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Red❤️🧣🎒🌹🍫🍒💋🍷🍓🩸🎀🫀📌🖍️💯🚩 Orange🏵️🧡🍂🏵️🎃🍹🐯🥕🍁🦊💥🦋🟧🟠🔥 Yellow🟡💛🌻🍯🐝✨🌟💫🐤🍌🍋🐥☀️⚠️🍮 Green🌱🌿 🍃🟩✅🥝🐢🧩🔋🥑🥦🪲💵🫒🐸 Blue🧿💙🔵🌀🩵🫂🌌🫐🫧🐬🌊🐾🧊🟦🌐💤 Purple🔮🟣💜🍇🪻👾🌆💟💷⚕️♾️ ☂️🟪😈⚛️ Pink🍧🌸💕🩷👛🌺💖💗🦄🦩🍥💮🌷🪷🧠🧼 Brown🤎🧸🍂🍪🪶🥞🟫🧺🍩🐻🥨🥐🦌🏿🩹 Black🖤🎱🕷️🕶🕳💣📸☯︎📓🐈‍⬛ㅤ🎥🕸️🎧🌑⚫ Grey🪨🩶🐨🐘🪦🦝🐺🦾✖️🔘🦈🗿⛰📎🐰🐀 White⚪☁️🤍🪽⬜🐇🏐🌫️⛸️✉️❕🕯️🐚🦢🗞️🦭 Rainbow🌈🏳️‍🌈🎨🧮💐🧁🍭👑 Outline★✮♡✰✿✺₊˚ʚᗢ₊˚✧゚.☁🂾𝔁𝓸𝔁𝓸🂱꩜⚝𔓘ʚɞ
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˓ SIMBOLOS 🎐𖧵 ฺฺ ݊ ᨘ𝅄࣪ ᜒ🐈 ݊݊ꥈ˖࣪⬊ • .🍯 ໋ ̫݂ ۟۟˖ 🌵꫶ ໋ ݊ꥈ⃪◍˖ ᜒ᜔. ᝬ📗꫶ ݊˖ ໋ ᨘ⊱ ꩔🚃 ໋ ˖݀ꥈ ۫⇢ ᜔ ໋. 🥝 ໋ ݊˖꫶݀࣪ꥈ⇢ →🍀ᜓ ໋ ݊˖੭. ⿻⃪🍐꫶ ໋ ݊˖ ֓ꥈ ݀ꥇ⊱ ᥬ🍏 ᜔ ໋ ֓˖ ݀࣪𝃜ꥈ⃪◕ ৎ🦚 ᜔ᜒ ໋ ˖݊⬈ ᜓᜒ. ◕⃪🐢꫶ ໋ ֓ ᜒ᜔⊰ ᥬ🧢⃪ ໋ ݊◍꫶ ֓𝅄 ⊰💧 ໋ ݊ ೃ ৎ❄️⃪꫶ ໋ ݊݊◍ ᨗ ᜓ𝅄 ▩⃪💎꫶ ໋ ݊˖ ᝰ. ৎ🐬𝅄࣪⸙ ⭞📘 ໋ ᪶˖݊ꥈ⸙ →✈️᜔ ໋ ݃˖݊⩩ ⊰💺꫶ ໋ ݊˖ ᨘ ֓ ੭. ⸙🦋꫶ ໋ ˖݊⊰ ᨘ࣪. ᥬ🥛꫶ ᜔ ໋ ݊ 𑄹𝅄 ֓. ᥬ🃏 ๋ ᪶𖤐꫶ ໋ 𑁦 ི 𝅄 ꪶ✉️᜔ ໋ ݊⸙˖ ֓ꥈ · ⸙⚾ ๋ ͓ꥈ · ࣪꒺˖ ݊. →⛸️᩠ ๋ ໋ ࿑ 𝅄݊ · ᜔. ᝰ ᨘ࣪☁️ ໋ ᪶֓༣˖ ݊. ⤹🍚 ໋ ᪶֓˖ ۫ ᜓ ୭. ೃ🍙 ໋ ݊݊࣪𝅄ꥈ · ꒰🐚 ᜔ ໋ ݊ 𑄹˖ · ⸙💮꫶ ໋ ݊˖࣪݀ꥈ⊰ ⿻⃪🎀 ໋ ݊݊݊˖࣪ ᜓ ୭. ꪶ🎡᜔ ໋ ݊˖࣪ ᜓ · ֓ ݃ꥈ⸙. ᥬ🎈꫶ ໋ ᨘ ݊࣪ ᨗ˖ ݀ ᜒꥈ→ ᥬ🍩 ᜔ ໋ ⃕݀˖ ᨘ࣪ 𖥻 ⊰💐⃪᜔꫶ ໋ ݊◍᪶. ꪶ🍥꫶᜔ ໋ ࣪݊⸙𝅄 ৎ🌸 ᜔ᜒ ໋ ˖݊࣪ 𖥻 · ᨘ. ꪶ🌷⃪꫶ ໋ ᨘ ݊◍ ᜒ᜔੭. ꪶ🧸݊ꥈ˖ ໋ ݀࣪݃ ᜓ ᝰ. 𝅄👜᜔ ໋ ݊⃔˖࣪ꥈ⊰ 𑁦 🐿️ ໋ ᪶݊˖ꥈ࣪ ᜒ ᝰ. ˖᜔ ໋ ݊ ᨗ⃕🍪੭. ꒲˖ ໋ ݊݊ · ᪶⃕📺 ࿑ ᥬ🥮˖꫶ ໋ ݊ꥇ ۟ ݀▩᪶ ۟˖ 𑄹 ᜔꫶ ໋ ݊ ᜓ🕰️ ۫⸙꫶˖ ⊱᜔ ᨗ ݊݊◪˖ ᜓ🐻᜔᜔ ໋ ࣪˖᜔ ݊⇘ 𖥻🎻᩠⃔ ݀◍˖ꥈ ⿻⃪🍎᩠ ໋ ˖݊ꥈ · 🍒᜔ ໋ ݊˖ ི ⸙˺ᨘ ݀𝅄 📌⃕˖꫶ ໋ ࣪ᜓ ୭. 🏓᜔ ໋ ݊݀˖ ᨘ ۫ 𑄹 𑁦 ᜔. ⸙🎒 ໋ ᪶݊˖݀ ᜒ⊰᜔ ໋. 🍎݊ ᜓ꫶ ໋ ˖۟ ݀⇢ 𑁦 ᜔. ৎ🌹꫶ ໋ ݊ꥈ˖ ۟ꥈ→𝃜 ꪶ🍉᩠ ໋ ݊݀˖ ۟ ᜓ⸙𝅄࣪ ⊱🍓⃪᩠ ໋ ݊◍˖ ᜒᜓ. ▩⃪🍒᩠ ໋ ⃕˖݊⿻ ꩔📓꫶ ໋ ݊⸙᪶𝀊 🖲️⃪꫶ ໋ ݊◍ ໋ ᪶۫ ࿐ 📽️ ໋ ˖݊ ᜓ࣪ · 𝅄 ᨗ੭. ⭞🕹️ ໋ ݊𝀊꫶࣪ ᜓ⊱ 🎮⃪꫶ ໋ ۫◍ ᜒ᪶ ࿑ ꒸📟 ໋ ˖݊࣪ꥈ ࿐ ᥬ🎬 ᜔˖ ໋ ݊ · ᜒᜓ⸙𝅄 ݊. 🎥᜔꫶ ໋ ݊˖࣪ꥈ ࿐ 🍊⃪꫶ ໋ ݊ꥈ◍ ࿑ ˖݊🥕⃪ ໋ ◪᪶˖ 🦐꫶ ໋ ݊⃕ 𖥻᪶ ᜒ 𐫴 🍒ꥈ꫶ ໋ ⃕⿻᪶݊˖ 🍤꫶ ໋ ⃕⩩ꥈᨘ𝀊 ⊰🚂 ໋ ᪶֓˖ ݊𝀊 ⛺⃪꫶ ໋ ݊࣪ꥈ◍ ۫ ᜓ. 🏀⃪᩠ ໋ ◌ᜓ ݊ ᜒ𝅄 ࿑ ⿻⃕🍒᩠
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