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yall seriously need to stop beefing on here im just tryna find some stuff for my school assignments😭‼🏫☆
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pls note the ai inflicts emotional damage (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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Do british people actually exist? I mean, they must be a meme, there is not a single thing about them. And I mean it. Let's go through the evidence: Where are they from? Not a single country in the world is named Britain. Some people say 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 they come from England, and England is inside Britain, but if that was the case they would be British they would be Englanders. Also, I heard some silly theories about them coming from whales. 🐳 Guys, no, whale people do not exist. Whales live in the sea. 🤦‍♀️ There is a consensus on British people coming from Europe, but then we are left with a whole continent of possible locations. That's as good as nothing. What do they eat? Every country has at least one main dish. Even the US has their philly steaks. ☝️🤓 But these British people, what do they eat? 🤔 Heard some people associating them with tea, but everyone knows that's an Asian thing. 🌏 Shouldn't they come from Europe? One of these two points must be wrong. To me, it looks too sketchy. What language do they speak? I challenge you, putting all my money and my life on the line here, to find a supposed ""British"' person speaking their native language. Most of them just speak broken ENGLISH. 🗣️ Yes, english. Really suspicious, huh? And I even tried to look deeper into it. Maybe british just SOUNDS like english, 👂 just like spanish could sound like portuguese for a non-speaker. So I looked up "british dictionary on google" and what I found was shocking: every word in there was AMERICAN. 😱 I kid you not. What this could mean is beyond my capabilities, but I can safely assure you that British people do not exist. 💀 Be warned.
ℐ𝓁ℴ𝓋ℯ 𝓎ℴ𝓊 <3( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀)👑
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