⡡⢓⡱⢌⡓⡰⡘⢬⠱⡘⡔⢢⠓⠤⢓⡰⢊⠬⡑⠤⣋⠔⡩⢆⠚⣄⠓⡌⢆⠣⠆⣇⢣⠒⣅⠢⡅⡓⠬⣑⡘⢦⡘⢥⢋⡝⣫⢯⠓⡌⢥⢊⡜⠤⢓⠬⡘⣌⠲⡡⢜⡡⢆⠳⡠⢍⠦⣉⢆⠳⡘⢤⠒⣄⢋⡜⡐⢎⡱⢌⡒⣌⠲⣈⢎⡙⠴⡘⣌⠦⡙⢦⡙⡔⢪⠱⣡⠓⣜ ⡫⢔⠣⡜⣨⢃⠎⡴⢡⢊⠴⣈⠦⢌⡱⠤⡡⠎⠴⢡⠓⡌⣃⠆⣣⠒⣡⠣⠜⢢⠱⢌⡃⢎⡱⢊⡔⢃⠣⠜⣡⠒⢬⠑⣊⠱⣈⠣⡜⢌⡓⠸⡐⡌⢎⠤⢓⠰⣉⠒⡤⢃⠦⡙⢤⢊⡔⢣⢂⠏⡜⡄⢣⡘⠜⡌⢲⠡⡘⡔⡡⢆⡱⢊⠆⡱⢊⠲⡐⠎⡴⢉⠦⢩⢄⠣⡌⡕⢢⡑⢦⠱⢌⠲⢡⠆⡙⢦⠱⣌⠲⡍⢦⡑⢮⢡⠓⡤⢋⡜ ⡵⢊⡕⢪⢄⠣⡚⢤⠓⡌⢲⡁⢎⠢⡔⣡⢃⠹⡨⠥⣉⠖⣡⠚⠤⡙⣄⠣⣙⠢⣙⠰⡘⠆⡥⢃⡜⡡⢚⡱⢠⢋⠴⣉⢆⠳⢠⠓⡌⡒⣌⢣⡑⡸⢄⠣⣉⠖⠤⢋⠔⣩⢢⡑⢊⠖⣌⠳⡘⠎⡔⠬⡑⡌⢎⠔⣃⢣⠱⢨⡑⢬⢐⠣⣌⠱⡉⢦⠙⡜⠤⢋⡒⢥⢊⠵⡘⣌⠣⡜⢢⡙⠬⣑⠣⢜⠱⢊⠖⡤⢋⡜⣡⠙⣆⢣⡙⣌⠣⡜ ⢎⡱⢌⢣⠊⡥⢙⠢⢍⡒⣅⠚⣄⠣⢜⡠⢍⠲⣁⠳⣈⠦⡡⢎⡱⢘⡄⡓⢌⡱⣈⠖⣉⠎⡔⢣⡘⠔⡣⠜⢢⡉⢖⡨⢎⠸⡁⢞⠰⡡⢌⢢⠱⣐⢃⠣⢔⡉⢦⠉⢦⠡⢆⡱⡉⢎⡔⠣⣍⠚⡌⢥⠓⡸⢈⠖⡌⢢⠱⡁⢎⠢⡍⡒⢌⡒⡍⠦⡱⢘⡌⠣⡜⢢⢍⠲⡑⢬⠱⡌⢣⠜⡱⢌⡜⣊⠜⣡⠚⡔⡣⢜⢢⡙⡔⢢⠱⣌⠣⡕ ⣣⠓⣌⢣⢙⡰⡉⠞⢤⢃⡌⢎⢄⢣⠒⡔⡊⢴⡈⠵⣈⠦⡑⠦⣑⠣⣌⠱⢊⡔⢢⠚⢤⠚⣌⠣⣌⢣⡑⠭⡱⢘⢢⡑⢎⠱⡘⠬⣑⠢⡍⣂⠧⣘⠢⡍⢒⡌⠦⣙⠢⣑⠪⠔⣉⠖⡌⠓⡌⡚⢌⢆⡹⢰⢉⡲⢌⠣⡘⢌⠆⠳⡐⣍⠒⣌⠲⡑⢌⡒⣌⠓⡬⢑⠎⡜⣑⢊⠖⡩⢆⡓⡸⢰⡘⠤⣋⠴⣉⠖⣡⢋⠴⡘⣌⢣⡙⢤⡓⢭ ⣥⢋⡔⢣⡘⠴⠩⠜⡂⢧⠘⡌⢢⢃⡚⢰⡉⢲⠘⡔⢢⠱⢌⠲⢡⠒⠬⡑⢣⠘⢆⡙⢆⠓⡤⠓⡤⢣⠘⡅⢣⡉⢦⠘⣌⠚⡌⡱⢄⡓⢔⠢⣑⢢⠱⢌⠣⡘⠔⢢⡑⠦⡙⡸⠰⡘⡌⢣⡘⣡⢊⠴⣘⢢⠱⠌⡆⠣⢍⢢⡙⢢⠱⣄⠫⣐⠣⢜⡂⠖⡤⠓⡌⢇⡚⠜⡤⢋⡜⠱⣊⠴⢡⠣⡜⣑⠢⢣⠜⡜⢢⡉⡖⡱⡌⢦⡙⢆⡙⣆ ⡞⢬⡘⢥⡘⠥⢋⠴⡑⢢⠍⡸⢁⢎⡘⢡⠜⣁⠳⣈⠱⣈⠆⡙⠤⣉⠆⡍⢢⠙⣌⠸⢌⠱⣈⠓⡬⣁⠞⡨⢡⠜⣄⠫⢄⡋⠔⡱⣈⠜⡌⡒⢅⠪⠔⡃⢎⢡⠋⠴⡈⠖⣡⠑⢣⠜⡐⢣⠰⢡⢊⠦⢱⡈⢎⡜⣈⠳⢌⠒⡌⠥⡚⢄⡓⢌⡓⢌⠲⣉⠲⡱⢘⢢⢉⢎⠱⣩⢘⡱⢌⡚⢤⢓⠸⢄⡫⠜⡘⣌⢣⠒⣍⢲⣉⢆⠳⣘⡜⠤ ⡝⢢⡙⠦⡘⡅⢎⡰⢡⠣⢌⠱⣈⠆⣉⠆⡚⢄⠣⢌⠲⢠⡙⢌⠢⡅⢎⡔⢡⠣⡌⢸⠨⡑⣌⠒⣅⠢⣅⢣⠡⠎⣆⠓⡎⢸⢈⡕⢠⢃⡜⢌⠪⡑⢎⠱⢌⢢⡙⡰⢁⠏⡄⢫⠰⠨⢅⠃⣎⠱⢊⠜⢢⢙⠰⢢⢅⡋⢌⡓⣬⢃⡕⢊⠜⡤⢉⠎⡴⢁⢎⡡⢇⡊⡜⠬⡑⢆⠎⡔⣊⠔⡃⢎⡘⢦⢡⢋⡔⢪⠔⡍⢦⢃⠖⡬⢓⠴⡌⢧ ⡙⢦⡉⢖⡡⢎⠰⡌⠢⢍⠢⡱⢠⢃⠦⡑⠥⢊⢆⡃⢎⠡⠚⡄⢣⠘⢆⠸⢄⢣⢘⠢⡅⢣⠄⢣⠂⢇⡔⢊⢅⢣⢢⠱⢌⠣⢆⡸⢄⠣⡘⣄⠣⠜⠤⡃⢎⡔⢢⠱⡌⠲⣈⠅⡣⢉⠆⡩⢤⡙⢌⠎⡱⢊⠱⢣⡘⡌⠦⠱⢄⠣⡌⢥⠚⣄⢋⠜⡰⡉⠦⣑⠢⡱⢌⠲⣉⢆⡚⡔⡡⢎⡑⢆⠹⣠⢃⠖⢬⢡⠚⡌⢦⡉⢖⡡⢫⠔⡜⣬ ⡝⢢⡙⠦⠰⢡⢚⠰⡉⠦⢡⠃⠦⡡⢒⠱⣈⠣⡌⠔⡊⠥⡉⠜⡠⢍⠢⡑⠌⠆⡅⢣⠌⡣⢘⠢⡉⠆⡜⣈⠆⢥⢂⠱⢊⡒⢌⠒⡌⢲⠡⢆⡱⢊⡕⠌⡆⡌⡃⢖⠨⣑⡐⢎⡱⢈⡒⡑⢆⠸⡨⢜⠰⢩⠌⡥⠘⡔⣩⢑⡊⢲⢘⡂⢃⠆⡭⡈⠵⡈⠵⡠⠓⢤⡉⢖⡡⢒⣌⠲⡑⢆⡩⢆⠹⢠⢃⠞⡰⢊⠵⣘⢢⡙⠤⣃⢇⠚⡔⢞ ⢮⠵⠜⡦⡙⢦⡘⠦⡱⠎⠦⠏⢦⠱⠮⡕⢢⠕⡌⠦⡑⠢⢅⠳⡰⠌⠦⠱⡘⠬⠦⠥⡚⠤⡍⠶⠱⡜⣔⠢⠜⢢⠜⣂⠧⡘⠌⢎⡔⢣⠚⠴⠰⠣⡜⠢⢕⡰⢉⢆⡃⢆⠜⣠⠑⡢⠥⡉⢮⢱⡸⣀⠧⢡⠎⠴⡩⠔⡔⢢⠱⡡⢆⠹⣈⠖⡡⢍⡒⣉⠦⠱⣉⠦⡘⢦⠱⠣⣌⠳⣘⠦⣑⠬⣊⠕⡪⠼⡡⢏⢖⣦⠣⣜⢢⠱⢎⡹⢜⣪
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ඞSUSSY🍆+🍑+🥛=👶ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕
⋆ ʚ— 💖🧁 🐠🥝💝🌈 🪩🤍 。‧ ☆ ✰⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆🌟🛍️🌸🌴🥝🥥🐬🌺🌊🦩⚡️🌴꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦✰☻4 LIF3R✰☻𝓨𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁!𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒚, 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏 👑⚡️💕🐆🌊💗🛼✨🌺🌸⚡️😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)🔥🔥🔥🦋🦋( 💕 ŐωŐ 💕 )(๑ > ᴗ < ๑)꒒ ০ ⌵ ୧ ♡🕸🎵🎧..#SLAAJ#SLAAJ#SLAAJ👁〰👁( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡(𓌻‸𓌻) ᴜɢʜ.
⋆ ʚ— 💖🧁 🐠🥝💝🌈 🪩🤍 。‧ ☆ ✰⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。゚☾ ゚。⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆🌟🛍️🌸🌴🥝🥥🐬🌺🌊🦩⚡️🌴꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦꒷꒦✰☻4 LIF3R✰☻𝓨𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁!𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒚, 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏 👑⚡️💕🐆🌊💗🛼✨🌺🌸⚡️
"💋🍷❣️" slay in red
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ☻‧₊˚🖇️✩ ˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧₊˚I am 𝓈𝓁𝒶𝓎🎧⊹♡ ˶•⤙•˶ ˚.🎀༘⋆☻
bro, stop saying words like sex and things, STOP 😣
Beef on emoji combos > beef
yall rlly be beefing on here likeee dats crazy sum of us jus want emojis( i have no fking ideas whats going on)。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
yall rlly be beefing on here likeee dats crazy sum of us jus want emojis( i have no fking ideas whats going on)。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
STOP PLEASE STOP,I have realized that there are many "dot arts" that are DISGUSTING AND WEIRD, I mean, don't they realize that there are minors looking for pretty icons and they find that? It seems gross to me
temps en temps j'fume la beuh la beuh d'la beuh la beuh d'la beuh 🎶 le bendo me fait mal au crane 💀 ptn d'merde 🎶 rien qu'j'enchaîne les meufs 🌹💥 les raclées les raclées 🫢😏
yall r so fking childish like calm downnnnn。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
still didn't find what you're looking for ?
gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the 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wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 ୨⎯ "𝘀𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗸" ⎯୧ started a call that lasted a few seconds. — Today at 11:21 AM ୨⎯ "𝘀𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗸" ⎯୧ — Today at 11:21 AM gimme the wifi gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬gimme the wifi gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬gimme the wifi gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme 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wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬gimme the wifi gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬 gimme the wifi 🤬🎲😈😵‍💫👂🗣😒😈👏🐑🍯🐛
╭👛📸 « ʚ ԃємι ™ αɕтιση ɞ » 📸👛⌇ρσν єяα⌇🐰:.ѕнє’ԃ.:☁️ ɕυт ԃємι ™
alexandra getting cooked 🎀 yall should download insta or twt
SLAY💅🏻💅🏻╾━╤デ╦︻⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆( -_•)╦̵̵̿╤─
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Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

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STORYTIME: guys i have more drama but this time im involved!! for context: ME: w My bestie: m my friend who betrayed us: L my other bestie: N .So for the past few weeks: It was during autumn break and i was doing random stuff it was maybe 10:00 am and iw as about to have breakfast so bassically i wasnt hungry so i just got a granadila and i was gonna play roblox but my friend burst through the door and said " we need to go theres a traitor umungst us" so we went to N house and there M told us that L supposedly told A that we were talking shit about he rin a burn book specifically N but N wa sin high school now and me and M had to survive so fast forward to school: Me and M are gonna ignore L but i still feeel like maybe L wasnt the one, so when i get to school i tell m that im not ready to just ignore her, and she says thats fine but she still will, but she tells me that L actually told S (our other friend) that she actually thinks were dumb and that our friendship is bad and stuff. so im really mad now and i wanna ignore L aswell but im in her class and M isnt so its really hard, anyways we told S about this who thinks A is annoying aswell and S might stop speaking to L aswell but anyways!!!!! theres more theres always fucking more! Rn im writing this on May 5th 2024 BUT we opened on 14th so L has already realised that M is ignoring her so TONIGHT SHE TEXTED M and i wish i could show you the messeges because m sent them to me but its messy, and i think L knows about the fact we think she told A omg i feel liek anna oop rn! anyways ill update you very soon girly pops and boy-e pops! i cant wait for things to unfold tommorow -search s34ttle / s34ttleDRAMAS 4 more!! bye and have a good night!!

Warning: This item may contain sensitive themes such as nudity.

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